Friday, July 26, 2024

 When Kennedy was shot in Dallas, there was always suspicion about the "grassy knoll", but no "evidence" suggested by government officials. Now, with the investigation of the attempted assassination of President Trump, the Director of the FBI/F.I.B.  stated he questioned whether it was a bullet or not that hit President Trump's ear, yet had nothing verifiable to support his statement... Wray has EARNED a new name: I'm gonna call Wray the "Assy Troll"!



Hey, FBI Director (though F.I.B Director is more appropriate in this case)  Wray...Rep. Ronny Jackson, R-TX, the doctor who immediately attended the wound Trump received,  stated unequivocally that it was caused by a high speed bullet.. would you please correct your undocumented… and inexcusable..  BABBLE!



Online story: “West Virginia is asking the U.S. Supreme Court to review rulings that found the state’s refusal to cover certain health care for transgender people with government-sponsored insurance is discriminatory, Republican Attorney General Patrick Morrisey said Thursday. * In April, the Richmond-based 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled 8-6 in the case involving coverage of gender-affirming surgery by West Virginia Medicaid, finding that the “coverage exclusions facially discriminate based on sex and gender identity,” according to a majority opinion penned by Judge Roger Gregory. * The state of West Virginia had argued that officials in states with limited resources should have discretion to utilize those resources as they see fit to meet the needs of the population. * In the majority 4th Circuit opinion, judges said the cost of treatment is not a sufficient argument to support upholding a policy found to be discriminatory – Good grief! 12 of the 15 judges in the US 4th Circuit Court of Appeals were appointed by DEMOCRAT Presidents (and 9 of those by Obama or Biden) .. that alone is cause for discrimination against Common Sense and Constitutionality protected rights! Heaven help us!


Online headline: “Vice President Harris has released a statement condemning violent anti-Israel rioting that disrupted Washington D.C.'s busiest station. Meanwhile, pro-Hamas agitators have gathered outside the White House as President Biden meets with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. “ --  “Harris has released a statement”? What she should have RELEASED was National Guard! And the National Guard should have arrested all protesters wearing face coverings and compared them to previous arrests of Antifa protesters in the past!



Online headline/story: “ Pentagon finds another $2 billion of accounting errors for Ukraine aid * The Pentagon has found $2 billion worth of additional errors in its calculations for ammunition, missiles and other equipment sent to Ukraine, increasing the improperly valued material to a total of $8.2 billion, a U.S. government report revealed on Thursday. * The U.S. Department of Defense has faced challenges in accurately valuing defense articles sent to Ukraine due to unclear accounting definitions, a new Government Accountability Office report showed.” – “Pentagon finds ANOTHER $2 Billion”? Good grief! No wonder Biden couldn’t… didn’t wanna… remember the Secretary of Defense’s name … and obviously there are a lot of other reasons Biden either DOESN’T want to admit he KNOWS about, or just not capable of REMEMBERING what he knows about!


The way the DNC and Obama are sitting back and allowing VP Phuckles Harris act like a 6 year old princess who just received a “new pony” for birthday is by design… THE DNC and Obama WANT Harris to overexpose her lack of circumstantial leadership prior to her being voted on as the replacement alternative for Biden so she has less charm and appeal going into the Shicago Convention.. Obama still hasn’t “endorsed Harris because he still has plans for Michelle…



Hmmm… Harris is juggling 4 different “campaign slogans”… but there’s one NOT IN THE CURRENT MIX that really identifies her inner-self…  “Make AmeriKa GRATE Some More!”



Another excellent fitting campaign poster image option for Phuckles Harris would be as “The Wicked Witch of the West” ! She’s already from California, and she’s already mastered the “cackling” voice…



Online headline: “Gov. Gavin Newsom issues executive order for removal of homeless encampments in California * The move to begin dismantling thousands of encampments throughout California comes after the high court ruled last month in favor of an Oregon city that ticketed homeless people for sleeping outside. The ruling rejected arguments that such “anti-camping” ordinances violated the Constitution’s ban on “cruel and unusual” punishment.  * California has the largest homeless population – more than 180,000 people – in the nation, according to a 2023 homelessness assessment report to Congress from the US Department of Housing and Urban Development. * An estimated 653,100 people were experiencing homelessness nationwide – a jump of around 12% since 2022, according to the report.” – What a mouthful this says about “Bidenflation”.. and “Newsom Incompetence” and “Journalistic Ignorance”…. The “homeless figures” do not count the 100s of thousands of.. probably a million or two…  “homeless illegals” Biden is “housing” in hotels and public buildings at taxpayers’ expense, but just the fact that Biden’s “people” will admit to the numbers they do should scare the MSM to death!



Online headline/story: “ Don’t Fall for the Media’s Humiliating Defense of Kamala Harris on the Border * In March 2021, President Joe Biden announced that he was putting the admittedly difficult issue of border security on Vice President Kamala Harris’s plate. * “I’ve asked her, the VP, today — because she’s the most qualified person to do it — to lead our efforts with Mexico and the Northern Triangle and the countries that help — are going to need help in stemming the movement of so many folks, stemming the migration to our southern border,” said Biden at the time.” – Hmmm… with election time so close, the Socialist-Democrat leaders really don’t want to be affiliated with being thought of as Czars/Tsars since it reminds the oppressed that democracy can’t exist in a Czar/Tsarist world…



Online headline/story: “Russian and Chinese bombers were intercepted flying together for the first time near the US * North American Aerospace Defense Command said it sent fighter jets to intercept four Russian and Chinese bombers as they passed near Alaska on Wednesday. * The military planes — two Russian Tu-95s and two Chinese H-6s — did not enter US airspace but passed through Alaska's Air Defense Identification Zone, NORAD said . * An unnamed US defense official told CNN that it was the first time aircraft from the two countries had been intercepted together.” – Sounds like Putin and Xi are in unison supporting Phuckles Harris…


Online “headLIE”: “Leaked  memo  shows  J D Vance blocked  ambassadors  who  supported  LGBTQ+ policies” – Wow! What a LIE.. an ABSOLUTE LIE!… but we’ll have to get use to it for the next few years! Vance does not even sit on the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations which is responsible for the initial vetting of ambassador nomineesVance answered “no” to a questionnaire given all elected Congresspersons that “asked if they would increase the number of “gender neutral bathrooms”.. and like most normal people, he doesn’t want men using the bathroom with his daughter or wife.



Online headline: “Harvard flip-flops, allowing 11 pro-Palestinian protesters to receive diplomas” – “Harvard flip-flops”? Sounds more like the Harvard Administration has started WEARING “flip-flops”! You know, 20th Century Harvard alumni ought to sue the current Harvard Administration for the damages they’ve inflicted on their diplomas and status as earlier Harvard grads.. and ask for a refund of their tuition as well…Oh! And maybe a refund on any donations they’ve made in prior 21st Century years….



Wow! Do the Democrats who support the protesters realize that these protesters are carrying  signs that read "Star of David = Nazi"!  Whatta a huge disrespect! Why does the American Jewish Community still support the Democrat Party.



JoKKKe Biden said he thought it was time to "pass the torch" to a younger voice, but America doesn't need a younger cackling voice .. and I guess he was cryptic in his "pass the torch" analogy ... Washington looked like he "passed the torch" to the flag burners.



Online headline: “ France’s Newen Studios Buys Majority Stake in U.S. Television Banner Johnson Production Group “ – Wait a minute.. I remember when it was AGAINST the law for foreign ownership of a TV or Radio station/network.. WHAT Happened… and WHEN! Of course, French ownership would probably be an improvement over the Socialist-Democrta Party controlling our MainScreamMedia as is the case now…



Online headline: “U.S. Senators Urge Mexican President To Halt Seizure Of Alabama Company’s Property” – Hmmm… I understand why Republican Senators Britt, Tuberville, and Hagerty would sign off against Mexico  confiscating a US business' property, but why would Kaine do so? Kaine is a Democrat, and it's his Party's agenda to do the same here IN America!



Online headline: “Texas to bus 25,000 migrants to Chicago ahead of Democratic convention “ – Hey… it’ll be good for the illegals to see how the Democrats work… maybe then, the illegal aliens will want to go back home before Trump takes office…



Looks like Columbus, GA’s homicide list for 2024 is up to 28 … or 30/31 if you count the murderers who also committed suicide right after they killed another..

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