Wednesday, July 3, 2024

 Online headline: “Pennsylvania Sen. Bob Casey stands by Biden, says voters will decide on issues, not on a bad debate” – So Sen Casey says "voters will decide on issues, not bad debate"? We can only dream that the Democrat voter base WILL decide on the issues! Especially the issue of Biden's obvious dementia! Oh.. and hopefully Pennsylvania voters will also consider HIS “for Biden issue” this November as well.

Online headline: “Former Republicans were ready to embrace Biden to beat Trump. And then came the debate.” – Wow.. Idaho decided Ms Hofer was no longer a Republican,, not her doing so.. because she felt the Republican Party had transformed? Hmmm... the Republican Party still thinks our Constitution is the playbook for the future.. while Democrats now prefer Karl Marx's agenda... Me thinks Ms. Hofer is the 'party' that's transformed..

Online headline: “Georgia state representatives visit South Columbus to honor the late Pops Barnes” --  Hmmm...but not really too much of an honor... if Pops was placing flags out, he'd have made sure EVERY house in his district was visited... and that would be how these Democrat State Representative should have honored him now!

Online headline: “DOJ Will Keep Pursuing Trump Cases Past the Election—Even If He Wins” -- Hmmm....I'm betting Garland's last full day as AG  is January 19th.

Online “headLIE”: “President Biden blames overseas travel for disastrous debate: 'I nearly fell asleep on stage” --- Seriously? JET LAG for 12 days? And one day later, he's “fresh as a daisy” in front of a Teleprompter in North Carolina.... hmmm...guess the Teleprompter message he was reading said, "Stay Awake, Joe!"

“An almost instant repeat” headline: ‘I Almost Fell Asleep on the Stage’: Biden Blames Debate Performance on International Trip” --  No way will Biden take a public neurological scan.. I imagine he's already been given 1 or more, and the Democrats KNOW what they will reveal. You know, Biden's issues are not recent... even in 2020, Biden campaigned out of his basement.. a la Max Headroom.

Online headline: “Rachel Maddow calls Supreme Court’s Trump immunity decision a 'death squad ruling'” – Good grief! The Court decision wasn’t about Trump.. ALL US Presidents NEED immunity to make the “last man standing” decisions in running our country! Biden is going to need this even more! MSN acts like the decision made regarding immunity for presidential actions made by the Supreme Court was custom made for Trump, but that's a lie... The Supreme Court just clarified the protection ALL US Presidents NEED to have to act in the best interests of our country.. Biden will benefit, too.. as is right. Of course, Biden"s White House "handlers" will actually benefit the most...

Online headline: “ Transgender, nonbinary American runner Nikki Hiltz qualifies for 2024 Olympics in Paris” --  Wait a minute! How can a non-binary "she-it" compete in either men's or women's events?

Online “headLIE”: “ CBS Says The Iron Bowl Is Now SEC's Second-Best Rivalry Game” --  What BS! ALA-AUB "Iron Bowl" is an intra-state rivalry like no other rivalry games in the country! Texas-Oklahoma is a good Inter-state game, but pales compared to UGA-AUB and UGA-FLA.

The term "the patter of little feet" has been around for decades, and we all know what it describes... well, the next time you watch your 2 and a half year old barefoot grandson on a hardwood floor  scurry off to see his grandmother across the room.. LISTEN...and you will understand.. by the sounds... why it's described as "the patter of little feet".


Online headline: “Massive Companies Are Now Laying Off Thousands in California” –  Hmmm ....the Democrats "Golden Boy" is being revealed to be gold-plated as he continues to tarnish.

From the "figures don't lie, but liars figure a lot" department - Online headline: " Biden administration announces sale of 1M barrels of gasoline ahead of July 4 travel " -- 1,000,000 barrels @ 42 gallons of gasoline per barrel equals 42,000,000 gallons of gas. At an average of ..say..25 MPG, that's 1,050,000,000 miles that can be driven. While there are close to 300,000,000 personal vehicles in the US, let's say 200,000,000 get used this week....hmmm... Wow! that means each of those 200,000,000 vehicles will get enough gas to drive 5.25 MILES EACH. Have a nice 4th of July family trip the closest gas station to buy more gas!

Online headline: “Biden is isolated and insulated by a team of top aides who strictly control the advice he's given” – “a team of top aides”? a.k.a. "the White House handlers"... JoKKKe Biden is the "the Whizzard of OB"... as in “the face of "OBama".

Online headline: “Lunden Roberts criticized the Biden family for not embracing her daughter, Navy Joan Roberts, who she had with Hunter Biden, saying the child was "being excluded." – DOH! Certainly Ms Roberts didn’t believe that Resident and Jill Biden’s “recognition” of their 7th grandchild was anything but a publicity photo-op because of the bad publicity for the lack of a White House Christmas stocking for Navy…

Online headline/story: “Columbus, GA Hoping to Create Sports-Centered Development * Last month, work began on the renovation of the former Golden Park as part of bringing minor league baseball back to the city. Construction on what will be called Synovus Park is estimated at $50 million. Local officials are estimating that the project could mean upwards of $350 million in private investment in mixed-use development around the park. The park is the future home of the Atlanta Braves’ Double-A affiliate.” -- Hmmm... figures don't lie, but liars figure a lot! That $350M number is just a figure pulled out of a hat until the bottom line of a contract is signed, and money for land purchases get put in the City coffers (I guess we still own the property.. well, unless Mayor Skippy the POO made ANOTHER backroom-deal to screw Columbus over… again)  to pay off the Bond debts in the future. You know, two things I haven't heard a word about are: A rehashed casino deal we don't need nor want, nor that how long before the Oglethorpe Bridge is torn down for rebuilding?

I also hear more “affordable housing” may be built on the property the Housing Authority DIDN’T use in the BTW makeover.. well, if that is supposed to help attendance at former Golden Park, after having seen what other “AA” baseball teams get for tickets, then the taxpayers do not need to supplement rent for the inhabitants.

Hmmmm… Biden can't even get his Teleprompter speeches right any more...When he was trying to emphasize that "heat" causes more deaths than hurricanes, tornadoes, and floods "combined", the Teleprompter wanted him to repeat "COMBINED" so he was instructed to repeat the word "combined" by a Teleprompter phrase "say that again"... so he did, only he said "say that again " combined" rather than just "Combined".

Online headline: “ Biden clan tries to blame campaign staff for disastrous debate performance” – Wow! There is so much pointing of “the finger of blame” than ever! Don’t the Biden staffers realize that every time they “point that finger” at others, they are pointing 3 fingers at themselves?

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