Saturday, July 27, 2024

 Special Olympic Edition Breakfast Club


From the “Most rain EVER on a parade” department - The Paris Olympic Opening must have hired Kathy Griffin to choreograph the French Revolution scene... there were more beheaded Marie Antoinettes than CNN reruns of Kathy holding Donald Trump's head.



Online headline: “ Kansas City Chiefs Kicker Harrison Butker Calls Drag Queens Channeling The Last Supper At Olympics Opening Ceremony “Crazy” --  Well, NBC... by showing  this version of the  "Last Supper", you just committed the "Last Straw" for my family... our TVs will never air your programming in our home again.. Thank God NBC doesn’t have the Masters Golf Tournament contract!



Online headline: “Viewers Call Paris Olympics Opening Ceremony One Of The Worst Ever” --  What NBC considers artistic expression of the "Last Supper" is indeed the "Last Straw" for us ever watching anything in NBC... You know.. it’s not about the orientation of the actors.. it’s about the mockery of women and God…

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