Tuesday, July 30, 2024

 Online “headLIE”: “Booker says reform will ‘restore a lot of legitimacy’ to the Supreme Court” --  You know, if the Supreme Court becomes politically threatened at the whim of a political party, then the Supreme Court will cease to be able to protect "the people" from the government!

Online headline: “ U.S. sponsor pulls out of Olympics amid anger over Paris opening ceremony scene” --  Hmmm… Since the choreography mimicked the "Last Supper", then it was intentional.

Online headline: “ Augusta commission to debate getting downtown Emily Tubman monument rebuilt” --  Wow! My grandmother, Elizabeth McElhenney FRY Kirven,  was graduated from Tubman High School in 1908 in Augusta, GA, and her family home was on Greene Street..

Online headline: “: ‘What I saw made me ashamed’: Head of Secret Service will address security failures in hearing on Trump assassination attempt” --  You know.. if Thomas Matthews Crooks was "sizing up" that roof spot hours before Trump arrived, he probably HAD TO KNOW the plans of the Secret Service NOT to be "monitoring" it... everything about the shootings leans towards collusion between the USSS, the DHS, the DOJ, and the White House!

You know... the more that gets revealed about the inadequacies exposed by the Secret Service in Pennsylvania sorta points towards there being COORDINATED  intentionality in the Administration side of the USSS-DHS-DOJ-White House connections.

Online headline: “Biden dropped out after threats from top Democrats” -- Even more suspicious is him “dropping out” the day after Trump was shot!

Online headline: “People feel good': Georgia Democrats galvanize base ahead of Harris visit” --  Hey ..if the GA Democratic Party  was " galvanized", the Dems would not be starting campaign headquarters in Fulton County or Columbus, GA.

Online headline: “Olympics ‘Last Supper’ Star Threatens to Sue Her Right-Wing Haters” --  Hmmmm... "she" suing? It would be very interesting to see..hear.."she" swearing to tell the truth in court and declaring "she" is a female.. ..

Online headline: “Wanted: Poll workers. Must love democracy.” -- Hmmmm ...  and yet "Honesty" is more important in protecting everyone's voting rights

Online headline: “Harris quickly pivots to convincing Arab American voters of her leadership” -- You know, what I really notice is the lack of contact .. the lack of "presence"...with Louis Farrakhan's "Nation of Islam" !  I also wonder “where the Nation of Islam will be”  DURING  the Shicago DNC Convention…

Online headline: “Texas governor, Border Patrol Council say they've never heard from VP Harris: 'Abject failure'” --  You know, had Border Czar Phuckles Harris really made an effort at discovering the "root causes" of the illegal aliens crossing our border, she would have had one-on-one discussions with every border state's governor to learn what each had experienced.

Online headline: “ Democrats had feared Georgia was a lost cause with Biden running. Harris will campaign there Tuesday” --  The Democrats really are worried... they've even opened a Harris Office in Atlanta as well as one in Columbus, GA  because her winning “big” there is no longer a "slam dunk".

Online headline: “JD Vance’s former Yale classmate and friend says emails show political transformation on ‘literally every imaginable issue”  -- Hmmm... well, Vance DID grow up a Democrat.. but then became better educated and became a conservative Republican after he GREW UP.

Online headline: “ 'Voice of leadership': Harris has repeatedly praised her pastor who blamed America for 9/11” --  What is it about Democrat pastors blaming America for 9-11-01? Even Obama's Pastor asked God to condemn ..to curse.. America!

Online headline: “ 'White dudes' rally to elect the first female president” -- Have you noticed that everything the Democrats do "is about skin color"?  And what you don't see is Democrats concerned about unifying America..

Online headline: “Democrats are hard selling Kamala Harris’ message that Trump and Vance are ‘weird’” --  Hmmm... and yet the "weirdest" thing I've ever seen or heard in politics are Harris' "cackling" chuckle and Donkey-like grin.

How can polls still ignore RFK,Jr at this stage? How can MSM ignore him, too!  The Democrats and MSM talk a lot about "democracy", yet have taken away their primaries  voter bases' voting rights, and are now trying to squash RFK,Jr's right of Free Speech.

Online headline: “Congressman who first called for Biden’s ouster welcomes president to Texas” --  What "ficklism"!  Dogget "dogged" it! Once "the Party" decided what was best for "the Party", Democrats standing up for what is BEST FOR AMERICA's FUTURE went out the door.

It's hilarious that Democrats are trying to claim "they" passed the 1964 Civil Rights Law now being celebrated... In 1964,  253 of the 435 House members were Democrats but only 153 (60%) voted "YES" on the bill.. while 75% of the The Republicans voted "YES". In the Senate, 67 of the 100 Senators were Democrats but only 46 of the Dems voted "YES" while  81% of Republican Senators voted  "YES". Without the Republicans, there would not have been the 1964 Civil Rights Bill the Democrats are "celebrating" falsely.

Online headline: “Van Hollen says it was a ‘mistake’ for Democrats to support Netanyahu addressing Congress” – Good grief! Do the Democrats believe the rest of our Allies do not see/hear them turn on Israel? Why does the American Jewish Community still support the Democratic Party?

Online headline: “Melinda French Gates says billionaires Ackman, Musk, Thiel don’t count as philanthropists: ‘Go look at their record’” – Hmmm… says the gold-digger who married Bill Gates…


Online headline: “National debt tops $35 trillion” – You know, depending on where you start  assigning the debt to presidents depending of Term years or Fiscal years, since Biden took office, our National debt has grown $7-to-$9 TRILLION dollars in less than 4 years!

Online “headLIE”: “Harris Is Endorsed by Border Mayors in Swing-State Arizona as She Faces GOP Criticism on Immigration” --  Wrong! Let's clarify something...  she's been  endorsed by DEMOCRAT Mayors.... ho-hum...

Online headline: “Iran trying to sabotage Trump's presidential campaign: US intelligence” --  DOH! Why would Iran want Trump when Harris will follow Biden policies!

Online headline: “Fact Check: Yes, Photo Shows JD Vance Passed Out on Floor During College Years” – And the point? That was when he was an AVOWED Democrat, and saw no future for himself!


Online headline: “Illegal immigrant in vicious Times Square attack on NYPD cops will spend year in jail with plea deal” --  You know,,, Why would any illegal aliens be offered.. much less given.. a plea deal! WHATTA insult to American law and citizen safety… I can just feel Soros’ fingerprints all over this!

Online headline: “ G20 finance ministers agree to work toward effectively taxing the super-rich” --  You know.. All excessive taxing of the super-wealthy will do is reduce investment funds which will reduce business and job opportunities that will grow the economy..

Online headline: Nearly half a million working-age Massachusetts residents lack English proficiency” --  With 16 Million in population this means over 3% of the population ... an even higher percent if you just use ADULT aged residents.. and if Massachusetts is "normal", then the number of adults not being able to read/communicate in English exceeds 10,000,000.. which means the estimates of illegal aliens in our country is even higher than guesstimated.

Why would Kamala Harris escape even MSM scrutiny about her saying she is "the underdog " in the election...She claims her experience makes her the most qualified, yet she denies being part of the chaos involving the cover-up of Biden's dementia or his policies at the border, in Afghanistan, or in creating the horrific  economic and inflation path of destruction, or her stance on Israel  and her absence in the Trump assassination inquirey.

Online headline: “Before becoming a senator, Mark Kelly, D-Ariz., was not only an astronaut, but he also co-founded a company that specializes in spy balloons, which was funded, in part, by a venture capitalist in China with close ties to the Chinese Communist Party.”--  Wow! Sen Kelly is basically.. and illegally.. a foreign agent, and his wife has a PAC,, and according to PAC Election rules, candidates aren’t allowed to discuss business or ads with PACs but how can a husband and wife not do so?

Online headline: “None of Biden's proposals have any chance of passing in a divided Congress. But they play to the Democratic base upset about the conservative court.” --  Yes.. no one is above the Constitution.. Including you,  JoKKe Biden!

This is the current frontrunner for the Best Political Cartoon of 2024:


I’ve previously been posting my “QR” to guide readers to the website to donate to a fundraiser for a favorite charity of mine.. The Anne Elizabeth Shepherd Home for Girls… and a lot of you read this on your phones and found it complicated to scan a “QR”  that’s on your phone, so.. here is the URL “link” you can “click” or “copy and paste”.


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