Friday, July 12, 2024


After the May 30th NY court decision immorally "convicting" President Trump, I reversed our American yard flag to express distress. I had planned to leave it that way through the July 4th weekend. I put that thought on hold following the Presidential "Debacle". I had planned to re-evaluate after Resident Biden  announced another live interview for last night... but when I heard him introduce the Ukraine President as "President PUTIN", I decided I did not want to see any more... Our yard flag not only will remain flown in distress, but also at "half staff", until November 6th... God Bless America... and the Biden family.

I’m really glad I didn’t watch Biden’s “Presser”  last night..  we decided to go out instead and enjoy a nice meal instead.. VERY GOOD CHOICE!  (Psst… Mark’s City Grill here in Columbus, GA… never disappointing)

Online headline: “Clinton 2016 campaign and liberal super PAC crossed spending lines, court rules” -- But she WON'T BE PUNISHED anymore…You know,  Hellary should still be in jail for her initiating the Steele Dossier claims! Betcha Bill agrees with me, too.

Online headline: “The Biden administration is handing out $1.7 billion to help firms like GM and Stellantis make EVs” – Hmmm… Sounds like Biden is eliminating tons of frontline automotive Union jobs....

Seriously? Fox and Republican pundits feel it will take input and pressure from Jill and Hunter to get JoKKKe Biden to "step down"... Good grief .. Win or lose,  Jill and Hunter will be propping him up like a sequel to "Bernie" of movie fame for the next 4 years ..

You know... while it bothers me about decisions affecting the future of America.. the world.. and my family that could be made by JoKKKe Biden, it bothers me, too, and maybe even more, that others whom we don't know could be making those decisions for  him.

One thing about the Democrats that the Republicans do not understand... despite Biden's negative aspects, by time their convention is over, the Democrats will unite behind him ..or her (Harris or Ste. Michelle) and focus on the social issues that rally their base. On the other hand, even after their Convention, the Republicans will not unite 100% behind Trump because of egos... not his, but those many different Republicans, and their nanny-nanny-poo-poo issues. We saw  this same lack of unity kill the anticipated "Red Wave" in 2022, and it can... will... happen again if the Party doesn't regroup. They all need to  run on the platform as spelled out by Trump and nothing else...America needs to hear.. to see.. a unified conservative agenda.

Online headline: “ MSNBC’s Katty Kay Admits to Quoting Fake Trump Post Asking Kamala Harris to ‘Caddie’ Golf Game With Biden” --  Typical MSNBC yellow journalism... intentionally broadcast a lie... wait for it to be picked up across all liberal media sources... and after it's rebroadcast all over the Internet... say, "ooops.. my bad.. sorry about that".

Online headline: “Whoopi Goldberg Absent From ‘The View’ After Testing Positive For Covid Again” -- Hmm...guess it's a good thing for her there's no test for common sense required or she'd be out of work...Wait a minute! What am I saying! ABC definitely NEEDS a test for common sense!

Online headline: “Hungary's Orban ditches NATO summit to meet with Donald Trump” – Good grief… but do you blame him? After Biden called Zelenskyy “President PUTIN”, Hungary’s Viktor Orban didn’t want to hear what Biden would call him!

What’s happening within the Democrat hierarchy reveals the true agenda of the Democratic Party.. It’s not about “democracy”.. it’s  about “Socialist-Democrat Elitism”. The Democrats make such an issue about “early voting” but now it’s biting them on their butts! Hey couldn’t wait to get their first “primary” up and running 6 months ago, but now that the “hierarchy”  doesn’t like who their people voted for, they want to overturn those voters… doesn’t sound like the Socialist-Democrat Elitist  really want to be into “democracy”….

Now, think about why it’s the Democrats who “herd” their base to the polls a month plus early before their voters could change their minds… This is America.. and  if your vote.. your voice… is important  to you, Election Day alone should be all that’s necessary!

Online headline: “Kamala Harris gives  AKA sorority speech days after the AKA got hundreds of gay men evicted from a Dallas Hotel * Harris, an AKA member, shared personal stories and highlighted the sorority’s legacy of creating social and legal change. * According to the hotel’s owner, AKA members complained about the attire or lack thereof that the gay attendees wore * She gave a powerful speech to her sisters and celebrated equality and warned of ‘dictator on day one’ Donald Trump” – Trump’s the dictator? Sounds more “dictatorial” that AKA ordered the eviction, and Harris didn’t address that at all!

Online headline: “Schumer plans to strip Trump of immunity following SCOTUS ruling” – Talk about who is or isn’t a “dictator”, Schumer feels he’s more powerful than the entire Judicial Branch of Government!

Online headline: “Richmond County to ban cell phones in school” -- Hey, Muscogee County/Columbus,GA School Board... are you LISTENING! Ixnay on the lunch time option, though.

Larry Kudlow, of Fox Business News,  interviewed VA Gov Youngkin yesterday, and Youngkin would make a great VP.... and a great follow-up President to Trump in 2028 and 2032. Youngkin was upbeat, enthusiastic, and focused on the policy platform presented by Trump. That interview segment needs to be mandatory viewing at every Republican campaign meeting in every state for the next 4 months!

Online headline: “Bombshell CNN Report Reveals Biden Cabinet Secretaries Submitted Questions Ahead of ‘Pre-Scripted’ Meetings With President “ – Wait a minute.. this is backasswards! The President should  be making statements of policy and  then ASKING the questions as to how cabinet secretaries are going to implement successful solutions..

Boy do we miss Rush Limbaugh.. Rush kept us focused on the job at hand... getting Conservatives elected... now  Buck & Travis, and Sean Hannity are only focused making money and improving their personal ratings.

Online headline: “Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez loses Democratic Socialists endorsement after she speaks out against antisemitism” --  Hmmm… looks like AOC suddenly realized her district has more Jews than Jihadist in it…

Saw a Biden campaign donation ads started  out to be for supporting:  "Build an economy that works for everyone".  -- Hmmm... you know, he's had nearly 4 years to build an economy that works for everyone, but, unfortunately,  he's ruined the Trump economy that WAS WORKING for everyone when he took office.

Online  “headLIE”: “Rep. Adam Schiff says the ‘only’ reason the presidential race is close is Biden’s ‘age’” --  Granted, Rep Adumb Schi**  said this before Biden’s disastrous afternoon with Zelenskyy and Holt, but Schi** had seen the “Debacle”.. You know, no one else who’s full of themselves like he is can ever say they are more “full of Schi** like Adumb Schi** can.

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