Thursday, July 18, 2024


Talk about scary... I hadn't thought about it prior to last night, but Eric Trump shared a horror story that took my breath away. On Saturday the 13th of July, he was sitting at home with his 7 year old and 5 year old children and was watching his father and his kids' grandfather get shot on TV, and Eric had to  comfort  his children while not knowing whether his own father was dead or not!

You know, CNN and MSNBC have reacted like they are the official news source of the government of a 3rd World dictator running for re-election!

I wanted to digest and think about Trump's decision to choose J.D. Vance to be his VP running  mate before commenting. I liked Vance before this, but felt stronger about DeSantis and Youngkin because of their experience at being a leading candidate for President in 2028.  My bride and I re-watched "Hillbilly Elegy"  Monday night after Trump made his announcement. We wanted to watch it again knowing the stakes had risen.. We noted that this was written and made into a movie before Vance became a political figure, so we gave it more credibility as a legitimate recount of Vance's life growing up than it being a tool to make him look better than reality. We conclude that Vance is a great choice and asset for America's future.. Trump's choice demonstrates his strong ability to unify even previous doubters, and Vance will be a connection for younger Americans who have become weary with overexposure to older politicians.

Online headline: “Trump shooting: Secret Service changes story on local SWAT team position” --  No matter how many times Cheatle changes the story, nothing will justify the Secret Service operation allowing a man carrying a semi-automatic rifle getting within 150 yards of a President or Presidential candidate!

Online headline: “Senators confront and chase Secret Service director at RNC: ‘You owe the people answers” -- Resident Biden, Cheatle responds by trying to run away from questions she cannot...or does not want to answer.change

Online headline: “J.D. Vance Accused of Hypocrisy for Changing Own Name but Opposing Trans Rights” --  Talk about a frivolous charge that can't be substantiated nor compared! First, anybody  can go into a court and petition to legally change their name, but a man standing on a street corner and announcing that today he's considering "itself" a female doesn't ever make it true.

Online headline: “Project 2025 is a ‘Sledgehammer to Democracy’, says Georgia lawmakers” --  First, Donald Trump is not affiliated with Project 2025, but, I tell you what... if you want to create an air of credit in an organization or presentation, you do not have Hank "Island Tipper" Johnson arguing the "facts".

Online headline: “ Pete Buttigieg calls out Donald Trump’s disrespect for military at Minnesota Biden campaign event” – Hmmm… You know, our veterans are smart enough to know Buttigieg is a Democrat and Democrats lie to them.

Hey.. doesn’t the Hatch Act criminalize Federal Employees.. ESPECIALLY those APPOINTED by the sitting President…. for campaigning for their boss?

Hmmmm… after listening to speeches delivered  by VP Kamala Harris and Republican VP nominee J D Vance, I have decided that if I ever had to pick a lawyer between those two to make my case to a jury, without a doubt, I'd pick J D Vance every time!

Sgt William Pekrul demolished the concept that age determines whether or not a person is in control of his faculties.  Sgt Pekrul is a  98 year old WWII Veteran who still has better speaking skills than Resident Biden.

Remember how often Resident Biden has screamed that the Republicans want to end democracy? Well, it looks like the Democrats are ACTUALLY ending Democracy.. Biden has the votes of the vast majority of Registered Democratic Party delegates, but the few Elite House and Senate Democrats are about to complete an internal coup and "take out" Biden.

Interesting... We hear the question often about whether or not we are better off today than 4 years ago.. but there's another way to ask this question... WHO is better off than they were 4 years ago? That answer is even  easier... Iran, Russia, North Korea, and China are all MUCH better off now than when Trump was President!

Online headline: “Kremlin says Trump presidency yielded nothing good for Russia, but at least there was dialogue “ –  Yeah… Intergovernmental life is like a game of Chess.. and Trump knows when to say “Check” and “Checkmate”!

Online story: “Sen. Bob Menendez, D-N.J., has told allies that he will resign from Congress after he was convicted on federal corruption charges,” – Hmmm…Schumer said it was something Menendez needed to do for "his constituents, the Senate, and his country".. hmm, what BS! Schumer is only interested in what's best for the Democratic Party and his status in the Senate!

Hmmm...Resident Biden left Las Vegas to return to his home in Delaware.. before he spoke to a campaign rally... It was announced he had tested POSITIVE for Covid-19. Hmmm .... Guess now the Democrats are excited to have something POSITIVE to talk about concerning Biden.

Good grief! CNN & MSNBC are trying to "suggest " that if a "bullet" hit Trump's ear, the ear would have been "blown off", so he must have gotten hit by a shard of glass from the Teleprompter.. hmmm... We've seen the videos, and obviously, none of the Teleprompters were shattered by a bullet so what are those idiots talking about?

Excuse me.. but why would the Democrats try to schedule a debate with VP Harris and VP-to-be Vance ahead of the Democrat Convention.. Harris may be President by then… or completely eliminated from the ballot! Anyway, after observing Vance in his acceptance speech last night, Harris, nor the Democratic Party definitely don’t want her on the stage in debate with Vance…

Online headline/story: “Join the Columbus Ledger-Enquirer for free event, meet reporters, ask questions. * The Ledger-Enquirer is preparing for a major change: On Aug. 19, we will move to a two-days-per-week print schedule. * We want our readers to be prepared for this change, and we want to give you the opportunity to ask questions of the staff about our array of digital offerings. With that in mind, we’ve planned a forum for our audience on July 25.  * We will deliver Wednesday and Sunday papers every week, and because they’re delivered by mail, you’ll get your Sunday paper on Saturday.” -- Good grief! With the "print edition" needing to be printed and delivered to a Post Office on time to get delivered at least one day later..(but probably days) in advance means the Columbus L-E Newspaper will have to change its about the "Columbus Oldnews"

Wow! CA Representative Adumb Schi** made an euphoric plea for Biden to step down...Of course, even JoKKKe Biden knows Schi** is such a pathological liar that he knows no one else will believe anything Adumb Schi** says.

Online headline” : “After California approves pro-transgender measure, Elon Musk says he will move companies' headquarters “ – Hmm.. I think Nancy PeLOUSY’s plans for “Gavin for President” just got scuttled…

Online headline: “A former FBI official says Secret Service snipers could have mistaken the Trump shooter for a police sniper” --  Wait a minute! This is not a time for fabricating excuses for ineptness!

Online headline: “Out-of-town cop working RNC fatally shoots Black man ‘with a knife’ one mile from convention arena” --  Excuse me.. but what difference did the armed man's skin color matter! This is another.. a continued media effort at aggravating.. promoting  violence and discord  in the news.

Online headline: “Georgia's new Promise Scholarship Act to give parents more schooling options in 2025” -- You know, "equity grades" deny hard working students of much needed college funding!  Re-instate GA's graduation test.. In fact, initiate a  "MUST PASS" reading test for each grade before any student can be passed on to the next grade!

Online headline: “ Raffensperger checks voting machines, pushes against political violence during election” --  Re-checking the Dominion machines? Re-checking for what. To make sure they are still HACKABLE! Impeach Rafffensperger!

You know, asking for a "Fact Check" on what Biden says is both a waste of time and money.. When Biden makes a statement, we already know it's not factual.

Online headline: “ Louisville university suspends instructor after 'offensive' Trump shooting post” --  “suspends”? Good grief! The man is paid with  taxpayers' funds! Fire the @-hole! No private businessman would "suspend" a disloyal employee!

Thomas Matthews Crooks is no more a Republican than JoKKKe Biden! If he registered for and voted in the recent Republican primary, he did so as part of the Democrat Agenda of having Democrat registered voters "crossover" in the primary to vote for weaker Republican candidates.

Have you seen the Biden ads that say, "Let's defeat Donald Trump together."? With Biden's propensity to confuse names, do you think he really may have said, "Let's defeat VP Harris and myself."?

Online headline: “Bud Light, formerly the top-selling beer in the United States, has had a tough year since a boycott upended the industry. It’s only getting worse: The brand has now fallen into third place.” – Good grief! It’s because Bud Light STILL HASN’T APOLOGIZED OR MADE AMENDS FOR MAKING A TRANNY “THE FACE OF BID LIGHT”! No self-respect men are going to return to Bud Light without a GOOD APOLOGY!

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