Wednesday, July 17, 2024

 I’m back.. live … and what a week it has been.. and a very revealing one! The most revealing one is media and Democratic Party’s accelerated path of degeneration! There was an attempt on former President Trump’s life… miraculously it failed…. but it has revealed the poison that has seeped into so… no… TOO MUCH of our media and the Socialist-Democrat political agenda! When 9-11-01 happened.. America united in a bond I hadn’t seen in my life at that time..but after a month, the media and Democratic Party was back to it’s agenda.. but here we are today.. Wednesday morning, less than 4 full days later, and the LEFTIST media and Socialist-Democrats have already abandoned what use to make America great! A political candidate was wounded as were two other American citizens .. another American citizen was killed protecting his family, yet Democrat politicians and LEFTIST Media sources have publicly stated their disappointment in Donald Trump’s assassin having  FAILED!  The current White House “resident” has blasted violent political rhetoric, yet Biden is the most flagrant abuser of such.. Biden has even advocated that it’s time to put his opponent “in the bulls-eye”! It’s time for “the WOKE” to “WAKE up”!

Somebody tried to kill President Trump, but President Biden committed suicide multiple times this weekend responding on camera!

The Silent Majority just got quieter, more determined, bigger,  stronger, unified.....and more diverse.

The FBI quickly announced it was investigating the assassination attempt… you know, at this time.. under current circumstances.. I am not comforted by this!

You know,  something that I haven't heard discussed is, "Did... and HOW DID... Crooks "know" the building he chose was "outside the Secret Service Perimeter"? Was there a leak… or collusion?

Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse, we find that the Secret Service is  not under Treasury Department any more.... it's WORSE!  Now it's under the Department of Homeland Security, and we already know how awful Secretary Alejandros Mayorkas is about protecting borders and American citizens!

Online headline: “Secret Service overseer Mayorkas admits ‘direct line of sight’ to Trump never should have happened” -- Nor should illegal aliens have "a direct line of sight" to America!!!

Online headline/story: “Editor at 'major news outlet' tells media to bury iconic photo of Trump after assassination attempt * Editor at 'major news outlet' tells media to bury iconic photo of Trump after assassination attempt * editor suggested the media refrain from using the photo "despite how good it is" to avoid casting the former president in a positive light. * "The amount that publications have been using Evan's photo is kind of free PR for Trump in a way, and it's dangerous for media organizations to keep sharing that photo despite how good it is," – Our Forefathers fought and died to give us our unparalleled protection for our media, but today’s media is content to be led by Socialist agenda rather than pursuing the truth!

Online headline: “ABC’s Martha Raddatz Singles Out Republican Rhetoric For Ire In Wake of Attempted Assassination of Trump” – She’s a biased and lying Idiot! How much more intentionally inciting could  Resident Biden have been by telling his followers that it's time to put Trump "in the Bull's Eye"!

Online headline: “Biden Defends Saying ‘Put Trump in a Bullseye,’ Adds ‘I Didn’t Say Crosshairs’” – Hey, Resident Biden… even your “White House handlers” can’t put toothpaste back in the tube after you squeeze it out!

Online headline/story: “WA mayor suggests Trump faked own assassination attempt: ‘We will never know if it was staged’ * Aberdeen. WA  Mayor Douglas Orr posted (now deleted) on Facebook suggesting that former President Donald Trump faked his own assassination attempt.” -- What a jack-@-hole! More unfortunately,  he belongs to a political agenda overflowing with jack-@-holes! Wonder if he feels fireman killed faked his headshot, too!

Online headline/story: “Jack Black's band under fire after bandmate makes dark 'wish' after Trump assassination attempt * Black wished his “Tenacious D” bandmate and fellow actor Kyle Gass "Happy Birthday" before asking him to "make a wish," in a video that went viral on social media. Gass replied with, "Don’t miss Trump next time." -- Jack Black…Kyle Gass.. YOU ARE DEAD TO ME! Shame on you and your band and family!

Online “headLIE”: “Treasury Secretary Yellen says US is at full employment” -- This woman is, at best, a "talking head"! If she had a clue about economics, she'd know that there can be  NO SUCH THING AS FULL EMPLOYMENT… not when many people have multiple jobs and some refuse to work as long as a government check is available…

Online “headLIE”: “ ‘Nothing matters when you can't take care of yourself when sick’: Warnock introduces Medicaid bill” --  Here he goes again... SINator Pastor WARLOCK feels "introducing" a bill solves a problem because ""he's addressed it". Excuse me SINator "You-Need-To-Be-Put-Out-To-PASTURE"  Warnock, it's a STATE issue, not a federal one, but every federal bill also has to be passed by both Chambers and signed by the President to become a law!

Online headline: “California Gov. Newsom signs bill barring schools from outing LGBTQ students to parents” -- Hmmm...since when do minors have legal status WITHOUT at least one parent's or legal guardian's consent? Since when do schools have the legal power to circumvent a child's parents?

Online WTVM-TV9 headline: “Dr. Lance Izumi speaks about "equity grading" in school and negative impacts” -- "Equity grading"? WHATTA ripoff  for students! Pretty soon, grades won't matter for graduation... WAIT A MINUTE! We all ready have that in Columbus GA... even the Graduation  Test isn't required here in Columbus... in fact, the School System decided to go back in time and give graduation diplomas to students who previous failed the Graduation Test! Tell me how the students.. and our City… are better off …

Last night was the 2024 MLB All-Star game…. Good grief! Is baseball still “America's game”? What God awful uniforms.... Nothing resembled our National colors... It looks like MLB has sold it's soul to Nike... and Nike gave their designers of the U of Oregon football uniforms instructions to make the All-Star uniforms UGLIER! I sure as hell hope our US Olympic Committee didn't give the contract to Nike!

Oh! By the way, I don’t know the final score as I left watching it when the AL tied it up at 3-3… I figured that the game being tied at the moment was an appropriate time to move on, as there certainly wasn’t a winning uniform on the field…

I watched the video when the Secret Service was escorting Trump off the stage and to the staging area... Why weren't the photographers pushed out... or at least pushed down on the ground! Under the circumstances, the Secret Service could have had no idea who those photographers were!

What! Resident Biden said "we" have to tone down violent rhetoric while speaking at the NAACP meeting.. then he compared the shooting of  former President and Republican nominee Trump in Pennsylvania with the death of George Floyd in Minnesota.. wait a minute… Biden compared a political assassination attempt with the death of a street drug dealer! What a racist!

Online headline: “Donald Trump's Secret Service protection had been increased prior to assassination attempt due to Iran threat” --  Of course Iran doesn't want to have to deal with Trump again when it has such a good friend in Biden.

Online headline: “The woman who runs the Secret Service is a former PepsiCo exec who now must answer for the Trump assassination attempt” --  Kimberly Cheatle may be the "head" of the Secret Service, but she answers to Alejandro Mayorkas who answers to Resident Biden!

Kimberly Cheatle has to go! Her explanation of why there was no security on the shooter’s roof is abysmal at a minimum! She said the roof was too slanted.. which we could see is contrary to common sense... so she decided for security INSIDE the building.. hmmm... a low metal roof that anyone inside should have heard the footprints or the crawl and KNOWN someone was up there. The Queen of Hearts would want her head cut off.. JUSTIFIABLY!

Kimberly Cheatle, who runs the Secret Service is a former PepsiCo exec who now must answer for the Trump assassination attempt.  Hmmm…PepsiCo? Remember how Pepsi changed its "logo" to resemble Obama's campaign logo?

We’ve also learned that Cheatle is not just a 2 year Secret Service leader… before Biden appointed her in 2022, she had been a 25 year SS executive  prior to going to PepsiCo… She had too many years prior experience to be given any consideration for her being inexperienced!

Online headline: “Democratic Sen. Bob Menendez guilty on all charges in federal corruption trial” -- Huge! And on ALL  charges!

Later, Sen Menendez's attorney said  "they" would have an aggressive appeals plan... Hmmm... Sounds like Menendez must have a whole lot more money "stashed" away that the FBI didn't find, because $500K won't last for many legal billing sessions.

Online headline: “VA housing policy discriminates against disabled veterans, federal judge rules” -- Hey! It work's for liberals in sports, so why don't we encourage homeless veterans to declare themselves  “transgendered illegal minors” and get pushed to the head of the line! .. Nah… our veterans have to much pride and respect for being the men and women God created….perfectly!

From the “let’s see if we can slip this story in without Trump seeing it” department  - Online headline: “Biden admin flying migrants from overwhelmed California to Texas after Gov. Abbott’s crackdown deterred crossings — at $80K per flight” --  What does "not having agreements" with countries have to do with the Biden Administration NOT SHIPPING ILLEGAL ALIEN CRIMINALS BACK! IF Mexico allows “guests” to travel to our border, then Mexico becomes the country to ship them back... then it's Mexico's decision how to get them back to their home countries!

Online ( WRBL )  COLUMBUS, Ga.— Columbus Mayor Skip Henderson has released a statement on the attempted assassination of Donald Trump. *  “The horrific and cowardly events of this past Saturday in Pennsylvania are another example of how hate and vicious rhetoric lead to tragic results. Political and social differences of opinion should be addressed through civil debate, not violence. Violence only deepens the divide and escalates disagreements. Let us begin today and commit to talk through our differences and treat each other with the compassion that God asks of us. “
— Columbus Mayor Skip Henderson * Mayor Henderson offered his prayers to the impacted families.” – Hmmm… I like this Mayor Henderson more than Mayor Skippy the Poop, who abhors public and civil debate on issues that the citizens should be in on.. not told about!

Online headline: “Georgia Democrats file challenges to keep Kennedy and others off presidential ballot”  -- Don't you just love how the Democrats see "democracy"..  NOT!

MUST READ! - Wow! Melania Trump's statement was so revealing of her love for her husband! She's usually quietly in the background being his wife and mother to Barron while Democrats and liberal MSM anchors portray her as cold to Trump. What she is, actually, is the image America's First Lady should portray:
Melania Trump thanked the U.S. Secret Service agents for protecting the former president and offered her sincerest sympathy to the victims who were shot at the rally. One spectator died, while two remain seriously injured.  * “When I watched that violent bullet strike my husband, Donald, I realized my life, and Barron's life, were on the brink of devastating change,” she wrote in a statement. * “A monster who recognized my husband as an inhuman political machine attempted to ring out Donald's passion - his laughter, ingenuity, love of music, and inspiration,” Melania Trump wrote. “The core facets of my husband's life - his human side - were buried below the political machine. Donald, the generous and caring man who I have been with through the best of times and the worst of times.”  -- MSM has made Melania and Donald Trump’s marriage seem hollow and superficial… here we see their love and devotion!

Now.. for all you who have been upset at the way Donald Trump “handles” the media, seeing Melania’s declaration of her love for Donald must be a shock because she’s never publicly “denied” MSM claims should help you understand Donald Trump better.. He knows if he doesn’t aggressively respond to MSM lies, the public will hear MSM lies so often that the public begins to believe them.

Seriously... Who, other than a Socialist or Jihadist terrorist dictator wants a  US president  who's an elderly man with a poor memory?

Online headline: “Nancy Pelosi Says She Has No Confidence in ‘Rogue’ Supreme Court” --  Good grief! And I doubt ANY of the nine Justice's have any confidence in PeLOUSY, either.. at least not in her honesty or patriotism to the oath she swore!

Congress should censure Bennie Thompson and his staff immediately, and Mississippi voters should vote him out of office! Firing one staff member for her comments is not nearly enough! If one of his staff feels that way, you can probably deduct that all his staff was hired because they feel the same way!

Online headline: “Biden campaign calls Meta's reinstatement of Trump accounts 'a direct attack on our safety and our democracy'” -- That's probably fair...because I'm sure the Democrats TOLD Zuckerberg to shut him out! Well, that.. and probably 6uckerberg trying to stop the bleeding from  his user numbers falling off..

From the “let’s not upset George Clooney any more than we already  have” department  - -Outrageous!!! The judge's decision to dismiss Alec Baldwin's murder charges was outrageous! This was worse than Judge Merchan's trial against Trump... Heck, this was worse than OJ's acquittal!  My guess is that the Democrats are trying to make sure the Baldwin family could vote for Democrats this November... they are going to need every vote they can buy!

With what went on this weekend, this almost slipped by unnoticed… A new Mexico judge stopped Alec Baldwin’s trial because the prosecutor didn’t tell the defense that other bullets that would fit Baldwin’s gun were available statewide! Heck, I may even have some I haven’t reported to the New Mexico prosecutor!  Outrageous! Baldwin will be even more insufferable than OJ Simpson was after his acquittal for killing his wife!

VP Kamala Harris has no one to blame for her lack of national acceptance but herself.. she's had 4 years to charm and win over American voters, but has failed to do so.. she's lived off her skin color, but has used it as a wedge rather than a connector.

As bad as Resident Biden is in his current state of confusion and dementia, don't forget that even on Biden's "best day ever", he's never been as good as President Trump.

Online headline: “ 2 dead after suspected murder-suicide in Columbus GA” – But only one will be "counted" as a homicide, even though. both are murdered... officially, number 27.

Once again.. my bride and I really support the Anne Elizabeth Shepherd Home for Girls and a donation. small or large, will enable more girls to recieve the opportunity to improve their lives.

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