Wednesday, July 10, 2024


When it comes to politics, there really "ought to be a law" prohibiting one set of politicians setting standards and/or regulations for more than 1 or 2 years down the road. When regulations are determined for another set of politicians to achieve 10 or more years in the future, there's no incentive for current politicians to start working on them, or actually caring the goals can.. or will... be met.

I like the MSM actually delving into Biden's past statements and faux pas like they've always done about Trump's. Now, what I would really like to see is MSM delve into President Obama's past... especially his teen and college grades and social life.

Online story: “Biden will join the AFL-CIO's executive council meeting in Washington on Wednesday to take questions from leaders of major U.S. labor unions and discuss "their shared commitment to defeating Donald Trump this November," the Biden campaign said.” – Hmmm…interesting... whomever heads the top of the Democrat ballot will get the bought Union officials votes, but Trump will get the workers' votes.
How often do we hear MSM and Democrats deny the effect of, as Ronald Reagan so elegantly simplified, the effect of a "trickle down economy"? Financial folks KNOW the positives this gives our economic growth. Now, with Biden floundering, Democrat Congresspersons are now CONCERNED about the "trickle down ballot" effect on their re-elections..why . BECAUSE THEY KNOW IT WORKS... and they fear their voters are going to hold them responsible for BIDEN!

Online headline: “The recent deaths of more Palestinian children due to hunger and malnutrition in the Gaza Strip indicates that famine has spread across the entire enclave” --  Hmmm...on the other hand, HamASS is being well taken care of...

Online headline: “A monument of Anne Frank in Amsterdam’s Rivierenbuurt neighborhood was defaced with “Gaza” graffitied in red on Tuesday, according to the city’s mayor” – Hmmm… It's become even more obvious that the focus of the "Palestine" protesters is not about Gaza, it's about the Muslim genocidal creed against Jews… ALL Jews…. ALLOVER the world!

Knew it! Yep.... There is a "loophole" in the delegates "pledged" to Biden in the Democrat Convention "election process".. they don't have to vote for the person they are "pledged" to if they don't want to.. This is why Biden will not step down prior which would make Harris the President, and pulling off a change of candidate move to bring Ste. Michelle Obama to lead would be a real coup, and cause more turmoil inside the Democrat Party.

Talk about "pie in the sky", the Columbus GA Council can't even get public pools  re-opened before school starts (nor haven't for 5+ years), yet are granting $250,000.00 to a non-profit entity to repair an existing Splashpad, and build a half-dozen more around the city to be completed by September.. hmmm.. September...isn't that, too, after students return to school?

Online story: “Donald Trump introduced his 18-year-old son Barron at a political rally “for the first time” during the criminally convicted former president’s return to the campaign trail on Tuesday night.” -- You know, if MSM "journalists" insist  on "introducing" President Trump as a "convicted criminal", in order to be "fair and balanced", they should introduce President Biden as a "not yet convicted criminal"…. Or at least, “father of a convicted criminal business partner”.

Hmmm.. Trump has challenged Biden to a golf match and pledged a $1 Million dollars to a charity of Biden's choice.. hmmm .. Trump should make it interesting .. offer $10 million to Biden's choice of "501-c-4" politically active groups to either play him or drop out of the race BEFORE the Democrat Convention.... heck... make it $20 million... Biden won't do either, because the Democrat Campaign Committee has to keep him on the ballot until the Convention starts because the Committee won't be able to dismiss Kamala Harris and replace her with Ste. Michelle at the Convention if she replaces Biden before the convention.

Remember how Biden "shut down Putin"? Biden had a one word threat against Putin going after Ukraine... "DON'T"!. After the Russians missiled a Ukraine children’s hospital, obviously, that isn't working.. maybe Biden should have said, "PLEASE don't.....PRETTY PLEASE ..WITH A CHERRY ON TOP?"

You know.. this reminds me how Obama "threatened" Syria's ASSwad.. he drew a "line in the sand" and dared ASSwad to cross it... ASSwad did, and Obama drew ANOTHER "line in the sand"...and pretty soon those "lines in the sand" looked more like a freshly plowed field awaiting seeds to be planted.

Online “headLIE”: “'Obama bros' gang up on Biden as longstanding rumors of tension linger: 'Hard to watch' * Three former Obama advisers' criticism of Biden continues the reportedly strained state of relations between the two men's camps” – Don’t fooled.. this is well orchestrated.. Biden doesn’t want Harris to be his replacement, so “animosity” between him and the Obama’s MUST be established in order to create the COUP that will come at the convention!

Think about what Biden has done by shutting down our oil production... Not only do we have to buy open market oil, but so do our many allies who don't have reserves in their countries.. Think about how having to buy oil from the mid-East terrorist countries or Venezuela keeps these counties cash flush.. Think about how none of those countries want to be concerned with climate issues, nor  clean air & water... And think about how in a world emergency situation, the unregulated Socialist  countries will give preferential oil deliveries to their friends which will put us and our allies in precarious situations.

Did you notice that at the Columbus, GA Airport,  Jill Biden got off Air Force 2 via the main LONG staircase rather than the rear shirt one. … Maybe she has the grandeur dream of replacing Resident Biden on the ballot!

I've never really liked Alec Baldwin as an actor, but I like him less as a person. It's bad enough he feels his NEW YORK lawyers can overwhelm the New Mexico yokels who are prosecuting him in front of a jury that probably is filled with gun owners/users who know and understand guns and gun safety. Personally, I think the charges were way too lax for the severity.. and stupidity… of his actions.. but that's for Baldwin to live with.

How does Columbus, GA Council allow such blatant disregard of community fairness to businesses and taxpayers alike! I’m talking about a business that parks its wares on the median on Broadway! Are all businesses allowed to do this? Does the offending business have a City Permit others can/can’t get?  Does the offending business pay a fee that helps the budget! That business, even though it pays a “fee” for business it books on the Georgia side of the Chattahoochee, does not collect any of the SPLOST/LOST taxes which all other businesses do..


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