Monday, July 1, 2024


As dramatic  as the Democrats “hammer” out their message that they are the “party of Democracy”, they don’t mention that no “pure Democracy” has stayed on course as good for it’s people. This is why our Founding Fathers were so focused to give us a ”Limited Republic” Constitutional government OF the people , BY the people, and FOR the people. Our “Limited Republic” form of government is the LONGEST continual form of government in the HISTORY of the World. Our three branches of government. Each with unique forms of power give the PEOPLE, not the politicians, the ultimate power that cannot not exist in a “pure Democracy”, and it’s this foundation that allows the PEOPLE to correct the course of government when it leans towards Socialism/Communism… and enslavement…

Have some good.. therefore “unusual” … news about our Columbus, GA .. last week I reported a serious failure in how unsafe a feature of our RiverWalk was, and by noon, the City’s response and it had temporarily corrected the issue, and I was notified a better, more effective solution was being looked into. In the future, our citizens, visitors…. and our FUND BALANCE… will be safer.

Online headline: “Representative James Clyburn, D-SC: Debate was a ‘bad performance’ but Dems should focus on Biden’s record” – This  boils down to Clyburn losing his "power" he got for selling out South Carolinians  by backing Biden early  in 2020.

Following his Thursday night "Debacle" with Trump, Resident Biden went to North Carolina, where he declared that he knows what he does  know..."I know how to tell the truth!" Hmmm.. well, not really... what he knows is that he can read what other people write and show him on a Teleprompter.

Online headline: “Biden’s teleprompter ability not enough, Scaramucci says” -- After watching the Teleprompter free  "Debacle" , and then Biden's "rally in NC" with a Teleprompter, I'm guessing the White House "handlers" have a Teleprompter at his Breakfast Table telling him when to chew, and another in the bathroom telling him to "wipe" or "flush".

Online headline: “Biden advocates in the liberal media turn on president and 'weep' following Trump debate: 'I've seen enough' * Prominent figures on ABC, CNN, MSNBCand NBC admitted Biden is no longer the best choice to run for president”  -- NOW they say they’ve seen enough... well, he saw way more than that in the past 4 years that he CHOSE not to see. Of course, the reality is it’s the first time in 4 plus years they’ve seen Biden standing on the same stage as Trump, and it was comparing the Biden they “hawked” to the Biden who “is” that awoke them…

Online headline: “US set to remove $320m Gaza humanitarian pier - and it may never come back” – Wow!  Biden authorized $320,000,000.00 to build a backdoor distribution system for HamASS to be in charge of taking care of non-combatant Palestinian families.. What the  hell was Biden THINKING! HamASS had no intent of helping any Palestinians other than itself! Hmmm,  it was probably God’s providence that SANK the pier!

The fact that our International enemies want Biden again should bring the American …especially the Democratic Party… voter base to their knees!

From the “Jon Lovitiz, Yeah… that’s the ticket” department  - Online “headLIE”:  “Joe Biden's disastrous debate blamed on bad preparation, exhaustion” – Hmmm.. when all else fails, think of another lie to tell! It was THEIR PLAN to put Biden in public isolation at Camp David for R&R and Preparation for the Debate which they set up the rules and conditions!

--- could Biden family members want JoKKKe Biden to stay in office after our enemies have seen him flounder on International TV?  Oh.. I almost forgot.. they still need JoKKKe Biden too cement their Chinese deals…

Online headline: “Biden's 'disaster' debate performance sparks media meltdown, calls for him to withdraw from 2024 race” --  Wow! Think about how Trump had to feel watching Biden self-destruct right before his eyes, and how many punches Trump had to pull so he wouldn't look insensitive .

Online headline: “Fauci says Biden’s bid for second term is ‘an individual choice,’ recalls ‘positive’ experience with president” -- Of course he feels Biden was competent... it made Dr FRAUD-i look competent in comparison.

Online headlines: “Warnock compares Biden debate to bad ‘sermon’ and rejects calls for president to resign * Warnock calls Trump ‘plague’ on nation’s conscience, says Black voters won’t support him” -- It was bad enough that Biden said Blacks who didn't vote for him weren't Black, but when SINator Warnock, a "Christian Minister", says this, then he should be called out on judging people by the color of their skin.

Remember Morning Joe Scarbrough’s praise this past March that he had never seen Resident Biden so on top of his game? Friday, Morning Joe tossed JoKKKe Biden into the compost pit! Guess Morning Joe has grown a conscience since March…


Interesting ...with all the panic  Democrats and MSM are displaying, none of them are saying, "Whew! We're sure lucky we have Border Tsar Kamala Harris ready to step in!"

Online headline: “MSNBC host: Stacey Abrams ‘obviously’ doesn't want to appear with unpopular Biden in Georgia” --  Hmmm...and when have you known Stacey Abrams being camera shy about a photo-op? Especially when there is a Black woman, Kamala Harris,  next in line to become the FIRST woman ...of ANY color… to be the next President of the USA.

Online headline: “‘The Two Bidens’: Top White House Aides Tell Axios Biden Only ‘Dependably Engaged’ A Few Hours Per Day” -- And MSM feigns ignorance? They have known of Biden's dementia issues ever since the 2020

Online headline: “Canceled Perry drag show will go on, but moves venues. Bar owner not pursuing charges” --  Men who dress like women for entertainment disrespect ALL real women...Oh, what would MSM say if the 'drag queens' wore " blackface" as well!

Online headline: “Gov. Newsom signs law allowing restaurants and bars to charge service fees with prior disclosure” --  While I don't plan to return to California anymore, if I should, I'm gonna bring my own meals and beverages from GA! I am not going to pay "fees" a restaurant or bar can add on at whatever percent they can decide.. I can also imagine most bars and restaurants will raise the percentages depending on how many "adult beverages" you might consume because they'll figure your faculties may be compromised.. Oh yeah.. bet they'll put those "recommended tip" numbers based on the added fees as well!

Online headline: “Republican Governor Gives Bizarre Answer When Asked If He Voted for Trump: ‘I Voted, But I Didn’t Vote for Anybody” -- What a stupid response! To begin with, it was a primary, and his choice of "answers" were: 1, who I voted for is none of your business but I support our Party's candidate, or 2, I support our Party's candidate, but who I voted for is none of your business.

Online headline: “Warren Buffett Warns Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation That Financial Support to the Charity May End After His Death “ – In reality, Buffet, who’s given them $59 BILLION via an existing contract, probably ain’t too happy since the Gates’ divorce following Bill’s Epstein Episodes, but he doesn’t want to continue giving more money after his death,

Online headline: “California sets aside $12 million for nation’s largest reparations effort” – Talk about political BS!  Wow,,,California now has about 3 Million Blacks & mixed African residents, and $12 Million in reparations would be about $3 each… well, before the California government took out its “administrative costs”…

Online “headLIE”: “The Supreme Court just made it easier for governments to remove unhoused people from public spaces” --  WRONG! The US Supreme Court just reminded government that our 4th Amendment protects citizens from having to house strangers against their wishes! The fact that government has taken private citizens’ tax dollars to pay exorbitant rates to corporations to house illegals is just as big offense as forcing homeowners to take in unwanted intruders!

Online headline: “ MSNBC’s Joy Reid Equates Voting for Trump with Eating a ‘Pile of Poo’” –Well, if there is anyone who knows what “poo” tastes like, it’s Joy Reid! She’s spit out so  much that the “taste” is permanently entrenched in “the tip of her tongue”!

Online headline: “Newsom Defends Biden Over Debate: 'You Don't Turn Your Back Because Of 1 Performance“ -- You know, "technically", he's right, but it's different when the "1 bad performance" has lasted Biden's entire career!

Online headline: “After Thursday's Presidential "Debacle", MSM has been asking what the Democrats' "Plan B" is.... Hmmm...I thought "Plan Biden" was their PLAN.... but the reality is that “Plan BAIL” was their goal!

Hmmm… I think I have the perfect replacement candidate for the Democrats... Biden is toast, but the Dems can almost seamlessly put a CA Democrat on the ballot without being too upsetting to the Dem voter base.. the DNC could put "Adumb Schi**" at the top, and other than noticing  a smoother liar, few would realize a change had been made.

Online headline: “Migrant who shot NYPD cops says that’s ‘common practice’ back in Venezuela, prosecutors say” --  Venezuela.. another failed “democracy”…... Hmmm .. that's Biden's and "Bernie's" favorite example of how our government should operate... It's President, Maduro, is there because he refused to leave office after his last election, and Venezuela now holds it's crime rate down by emptying it's jails across our county’s border.

Online headline/story: “Biden administration extends temporary legal status to 300,000 Haitians, drawing a contrast to Trump * SAN DIEGO (AP) — About 300,000 Haitians already in the United States will now be eligible for temporary legal status allowing them to remain in the U.S. and work “ -- 300,000 Haitians! That’s over half the population of Wyoming and nearly that much of Vermont’s! What’s scary, is why this is being announced in California which is so far away from Haiti! Hmm,,, when you think about it, it’s probably because farms and vineyards aren’t going to pay the California $20.00 minimum wage to workers.

Online headline: “Georgia's Largest Newspaper Calls for Joe Biden to Exit Race 'Immediately” -- What hypocrites! The AJC has "praised" JoKKKe Biden since the 2020 South Carolina Primary, and if Biden is still on the ballot following the DNC Convention in August, the AJC will report a miracle recovery has occurred and Biden is a message from god..

If nothing else did, Resident Biden's claim that the Border Patrol endorsed him was an obvious RED FLAG for his loss of mental acuity .. Hmmm..maybe he meant the "Border PAW-TROL" endorsed him.... you know.. those "coyotes" that escort illegal aliens across our border.

Hmmm... what does it say about an elected politician who watched the debate, and still plans to vote for Biden again? Why should he/she be sent anywhere but back home!

Online headline: “Biden calls Trump a ‘lying, dog-faced pony soldier’ after debate, reviving slur he used against voter” -- Wow.. Biden just gets better and better....NOT!

Online headline: “A New Mexico judge on Friday denied a request by actor Alec Baldwin to dismiss a manslaughter charge he faces for the 2021 fatal shooting of a cinematographer ...” – In a word, “YES! “


Online headline: “German woman given harsher sentence than rapist for calling him ‘pig’” -- You gotta be kiddin'! Does George Soros control German DAs as well as AMERICAN Blue State DAs!

Online headline: “Ilhan Omar faces ethics complaint over not disclosing husband’s assets “ – Hmmm… This would never have been brought up had she not been a “Squad member”, and the Democrat Party “leadership” wasn’t trying to appear it is  distancing itself from Jihadist persecutors of the Jewish Community.

If the MSM learned anything after Thursday night's Debate, it should have been that it has been DUPED by the Democrats from Day 1 when Trump first announced his candidacy in 2015.. MSM has supported Hellary's Steele Dossier, both of Queen PeLOUSY's failed impeachment persecutions, the Judges Merchan’s and ImaMoron’s  Kangaroo Courts, and both Letitia James's and Fani (remember the "a" is pronounced like the "a" in FART) Willis'  debacles.

Online headline: “David Axelrod Tells GOP Strategists, If Biden’s Replaced, ‘You Guys Are in Trouble’ “ – Never forget Axelrod’s allegiance is to the Obamas and Clintons, not America nor the Democratic Party.

Online headline: “Michelle Obama Odds Surge to Replace Joe Biden After Debate” -- Hmm... Harris calling in the 25th now would create a mess

Of course the Democrats AREN'T going to explore the 25th Amendment! Invoking it will promote Phuckles Harris to the presidency, and a lot tougher to deny her incumbent status on the November Ballot which will make it much tougher to get Michelle Obama on the ballot as a Party "Savior".

Wow! Post debate words from Trump are sorta unsettling ... Trump said he thought  CNN's Tapper and Bash treated him nice... and fairly! That shoulda woke him up! If CNN journalists, Tapper and Bash, treated him nice. ... and fairly... then CNN was part of the plan of the Democrat Campaign Committee's to oust Biden and get Ste Michelle on the ballot while shuffling Harris off into oblivion.


Online headline: “‘Another disappointment.’ Columbus councilors say residents upset as pools stay closed” --  Wow! Columbus, GA Mayor Skippy the Poop just exposed another "backroom deal".. he went for the bond issue on the Baseball park, after denying one for the public pool issues!

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