Thursday, July 11, 2024

 Online headline: “ Wendy’s, Jersey Mike’s franchise owners slash hours, jobs to offset labor costs from California’s new $20 minimum wage” --  Hmmm... that California owner had 12 workers at $16.00, and now has 7 workers at $20.00. That means that instead of paying out $192.00 per shift hour, he now pays out $140.00 per shift hour. The owner will be paying $52.00 LESS per shift hour, and California will get less taxes, and pay out more in state assistance. Once again, you cannot benefit with Democrats in charge of government!

Online headline: “ New Voting Machines On Display At Georgia National Fair” --  First, why would GA even consider another Dominion voting machine? The existing ones are STILL hackable and are still being used, but secondly, if "QR" CODES are going to be used, I want to be able to use my phone's "QR" Reader to verify that what goes into the election scanner is what and who I voted for!

Online headline: “ President Joe Biden to sit with NBC News' Lester Holt in TV interview” --  Hmmm....Taped and Edited interviews are not the same as live ones or debates.. just like with Stephanopoulos' "interview", if any  "negative" clips are included on the nationally broadcast portions, it'll be part of the DNC's agenda to push both Biden and Harris out at the Convention...

Online headline: “Huma Abedin Is Engaged to George Soros’ Son” --  Wow! Looks like Huma Abedin has traded in her Weiner for a Weenie...

Online headline: “House passes bill to ban noncitizens from voting in federal elections” --  Hmmm..Why are Democrats against this bill? Bill Clinton signed. ..yes, Hellary's hubby.. a bill in 1996 prohibiting non-citizens from voting in any federal election, and this just adds some clarification protection, so why are Democrats against doing the same here?

Online headline: “Columbus GA officials explain reasons behind trash pickup delays “ – Remember when ‘GIGO” was a big acronym? It stood for “Garbage In Garbage Out”.. Well, it looks like an new acronym is in play here… “GOGS”… “Garbage Out, Garbage STAYS!” Our City Manager is doin’ “too much ‘splainin”,, what we need is action and proficiency!
Online headline: “With no residential address, homeless voters in Georgia face removal from the rolls” --  As it should be! As it MUST be! Especially here in Columbus, GA… A P.O. Box or General Delivery address does not establish residency, and Columbus GA is highly susceptible for people to be double-dipping services from the Phenix City area and Opelika and  Valley Rescue is under contract with Opelika to service it’s homeless.. and how easy is it for an “unscrupulous” (another word for Socialist-Democrats) Political Party to buy absentee ballots from non-residentially established and fraudulently registered people!

Online “headLIE”: “Biden Says He Couldn’t Reach Texas Officials After Hurricane Beryl Hit” --  Wow! Does anyone remember the MSM assault on President Bush 43 back in 2005? He was eviscerated for, basically , not being in the center of New Orleans when Katrina HIT! By the way, Biden or Harris has been there yet.. guess it’s too close to the border!

Online headline: “Controversial and delayed Columbus Council appointee is sworn in after crucial vote” -- First, "Welcome aboard, Councilor Hickey!" The real question that should be asked and answered is why ANY elected City officials are included in pension plans at all. By the nature of the election process, all elected City officials are, at best, working  4 year temporary jobs, and if re-elected, start another 4 year temporary job as their own replacement.

Online headline: “Democratic donors prepare to pump money into contest that could block Harris from taking over” -- Yep .. "the coup" is in gear! There are no currently  elected Democrats that are worthy of the Liberals unity.. that was proven in the 2016 & 2020 Democrat Primaries... which paves the way to inject Ste. Michelle into the mix at their convention... Media, nor the DNC, wanted to revisit Biden's promise for a one term presidency.. the Democrats again had no electable leader ready to take over, and the last thing they wanted was an early face-off between Harris, Whitmer, and Ste Michelle  that would reveal each's "warts" for a year long discussion.

Online headline: Democratic donors prepare to pump money into contest that could block Harris from taking over” --  Yep .. "the coup" is in gear! There are no currently elected Democrats that are worthy of the Liberals unity.. that was proven in the 2016 & 2020 Democrat Primaries... which paves the way to inject Ste. Michelle into the mix at their convention... Media, nor the DNC, wanted to revisit Biden's promise for a one term presidency.. the Democrats again had no electable leader ready to take over, and the last thing they wanted was an early face-off between Harris, Whitmer, and Ste Michelle  that would reveal each's "warts" for a year long discussion.

Online headline: “Kamala Harris' husband claims she's not concerned with poor polling numbers: 'Just bounces right off her“ -- Sorta like a gutter ball hitting the backwall in bowling...

Online headline: “NYC pols fume as migrants keep getting dumped on one borough: ‘It’s like the third world” --  Yeah,  NYC... y'all are a "Biden-ocracy" and if 50% plus 1 voters in one district say other districts aren't pulling their weight, then send them "their fair share". Of course, Texas should be encouraged by NYC to send half their illegal aliens to NYC as well.

Online headline: “From DACA recipient to first undocumented attorney arguing in front of the Supreme Court” -- How does a non-American citizen without "papers" not only get to be licensed into the American Bar Association, but also get "standing" to address our U S Supreme Court?


Online “headLIE”: “ Ex-aide: Trump isn't "shouting about the debate" because he's "afraid" of Kamala Harris” -- Hmmm...Trump's scared of Phuckles?  Sure...or, as Jon Lovitz might say, "Yeah...Right..That's the ticket."

I watched the video excerpt of Jill Biden's campaign drivel that WRBL-TV3 she made in Columbus, GA. I'd seen a much longer version on another video feed, so I knew the WRBL-TV3 version was specifically edit to include Jill Biden spewing the out-n-out lie about undocumented claims that President Trump had called vets and soldiers "losers and suckers". That claim has been  blown out of the water by "Fact Checkers", which made the  inclusion bad enough, but WRBL-TV3's video presenter DID NOT CORRECT the LIE Jill Biden ranted about. He should be embarrassed .... even ASHAMED... of his lack of professionalism ... Hey, Chuck.. do the right thing! 

Online “headLIE”: “ Hunter Biden has not received classified information in private meetings, White House says” -- Yeah.. right..That’s the Ticket! .Resident Biden sits in with Hunter, cabinet and military department members and chats about how he can beat Trump playing golf and bicycling.. OK… I have a bridge in NYC to sell if you believe any of any of the Bidens' stories .

You know ..with all the subterfuge Columbus GA Mayor Skippy the Poop employed in get his "100 Acre Scam" around the citizens’ approval, and through Council, and the great investments he's suggested “might” come, you'd  think  he'd be upfront about  GA DOT soon having to tear down the Oglethorpe Bridge and rebuild a new one, and what that will do to interrupt his time line.

Too many Republicans believe that the Democrat Voter Base actually  votes for the name of the presidential candidate... That's wrong...  they just look for the “D” and follow directions… now, Independents do actually look at the names..

Hmmm… I’m betting the progressive wing of the DNC is recruiting in Holland for illegal alien recruits.. These Democrats are going to need a whole bunch of Dutch boys  standing  by  ready to stick their fingers into the “leaks” in the various Democrat caucuses and delegate groups that won’t support Biden in Shicago!

Resident Biden says 16 "Nobel Prize Winning" economists (maybe “No Brain Prize Winning” is more accurate) said Trump's proposals would raise interest rates.... EXCUSE ME! When Trump left office, mortgage rates were below 3% and now are over 7%... The only way those rates will get higher is for Biden... well, either Harris or Ste. Michelle, too.... be in charge for the next 4 years.

I'm not so certain Trump should name a Florida person as his VP nominee..  certainly  not Senator Rubio.. love Rep Byron Donald, but he's not seasoned enough to carry the torch forward in 2028... but.. I really could get behind Gov Ron DeSantis, and his 2028 strength would be phenomenal!


Even ...George Clooney has ditched Biden!  One of two... though possibly both have happened..... things have occurred ... Either the Obama's have sent him a “conditional invitation” to the next Inaugural Ball, or...or Amal has changed the locks on her bedroom door.

When the dust settles in November, America's President must evoke confidence in our allies, and fear among our enemies. No Democrat can provide this much needed... and NECESSARY... environment. Trump 2024!

Online headline: “Charlamagne  da god says 'all I hear is ego' from Biden, calls on Democrats to challenge him for nomination at DNC” – Hmmm… guess Charlamagne da god  has figured out that it’ll take more than being “Black enough” to get him to vote for Biden..

From the “as if Sanctuary status for criminal wasn’t bad enough” department – Online headline: “Sacramento city attorney reportedly threatened to fine Target store for reporting theft crimes” – Good grief! Having grown up in the retail industry, I’m stunned! And I imagine, “no cash bail” won’t apply for business executives…

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