Tuesday, July 9, 2024

I am in shock! I got an e-mail yesterday asking me to donate to the Associated Press (AP). It begged based on “SUPPORT THE ASSOCIATED PRESS - We all pay a price for partisan news – How much do you value FACT-BASED journalism?” – Hmm.. I thought… Hey, AP! I value FACT-BASED journalism VERY MUCH.. just wish the AP did! Hey, AP! Ask yourself, “Hmm.. when did we report on Joe Biden’s dementia BEFORE THE DEBATE?” Sorry, AP…. Here’s a “fact” for you…No donations to you!

You know, nearly every Democrat seems to believe that Resident Biden is always  perfect….except when he's on TV and people see him for themselves.  Wonder if the Democrats will try to ban TVs for the next 4 months?

Online headline: “Biden's former press secretary Jen Psaki admits ABC interview was 'just okay'” --  Wow! If Psaki felt Biden's "Debacle" performance and Stephanopoulos interview  were "just okay", how low was the bar she set for him?

Online headline: “Radio (KURD) station 'parts ways' with host after admitting White House gave her questions before Biden interview” --  What a brave radio station! Guess Biden's performance and Democratic Party leaders'  responses have media actually reading the 1st Amendment again to see where they really stand.

Hmmm.... Guess the next “off the Teleprompter” quote we'll get from Biden will be at the Democrat Convention when he'll exclaim, "If you don't vote for me, you're not Democrat enough."

Now it’s beginning to make It makes sense as to  why Jill sits in with Resident Biden in policy meetings...  she has no idea what the White House Handlers might be telling him versus what they're writing on the Teleprompters.

Wow.. in the last week, Columbus GA has had 4 more homicides.. a woman and fetus were stabbed and died, a shooting in Uptown killed one, and a prisoner was murdered at the local jail.. that brings us up to at least 26 in 2024. Hmmm… maybe this is why Jill Biden’s    “scheduled campaign event location” was kept so secret…

Hmmm… I see Columbus, GA Mayor Skippy the Poop left his “100 Acre Scam” long enough to greet Jill Biden at the airport… funny, I don’t remember him showing up to greet former President Trump at the airport last year when Trump came to Columbus….

Hmm... but under the circumstances that her husband needs. ... NEEDS.. energy... confidence... and Life… to move forward,  why was .Jill Biden  coming to Columbus GA and not disclosing her destination ahead of time?

I listened to Jill Biden's "Teleprompter Recitation" and it was clear of one of two situations.. either there weren't many people there or the people there weren't very enthusiastic about here "talking points".. Good grief! She lies more than her husband... Maybe MSM needs to pay more attention to her ex-husband's stories about her.

I’ve looked for a local news source to give at least a “guess” to the number of non-politicians who went to the Jill Biden Bibb Mill Center event , but haven’t found one. If you attended, how about a “shout out”.  You know, I haven’t even seen a list of the DEMOCRAT legislators who attended… maybe they aren’t too happy standing up for Biden either…

Why would any American citizen ever want an illegal alien voting in an American election?  Illegal aliens do not have "skin in the game" we live everyday!

Question: We know why Democrats are against proving citizenship being required to vote, but the bigger question is: Why should American citizens vote for Democrats?

Did we hear right? Did we hear Biden actually say he "shut Putin down"? As I recall, he said to Putin, "DON'T"..... but Putin DID! You know, when a US President addresses a world-wide war issue, the world needs to hear our President speaking with a booming voice of TERROR, not the voice of a terrier…

How often have we heard Resident Biden's support of DEI, yet how many Non-Black Churches and Synagogues has Resident Biden campaigned from the pulpit?

Good grief! Biden just ran a TV campaign ad about how he NEEDS to get re-elected so he can fix the economic problems everybody is currently struggling with.... HUH? Isn't he THE reason we are struggling with it! Personally, his stepping down would go a long way solving the problem!

Hmmm… ever wished you’d bought more of something, and now regret you didn’t? I remember buying 500 of the 44-cent “Forever Stamps” back in 2007 when they first were issued.. somehow, I thought that might “last me a lifetime”.. Today, the new “forever stamps” are going up to 73-cents a piece. I just wish Social Security had invested in “Forever Stamps” rather than Treasury Bonds.. the stamps would have been a better return on investment… Oh! By the way.. this is the SECOND increase this YEAR!

Point of interest: When President Trump took office 1st Class stamps went for 49-cents. When Biden took office, 1st Class stamps were 55-cents. They went up 6-cents in Trumps term, and have gone up 18-cents… so far.. in Biden’s term..

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