Tuesday, July 23, 2024

 You know, as important as it is that Democrats show support of Israel, it's more important that Democrats condemn HamASS...and that's not happening...

A bunch of liberal money was released as soon as Biden withdrew, and you noticed how quickly Democrats and MSM has associated it with Phuckles Harris, but Harris is not the Democrats' nominee …. yet.

Online headline: “More than 40,000 Black women joined a call supporting Harris, but many are concerned her candidacy will spark a backlash.” -- hmmm...44,000 women donating $1.5 Million.. hmmm .. that's about $35.00 per person... Of course, most donors will pony up $100.00 if anything, so in reality, probably only 15,000 of the 44,000 actually made a donation.

Hmmm... Has it struck you how strange it was that Biden's sudden Covid-19 "attack" hadn't created a panic for the Biden's and other Democrats to rush out and buy N-95 masks?

Isn't it a tad bit strange that 65% of Democrats wanted Biden's name off the November ballot because of his incompetence/dementia, but rather keep him as current President than push for Phuckles Harris to step into the position...

Online story: "U.S. customers who bought a new General Motors vehicle last quarter paid an average of just under $49,900,  a price that helped push the company's net income 15% above a year ago." -- Wait a minute! When's Resident Biden going to go after GM for gouging! No wonder inflation is soaring!

Online headline: “Carver Park to be renamed in honor of Former Mayor Pro Tem, Evelyn Turner Pugh” --  Hmmm... is Columbus GA Council sure that Evelyn Pugh would have wanted her name attached to what has become a severe crime area in Columbus?

Hmmm....Let's get realistic, VP Kamala Harris probably won't leave Shicago as the head of the Democrats' November ballot, so the only way to make her the first woman President will be for Biden to resign or be removed from office via the 25th Amendment.. and even if she does make it to the ballot, winning in November will not be easy, so there's plenty of time for Biden to resign, pass, or be removed in order to complete her transition to be America's first woman President. Don't rule out anything. Of course ALL bets are off if Ste. Michelle Obama walks out of her hometown’s Convention as the Democrat nominee.. Who do you think former President Obama would really want as the first woman President?

Online headline: “Biden’s exit positions Doug Emhoff to become the first Jewish White House spouse” --  Hmmm, how come MSM "forgets" that Trump had a Jewish son-in-law and grandchildren when he was in the White House..

Online headline: “Joe Biden was a remarkable president for Israel — and very likely the last of his kind” --  Well, one thing for sure is that we can pray Biden IS the last of his kind! Israel NEEDS American support.. and vice versa.

Online headline: “Cardin, not Harris, will preside over Netanyahu speech” -- Guess the Democrats are afraid Phuckles Harris might break into her cackling laugh when telling Israel she has their back...

Online “headLIE”: “ No, VP Kamala Harris was never named 'border czar'” --  Hmmm... Watching  the DNC and MSM make this case will be interesting.. who can forget Harris's plea in Guatamala  to illegal aliens.....when she weakly said, "Don't" ...in English….  Wait a minute... "DON'T"?  Isn't that the threat Biden made to Putin about invading Ukraine? Hmmm... Maybe "Don't" is the Socialist code word for, "what are you waiting for"...

Online headline/story: “Hundreds of migrants leave southern Mexico on foot in a new caravan headed for the US border * Some of the members of the group said they hoped to make it to the U.S. border before elections are held in November, because they fear that if Donald Trump wins, he will follow through on a promise to close the border to asylum-seekers. * Some said they had been waiting in Ciudad Hidalgo for weeks for permits to travel to towns further to the north.” -- You know, since Mexico requires a "travel permit" to get to our Southern Border, why aren't all "asylum seekers" REQUIRED to show their Mexican Travel Permits before even being allowed to be processed within our country?

Online “headLIE”: “Cramer says Harris would be better than Trump or Biden for mega caps and international business” -- Based on “Her policies”? No "VP" has "policies", and for Cramer to insinuate she has them at at, much less they are better than Trump's would get him fired from a private sector job. Oh… and don’t forget.. Cramer is on CNBC.. which like MSNBC.. is part of NBC.

You know, if I was running against a Democrat Congressperson in November, I think I'd run clips of my opponent extolling how he/she felt so confident in how sharp Biden was just days before he quit.

Online headline: “ White House press secretary to appear on ‘The View’ after Biden exit” – Wow! This could be the end of :The View”! Once ABC executives see Joy and Poopi fawn over Karine Jean-Pierre’s lies about Biden’s greatness, “The View” loses its last iota of credibility..

Online headline/story: “Meme Of Trump In A Coffin Gets New York Radio Host Fired *  Rick Tiberi, who had been with WGRF for 25 years, faced public backlash after sharing a meme featuring Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin in caskets. Tiberi asserts that the meme, which he admits was in poor taste, was posted on July 11 – the Thursday before the attempted assassination of the former President at a campaign stop in Pennsylvania – and removed immediately after hearing the news.” --  Hey, Rick.. welcome to the Kathy Griffin Club… you are “two whines” that “pair well”!

Online headline/story: “Illegal immigrants can keep professional licenses despite deportation with new law * Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker signed the measure into law last week. House Bill 5457 provides that the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation may not revoke, suspend, or take any other disciplinary or non-disciplinary action against a license or permit issued under the law based solely upon an immigration violation.” – Wait a minute! How do ILLEGAL ALIENS get “professional licenses” without even a Green Card?

Online “headline”: “Nick Saban Is Being Floated For Kamala Harris's Vice President” --  Hmmm..Saban is slick… REAL SLICK.... they get elected, then he puts himself into the transfer portal and gets picked to be the new President.. heh heh heh.

CNN & MSNBC  may have reeled in RINO men like RATT Romney, Adam Kinzinger, and Mike Pence as "Republicanish" TV commentators, but you 're not going to see them on the DNC "VP" list.

Phuckles Harris made a statement even I can conditionally agree with..."Joe Biden has a record that's UNMATCHED by any other President".. but....but what she didn't add was that his record is one of UNMATCHED INEPTNESS!

Republicans knew before the 2020 Election that Biden was not competent .. so did the Democrats, but the Dems didn't mention it until SuperBowl Lvii. He had the opportunity to address at least 75 million Americans... and the DNC wouldn't allow it…

Online  “The Hill” LIE : “More than 200 anonymous staff members across 122 Democratic and Republican congressional offices signed a letter this week calling for Congress to protest or boycott Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech next week on Capitol Hill , citing concerns about the ongoing war in Gaza. * The letter , organized by the Congressional Progressive Staff Association and signed by 230 House and Senate staffers, said speaking out against Netanyahu’s July 24 joint address to Congress was an “issue of morality” and not politics.”  -- "More than 200 ANONYMOUS staff members..... signed a letter"? This has to be the stupidest sentence ever composed! How do "anonymous" people sign a letter and remain anonymous? Of course,  they could have just marked the letter with a “X”…

Just got word that the “brown carts” the City of Columbus, GA is selling for $55.00 cost the City $55.00… having been raised in a family retail environment that existed for 117 years here in Columbus, I KNOW that the City is NOT covering the costs of the “brown carts”  by selling them at what officials CLAIM is the total costs.. storage and inventory management and distribution ALL cost money on top of what was paid for the merchandise! No, we taxpayers are footing the bill whether we purchase one ourselves or not! I still haven’t gotten the what the difference between a “brown cart” and a “black can” are…

I’ve been posting my “QR” to guide readers to the website to donate to a fundraiser for a favorite charity of mine.. The Anne Elizabeth Shepherd Home for Girls… and a lot of you read this on your phones and found it complicated to scan a “QR”  that’s on your phone, so.. here is the URL “link” you can “click” or “copy and paste”.


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