Tuesday, January 28, 2014

HuffPost headline: "No bold claims at this year's State of the Union" -- Guess Judas 00-Barnum has figured out that even the Democrats aren't going to laugh at his jokes this time around.
L-E version of the above headline: "For Obama, address focused on what’s achievable * Editor’s note: Because of the winter storm forecast for this afternoon, the Ledger-Enquirer will have early deadlines tonight to give us more time to deliver Wednesday’s paper. As a result, the President’s State of the Union address, scheduled for 9 p.m., likely won’t be included. Go to ledger-enquirer.com   for a full report or read about it in Thursday’s paper." -- Yeah, Thursday would be about right for the L-E to come up with a ruse to become at peace with it, and rewrite what Judas 00-Barnum actually says.
Oh! Don't forget to listen to the Judas 00-Barnum "Recipe for Disaster" tonight.. you need to know what you'll have to correct liberals about tomorrow. True (and unsalvageable) libs will still believe him.
Online headline: "Leaders of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) plan to publicly rebuke President Obama over a lack of diversity in his federal judicial picks." -- You know, isn't racism all about believing people of another race aren't capable of doing a job as well as people of your own race?
Did you see the beard Jay Carney was growing? I figure he was hoping to look more like "Honest Abe", or he feels a beard will make his nose growth seem normal.
Seen Sam Nunn's daughter's campaign slogan? Here's a better one: "Democrat - None for Senate"
A friend of mine has gotten his skis and ski poles out of his closet, and relocated them near his front door... just in case we get a little snow down Columbus, GA way today. Sometimes, getting your HOPE up is good for your heart... anyway, it's la lot better than when 00-bama promised to give you HOPE.
Online story: "The weddings of 33 couples during the Grammy Awards were legally presided over by Queen Latifah. The rapper-actress-talk show host had to be sworn in as a commissioner by the state of California to perform the ceremony. * Latifah said she's not an ordained minister and her special powers expired at midnight." -- Hmmm, obviously, not unions made 'in Heaven', so I guess we can assume they were 'made in Hollywood hell".
You know, I didn't.. in fact, no one in my household watched the Grammy Awards last night, and we didn't even know what was planned. It's just the lack of relevance we have for entertainment award shows any more.
Online story: " Oklahoma has no plans to review its lethal injection protocol even though two inmates executed this month complained as the drugs began to flow through their bodies." -- Hope Oklahoma taped the prisoners' reactions and uses those tapes in an ad campaign to thwart other budding criminals from taking a similar course in life. Personally, I think they should inject hydrochloric acid so the 'injectee" will know what hell he has put the victim's family through in killing their loved one... that and for justice for the taxpayers who have footed his legal & boarding expenses for 20 myears worth of appeals.
Online story: "Medical school graduates consider getting a stethoscope a rite of passage, but some are saying the device might be on its way out in favor of the hand-held ultrasound. * 'CBS This Morning' reports that the stethoscope is good for listening, but the ultrasound shows an image, which provides a lot more information. * Still, the ability to interpret what those pictures mean could require intensive training, and as WLTX reports, that's not the only downside. The hand-held ultrasound costs thousands, while the stethoscope costs just $25." -- Just the fact that an ultrasound can be billed at "thousands" will encourage medical businesses to get rid of the $25.00 stethoscope. You know, I can remember my old mechanic of the 60s tuning my muscle car engine by putting his ear to a screwdriver touching the valve cover. New fangled electronic tuning devices followed, but no tune-up using those was as ever as good as the ones where the mechanic heard what was happening first hand.
Online headline: "Brazilian Advocates Raise A Stink Over Poor Sanitation At Ipanema Beach" -- Hey, it was their own stink and it follows them wherever they go. You'd think they'd eventually 'get a clue'.
Online tidbit: "The White House has 35 bathrooms, which means it has 35 toilets -- lots of choices for the first family." -- Hmm guess what this really means is that Michelle Obama's staff each has their own bathroom. That or their's too much s**t being conjured up in the White House.
HuffPost headline/story: "Hillary Clinton Reveals The 'Biggest Regret' Of Her Tenure As Secretary Of State * "My biggest regret is what happened in Benghazi," Clinton said during an appearance at the National Automobile Dealers Association convention in New Orleans, La. "It was a terrible tragedy, losing four Americans, two diplomats, and now it's public, so I can say, two CIA operatives" -- Hmmm, bet the rest of the story was what she probably muttered under her breath following that statement, "but in 2016, what difference will it make since my media buddies will jump on Fox for dragging up the past."
Online headline: "Darrell Issa, Other Lawmakers Want Obama To Fire James Clapper For 'Lying To Congress' -- Another "stupid Republican.....trick"! Clapper only worked for Judas 00-Barnum.. why should he get fired for what his employer directing him as to what was said. Go for the cure, not just put another band-aid on it.
Robo-calls have reached the most annoying state they've ever been in.. the other night, we got calls on our cellphones at 2.07 AM concerning an incident near the CSU campus that had nothing to do with us or CSU for that matter. Last night, we got another robo-call from CSU telling us classes were canceled for tomorrow (today) because of probable weather (as it actually is, the temps did not get as low as anticipated so the frantic reaction is pretty much overreaction).. How do I get out names/numbers out of the CSU phone system?
Online headline: "Michelle Obama to host bombing victim at State of the Union" -- Oooops, my bad... thought Michelle was going to be shown standing by her man.
Once again... I wonder why homosexuals don't consider being called "gay" as a slur. Aren't they proud of their real life?
L-E headline: "Biofuels industry gathers for annual summit" -- Hmmm, not since the 2012 DNC Convention have as much hot air and gas assembled in one spot.
Judas 00-Barnum says he will sidestep Article 1 of our Constitution which spells out that appropriations shall be initiated by Congress. That's what dictators in Cuba, Venezuela et al do.
L-E story: "The White House says President Barack Obama will sign an executive order setting the minimum wage for workers under new federal contracts at $10.10 an hour. The president will announce the increase in his State of the Union address." -- You know... this must be what Judas 00-Barnum meant when he said "I have a pen and a phone". How can one person, whether he's the president or any other tax paid employee, legally circumvent the existing, and currently prevailing, federal law on minimum wage for federal contracts passed and authorized by the elected Congress?
L-E story: "The CEO of General Motors and another Detroit businesswoman will join first lady Michelle Obama to watch President Barack Obama deliver his State of the Union address. * Mary Barra is the first female CEO of a major automaker. She took over the company this month and was invited to the Tuesday night address." -- Hmmm, a month on the job and getting highlighted... sounds suspiciously what the Nobel Peace Prize committee did to Judas 00-Barnum.
Lenovo...(Chinese tech Co) just bought IBM's personal computer business and is now the #3 computer maker in the world. Know what that means? Well, it means the Chinese don't have to hack into NSA anymore to find out what Americans are saying to each other.
Democrats seem to have a real problem with with wheelchair bound people. Remember when Bleep Veep Biden asked a fellow Democrat State Senator from Missouri to "stand up". Now Texas State Senator/Gubernatorial candidate Wendy Davis has berated her wheelbound opponent for not having "walked a mile in her shoes", and wants liberal Texans to "STAND" up with her.
My bride made another astute observation last night. Those UFC fights/ads... two people in a cage trying to beat up each other looking more like caged pit bulls in a fight to the death. She's right... It's no different from dog or cock fighting.
Ted Cruz says Judas 00-Barnum should look directly at the camera and apologize to America... Ain't gonna happen... Judas 00-bama has never looked directly into the camera and said anything to the American people. He "ping-pongs" back and forth between his TelePrompters.
The Republican rally call on OObamaCRAP should be, "Democrats were for OObamaCRAP before they were against it, but we voted against it because they wouldn't let us read it because the Democrats did all the writing."
L-E headline: "Police charged a 27-year-old man with unlawful conduct during a 911 call after the man claimed that someone had murdered him inside the Veterans Parkway Starship, according to a Columbus Police report." -- I wanna know why 911 sent someone to respond? Couldn't the operator figure out the caller wasn't actually dead?
Catheters... Less than great advertising to blare into your living room! You know, a personal product that presents it's best attribute is that it "hurts less" than other products is not something I want to know about until I have to be looking for a solution because the product I'm using exceeds my pain threshold.
L-E story: "According to a one-paragraph letter filed late last week with U.S. District Court, Middle District of Georgia, a California title insurance company has “resolved” its lawsuit against Columbus Bank & Trust stemming from the 2010 issues with attorney Michael Eddings’ trust account. * There were no additional details available * Eddings, who is still practicing law in Columbus, was a prominent real estate closing attorney. He faces a Georgia Bar disciplinary hearing later this month." -- Why wasn't the Georgia Bar the first to act on this! Letting a lawyer practice after he's been caught with his hand in the cookie jar is like offering him another jar to grab more cookies from.
Online story: "The California Supreme Court denied a law license on Monday to a former journalist who was caught fabricating stories for major national magazines. * The court ruled that Stephen Glass had insufficiently rehabilitated himself in the years since his misdeeds. * "Many of his efforts from the time of his exposure in 1998 until the 2010 hearing, however, seem to have been directed primarily at advancing his own well-being rather than returning something to the community," the court wrote in the unsigned ruling." -- How come California gets this but our Georgia Bar Association doesn't?
Online story: "Florida Rep. Trey Radel, a first-term Republican congressman who was convicted on cocaine possession charges, will resign from Congress on Monday. * "While I have dealt with those issues on a personal level, it is my belief that professionally I cannot fully and effectively serve as a United States Representative to the place I love and call home, Southwest Florida," the congressman wrote in a letter to House Speaker John Boehner." -- You know, how come Democrats don't love America as much.. Name me a Democrat who has ever resigned for disappointing the electorate... hmmm, maybe it's because liberals don't care about the criminal or immoral activities their Representatives are involved in. Hey, Menedez... take a hike!
Online story: "WESTMINSTER, Colo. (Reuters) - A 16-year-old student set himself on fire in the cafeteria of a high school in a Denver suburb on Monday in front of horrified classmates in what police said was an apparent suicide attempt." -- Hmmm, maybe his clothes were made from hemp... bad joke, but what do we expect when Colorado is in the news?
Online headline: "Obama Loses No-Confidence Vote" -- Hmmm... sorta backasswards...what Judas 00-Barnum lost was a "confidence vote".
We had fun yesterday. My bride donned her "Mrs. Manners" personna and delighted (and engaged) four 1st grade classes at a local school on meal manners and how to set a place setting . They soaked it up. One thing bothered me, though. In one room, I spotted a bit of indoctrination propanda. It was posted that Americans "produced" enough trash to go around the earth 24 times in 2009. I thought..."produced trash". We don't produce "trash" (unless you count most Hollywood movies)...trash is the residue left over after we have consumed all we want of a product someone else has offered for sale. No mention was made of the industries producing desirable products.. Schools need to focus on what Americans do RIGHT, as well.
Security....specifically the security at the Olympics I'm Russia...Aren't the Russians the most experienced specialist in "security" ? Didn't the Russians warn us about the "Boston Bomber Brothers"? Then why are the people who brought us the security at the Boston Marathon wanting to claim Russia can't handle it?

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