Friday, January 17, 2014

HuffPost headline: "Obamacare Could Cause Longer Wait Times At ERs" -- No way! Now hospitals are just taking advantage of a known bad situation to make an excuse for what is already an interminable wait when you walk into an emergency room with a less than death-looking-them-in-the-face problem. Now, what is going to be a problem is walking into an ER, and being rejected because of OObamaCRAP.

HuffPost headline: "New Study Shows Teens Are Sooo Over Facebook" -- Now might be a good time to "GET OUT"!
Online story: -- "Four members of a Texas family face drug charges after neighbors reported suspicious activity at their home to police using a crime-prevention smartphone app. * Parents Raymond and Stephanie Wood were arrested last Friday, along with their 18-year-old son and 22-year-old daughter. They were all charged with drug possession (marijuana, cocaine, morphine, and Xanax)" -- Hmm, "the family that OD's together..strays together"?
Online headline: "David Vitter Wants Food Stamp Recipients To Show Photo ID Every Time They Buy Food" -- Arrggghhhh!!!!! Another "stupid Republican".... trick... We can't get the DOJ to get off states' attempts to require photo ID as voters (or citizens, for that matter), and he thinks the Pric Holder will enforce this?
Online headline: "Spectacular Neon Blue Lava Pours From Indonesia's Kawah Ijen Volcano At Night" -- Hmmm, is this one of those pre-apocalypse lava... sorta like hell freezing over?
Online headline: "Christie Hires Blagojevich Prosecutor To Conduct Internal Bridge Scandal Review" -- Once again.. Christie doth protest too much....He's going to get "McCained" as it is by the NJ Congress' double Democrat majorities and mainstream media, but now he thinks that hiring someone who helped the Chicago Political machine bury one of its own is going to make him look good? Another "stupid Republican"... trick... roll over, beg, play dead.
L-E story: "France's government, under EU pressure to control public finances, says the deficit last year was bigger than expected because of anemic growth. * The finance ministry released figures showing a 74.9 billion-euro ($102 billion) deficit, compared with 62.3 billion euros initially forecast. * President Francois Hollande, elected on promises to fight EU austerity policies, stunned his leftist base with a big policy speech this week promising to slash spending and taxes. Some economists warn that could further stifle growth." -- Hollande... isn't he the one that raised top taxes to 75% and saw celebrities and entrepreneurs change citizenship? Isn't France Judas 00-bama's graven image to emulate? Hmmm, maybe "we" should adopt the 'Euro' for our currency as well. OO-bama couldn't print those up whenever he wants.
L-E headline: "Sheryl Crow to play at Detroit auto show preview" -- Hmmm, how ironically appropriate... a broken down entity in need of a bailout working in a broken down entity in need of a bailout.
Online headline: "Hillary Clinton's Controversial Magazine Cover" -- Ooops, my bad.. thought "Time" was rewriting Benghazi... again.
Door-to-door solicitations should be phased out. In this day and time, when we don't even let our kids play outside without supervision, legitimate solicitors are basically shields/ distracters for criminals casing out neighborhoods to see who is home. Exceptions can be made; children's organizations could have announced dates and the kids wear uniforms, and perhaps civic clubs could have support vehicles with signs attached park in prominent areas when members are active.
Why are there so many PSA "ads" on talk radio stations that have an URL address for ".gov"? Is the government paying for all those spots?
It really bothers me that utility companies are allowed to donate money to charities and corporate events. They are basically monopolies and get rates set/approved by elected political boards who accept the "donations" as expenses which effect the rate increases the utilities want to get approved to cover next years donations.
Online story: "A bipartisan group of lawmakers introduced legislation Thursday that would restore protections in the Voting Rights Act that were struck down by the Supreme Court last year.* The bill is bipartisan, with Republican Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner joining Democrats Rep. John Conyers, Sen. Patrick Leahy in introducing the legislation. " -- "bipartisan"? I think any "republican" from Wisconsin who associates with Leahy, Conyers, and John Lewis would be considered a RINO at best.
Online story: "Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid bluntly accused former Defense Secretary Robert Gates on Thursday of being "out to make a buck" with a memoir that attacks numerous other officials from President Barack Obama on down. * "He denigrates everybody, everyone, Secretary (of State Hillary Rodham) Clinton, the president, (Vice President) Joe Biden, me."" -- Hmm ... sounds a lot like "Senator Pot Calling A Kettle Black" is trying to close "the Gates" after the cows have left the barn...
The House passed a bill to make government responsible for alerting you if the information you post on the OObamaCRAP website is compromised . Harry Reid in the Senate refuse to take it to the floor of the Senate. I can only surmise that Democrats feel that the only thing government should be responsible for is overspending tax revenues.
You know, it's because of the tax freeze that Columbus has weathered the recession & the housing balloon burst. There's no telling what would have happened had Council had control over raising values and taxes to cover the growing operating costs for all the nonperforming projects Mayor Obamalinson pushed.
Online story:"Wednesday the Senate finally made a statement about Benghazi. A bipartisan Senate Intelligence Committee has found that the State Department could have likely prevented the death of four Americans in Benghazi if they would not have ignored the intelligence reports and pleas for assistance from our diplomatic mission. The findings are that increased security was needed * 15 persons in Libya who were attempting to cooperate with the FBI investigation are now dead. Isn’t that convenient? * Does it matter now Mrs. Clinton?" -- Hmmm, 15 dead big question is whether or not the NSA was tracking Bill Clinton's whereabouts and e-mail/text messages..
March of Dimes is out advertising. You know, there probably isn't a better named organization... for every dollar in, about a dime gets to the need.
Online quote service: ""The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything." ~ Albert Einstein" -- Same applies to bloc and one-issue voters who re-elect bad politicians.
Online story: "State lawmakers in Missouri are considering a measure that would create new gun safety laws. The measure would require parents and guardians, upon enrolling a child in school, to notify the school district if they own firearms. Stronger laws for parental responsibility over firearm access would also be extended to include negligent storage of firearms. Under the bill, failure to report the ownership of firearms or failure to store them properly would be a Class A misdemeanor, unless death or injury resulted, in which case the offence would be a Class D felony." -- Hmmm, my response would be... invaded the privacy of my home, and after the smoke clears, you'll have your answer... at least the police investigators will.
I really don't follow the Oscars.. could care less about someone else telling me whether he/she enjoyed a movie or thought someone did a good job when I went (or can go) to see it for myself... BUT, I do have one suggestion for Best Actor.... George Clooney for "Gravity". I really don't like Clooney, his politics stink, but he did an outstanding job in "Gravity". He played a role of self sacrifice, and if that's not superior acting, what is, cause he sure isn't that way in real life.
L-E story: "A new data visualization project by The New York Times, Mapping Poverty in America breaks down both the number and percentage of the population living in poverty in each county in the country." -- The New York Times? The L-E is citing "the New York Times" about local conditions? Does it sound odd that the L-E would print a New York Times evaluation of data collected by ACORN before it was disseminated by the White House spinmeisters?.. You know, it should sound odd, but it doesn't.. the L-E is so leftist.
Hmmmm, OObamaCRAP is going to use basketball legends to promote itself at an announced cost of about $100,000,000.00. Makes you wonder whether or not Dennis Rodman might have been on a sales mission to North Korea.
Hmmm, $50,000,000.00 of that advertising budget is going to be spent on NBA basketball game time slots... I know OObamaCRAP is trying to reach a certain market, but isn't this a little too much stereotyping and profiling?
Hmmm...Besides, wouldn't spending $100,000,000.00 on actual poverty healthcare help out better than paying that much to high income advertising executives/networks?
A Hollywood (_*_) has promised to make movie that will make the NRA wish it never existed. His point? Does he actually wish the number one organization for teaching gun safety never existed?
A liberal contributor on Fox was trying to blindly defend the Hollywood producer's "desire" to destroy the NRA. You know, watching a liberal flounder trying to defend something when she has zero knowledge or facts to even make up a position is really sorta fun. She would be a great SNL skit by herself .

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