Tuesday, January 21, 2014

You got to be kidding.. Judas Pinochi-00 is "suggesting" that his low ratings are because if racism. Good grief.. his ratings are low because of his lying to his base voters. His ratings are low because his promises to his base voters are not going to be free to them. His low ratings are not effected by conservative voters, their opinions are the same as they were in 2008, only with more conviction. No, racism has nothing to do with the low ratings, it's a clear case of voters' regret. Sadly, even with his base's loss of confidence in him, they'd still vote for him.. well, they'd vote against any one running against him. Racism, though? Not an iota...
Fox got a good laugh yesterday..uber-lib Alan Colmes was trying to defend Judas Pinocchi-00's New Yorker interview. He looked like the proverbial duck... trying to act calm & collected but unable to conceal the turmoil below as he churned his feet as fast as he could to stay afloat.
Sarah Palin struck a chord for unity yesterday when she wrote on her FaceBook page: "Mr. President, in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. and all who commit to ending any racial divide, no more playing the race card." -- Amen!
Online story: "A last-minute U.N. invitation for Iran to join this week's Syria peace talks threw the long-awaited Geneva conference into doubt Monday, forcing U.N. chief Ban Ki-moon to rescind his offer under intense U.S. pressure after the opposition threatened to boycott." -- "intense U.S. pressure"? What did the White House threaten... to cut off electricity at the headquarters in NY or rescind the immunity to parking tickets in NYC?
Online story: "Nine-time Olympic gold medalist Carl Lewis said Monday the governor called to dissuade him from running as a Democrat for state Senate in 2011 against Republican Sen. Dawn Addiego. * Lewis withdrew from the Senate race after a court ruled he didn't meet a residency requirement" -- What is this... pick on Christie month? I'm not even a Christie fan; don't even consider him a Republican. but what are Democrats trying to say... The Mayor of Hoboken's unsubstantiated and incredibly wild claim, and now this. Christie is a wily politician, which pretty much indicates he would not have done the things he's being accused of doing. In fact, it is the NJ Deomcrat Party that is actually doing to Christie what the Democrats are trying convince mainstream media did to it..
You know, if so called imbalances in criminal activities and consequences were acknowledged and treated as cultural problems rather than racist ones, logical citizens of all colors could meet and solve them because it would be in everyone's best interest.
The OObamaCRAP website went up on October 1st... it also went down on October 1st. It's now almost 3 months later, so why are we still talking about how insecure the website is?
Guess Rush appreciates the Breakfast Club. He used my mention of Obama's son, Trayvon, being micromanaged about a pro football career. It could be we think alike, but the times he's used one of my nicknames for Judas Pinocchi-00 in the past, he hasn't used them until after my blog has hit the streets. "NERO-BAMA" was the first, and 00-bama later.
Judas Pinocchi-00 says he wouldn't let his son play pro football. Having seen Pinocchi-00 toss a football, and I couldn't imagine a son of his would even be considered a prospect.
If Judas Pinocchi-00 can state he wouldn't allow his son play pro football, then why can't I say I'm not going to allow my children to sign up for OObamaCRAP? I think there's more danger in putting financial & medical info on the OObamaCRAP website than the probability of a son of Pinochi-00 even getting drafted.
You know, with his track record of lying through his teeth, marijuana supporters should be very concerned about Judas Pinocchi-00 claiming marijuana is safe.
ABC is scrambling for an escape for a politically incorrect comment "The Bachelor" made concerning gay perversion. Let's watch how ABC convinces the rest of the mainstream media that his apology should be accepted as all healing. In fact, let's bombard ABC that it has to put on "Gay or Bi-Batchelor" show on as well, and publisher the ratings.
You know, Slick Willy said he "tried" marijuana, but he didn't inhale.. yeah, right. On the other hand, Judas Pinocchi-00 admits freely he was an active user.. Personally, I just don't think he's ever exhaled.
Just watched a show on how "juice boxes" are made just reminded me how much I hated those. Unfortunately, my granddaughter is getting to the age she'll find them attractive, and I will trying to keep my car clean.
All weekend and all day Monday, there was a promo for an interview Meghan Kelly was airing on her Monday night show with Anthony Weiner. She asks him, how did you choose to be Carlos Danger? I really don't care, I will not turn her show on to find the answer, and I really hope I don't find out !
L-E headline: "28TH ANNUAL ALPHA PHI ALPHA MLK UNITY AWARD BREAKFAST * Lula Huff given MLK Unity Award" -- Good choice! In fact a real good choice, but a bit anticlimactic... we'd pretty much written off Mayor Obamalinson being in contention.
Bottom-of-the-barrel-low info voter's L-E "soundoff": " National wealth is most certainly finite. The more the 1% have the less the rest of have. Simple math." -- Simple math? What we have here is a very simple minded submitter.
L-E headline/story: "Despite up economy, Obama’s approval rating stays low * The stock market has hit sky-scraping highs, the unemployment rate has dipped to a five-year low and any number of economic statistics — new car sales, home prices, consumer spending — point to a perked-up economy that is steadily growing." -- Try as they may, White House/mainstream media spinmeisters avoid the one aspect that will truly indicate when the economy is "perked up". "steadily growing". Neither of those two claims will, no, can occur until the number of people who have dropped out of the job market start coming back in. There is no growth when fewer persons are working.

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