Sunday, January 12, 2014

Online story: "as he does with many of his criticisms, (former Secretary of Defense Robert) Gates softens the blow with a qualifier. "Having said that, I believe the president cared deeply about the troops and their families," he wrote. "And he would ensure that significant resources flowed to the Veterans Affairs Department and that it was protected from budget cuts. I never doubted Obama’s support for the troops, only his support for their mission." -- -- Wait a minute... Judas 00-bama can't be credited with supporting our troops if he didn't support the missions the troops were supporting... In fact, by not supporting the mission, 00-bama actually failed the troops personally.
Online headline/story: "Chris Christie Scandal Is An 'Impeachable Offense' If He Knew, Dem Lawmaker Leading Probe Says * "Using the George Washington Bridge, a public resource, to exact a political vendetta, is a crime," (NJ Assemblyman John) Wisniewski (D) said. "Having people use their official position to have a political game is a crime * "It's hard to really accept the governor's statement that he knew nothing until the other morning," -- Good grief... but I'll bet this guy has no problem 'believing' Judas 00-bama knew nothing about IRS, Benghazi, "fast&furious", Miriam Carey, or OObamaCRAP until he read about it in the news.
Online story: "Congressional Democrats have often been frustrated by his lack of attention to their concerns, but they've been especially disturbed lately that in his grand pivot to Asia and push for a 12-nation trade pact dubbed the Trans-Pacific Partnership, they and the rest of Congress largely have been cut out of negotiations. * "We want transparency. We want to see what's going on there," House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) told reporters. "We have a problem with that." -- Now Pelosi wants "transparency"? Noe Pelosi want to 'read it" BEFORE she passes it? What Pelosi needs is 20-20 HINDSIGHT as to what's been apparent to the majority of Americans but not to the majority of people who voted. What's even more troubling is that those people who voted for Judas 00-bama don't really care what Pelosi now thinks of him.
The HuffPost has its "Top 10 Crimes of 2013" up and running... liberal fluff... Not one of Judas 00-bama's scandals is mentioned.
Definition: Polar Vortex... God's way of saying, "Algore... Can you hear me now?
There's less than 1 minute to go in the Pats-Colts game...The NFL needs to make a rule change..Any team down by 21 or more points when the 2 minute mark comes in the 4th quarter can only throw passes of at least 40 yards when on offense.
Football will never be the same. Over-concern for concussions during hardnose tackling has referees sorta making players tiptoe about too much. And then, the players who get popped are being wheeled out to the locker room as though their agents had a clause in the contract making such action mandatory if someone gets knocked down. I guess the players must think they are covered by OObamaCRAP and aren't taking any chances.
L-E story: "A Columbus man accused of attacking three people Friday on Joy Road faces three aggravated assault charges, police said. * Police said he thrusted a screwdriver toward his live-in girlfriend and two other people at the mobile home" -- Good grief... guess we can expect liberals to march in front of ACE Hardware until Congress enacts new screwdriver control laws for background checks and registration.
Latest from "With employment at a 5 year high, we'll put more Americans than ever back to work." -- These guys are actually proud of having more people dropping out of the job markets which makes the percent of those looking for (but not finding) work go lower. They do this by extending unemployment, and then recruit them to volunteer to get more Democrats elected/re-elected. To hell with the war on poverty... paying unemployment benefits so those can volunteer to work as volunteers for politicians promising more unemployment benefits is the cycle we have to break.
You know, employment/unemployment numbers should only be measured by the number of people who are actually working versus the number of people who are within the range of 18 and 55/65 (depending on when they start collecting pensions).
Online story: " according to an analysis the Education Commission of the States, the non-partisan research group's report shows that across the country, states are making major investments in pre-K programs, with a nationwide increase of $363.6 million in funding compared to the previous year, or nearly 7 percent, for a total of $5.6 billion. In most states, funding surpassed pre-recession levels." -- What we have is public funded daycare. While there are arguments that do make such attractive in a way, there are too many horror stories of such daycare places that have unqualified owners/workers tending to the needs of small children which only exacerbates and extends the problems of preparing children for school/life. Show me a state that Head Start has a record of improvement for children's learning abilities as they progress through the primary education system.. I know GA can't and it already has such a program funded by the lottery. No matter what is claimed, it's just a program of p***-poor daycare.
Online story: " A panel of the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals on Friday affirmed a federal judge's approval of a multi-billion dollar settlement between BP Plc and businesses and individuals who lost money and property in the 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill. * BP had supported the settlement agreement leading up to the December 2012 ruling by U.S. District Court Judge Carl Barbier approving it. But the company has since argued the administration of the settlement is faulty because it allows claimants without actual damages to join in." -- Excuse me, but how can allowing claimants without actual damages to be compensated for any amount be considered fair or just?
Online headline: "Haley Barbour defends Chris Christie in bridge scandal, lashes out at 'liberal media'" -- Hmm, Barbour should have been lashing out at liberal "Republicans" who swallow the mainstream media Kool-Aid that the mainstream media will "like them" all the time as long as they are liberalish. Christie just got "McCained" before he won any Republican primaries.
We have to be aware of what is being served up from supposed conservatives. Steve Bertoni, a staffer at Forbes Magazine, was on a Fox panel yesterday suggesting we start a program of mandatory social service for all high school graduates to serve a year before they go to college. You know, I see merit in taking a HS grad and making him work for a living at a base rate job for a year because it might spur them to do better in college so they can get a better paying job, but to put said grads into social services for a year of indoctrination BEFORE putting them under the tutelage of liberal college professors would be a long term, fiscal disaster for America's future.
Judas 00-bama's spinmeisters are out in force this weekend trying to justify more budgeted money for the IRS to enforce OObamaCRAP. Their fallback line is "it's the law of the land'. Seems this phrase is becoming the White House signature for getting around the individual rights guaranteed to American citizens by our Constitution.
Online story: "Maine’s governor has made headlines for saying child labor laws are hurting the economy. He believes kids as young as 12 years old should be able to work. " -- Hmmm, that way they can say they're retiring when they are old enough for government entitlement programs of their own.
L-E headline: "MARTIN, TOMLINSON ALREADY BATTLING FOR BLACK VOTES * Turnout at Martin’s campaign lunch shows black support may be shifting months before election" -- You know... it's not about the black vote; it's about the bloc vote. How can a bloc vote repeat itself every election by it being taken for granted it will side with the party that promises more than it has, it can, or intends, to deliver?
L-E headline: "Commentary * In wake of scandal, Christie blames all but himself * Mary Sanchez" -- Hmmm, the headline would be even "truer" if just exchanged "Judas OO-bama" for "Christie", but there would be a major difference... Mary Sanchez wouldn't have written this, and if she had, the L-E wouldn't have printed it.
L-E headline/story: "Weed, whites and ‘crime’ * Changing attitudes about marijuana do not alter the ugly reality of America’s real ‘drug problem’ * By STACEY PATTON and DAVID J. LEONARD * Washington Post * ( Stacey Patton, senior enterprise reporter at the Chronicle of Higher Education. * David J. Leonard, associate professor and chairman of the Department Of Critical Culture, Gender and Race Studies at Washington State University.) *People with black and brown skin get very little leeway to experiment or self-medicate with drugs. When they do use marijuana, they’re much more likely to be viewed as criminal. For white America, being young and stupid, and having the ability to experiment with drugs and laugh about it later — as David Brooks, Bill Clinton, stop-and-frisk defender Michael Bloomberg and plenty of others have done — is the embodiment of privilege." -- This is the liberal mantra... make a racial issue out of a cultural issue. Not only does stirring the "racial pot" give these guys job security, these guys get paid to keep stirring the pot issue AND the racial issue.

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