Friday, January 3, 2014

When my Dad died in 2003, my sister's husband took a final picture of us 4 siblings on the steps of the home we grew up in, and my sister had that picture put on coffee mugs for each of us with the caption, "The Kirven "Boys" from 833" . My sister was never the last person picked in a neighborhood pick up game, so we all said "counting my sister, I have 3 brothers". Having had bad luck with "special mugs" being destroyed by dishwasher soaps, I rarely used it over the past 10 years, making sure to handwash it when I did. I'm using it now, and it brings me solace as I deal with the death of our oldest brother.

HuffPost headline: "Marines Delay Female Fitness Plan After Half In Bootcamp Fail" -- Let's be honest... whether you are a man or another woman, would you want the gal next to you to not be able to 'have your back'? No amount of political correctness can offset reality.
Online story: "Residents And Transients Don't Mix * Two types of orcas share the coastal waters of the Pacific Northwest. Residents, comprised of Northern Residents, which range from mid-Vancouver Island north toward the Alaskan panhandle, and Southern Residents, which range from mid-Vancouver Island south to Puget Sound, in the summer and fall. Residents live in tightly * knit families dominated by females. Each pod has its own signature collection of clicks, whistles, creaks and groans. Transients are distinguished primarily by what they eat: other marine mammals, including dolphins, porpoises, seals, sea lions and even larger whales. They travel in small groups and their range is greater than residents. Transients do not mix with residents, having split from their cousins, genetically speaking, tens of thousands of years ago. * For Naomi Rose, (now senior scientist at Humane Society International) who studied these animals for years, transients were “kind of like the local trash family; people that nobody in town really gets along with,” she joked with friends. “If it comes down to a street fight, the transients are going to lose.” A few years later, Canadian scientist Graeme Ellis would witness something close to what she imagined. He came across a Southern Resident group, J-Pod, tearing southward toward the mouth of a bay. He spotted three other orcas swimming away quickly about 100 yards ahead and recognized them as members of the T-20 transient group. They made a run for it, trying to skirt away, but J-pod would have nothing of it. Graeme saw whitewater churning, fins and flukes flailing, the nipping of skin. The screeches reverberated through the boat’s hull. When the transients got away, Graeme followed, only to discover bloody teeth marks on their skin. “Whatever the reason,” he said, “the T-20s definitely got their butts kicked." -- Where' Jesse and Al? Sounds like it's "OK" in the world of liberalism if orcas discriminate against other groups from moving into their neighborhoods, and treat roving 'gangs' in a stereotypical matter... even practice "stop & frisk" without probable cause.
Online story: "Jason Derek Brown speaks fluent French and has a Masters Degree in International Business. He is an avid golfer, snowboarder, skier, and dirt biker. Brown enjoys being the center of attention and has been and has been known to frequent nightclubs where he enjoys showing off his high-priced vehicles, boats, and other toys. He has been described as possibly having bisexual tendencies." -- Hmmm.. What does this description sound like... maybe a Craig's List "Personal's Ad"? What if I had the first paragraph to this: "Jason Derek Brown is wanted for murder and armed robbery in Phoenix, Arizona. During November of 2004, Brown allegedly shot and killed an armored car guard outside a movie theater and then fled with the money." What we have here is the description of one of the FBI's "10 Most Wanted" criminals. What's scary is Brown could probably get called in as a possible candidate for "The Bachelor".
Online headline: "2 Americans Arrested In Benghazi" -- Hmmm... yet no Libyans have been arrested in Benghazi for killing the Ambassador and three other Americans.
Online story: "Brad Pitt's Make It Right foundation, which built new homes for Hurricane Katrina victims in New Orleans, is now trying to make right after some of the wood in the structures has rotted. * The glass-infused wood product used in several homes has severely decayed after just a few years, despite a 40-year guarantee from wood manufacturer TimberSIL, the Advocate reports. The material is billed as a nontoxic barrier to deterioration." -- Ahhhh... liberalism at it's apex... Much todo was made over the political correctness of using such material, and in true "style over substance" liberal form, Brad Pitts automatically believed the liberal spiel about 'different is better'. Now... if we could only get liberals to look at entitlement programs with the same clarity so they'd see how the foundations of such have all rotted out. You know, that wouldn't do any good... they'd just want to throw more of other people's good money into it.
HuffPost story: "New mayor Bill de Blasio has big plans to terminate one of the longest-running traditions in New York City. On Monday, de Blasio announced that during his first week in office he plans to follow up on an election promise to ban Central Park’s horse-drawn carriage rides. * "We are going to get rid of horse carriages, period," de Blasio, who took office on Jan. 1, said at a press conference, according to CNN. He alleged the industry is a form of animal cruelty." -- Hmmm, this sorta ties up liberalism with a tight and pretty ribbon bow.. de Blasio wants to end cruelty to animals by eliminating a viable business for entrepreneurs, yet wants to increase the cruelty to New Yorkers and visitors to his city by eliminating "stop & frisk" actions that have worked to lower crime.
HuffPost story: " The California Supreme Court has granted a law license to a man living in the United States illegally who graduated from law school and passed the state bar exam." -- When is the San Andeas fault going to be hit with a big enough earthquake to send California out-to-sea"? How can a state allow an illegal alien to become an "officer of the court" while such person is wanted by the courts for breaking the law of the land?
It's already a joke... Colorado's new legal weed industry... TV coverage shows the Sean Penn character "Jeff Spicoli" has come to life. Of course the upright officials fall back on the premise that the law only allows those 21 or older to make a purchase.. Hmmm, isn't that the same age alcohol laws use, and how has that curbed the illegal use (and availablity) by teenagers and pre-teens?
You know about that ship that got stuck in ice in Antarctica.. yeah, the one doing research on global warming.. DOH! You know... the researchers need to publish their findings.. I'd love to know how a ship full of that much hot air got stuck in ice..
CNN interviewed Glenn Beck, and wanted to probe him to get him to say something juicy about Duck Dynasty, or Santa Claus. Instead Beck attacked CNN and mainstream media for focusing on tripe instead of the hetero-fascism going on against gays in Russia. Beck asked, "Do you know what happened last week in Russia?" "One of their biggest stars on television said that homosexuals should be put into the ovens alive. I didn’t think you could make the Holocaust worse but he’s like 'Why the gas chamber? That seems a little too humane. Let’s put them alive in the ovens. “I said on the air this week, I will stand with GLAAD," continued Beck. "I will stand with anybody who will stand up and say that’s crazy. That’s dangerous. That’s hetero-fascism. That’s what that is. And we’re talking about Duck Dynasty. Really? Really?” -- Yeah, CNN is truly about 'style over substance'.. Do you remember when the CNN Baghdad office looked askance from the atrocities of Saddam Hussein so CNN staffer would remain on Saddam's party invitation list?
You know, if every American, all 300,000,000 of us paid $100.00 a month for the right to be an American citizen, it would generate $360,000,000,000.00 in revenue, and taxes, per se, could be eliminated as could the IRS.
Hmmm, SEC 5 - others 2. Hmmm, who'd have guessed Saban would end a season on 2 consecutive losses.
Online story: "A professor who teaches constitutional law courses at the City University of New York’s John Jay College of Criminal Justice penned a Christmas Day essay blaming “southern White radicals” for the disastrous, slow-motion train wreck failure that has been the rollout of the Affordable Care Act. * The essay, by Gloria J. Browne-Marshall at the website Politics in Color, is entitled “2013: A Year of Racial Challenges.”
* “Southern White radicals vowed to stop implementation of the Obama-care law leading one to wonder if Tea Party members would oppose affordable healthcare if it came from a nonBlack [sic] President,” writes Browne-Marshall." -- What is it with black constitutional law professors? Black failures have long outlived their excuse of white oppression. OObamaCRAP is a product of Democratic Party blacks and whites, not "Southern White radicals"..
You know, Judas 00-bama said that if he had a son, it would look like Trayvon Martin. I guess if he said, "If I had a City, it would look like Detroit... or Chicago... or Philadelphia.. and he'd be even more right.
Yesterday, I had some brokerage business to attend to Downtown, so I took one of my of my daughters tag renewal bill with me to pay, thinking I could get two things done at once, plus be able to grab lunch while I was there. Item 2 didn't happen, so item 3 COULDN'T happen. Went to the Government Center only to find out that license renewal services were now located only at the Columbus Square Public Services Center. I lunched elsewhere other than Downtown... Unintended consequences? I actually doubt it..
Interesting... After spending 45 minutes mesmerized ... NOT... by one, BUT two flat screen TVs bookending the waiting line with HLN's SBT show on highlighting the life of Miley Cyrus, I left the Tag office, but took a side trip by the natatorium next door at 1:00. No wonder Parks&Rec couldn't devise a plan to cover the area without losing money. I witnessed the pool area with one adult swimmer doing laps, and a woman watching over her 2 kids in the play pool. There were 3 Lifeguards on active duty, and three ladies manning the ticket booths, plus sundry employees in various office areas. It's one thing to price services at a break even rate, but when you have 8 people on the clock for 3 users... It's a financial disaster waiting to happen... no, a financial disaster HAPPENING!
I guess Miley Cyrus can best be described as going through her "terrible twenties".
Speaking of Planned Parenthood, and Mikey Cyrus, wouldn't Miley be a great poster child for Planned Parentood?
Once again, with OObamaCRAP now 'the law of the land', why are tax dollars still being sent to Planned Parenthood?
New reality show concept... Put one camera in a wire cage and put Mikey Cyrus and Charlie Sheen in at the same time with the object being the most face-time on camera ...winner gets to be on the next week against the Justin 'the bomb' Bieber or Jay Carney winner.
There were about 40,000 new state laws passed in 2013... 40,000 state laws... not federal, not local, but states alone.. Now, do you feel more secure? Did you get more freedom? How about better off financially? If you answered, "Yes." to any of these, you have no clue about what's gone on in your life.
One states new law for 2014 calls for teens to get a note from their doctor before being allowed to use a tanning bed... that same teen can get Plan B or even an abortion without getting permission from her parents.
Colorado must have cornered the market on irresponsible laws passed. You know about marijuana, but Colorado also passed a law that 16 year olds (motor voter exxxxxtreme) can "pre-register" to vote when they turn 18. Guess the liberals don't want those teens to forget about registering at 18 when they are too high to remember (or too lazy) to get out and vote.
Low, low, low info voter's L-E "soundoff": "I read where 14,000 Alabamians and 16,000 Georgians are going to lose their unemployment benefits. If you vote Republican, then you are a fool. " -- Well, it is 'fools" that vote for joblessness when they vote for Democrats to begin with. It's the Republicans that want everyone who wants to work to have a job waiting for them. It's full employment that drives the economy and raise wages.
Another low info voter's L-E "soundoff": "The two biggest spenders the city doesn’t need are Darr and Tomlinson. " -- Giving credit where credit is due, the "soundoffer" got it half-right (which is a bout par for Democrats). Mayor Obamalinson's part is well documented, but Darr's budget problems are du=e to Democratic Partyy regulations about mental and physical healthcare that Darr doesn't have control of. Keep the blame where it belongs..
Extremely low info voter's L-E "soundoff": "Does anyone outside of the Obama regime even remotely believe that Iran is not unabashedly pursuing a nuclear bomb? " -- Huh? I think this low info voter has things backwards.
L-E's "Quotable": “Clear thinking requires courage rather than intelligence.” -- Thomas Szasz American psychologist (1920- 2012) " -- Hmm, that explains why Democrats are cowards as well.
L-E story: "LAS VEGAS — Thousands of Nevada immigrants showed up at Department of Motor Vehicle offices Thursday to obtain driver authorization cards under a new law that made the state the 11th nationally to offer driving privileges to people in the country illegally. " -- Hmmm, guess iilegal aliens need drivers' licenses to show their age when they drive to Colorado to legally bye what they smuggled in to dealers. On another point... why wasn't the DHS there with containment buses?
Why are college officials on the GA list of influential people? None of them has ever held a job that produces a product that provides revenue for their salary, and none will guarantee their students will actually get a job when they finish... That doesn't sound very influential to me...
L-E story: "CHEYENNE, Wyo. — One of the country’s largest producers of ammunition magazines for guns is leaving Colorado and moving operations to Wyoming and Texas because of new state laws that include restrictions on how many cartridges a magazine can hold. * Erie, Colo.-based Magpul Industries Corp. announced Thursday that it was moving its production, distribution and shipping operations to Cheyenne and its headquarters to Texas, making good on a vow it made to leave Colorado during last year’s gun control debate. " -- Well, the Colorado government just proved it does have a certain amount of "gun control" power.... the power to eliminate Colorado jobs.

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