Thursday, January 30, 2014

Online headline: "Pelosi To Republicans: 'Take Back Your Party'' -- It's really getting to the Democrats... "change" that is.. Pelosi's statement should be a dash of ice water in the face for McCain and his party element. Pelosi just told them that she likes what they did & thought because it made her job/life easier when they were in Republican control.
Remember this: "Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds." Guess Judas 00-Barnum's pen and phone was extra busy this week taking care of his union buddies. First he announced he was writing them higher paychecks, then he said he was setting up a new retirement account, and now he must have used his pen to strike out "snow" from working conditions that don't keep the mail from getting through.
Hmm, out of curiosity.. will the postal carriers get paid for not delivering the mail?
Hmmm, if President Bush had proclaimed he was going to use his pen and phone to bypass Congress, what would then Senator Judas 09-Barnum have said about that?
Online story: "A group of Democratic lawmakers is seeking to revive stalled gun control efforts on Capitol Hill, after President Barack Obama pledged in his State of the Union address Tuesday to take action "with or without Congress. * Reps. Alan Lowenthal (Calif.), Mike Thompson (Calif.), and Elizabeth Esty (Conn.) introduced a House resolution Wednesday calling for renewed congressional action to reduce gun violence in the United States." -- Wait a minute .. Democratic Party Congresspersons are encouraging Judas 00-Barnum to override the Constitution if Congress upholds it? These Democrats, and any others who support such course of action, should be arrested on perjury charges, and lying to Congress because they swore an oath to protect the Constitution when they took office. This is the oath Congresspersons are required to give before being seated: "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.", and if Judas 00-Barnum's assault on our Constitution doesn't classify him as a "domestic enemy", heaven help us.
You know... good leaders talk with their team and talk about things they can accomplish together. Judas 00-Barnum tells us what he wants to do whether anyone else is interested or not.
Judas 00-Barnum threw out a slick tidbit Tuesday night... He wants you to open a "My RA" savings account.... Of course he's named it "My RA"... he plans to confiscate it ...
Google is about to sell its Motorola cellphone division to Chinese tech giant Lenovo. Recently, IBM sold its personal computer division to Lenovo as well. Hmmm, you have to wonder if the NSA secretly owns controlling interest in Lenovo. Either that, or Lenovo will have the same access to our private lives as NSA.
The stock market is sliding based on 'the fed' trimming back on its monthly stimulus purchase of long term bonds. "the fed" says it's doing so because of hints of a recovering economy. I guess Wall Street has figured out that "the fed" is getting that info from Judas 00-Barnum, and who believes anything 00-Barnum says is the truth.
CNN said it runs a poll after State of the Union speeches, and "found" that 76% of Americans found Judas 00-Barnum's speech "positive" to some degree. In other 00-Barnum post-SOTU speeches, CNN has '
"found" previous "positive" feeling in 77%, 84%, 78%, and 92%. Just who is CNN polling? In my book, if CNN claims that 3/4ths to 9/10ths of Americans polled are "positive" for what 00-Barnum said/says, then CNN should have contacted me for my opinion in at least 1 or 2 of those polls. Polls conducted by mainstream media are total BS.
Online headline: "AP Fact Check PULVERIZES Obama State of the Union" -- Hmmm, obviously CNN did not poll anyone at the AP either.
Now it's being reported that the NSA was/is spying on your cellphone each time you open up the Angry Birds" app. Hey, NSA, beam your satellite camera down on me about noon today.. I'm going out for lunch, and right before I get in my car, you can get a real good picture of the "angry bird" I'm giving to you.
L-E story: "KENTWOOD, MICH. — Officials say the weight of snow may have caused a partial roof collapse at an industrial building in western Michigan." -- WRONG! It's Michigan... Michigan has lots of snow. Architects know this.. contractors know this. The roof collapsed because either the design or the construction process/materials were wrong. Snow was not the cause... snow happens.
Online story: "Usama bin Laden was a freedom fighter and the U.S. is a “neocolonial power,” according to a California state university teacher whose writings are required reading for his political science students. * Emmit Evans, a political science lecturer at the public university Cal Poly in San Luis Obispo, requires students in his "World Food Systems" class to read the textbook he co-authored, "The Other World." -- This (_*_) really doesn't deserve his name mentioned, but I want to make sure that if you ever see it, or learn another professor at your alma mater is a fan of his, you have the info to move on getting such (_*_)s out of the education system. This item usually would be "from the only in California department", but when it comes to college news, California is everywhere.
Online headline: "IRS customer service leaves millions of calls unanswered" -- Quick.. what's wrong with this image? It's a trick headline.. IRS doesn't have a "customer service" department!
Those folks on the Royal Caribbean cruise which had nearly 700+ people sick on board...wonder what they thought is worse: being sick to their stomachs at sea, or having to disembark in New Jersey?
You know..why is it so many people get sick when they go to hospitals or cruise ships? Both seem to use an awful lot of sanitizers that we do not do at home. Could that be the reason for staph and MRSA and Legionnaire's disease?
Yesterday, Judas 00-Barnum said he was going to sign a "bill" passed by Congress to start "MyRA" savings accounts. Huh? Didn't he just announce he was issuing a personal, Congress by-passing Executive Order to do that the other night?
In PA, Judas 00-Barnum said "we're not envious of people making more money than others if they're working hard".... Huh? Then why does he want those people to pay a higher tax rate?
You know, Judas 00-Barnum is out to raise the minimum wage because that's the salary range that he knows he can get out to vote for Democrats who offer no incentive for hard working employers to build there businesses and pay their team higher salaries.
Speaking of minimum wages... iindustry is not responsible for them.... it's an educational system problem.. Too many graduates are just not equipped to handle increased job responsibilities because they weren't exposed to the right educational tools in school.
Atlanta's weather woes baffle me... why weren't the Mayor and Council and various County School Boards on top of the situation? I heard one explain that he thought the worst of the weather was going to happen SOUTH of Atlanta... Good grief,,, did he mentor under Congressman Hank Johnson, (D) who thought the island of Guam would tip over if we congregated to many pieces of military equipment in one location on the island?
Low info voter's L-E "soundoff": " Great plan Lewis! However, please address magnet programs. To end this “divide” there should be no total magnet schools. All should have partial magnet programs; otherwise, high achievers will continue to choose one high school." -- He/she walks among us... the purpose of a magnet school/program is to give students from any part of town an opportunity to attend a school where all )or most) students are interested in learning more.. not just attend to while away their time until they can drop out or get a socially proffered diploma.
L-E headline: "Obama tries to make place for himself in history books" -- Huh? Judas 00-Barnum already has a place in the history books... worst ever US President!
Special interests groups, gays and illegal aliens in particular, are now voicing their anger that Judas 00-Barnum didn't say he was going to 'pen' Executive Orders to "right" what they feel they are "wronged" about. Heh hehe heh.. Hey he got your vote, and he's not running for re-election.. welcome to "real politics world 101".
L-E editorial: " A grant of $107,000 isn’t a huge line item in even a tight state budget. But used effectively, this is one that can do a lot of good. The grant will be used to help former offenders in four regions of the state, including southwest Georgia, reenter the work force." -- $26,750.00 per region will not even pay for office space rentals, much less utilities, and for sure, none of the money would reach down to the intended beneficiaries. Contrary to the L-E editorial responder's claim, this is not money well spent.

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