Thursday, January 23, 2014

Online story: Sen. Patty Murray (D-Wash.), a member of the Senate leadership, came out Wednesday against passing a bill to slap more sanctions on Iran during an interim six-month nuclear deal between that country and the world powers." -- Well, she's a Democrat. She's from Washington State.. We know what she's been smoking.

Well, bye to the shortest spell of an "evolving" name for our president. Judas Pinocchi-00 shall now be referred to as Judas 00-Barnum. He apparently has ousted P.T. for showmanship. Tip of the hat to an assist of a fellow BCer.
Online story: " Sears Holdings Corp is closing its downtown Chicago flagship outlet in April, the latest move by the retailer to cut the number of its stores as it relies more on online retailing. * The store has lost "millions of dollars" since opening in 2001, a Sears spokesman said on Tuesday. The closing will leave Sears' namesake chain without a store in the downtown core of its hometown. * Edward Lampert, who is Sears' CEO and top shareholder, said store closings are necessary because shoppers' habits are changing as they buy more online" -- "shopper's habits are changing"? Yeah, I'd say so.. too many 5-finger discounts, and EBT cards can't be accepted online?
Online headline/story: "U.S. Likely To Hit Debt Ceiling Sooner Than Believed * The length of time that the extraordinary measures can extend the nation's borrowing authority is significantly shorter than it was in 2011 and 2013," (Treasury Secretary Jack) Lew wrote. "This is in large part because the government experiences large net cash outflows in the month of February, due to tax refunds. For example, in 2013, the government experienced net cash outflows of approximately $230 billion in the month of February, as compared to average net outflows of $45 billion in the other months of the year." -- You know, using tax refunds as an excuse is basically more Judas 00-Barnum "showmanship". Tax refunds are neither the government's too spend nor are they an unexpected transaction. Refunds happen EVERY year at this time. This just gives mainstream media an alternative to reporting further about 00-Barnum scandals, and, at the same time, delays momentum of Republican candidates for the next election season.
Online headline: "Target Lays Off 475 Workers At Minnesota Offices" -- Hmmm... taking a play out of the Christie political playbook... Guillotine the credit card security department for getting caught in a business embarrassment.
HuffPost headline/story: "Aron Cramer: 'Income Inequality And Climate Change Are Actually Very Directly Linked' * In an interview with HuffPost on Wednesday, Aron Cramer, president and CEO of Business for Social Responsibility, said he thinks "income inequality and climate change are actually very directly linked." -- Huh? Who da... is Aron Cramer? Here's who he is: "Cramer served as an attorney in private practice in San Francisco and at ABC News in New York. He is a graduate of Tufts University and obtained his law degree from the University of California, Berkeley. He was born and raised in Los Angeles.
Cramer speaks frequently before industry audiences and in other fora, and has been widely quoted in media outlets including the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, National Public Radio and others. In 2004, he co-edited Raising the Bar, a publication providing guidance on implementation of the UN Global Compact principles."... a walking, talking liberal without a single economic contribution to life as we know it.
Be still my heart... I get recharged hearing about 35 states having already petitioned for a 28th Amendment, but I haven't found a site that names these 35 states. Who knows of a website that has such a list?
Online headline/story: "Gay Porn Star, Will Return To High School Following Suspension * A story made its rounds on the Internet this weekend after a Florida high school allegedly suspended senior R------ M------ when the principal discovered the student had appeared in multiple gay porn movies * Originally reported through ******, the poster claimed that M------ had been severely bullied after his classmates discovered his after-school job, causing school administrators to allegedly suspend him for "causing a campus disturbance." * A number of porn stars have faced disputes within school systems whether they were active in the adult film industry or not. In 2010, (a teacher) -- who directed and acted in a series of gay porn films under the name C----- O'N--- was dismissed from a substitute teaching gig in the Miami area after a principal discovered his films on a website. The following year, however, the Florida Education Practices Commission ruled that (said teacher) would not only be not only be permitted to teach, but was also eligible to apply for a permanent position as an educator." -- Good grief! we're not talking about a few "selfie" pictures.. we're talking about "paid for play" pornography participants that any student or teacher can access being supported by the Florida Education system.
Online headline/story: "'Star Wars: Episode VII': Carrie Fisher Confirms Harrison Ford, Mark Hamill Returning * "I'd like to wear my old [cinnamon buns] hairstyle again -- but with white hair," Fisher jokes. "I think that would be funny." -- Hmmm... I can see "Depends" and "Dentu-Creme" and OObamaCRAP will have "product placement" contracts.
Online story: " China's Lenovo Group is buying IBM's server business for $2.3 billion, expanding a product line-up dominated by PCs, tablets and smartphones." -- Hmmm, now China won't have to hack our military information.. it will own access to it.
Hmmm.. SuperBowl Sunday will have a competitor for TV time. It's Ground Hog Day, and Punxsutawney Phil may not come out of his 'man-cave'.
So Warren Buffet is going to pay out a Billion.., yes , a Billion bucks for a "perfect" March Madness bracket . The odds are phenomenal, to say the least, but probably right up the NSA's or Chicago politicians' alley to rig. Watch the Las Vegas odds when the fix is in.
Online story: " A new, 9-meter (29.5-foot) sculpture of Nelson Mandela is billed as the biggest statue of the South African leader. It also has a tiny, barely visible quirk: a sculpted bunny tucked inside one of the bronze ears." -- Hmmm, how'd that get there? Rumors have it the NSA planted a "Bugs".
Wow! Have you seen the pants the Swedish Olympic Curling Team will be wearing? Let's pray they don't show up on our golf courses.
One of the more astute and observant posters on the Columbus L-E website mentioned a real possibility of Council saving some real big bucks. She brought up the annual 3 mil stipend indigent care check Council still gives to Columbus Regional. Her point.. that with OObamaCRAP, there are no indigent patients anymore so that tribute could, should be stopped. Good point..but what does Mayor Obamalinson say about that?
Al Franken... probably the worst qualified and least deserving person ever elected to the U.S. Senate..why isn't Franken used as the "poster child" to why every Democrat Senator running for re-election should be sent home packing?
Online story: "On Morning Joe on MSNBC, liberal hack Katty Kay blamed Ambassador Chris Stevens for his own death at the hands of Islamic terrorists and outright lied about Stevens rejecting offered security personnel. * Katty Kay: 'Why were they not properly defended? And this report in a way is very sad because Chris Stevens, who was the ambassador who was killed who was clearly a brave and honorable man, was also fallible, and perhaps didn’t ask for, rejected even, some of the security that he might have had.' -- So, the "Hillary 2016" campaign begins
From the "maybe there is hope" department - Online story: "The Washington Post Fact Checker blogger finally fact-checked himself. * In a rare admission, The Washington Post’s Fact Checker, Glenn Kessler gave himself “Three Pinocchios” for peddling the line that Obamacare’s Medicaid expansion has covered an additional 3.9 million Americans so far. * “Bottom line: This number tells you almost nothing about how the Affordable Care Act is affecting Medicaid enrollment,” he wrote. “Reporters need to stop using it.” -- When the Washington Post.. any Washington paper/newletter/blog for that matter, actually goes back over what it has already printed as "fact" and tries to correct that.. then perhaps there is 'HOPE' that mainstream media will go back over all the Judas 00-Barnum scandals for a look-see. Maybe we can "HOPE' Hillary and Benghazi are frontrunner subjects.
The first of the main "planks" of The Homosexual Lobby is pushing in their campaign to reshape America:
1) The Homosexual Classrooms Act, requiring every school -- even private and religious schools -- to teach appalling homosexual acts." -- You know, if homosexuality were "normal", then you wouldn't have to teach aberrancy for something that comes naturally...
Online story: "As California faces the worst drought in its 163-year history with no hint of relief in sight, some scientists are calling the event a red flag for the future of the nation. * Gov. Jerry Brown raised the issue in his State of the State address Wednesday, saying “we do not know how much our current problem derives from the build-up of heat-trapping gasses, but we can take this drought as a stark warning of things to come.” -- No wonder Algore chose California to buy his last home... his neighbors think like him. Hey, it's not Climate Change causing the "hot air pressure ridge' off the coast that's keeping rain storms from coming in from the sea.. it's California politicians methane gas pockets from expelling too much BS over Global Warming.
Online headline: "Gov. Jerry Brown tells Californians why he's irreplaceable " -- Hmmm, maybe because he's the poster child for 00BamaCRAP's mental health coverage?
WTVM9 story: "PHENIX CITY, AL - A building in Phenix City that will be used by law enforcement agencies around the region was dedicated to the Russell County sheriff Wednesday afternoon. * It was dedicated and named after Sheriff Heath Taylor and has a plaque on the side of the entrance." -- Excuse me, as I don't have a dog in this fight, but I find naming a building after a current Sheriff somewhat of a political move to discourage any candidates who might oppose him in the future. This follows him having his name painted on the sides of all the Sheriff patrol cars as well. The Alabama Election Commission needs to step in on this situation.
WTVM9 story: "Authorities: No organized crime in Columbus" -- Mayor Obamalinson has obviously not read the police files on gangs and such terrorizing out streets.
WTVM9 headline/story: "Task force disrupts professionally catered dog fight, 34 arrests " -- Hmmm, apparently a rolling snack truck was on premise to serve these "sports fans". Hopefully, "hot dogs" were not on the menu.
Latest from the Democratic Party: "Hal -- Right now, it's an election year, and we need to start acting like it.
* Democrats across the country are going to be relying on all of us for support this year, and card-carrying DNC members are going to take the lead." -- Good grief... Democrats are against carrying photo IDs for voting, but want members to be card-carrying. The last time I heard of any political campaign to get to card-carrying members was by the Communist Party. Hmm.. maybe the DNC stands for "Deranged New Communists".
Online quote source: ""To educate a man in mind and not in morals is to educate a menace to society." - Theodore Roosevelt" -- Public Education should have seen this coming at Columbine, Newtown, VA Tech, U. Texas, et al....
Online unassociated quote: "Without tax income, government is likely to stop functioning." -- Wouldn't that appear to be a better option than the one that's overfunded now?
Publicly educated, low info voter's L-E "soundoff": "Timber owners should pay a higher tax rate than the rest of us because their logging trucks are always damaging our roads — not the poultry rate they currently pay." -- "poultry rate"? Hmmm, something smells "fowl" here, but from what I see, obviously more tax money is being wasted on public education than it costs us in taxpayer funded pot-hole repairs.
L-E story: "OAKLAND, Calif. — A San Francisco Bay Area public transit officer who was shot and killed by a fellow officer while searching an apartment was looking for a laptop and related items that had been stolen, the transit agency police chief said Wednesday." -- Hmmm, illegal aliens can't be arrested; tiny fish keep farmers getting irrigation during droughts; Moonbeam Brown, Nancy Pelosi and Diane Feinstein are it's political leaders, and transit officers investigate thefts and are armed and dangerous. Only in California.
L-E headline/story: "Obama targets college sexual assault epidemic * A White House report highlights a stunning prevalence of rape on college campuses, with 1 in 5 female students assaulted while only 1 in 8 student victims report it. * “No one is more at risk of being raped or sexually assaulted than women at our nation’s colleges and universities,” said the report by the White House Council on Women and Girls" -- And you know what will be the first area of discussion to be avoided... policies initiated to install coed dorms, coed floors and coed bathrooms for teens leaving their homes for the first time.
L-E headline/story: "Justices hear case on restitution over child pornography * In a Supreme Court argument Wednesday that was part math problem and part seminar on the nature of culpability, the justices seemed to agree on just two things. * The first was that Doyle R. Paroline, convicted in 2009 of possessing 280 images of child pornography, “is a bad guy,” as Justice Antonin Scalia put it. * The second was that the child shown in two of those images had suffered terrible harm, first from the sexual assaults committed by another man two decades ago and then from the mass circulation of depictions of her abuse. * A 1994 federal law allows the victims of child pornography to seek restitution from people convicted of viewing images of their abuse. Amy’s lawyers say her losses, for a lifetime of therapy, lost income and legal bills, add up to $3.4 million." -- You know.. the system isn't working to help the victim.. it's primary interest is how much money one group of lawyers think another group of lawyers should get. Without the money on the line, where would this case be?
Seems that in the Sochi Olympic venue bathrooms, there will be twin commodes in every toilet stall and users will be sent in pairs to use them. There will be no privacy barrier between them, either. Glad the Olympics are not in California, and California would demand that men could go in the women's restrooms and vice versa.

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