Sunday, February 2, 2014

A man was arrested in NYC for making a threat on Bush43's life. My first thought was Judas 00-Barnum had gone too far in a fundraiser speech, and a liberal made a "citizen's arrest".
Punxsutawney Phil made an appearance and predicted 6 more weak excuses from Judas 00-Barnum until Spring.
You know, Punxsutawney Phil must be a Republican voter.. He sticks his head up to see what's going on, while Democrat voters are more like ostriches with their heads buried in the sand.
Online headline: "Board allows gynecologists to treat more men" -- OObamaCRAP again! I pray every male Democratic who voted on OObamaCRAP without reading it be made to have a mandatory speculum exam when their doctors give them maternity treatments!
Chris Christie is going to catch it from all sides today in East Rutherford... He'll get blamed for the traffic delays in getting into the stadium, and especially at the women's bathroom facilities.
Referees for the Super Bowl will get paid $10,000.00 each. Those guys actually get paid?
Hillary's confession that she hasn't driven a car herself since 1996 is a little disconcerting.... you know, what she really said was that she's so used to riding in the back of a limo, that she has no connection with America's middle class.
During "sequester", our economy grew faster than before or after "sequester". That pretty much deflates the Democrats' claim that government spending spurs the economy.
Congress just passed a bipartisan farm bill that includes a $3,000,000.00 portion to promote/advertise "Christmas trees". If there is any aspect of separation of church & state from "Christmas", this should be first in line.
Government intrusion is reaching new depths. I can see the need for knowing the total amounts of credit card and mortgage and loan debts of the American populace, but why does government need to know how much individuals owe? A Fox contributor coined an appropriate phrase for this... a giant credit colonoscopy.
Judas 00-Barnum's penchant for lying seems to rub off and grow in his spinmeisters. One such spinmeister claimed 00-Barnum had " created" 8,000,000 jobs since he's been in office. Of course, "created" is the key word to parse. The Bureau of Labor reports there are 1,000,000 fewer jobs now than when Judad 00-Barnum took office. Yes, Judas 00-Barnum had taught his minions that "lying" is really only a fact "created" to fit his needs.
The spinmeister on Fox claiming that Judas 00-Barnum has "created" 8,000,000 jobs so far.. When he was "shot down" by the Bureau of Labor stats that there are actually 1,000,000 less jobs today than when 00-Barnum took office...well, he just sat there, like Uncle Remus' "tarbaby"... he just smiled wider and didn't say nothing. What a crock!
California is hiring ex-cons as OObamaCRAP "navigators" . With all the other security problems of signing up on the web, now Californians (things like this start in CA, then move East) are having to give personal info & vital numbers to folks who may have been in jail for financial crimes.
The problem with liberal economics analysts is that they think throwing money at a problem is the cure-all.
It's strange, yet rewarding in it's own way, that the introduction of a grand baby means watching Sesame Street on occasion. Yesterday wad one of those "aha!" moments. Michelle Obama was on and was demonstrating vegetable seed planting. She instructed the kids involved to spread them around like they were planting rye grass. Hmmm, sorta makes you wonder whether she's been planting "grass" in her White House garden.
Online quote source: ": “Success does not consist in never making mistakes but in never making the same one a second time.” - George Bernard Shaw" -- This needs to be etched across the top of every ballot and voting machine!
L-E headline/story: "Columbus Crime | 2013 crime statistics * stats show worst residential crime zones * Mayor Teresa Tomlinson, who serves as the city’s public safety director, said Columbus’ worst crime zones tend to be economically depressed areas where offenders believe they have little to lose." -- What about the rest of the story? Bet no one at the L-E looked into what the vote was for Mayor Obamalinson and Judas 00-Barnum in their last elections. Wanna bet how they vote in the next election, too?
What is it with liberal commentary sought out by the L-E? For years we've been polluted by the ramblings of Leonard Pitts, and recently, the L-E has brought us an associate professor from Lagrange, and a bleeding heart Kansas City gal. Maria Sanchez poison pens today that: "The blind eye we turn to techniques of execution is giving cover to disturbing changes with lethal injection. The drugs that have traditionally been used to create the deadly “cocktail” administered to the condemned are becoming harder to get. Major manufacturers are declining to supply them for executions, and that has led states to seek other options.
That raises questions about how effective the lethal drugs will be. At least one execution appears to have been botched. In January, an inmate in Ohio was seen gasping for more than 10 minutes during his execution. He took 25 minutes to die. The state had infused him with a new cocktail of drugs not previously used in executions." --
You know, I could really care less about any pain or discomfort a murderer feels when being put to death.. it's a far less painful than what the victim went through and even way less painful for what the victim's family has been put through.
You know.. demonstrative pain should be required in every execution of the death sentence.. and public at that.

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