Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Online story: "NBC News says veteran newsman Tom Brokaw has cancer. * The network says Brokaw was diagnosed in August with multiple myeloma, a cancer affecting blood cells in the bone marrow. Doctors are optimistic about his treatment." -- Multiple myeloma... I remember decades ago when myeloma was considered the worse of cancers... the most painful of cancer deaths. An assistant who worked for me at Kirven's died with myeloma. She fought pain bravely for many months before she was correctly diagnosed. Finding out nothing would stop the spread or the pain "broke" her. She died weeks later. Now, doctors can be optimistic. God is good, indeed.

Will the NFL have a "Magic Johnson" situation in the future following the announcement of the Missouri draft choice player? Remember the farcial defensive moves NBA players made when Johnson drove the lane after it was announced he was HIV positive? It was like Cecil B. DeMille was directing the sequel to the parting of the Red Sea. Johnson retired for the integrity of the game. We'll have to wait and see how the NFL handles it.

Light at the end of the tunnel? Researchers are now saying that the "flu" shot given to pregnant women will reduce the risks of a baby being born with autism, and the shot is safe at any stage of pregnancy. Pray this will pan out as true.

It's 37 degrees outside, and rainy. After the snow/ice storms of a couple of weeks ago, our local schools have shut down again even though the temperatures are not anywhere close to the past storm system. Things are back to normal... the sky is falling syndrome has returned.

Shirley Temple Black died yesterday. A few of you were entertained by her childhood theatrics; most of us were impressed at her statesmanship as an Ambassador; some will ask "who"? Regardless of what you remember or don't, we have lost a person who made a difference in our lives.

Online story: "Gov. Jay Inslee, Democrat, said Tuesday he was suspending the use of the death penalty in Washington state" -- Hmm, well, we probably know what they were smoking in that smoke-filled back room.
Iran is attacking America by sea. Yep, Iran is sending two non-lethal, rust-bucket naval ships to US maritime borders to demonstrate "its international power/presence" to the home front.. Iran's move is but a reflection of the world's opinion of Judas 00-Barnum's lack of presence. Bet 00-Barnum 'double dog dares' them to cross that invisible line.
French President Francois Hollande must be a real embarrassment to France... he was caught riding a scooter to another woman who was not his mistress, and couldn't get a date to go to the White House for dinner.
Online story: "A newly-released email shows that 11 days after the killing of terror leader Osama bin Laden in 2011, the U.S. military's top special operations officer ordered subordinates to destroy any photographs of the al-Qaida founder's corpse or turn them over to the CIA" -- Get real... if you had a copy/negative/digital file of a dead bin Laden, would you turn it over without making a copy for yourself?
--- .... Saw an advertisement for on BET-TV. What about the importance of "diversity"? Can you imagine what mainstream media would be saying if there was a
The City healthcare plan looks like it could have a deficit if $2 Million or more. Hmmm, then why is Mayor Obamalinson do bent out of shape on the budget overruns for the jail medical obligations?
Those aerodynamic spandex 'skin' suits the luge women wear.... Why? Once they get ready to compete, they have to put on that less than aerodynamic competitors' jersey.
Online story: "Leave it to Democratic politicians to suggest that not only is the record number of people leaving the labor force not a bad thing, but that the continuing loss of jobs and reduction of hours because of their policies is “a great opportunity” to finally kick back and relax." -- Yesterday, I mentioned Congressional Democrat from Minnesota, Keth Ellison's "take" that families will have more time to cook meals at home. Today here's a quote from "Mrs. "Unemployment Checks are Stimulus" herself, Nancy Pelosi, who last week said, "What we see is that people are leaving their jobs because they are no longer job-locked. They are following their aspirations to be a writer; to be self-employed; to start a business. This is the entrepreneurial piece. So it’s not going to cost jobs. It’s going to shift how people make a living and reach their aspirations." If you didn't have a reason to wish California would drop off into the sea before now, just consider that Californians have sent her to Washington for 26 years so far. I think it's time that she be retired to actually live in California so Californians can learn to disgust her like the rest of the country.
From the "who'da thunk it" department - Now we're hearing there's a gene that makes your brain grey matter thicker, and therefore smarter. Wow, guess we'll have to revamp our thinking that we are referencing less smart yahoos as "dense" and "thick-headed".
Philosophy 101 as seen by a fellow BCer: Why carry a gun? Because a cop is too heavy and unwieldy.
How can Judas 00-Barnum play it both ways concerning inflation? He has his spinmeister minions out denying we have any inflation so the fed will keep interest rates low, but claims the minimum wage needs a 40% increase to keep up with inflation.
You know, how can Judas 00-Barnum proclaim OObamaCRAP is " the law of the land" passed by Congress, then personally alter it as suits his political whim of the moment?
The MCSD got "lucky" the last time they cried "snow", but today's school system closing is another in the usual pattern of overreacting to the Weather Channel's hype.
Today is Abraham Lincoln's birthday.. Guess the L-E and most mainstream media are leaving this tidbit out because liberals hate to celebrate Republican Honest Abe when they have to look at Judas 00-Barnum occupying that role today.
I'm not going to chastise the House Republicans for passing an increase in the debt ceiling. I'd rather the Republicans defend being budget busters at the November elections rather than being portrayed as obstructionists by the Democrats and mainstream media. Republicans need to win big in November in order to repair damages inflicted by the Democrats, and with majorities in both House & Senate, Republicans can still elect not to spend money that they have authorized as the cap.
You know... MLB may just have to put an asterisk beside Hank Aaron's 715 home run event.. one that stands for "no steroids".
James Carville has been recruited by Fox News as another liberal "contributor? You know, combined with Juan Williams, and Slob Beckel, Fox News can no longer claim to be "fair & balanced".
Online story: "A three-judge panel of the Richmond-based 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals unanimously upheld a federal judge's ruling that the "Choose Life" license plate is unconstitutional because the state doesn't provide the same forum for motorists on the other side of the contentious issue, a federal appeals court ruled Tuesday." -- Good grief! Looks like the libs have decided to go after the 1st Amendment rather than the 2nd one because mainstream media buys ink, not ammo, by the barrel.
Judging how Secretary of State Kerry thinks and talks about Israel, we have another reason to be glad he wasn't elected president. I just wonder how the Jewish vote can still support the Democratic party with such fervor.

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