Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Judas OO-Barnum's puppet at the Secretary of Defense's office says our superior technology will make up for fewer soldiers on the military payroll. Hmmm, how did "superior technology" work out in Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and our Mexican border? If 3rd world countries feared our "superior technology" we wouldn't NEED foot soldiers at all, especially as post-skirmish occupation.
Our courts of appeal have opened a door that may lead to the neutering of our deportation policy for criminal illegal aliens. A member of MS 13 gangland was caught, and before his deportation, pledged to renounce his membership into the gang, and is seeking asylum based in his fear of being killed if returned to his home country. A court of appeals reversed a lower court judge's decision to send the criminal home anyway. Talk about a boondoggle that might get al Qaida scum at Gitmo an entry solution to mainland America!
Online story: " Gunmen from Islamist group Boko Haram ( whose name means "Western education is sinful") stormed a boarding school in northeast Nigeria overnight and killed 29 pupils, many of whom died in flames as the school was burned to the ground, police and the military said on Tuesday. * Some of the students bodies were burned to ashes * All those killed were boys * They have also started abducting scores of girls, a new tactic reminiscent of Uganda's cult-like Lord's Resistance Army * The Islamists, whose struggle for an Islamic state in northern Nigeria has killed thousands and made them the biggest threat to security in Africa's top oil producer, increasingly are preying on the civilian population." -- Pray for the Christian missionaries you and your churches are supporting in Africa... it is war!

Online story: "Even the scoreboards in high school gyms will have to advertise only healthy foods under new rules announced Tuesday by the Obama administration. * That means a scoreboard at a high school football or basketball game eventually wouldn't be allowed to advertise Coca-Cola, for example, but it could advertise Diet Coke or Dasani water, which is also owned by Coca-Cola Co. Same with the front of a vending machine. Cups, posters and menu boards which promote foods that don't meet the standards would also be phased out" -- Good Grief! Judas 00-Barnum's whole legacy will be about minimum wages and food control.. He'll eventually be referred to as the black Michael Bloomberg.
Democrat Gov Malloy of Connecticut tried to undermine Rep Gov Jindal of Louisiana's claim that Judas 00-Barnum's legacy will be known as "the minimum wage presidency" . Malloy said we shouldn't bemoan someone making $404.00 (40 x $10.10) a week. Hmmmm, how about the worker getting cut to 29 hours or less because of OObamaCRAP and grossing only $292.90 instead?
You know, when future Black History Months are highlighted, will historians want young students to be reminded of the legacy of Judas 00-Barnu?
You know, those scoreboards were probably donated with contracts attached. If schools remove them, they may be subject to law suits, and no more participation with the big concession brands who consider these as advertising budget items. Looks like another "unfunded Judas 00-Barnum mandate" being dumped on local school boards/taxpayers.
Online story: "Police on the island nation of Seychelles say that two former U.S. Navy SEALs found dead aboard the ship Maersk Alabama died of respiratory failure and were suspected to have had heart attacks, possibly from drug use. * The police said Monday that a syringe and traces of heroin were found in their cabin. Police said samples are being sent to Mauritius for analysis to establish if the men had consumed "a substance" that could have caused the health failures." -- Hmmm, glad it didn't happen here in Columbus... cause of death would have been determined as "accidental" and no one would ever know for sure.
Online story: "Acetaminophen, the active ingredient in medications including Tylenol and Excedrin, is the most commonly used over-the-counter pain and fever reliever during pregnancy. Now, research suggests it might increase the risk of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder-like problems in children. * The findings, published in JAMA Pediatrics on Monday, are preliminary and do not establish cause and effect. However, they do intensify questions about the risks and benefits of taking the medication while pregnant. * Aspirin and ibuprofen -- nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or NSAIDs -- are generally not recommended as pain relievers for pregnant women, particularly during the last three months. Acetaminophen-based medications such as Tylenol, however, have generally been thought to be safe, and estimates suggest that more than 50 percent of women in the United States take acetaminophen at some point while pregnant" -- Wow! Legal ads for Tylenol class action suits are about to make the one about mesothelioma seem isolated. Watch McNeil stock if you have it stashed away.
Online story: "A bus driver who was shot in the chest was saved by a Bible in his pocket, leading police to believe that "some kind of intervention" took place. * Investigators found a pair of bullets lodged in a copy of "The Message," a contemporary translation of the New Testament. Wagoner had just started carrying the book in his pocket last week * Ricky Wagoner, from Dayton, Ohio, was trying to repair his broken-down bus on Monday morning when he was approached by three men, according to police. * He heard suspects say that it was time to kill a polar bear to get into a club * The assailants shot Waggoner in the leg and stabbed him in the arm, but he told a 911 operator that he was able to fight back. He stabbed one of them with a pen before all three men ran away * I didn't want to stay there,'' he said in the recording of his 911 call. "I took the gun and knife away from them and shot at them. * The three suspects remain at large." -- You know, what we're going to hear next is the driver loses his job and the police arrest him for discharging a firearm in the city.. We can pray for justice though, and maybe the 3 thugs will face gang retribution for their failure.
Online story: "Only a small fraction of Army women say they'd like to move into one of the newly opening combat jobs, but those few who do say they want a job that takes them right into the heart of battle, according to preliminary results from a survey of the service's nearly 170,000 women. * That survey and others across the Army, publicly disclosed for the first time to The Associated Press, also revealed that soldiers of both genders are nervous about women entering combat jobs but say they are determined to do it fairly. Men are worried about losing their jobs to women; women are worried they will be seen as getting jobs because of their gender and not their qualifications. Both are emphatic that the Army must not lower standards to accommodate women." -- This must put the Democrats in a quandry... double standards to insure women can get killed in action while blaming Republicans for their "war on women".
Online story update: "In his opening statement, defense lawyer Gerald Lefcourt said Kennedy was not disputing that she drove erratically. But he said it happened because Kennedy accidentally took an Ambien sleeping pill that morning instead of her thyroid medication. * Prosecutor Stefanie DeNise said even if Kennedy took the sleeping pill accidentally, she violated the law by failing to stop when she felt its effects. * Trooper Bradley Molloy said Kennedy passed several drug tests that he administered at the police station. The tests included having Kennedy follow the tip of a pen with her eyes, stand on one leg and touch the tip of her finger to her nose, Molloy said. * Kennedy told the trooper that she had consumed some carrots and a cappuccino that morning and had slept about eight hours the night before. Molloy said Kennedy also told him she was concerned that she might have accidentally taken a sleeping pill instead of her thyroid medication. She said she had Ambien and the thyroid pills next to each other in her medicine cabinet.
"The defendant was not impaired by any drug," Molloy said. "I feel she may have suffered a medical condition while driving." * Molloy said Kennedy was polite and cooperative." -- You have to wonder if NY will drop the ball as fast for this Kennedy as MA did for another Kennedy at Chappaquiddick?
HuffPost story: "Approximately 4 million individuals have now signed up for health care plans under the newly created Obamacare insurance exchanges, a senior administration official told The Huffington Post on Tuesday." -- Hmmm, give or take a million or two? If the figure had reached the 7,000,000 level 6 weeks early.. now that would be something to crow about... but the only crow here is the one Judas 00-Barnum will be eating.
HuffPost headline/story: "Obama, Boehner Discuss Range Of Issues During Rare Private White House Meeting * President Barack Obama and House Speaker John Boehner (BAY'-nur) have met for about an hour at the White House, their first one-on-one meeting in more than a year. * Spokesmen for Obama and Boehner say the meeting was "constructive" and covered a wide range of issues." -- You gotta be kidding me... Judas 00-Barnum invites the House Speaker into the White House for the first time in more than a year, and "covered a wide range of issues"? The dang photo-op session probably took 45 minutes to stage. Looks like Boehner has been set up again as the 'obstructionist'., and 00-Barnum's excuse for the next round of his avoidance of Congress to get his agenda moving.
"case in point" online story: " One of the Republicans who Democrats say they're wooing for an unemployment insurance deal said he hasn't heard from Democratic leaders in weeks. * "At no time over the past few weeks has the Democratic leadership reached out to Senator Coats or his staff," a spokesman for Sen. Dan Coats (R-Ind.) said in an email to reporters * Senate Democratic leaders had been eyeing Coats and Sen. Mark Kirk (R-Ill.) as potential supporters of legislation to restore the benefits, which expired in December for more than 1 million workers who've been unemployed longer than six months" -- And who will get the mainstream media blame as obstructing action?
Hmmm... Libs... for a group that goes into a frenzy when taxpayers try to mix their religion into government issues with the "separation of church and state" defense, well, they sure are for government controlling taxpayers when taxpayers want to separate church/religion issues with the public.
Why not let business use their religious beliefs to determine their desired customer bases? If a business feels it better serves its customer base by being exclusive, then another business can focus on/go after the others not included. Smart businesses will try to appeal to all customers that may want to use their product, but then other smart businesses know they can do best by focusing in on the aspects that fill a smaller bases' needs better. Throw the wheat in the air and let the chaff fall where it may.
From a fellow BCer: "Online quote: "I feel myself becoming part of everything. I seem to be super sensitive to people's joy and pain. I ache for unwanted children in the world, for polar bears, and elephants, and Monarch butterflies, and dolphins, gorillas and chimpanzees.' - Jane Fonda" -- Yeah, she really ached for the prisoners' of war pains after her betrayal of them in Vietnam..
Low... low... low info voter's L-E "soundoff": "Vietnam is once again a beautiful, peaceful country. President Johnson died in disgrace. God bless Jane Fonda and the protesters who stopped that horrible war. May the little children rest in peace." -- If there's anything to "God _____" Jane Fonda for, Judas 00-Barnum's old preacher, The "reverend?" Jeremiah Wright should be the one to do it, and like he rant he had at America.
Food stamp participants can get cash from independent ATMs. Colorado pot shops are putting in independent ATMs so EBT cards can get cash in such stores. Wonder if any industrious Girl Scouts will set up cookie tables in those pot shops?
Queen Pelosi said "there's nothing left to cut" from the federal budget. News out is that government waste for 2012 totaled $100 Billion.. that's more than was cut by the sequester .
Mayor Blowfish Obamalinson really is trying to bully the owners of Victory Mobile Home Park by sidestepping the responsibility she has as the City's head of Public Safety. The owners pay property taxes, and are due Mayor Obamalinson's best efforts to keep their renters as safe as possible.
Bleep Veep Biden just threw single mothers under the bus. He said they were out working full time to pay for healthcare, and now they wouldn't have to work as long or hard. Excuse me.... I do believe responsible parents, whether single, divorced, or married want independence, security, good self-esteem, a future with a light at the end of the tunnel...not dependence on government, not dependence on a program that restricts where you live or what you eat, not healthcare that limits medical services and access to the needed doctors. How do women support the Democratic Party?
Susan King must have written the "talking points" for Kathleen Sebelius's tirade against the Congressional Budget Office figures of the lack of OObamaCRAP sign ups.
When you think about it, there's a perfectly good reason most atheists are liberals/Democrats. It's a matter of not wanting to be personally responsible for yourself and your family.
Why is Social Security considered in the Federal Budget? If anything, its inclusion dilutes the depth of debt the rest of the government has run up. Social Security for retirees is all user contributed and solvent. Take those revenues received out of the picture, and the imbalance really skews.
The FDA is finalizing a Judas 00-Barnum mandate to make larger restaurants to post calorie/diet info by each item on their menus. Hmmm, in what languages (English, Spanish ... both, what about a Japanese restaurant...English, Spanish, Japanese, and Chinese? Will the French protest? Pity the Portuguese...and Russians and Arabs/Islamist. Where will government intrusion end. Are there enough trees in the planet to make the needed menus? Liberalism absolutely sucks!
Democrat Gov Malloy of Connecticut tried to undermine Rep Gov Jindal of Louisiana's claim that Judas 00-Barnum's legacy will be known as "the minimum wage presidency" . Malloy said we shouldn't bemoan someone making $404.00 (40 x $10.10) a week. Hmmmm, how about the worker getting cut to 28 hours or less because of OObamaCRAP?
Remember Judas 00-Barnum's claim that if you work hard you can achieve? You know, if anyone I ever hired for a minimum wage entry level job worked hard from the gitgo, I definitely raised their salary at the end of 3 months, and paid them what I thought would keep them from moving to another job. This principle is what has made America the dream center of the world, not mandatory minimum wage increases.
We finally got the answer mainstream media has tried to avoid since the State of the Union diatribe. You know, to whom was Biden aiming his "finger gun"? Tuesday late night he revealed that a Democrat Senator had asked Bleep Veep Joe not to stand up every time Judas 00-Barnum stopped talking. "Joe" said yes, but "Joe" aimed his "finger gun" at that same Senator who stood up 17 times. Who says "Joe" doesn't have responsibilities ? He notes how many times other Democrats applaud Judas00 Barnum.
L-E's "Quotable": “Failure is not fatal, but failure to change might be.” - John Wooden American sports leader (1910-2010) -- Hmmm, maybe this should be posted in the Democrats' Primary election votng booths.
L-E story: "(outspoken lawyer, Frank) Myers announced in a news release Tuesday afternoon that he will seek the nine-member board’s District 8 seat, held by Beth Harris." -- Hmmm, well, I guess that makes one decision easier.. whether to support Harris or not. I cannot think of a more disruptive, self-serving person than Myers to actually having a vote on school board issues. This is the same guy who ranted he controlled several board members' votes based on the fact he "helped" them get elected to begin with.
L-E headline/story: "MUSCOGEE COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT * Superintendent to present initial plan at two public forums * Instead of relying on the media, residents can hear for themselves the Muscogee County School District’s new superintendent present his initial assessment and recommendations." -- Wait a minute...using the Ledger-Enquirer to get the word out that he's not going to rely on the Ledger-Enquirer...isn't that oxymoronic?
Looks like Mayor Obamalinson has hoisted herself by her own petard right here at election time. She's blasted the Sheriff's budget, and the only way to get some of it cut is to take mandated,(and much needed) deputies off duty.
L-E story: "Macy’s Inc.’s fourth-quarter profit rose 11 percent, but the department store chain suffered a sales shortfall because a string of winter storms chilled business in January." -- Profits up; sales down.....There's only one way this scenario can happen.. lower labor costs ... which means fewer people on the floor. So much for the economy surging.

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