Friday, February 14, 2014

Karzai is snubbing Judas 00-Barnum by releasing about 65 "terrorist detainees", ones our soldiers captured and turned over to Afghanistan to try/incarcerate. You know, this is not unexpected.. Karzai doesn't care if the releasees kill our soldiers.. he is just looking out for himself for when the Taliban resumes power following 00-Barnum's scheduled pullout.
You know.. What Karzai has done is totally blamable on Judas 00-Barnum's schedule announcements to withdraw American soldier support. If 00-Barnum pledged to be there until the Taliban was eliminated or conceded, Karzai would still be in our corner.
Online story: "A fantasy game enthusiast was sentenced to life in prison without parole for beating a former Pensacola newspaper reporter to death with a hammer and burying his body in a concrete-covered pit in Georgia. * Prosecutors say W(_*_) C------ III was so desperate for money that he killed Sean Dugas in the fall of 2012 so he could steal his $100,000 collection of fantasy role-playing cards." -- Good grief! ..for a "$100,000 collection of fantasy role-playing cards"? Perhaps the fantasy was believing role playing card were worth $100K. Even sadder in this mix is that neither of theses people were teens....
Online story: "A federal judge ruled Virginia's ban on gay marriage unconstitutional late Thursday. * U.S. District Judge ARENDA L WRIGHT ALLEN wrote that the constitutional right to equality should apply to all, including same-sex couples seeking marriage licenses. * "Our Constitution declares that 'all men' are created equal. Surely this means all of us," -- You guessed it, she's a Judas 00-Barnum appointee. what you haven't guessed is neither Isakson nor Chambliss voted against her nomination. For that matter NO Republican voted against her.
Online headline: "NSA To Congress: Edward Snowden Copied Co-Worker's Password" -- Said co-worker has since "resigned" (with pension, I'm sure)... why wasn't said co-worker FIRED for breach of security reasons.
Auto Weak continues... GM is recalling 780,000 for bad ignition systems. Your favorite key ring can sabotage the ignition key contact. Wonder how much GM saved per unit buying the cheapest they could?
Just curious... where do Chinese stores import cheap merchandise from?
L-E headline: "President Obama visits California's drought region" -- Hmm guess he wanted to see what could have been helped had he not spent that money on his vacations.
Online headline: "US struggling at oval, focus on high-tech suits" -- Oooops, my bad... thought this was about Judas 00-Barnum's office staff and the lawsuit brought by Sen. Paul. (it was about the US Olympic skares and their hi tech spandex.
Online headline: "Why Gold Will Eventually Be Almost Worthless" -- Hmmm, because when you convert it to dollars, inflation will make you unable to pick up that much paper at one time?
Online quote: 2008 Candidate Judas 00-Barnum: "The biggest problems that we’re facing right now have to do with George Bush trying to bring more and more power into the executive branch and not go through Congress at all. And that’s what I intend to reverse when I’m president of the United States of America." -- Hmmm, Judas 00-Barnum went after Bush43 for raising the debt ceiling, and using executive orders... guess 00-Barnum is glad there's a another liberal voter born every minute who will forget which lies he has told which Democrat voter sect.
--- jobless claims "unexpectedly high" this week. Hmmm, you don't suppose those losing their long term unemployment checks considered themselves "pink slipped" from a Judas 00-Barnum created shovel ready job, do you?
You know with the number of people able/willing to work shrinking, if the economy were just standing still, employers would be raising their salary structures to attract the better employees from those available. In other words, private enterprise would be raising the minimum wage without government prodding... IF business was good.
A fellow BCer passed on a great idea yesterday which could positively effect the Sheriff's department budget problems.. sign up ALL the prisoners to OObamaCRAP, and let all the med services deal with the federal government to get paid for services.
Online story: "The U.S. has swept the podium in men's slopestyle skiing." -- Who says being a skaterboy makes someone a slacker... well at least 3 aren't.
Where is the Sierra Club during the Winter Olympics? You'd think it would be rather upset at what the Extreme Sports categories do to marring the face of mountains..
So the DNC has revealed its strategy for November...hope for chaos during October within the Republican Party. Well, it does work when Republicans get engaged in stupid Republican...tricks. Count on women, racial, and illegal alien issues being the top mainstream media emphasis and Democrat PAC campaigns.
Guess things are back to normal.. the only "snow" we got this time from the MCSD was a 'snow job".
Online quote: "That’s the good thing about being president, I can do whatever I want.” – President Obama at Monticello, February 10, 2014 - Hmmm, definitely spoken to a Kool-Aid sipping fundraiser group willing to believe him inspite of his lies. This maybe the only place you find this.. now if Bush43 had said this.. or Romney...
Online quote source: "“Self-praise is for losers. Be a winner. Stand for something. Always have class, and be humble.” - John Madden" -- Hmmm, this must be why Judas 00-Barnum throws a football with the same swoosh he shoots a free-throw... he's never listened to John Madden.
L-E headline: "ARMY HALTS 3RD BRIGADE TRAINING IN CALIF. AFTER CUTS" -- Hmmm, now we have to figure out whether it was simply budget cuts Judas 00-Barnum made, or whether it was water cuts made by Moonbeam Brown...
L-E headline: "United Way sets record by raising over $7M" -- Hmmm... that's the the big question is how much will actually be collected.. We always here the hype, but not always the facts.
Soapbox moment: How can transsexuals/transgenderists claim to be Christians? Being a Christian involves being thankful for the challenges, as well as blessings, God has given you...
L-E headline: "CSU WORKER CHARGED WITH IDENTITY THEFT * (_*_)ngela Secrest allegedly used student employee information to apply for credit cards" -- This would never have happened under Frank Brown's leadership.
What a sick ad being run by proponents of the movie, "August: Osage County" - "It's The Feel Good Movie of The Year Because It Makes Your family Look Great!" -- We saw it, and we already felt good about our families, but whatta waste of talent, of time, of opportunity and money... for consumers and actors alike.

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