Friday, February 7, 2014

Online story: "The Senate easily confirmed longtime Sen. Max Baucus on Thursday to become ambassador to China, handing the job to a lawmaker who is familiar with U.S. trade policy but has little expertise about military and other issues that have caused tensions in recent years with Beijing. * Senators gave final approval to the nomination of the moderate Baucus, D-Mont., by a 96-0 margin" -- Shame on the Senate... It has basically "nepotised" one of its own to become a taxpayer paid lobbyist for China.

Online story: " President Barack Obama says part of Russian President Vladimir Putin's "shtick" is to look like the tough guy in Russia." -- Hmmm, as opposed to Judas 00-Barnum actually being a "shtick in the mud"?
Hmmm, scientist now claim the Bible is flawed because one of them found bones of a camel that "proved" camels were not domesticated in Egypt until 900 BC, well after being described in biblical history. Hmm, so the same group that tells us man evolved from apes, but without having any proof (such as mutant or in-process examples), is trying to prove that camels just "poofed" into Egypt at a certain date. Wonder if Algore is sponsoring this group?. Here's a good name for it, "Global Blarney".
Online story: Meanwhile back at the ranch..."An oil company drilling in western Oklahoma has stumbled across a deposit of camel and horse fossils that date back roughly five million to 12 million years, scientists who've examined the remains say." -- Well, how about that...
Online story: " House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) laid down a line Thursday on immigration reform: the president must prove he will enforce immigration law or the House won't pass anything." -- Well, it needed to be said as we know Judas 00-Barnum has a fear of crossing any line but the racism one, but all-in-all, it's another "stupid Republican.... trick", and will backfire come election time. The Democrat mantra will be that Republicans want to export all Mexicans, and the Democrats want to give more benefits...
Online story: "SOCHI, Russia (AP) - A pseudo-lesbian pop duo, a famed opera singer and a romp through Russian history await viewers as the Sochi Winter Olympics launch Friday with an opening ceremony meant to showcase to the world the ultimate achievement of Vladimir Putin's Russia. * In a provocative choice, Russian singers Tatu will perform before the 3,000 athletes march through a stadium on the shores of the Black Sea, one of the many newly built facilities in the most expensive Olympics in history. * The women in Tatu put on a lesbian act that is largely seen as an attention-getting gimmick." -- "an attention-getting gimmick"? Can you imagine the uproar of GLAAD and PFLAG, if a straight country singing group performed a mockery of their lifestyle?
Online story: " Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley planned to unveil a new cellphone security system Friday at the Baltimore City Detention Center. * Maryland's corrections facilities started having a cellphone problem in the early 2000s as the devices became smaller and easier to smuggle in * The technology automatically blocks calls from all cellphones inside the building, except a small number of phones assigned to employees. It also allows any phone to call 911. * The state tried several years ago to get permission to jam all cellphone use in the jail, but the federal government does not allow state facilities to do this" -- You know, I'm sure millions of tax dollars have been spent on this plus there'll be ongoing annual operating expenses to boot, so why not use some of the millions of dollars of TSA X-ray machines stored idly in warehouses to screen everyone, warden & guards included, that are allowed into the prison?
Online story: "Bill O'Reilly is really pleased with his recent interview with President Obama — so pleased, in fact, that he believes the interview will "go down in journalistic history." * "It takes a certain skill to pose questions in a factual way and be persistent without being disrespectful." * O'Reilly pressed the president to reply to criticism of his administration's handling of the Benghazi attack and the president hit out at Fox News in his response. * Obama also said that he believes Fox News is "absolutely" unfair to him." -- Hmm . .... Judas 00-Barnum feels Fox is "unfair to him"... hmmmm, is Judas 00-Barnum claiming he is "balanced" with Fox and America?
Online story: "A senior at Clements High School in Limestone County, Ala., faces disciplinary measures after she snapped a selfie with a dead body and posted it to Instagram. * She took a picture of herself smiling next to a cadaver intended for medical use during a senior anatomy class field trip to the University of Alabama at Birmingham's biology department. * The UAB biology department told the station that "sheets were not supposed to be removed from donated bodies and that under no circumstance were students or any other visitors supposed to have cell phones or recording devices on hand during the tour." -- Whoa! Where do I start! An anatomy field trip involving cadavers? What class was this ... part of Sex ED? And the cellphone selfie? Of course students should not have had cellphones on the field trip... but why are they allowed to have them on or even in possession of such during any school day?
That case of the 16 year old drunk driver killing 5 people in Texas and getting zero jail time base on a defense tactic of "affluenza"... well, another judge (Texas District JUDGE JEAN BOYD - remember this name in case she's considered for a 'promotion') has refused to add jail time for the kid, but why weren't his parents at least charged with being accessories to murder (at least accessories to involuntary manslaughter) ?
I feel vindicated. Sandra Fluke has decided to run in a California State Senatorial race rather than for the US Congress . My original assessment stands intact.. Now California and the US will benefit regardless of who replaces Henry Waxman
Why doesn't the NAACP and the Congressional Black Caucus embrace successful black conservatives? Clarence Thomas, Condi Rice, Herman Cain, Bill Cosby, Dr. Ben Carson, Thomas Sowell, Sen Tim Scott... these are role models for working hard at school and on the job. They epitomize success, so why are they pariahs.. especially during Black History Month?
Low info, self-absorbed voter's L-E "soundoff": "Reference to a letter regarding minimum wage. The military has extra benefits besides pay. Minimum wage workers do not." -- Well, on the other hand, how many civilian minimum wage jobs have "dodging bullets" in their job descriptions?
RE: dividing sex, dividing social classes, dividing by income... Low info voter's can cast stones at individual presidents about their contributions to "dividing" the American populace, but there's only one who has divided all gender and income groups at one time.. and that is today's administration.
L-E story: "The Alliance for the Wild Rockies, a nonprofit that has filed several lawsuits to block logging projects in national forests in the Northern Rockies, was skeptical about the plan. * Logging won’t help reduce wildfire risks or protect watersheds because areas thinned of trees allow the wind to blow through more easily, which could spread flames more quickly , executive director Mike Garrity said." -- What uninformed.. no, misinforming liberal BS! Wind. like water, gets more velocity as it's forced through SMALLER apertures. That's the theory of leaf blowers, vacuums, and fire hoses.
L-E headline/story: "Martin Luther King's children battling over estate * "The King children have profited from their father's legacy. In 2006, Sotheby's auctioned off 10,000 documents from their collection for $32 million, with the siblings receiving equal shares of the money." -- Hmmm, I remember this well... what I don't remember is whether the IRS got it's "share" of the "capital gains" of $32,000,000.00.
L-E story: " WELLESLEY, Mass. — A remarkably lifelike sculpture of a man sleepwalking in nothing but his underpants has made some Wellesley College students a bit uncomfortable, but the president of the prestigious women’s school says that’s all part of the intellectual process * The sculpture is a “source of apprehension, fear, and triggering thoughts regarding sexual assault” for many, according to the petition, which had nearly 300 signees on Wednesday." -- How hypocritical can a college student body be.. it's a woman's college student body and they have no apprehension expressing their rights to sexual expression and freedoms, but shrink in fear of a male sculpture wearing underwear. Hey girls, parents of most college women have to be concerned with real live males walking around in their underwear in coed dorms our daughters are placed into without choice.
L-E editoral commentary from McClatchy writer Jay Ambrose: "Getting people to quit cigarettes and saving families with children from destitution have nothing in common, right? I think they do, and I think it could be President Obama's single most significant legacy if he would sponsor something comparable to a surgeon general's 1964 report on smoking killing people" -- Hmmm...Jay Ambrose.. have you asked McClatchy to reduce your salary to minimum wage so that McClatchy could donate the rest of your old salary to other families where people don't work as hard as you do for it?
Wow.. you subscribers to the Columbus (GA) Ledger-Enquirer like me.. have you noticed the influx of death notices this week? All of a sudden, there are two full (and once this week 3) columns of local deaths.
An area alert siren just went off, and I have no clue what it was for. My wife said she thought she heard something on the radio that it was a 'test" for schools. Obviously, the millions the City has spent on it are worthless. I checked all the local TV channels, and no 'alerts" were scrolling across the bottom of the screen, and when the siren stopped, some unintelligible "voice" spewed words that could not be heard clearly at our home. What happened? I do not recall seeing anything about it in the L-E this AM, either.
Today is Ashton Kucher's birthday.. He's 36. Now he's old enough to date Demi Moore.

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