Thursday, February 20, 2014

Ukraine protesters are rioting because they believe the government is corrupted. Hey we have the same argument here. Is this why Judas 00-Barnum is beefing up the DHS?
Wonder if Judas 00-Barnum is going to draw another red line in Kiev... he could even re-use the one from Syria he never crossed.
Online headline: "Obama On Kiev Violence: 'There Will Be Consequences' -- Does that mean Judas 00-Barnum will "double dog dare" them to cross his red line?
It was sorta comic to watch Judas 00-Barnum looking "interested" in what the Ukrainian mediator/translator was saying. Judas 00-Barnum doesn't have a track record of listening to anyone but himself.
Online headline: "Georgia Officials Approve License Plate Featuring Confederate Flag" -- Hmmm, just for the record, here is a little background before people get their shorts in a wad: " Despite never having historically represented the CSA as a country nor officially recognized as one of the national flags, it is commonly referred to as "the Confederate Flag" and has become a widely recognized symbol of the South.[27] It is also known as the rebel flag, Dixie flag, and Southern cross and is often incorrectly referred to as the "Stars and Bars" (the actual "Stars and Bars" is the First National Flag, which used an entirely different design)." In short, neither objections to its use or non-use are valid.
L-E story: "Because of an ongoing Muscogee County murder trial in which attorney Michael Eddings represents one of the defendants, the State Bar of Georgia has delayed a disciplinary hearing against Eddings." -- You know, the State Bar has about guaranteed an appeal to the GA Supreme Court for this trial to be re-tried based on "ineffective counsel" due to personal distractions of Eddings. If Eddings was appointed.. why? If he was hired/paid by the defendant, caveat emptor.
L-E story: "DETROIT — A TV station's review of public records has found that Detroit is owed $82 million in fines and late fees for unpaid parking tickets. * some of the overdue money is more than 10 years old and can't be collected." -- Well, it sounds like "the Meter Maids" were doing their job, but where were the elected officials? $82 Million, some of that over 10 years old; hmm... that's what our Public Safety LOST (Local Option Sales Tax) takes 4 years to bring in.
With the build up of armored vehicles and ammunition by Homeland Security, how soon will it be before Judas 00-Barnum starts calling American patriots terrorists?
Soapbox moment: Will there come a time when our soldiers will have to use, (or be ordered to do so, anyway) their skills/training against US citizens? I hate to say it, but why is Homeland Security's forces being built up and provided with armored vehicles, and why is the Homeland Security draining the open market of ammunition? Fortunately, I have faith, and I do believe our soldiers will honor their country before turning on its citizens to please a political leader.
WRBL3 story: "ATLANTA (AP) - A judge plans to order that Martin Luther King Jr.'s bible and Nobel Peace Prize be placed in a safe deposit box controlled by the court pending the outcome of a legal dispute over who owns the items." -- I would just like to know if the IRS got its share of the capital gains taxes on all the proceeds the family sold to whoever has the current rights, and will IRS collect on theses items as well.
WRBL3 headline: "MCSD may get more money from state, but still underfunded due to rising costs" -- You know, budgets may be inadequate, budgets may be out of touch, but no budget is actually "underfunded". Budgets, especially budgets of political entities, should be zero-based on projected revenues. Politicians, even the courts, should also be forbidden to make "unfunded mandates" based on isolated issues.
Online story: "A University of Texas art history lecturer was checking her email last week when an unusual sender came up: The White House. * Enclosed was a scan of a handwritten apology letter from President Barack Obama for comments he made last month about art history degrees, which set off a flurry of objection for apparently devaluing the field." -- "scan of a handwritten apology letter"? How gauche! Judas 00-Barnum actually had an apology letter scanned and electronically delivered when he gets free postage, and owns his own Post Office Business? Good grief... Judas 00-Barnum is the headmaster of a 4-ring circus.
Online story: "SACRAMENTO, Calif. — A $687 million plan announced Wednesday is aimed at addressing the state's immediate and pressing drought concerns. * A look at how most of the latest money will be divvied up:
—$549 million for local and regional infrastructure grants including water conservation and recycling from voter-approved bond money
—$30 million for water efficiency and energy savings moved from greenhouse gas reduction fund
—$25.3 million for food assistance in drought-stricken areas from general fund
—$21 million for housing related assistance in drought-stricken areas from general fund
— $15 million to address emergency drinking water shortages from general fund
—$14 million for groundwater management, including for communities fighting contamination
—$13 million for conservation corps activities and wildfire prevention
—$10 million for water-saving irrigation and pumping systems from Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund" -- Hmmm, water. water, everywhere but nary a drop to drink... this is almost true. $687 Million is being spent but only $15 million is designated for emergency drinking water. California has a population of about 38,000,000. Let's see, that's about $0.39 cents of water per person. Even buying that at Sam's at 35 bottles for $4.00 will buy less than four pints per person. If I were a Californian, I might ask, demand the Governor to simply open a few dam gates.
Online story: "The Homeland Security Department abruptly reversed course Wednesday and dropped plans to ask a private company to give the government access to a nationwide database of license plate tracking information. * Before the notice was canceled, Gillian Christensen, an ICE spokeswoman, said the database "could only be accessed in conjunction with ongoing criminal investigations or to locate wanted individuals."" -- First - DHS wasn't going to peek at vehicles of ordinary citizens... yeah.. right.. then how could it track criminals who unknowingly would steal subsequent vehicles to hide their escapes? Secondly - "Gillian Christensen, an ICE spokeswoman"? How many spokespeople does DHS & ICE have or need?
Is there a conflict brewing in the white House? Michele is out promoting (though not by example) healthier eating choices , but Judas is promoting munchie encouraging legalized marijuana.
Passed on by a fellow BCer, the following link to the FDA concerning PPA (Phenylpropanolamine) should be of concern to you and your family:
Yesterday, the L-E ran an AP picture of a protester taking aim and shooting at a Kiev cop. Fox News showed a picture of a protester who's clothes and hair were on fire. How do photographers become so callused as to not put down their cameras and help people in trouble?
Kansas just passed a bill authorizing corporal punishment/paddling that is hard enough to leave bruising. Liberals are up in arms. One said the schools should simply call the student's parents. Well, parents should be called...after the punishment but what good is it to call parents before paddling since the problem probably wouldn't exist if parents paddled at home.
You know, there's more to the issue of liberals who want schools to call student's parents before paddling them. Most public schools have taken over the parental roles of most students, so they'd be calling themselves.
The World Clown Association says there's shortage of new people wanting to become clowns.. Huh? Guess the World Clown Association must not watch CNN, MSNBC, the liberal contributors on Fox News, or either of the C-SPAN stations.
Online quote source: "“Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit, however, it lasts forever.” - Eric Thomas" -- Let this be your motivation, your inspitation, to get to the November 2014 elections.
Online story: "“No one owns the Chief position. It’s not for sale,” said acting Bloomfield Police Chief James Behre. The 27-year New Jersey police veteran was speaking at a Town Council meeting, discussing the political corruption he was urged to take part in. Less than 48 hours later, he received a letter from Township Administrator Ted Ehrenburg, relieving him of his duties. * People in unelected positions report to other officials – many of whom may have agendas – instead of simply to the people. This creates almost inherently corrupt positions, and Behre’s suspension shows what can happen to a qualified candidate who doesn’t play the game. Behre’s experiences should be at the back of every American’s mind when they see bureaucracies emerging" -- Hmmm, glad Sheriff Darr is elected, and Mayor Obamalinson can't replace him as she has with so many.
Obvious low info City employee voter's L-E "soundoff": " Employees are an investment, just like cars. You get what you pay for. The taxpayers of Columbus apparently would rather be served by Yugo city employees than by Cadillacs." -- Well, if we start hiring "Cadillacs", this writer would be the first to be told "you GO!"
L-E story: "Two American security officers have been found dead on a ship made famous when it was hijacked by Somali pirates, according to a statement by Seychelles police Wednesday. * The two Americans — Jeffrey Reynolds and Mark Kennedy, both 44 — were found dead Tuesday in a cabin on the Maersk Alabama, according to the police. * The two men’s bodies were found on Tuesday in their cabin on the ship where it was berthed in Port Victoria in the Indian Ocean island nation of Seychelles. * The police gave no cause of death but said a post mortem has been scheduled." -- Hmmm, both men were former Navy SEALs. Them dying without a fight would be suspect to say the least. Glad our coroner wasn'y making the autopsy call.
Reading about the open use of marijuana and the abundance of minors on the scene of the murder at Majestic Sports Bar being spoken of so casually really emphasizes why crime is THE issue in our Mayoral race.
L-E editorial commentary: " An inmate named Anders Behring Breivik isn’t happy at his lockup in Stavanger, Norway. In case the name doesn’t ring a bell, Breivik is the malevolent cockroach who shot down a few dozen kids at a Norwegian summer camp in 2011. Now Breivik, calling his prison conditions “torture,” has threatened to go on a hunger strike until he gets access to video games, a sofa and a bigger gym. Perhaps Norwegian authorities should take a few months and think it over." -- Hmmm, Perhaps Norway can convince Judas 00-Barnum to let it send him to Gitmo.. the (_*_) would get his wish, Judas 00-Barnum would be happy, and Norway would be better off.

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