Thursday, February 27, 2014

Online headline/story: "German study finds cannabis use triggered 2 deaths * The findings are noteworthy because cannabis isn't normally associated with acute physical problems, let alone death. * The researchers, based at Duesseldorf and Frankfurt's university hospitals, said these were isolated cases but suggested people who might have serious heart problems should be made aware of the risk of cannabis use. * Autopsies showed that the younger man had a serious undetected heart problem and the older one had a history of alcohol, amphetamine and cocaine abuse. * These underlying conditions, combined with cannabis's known effect of increasing a user's heart rate or blood pressure when lying down, may have caused the men's hearts to lose their rhythm." -- Hmmm, wonder if the FDA will put this info in its pipe and smoke it.
What's up with the RNC? It's discussing sites for the 2016 Convention but most of the choices are for iffy, at best, solid liberal leaning states. Does the RNC think catering to a more liberal state will matter to liberal voters, or that mainstream media will congratulate the RNC for "getting along"? That ain't gonna happen! The RNC needs to pick a state that's solidly behind it, and spend the big bucks where it's appreciated, and reward the voters who support the issues that we need.
Online story: "A (47 year old) Missouri inmate was executed early Wednesday for abducting, raping and killing a (15 year old) Kansas City teenager as she waited for her school bus." -- If the crime hadn't occurred, the 15 year old teen would now be 40. The (_*_)nimal who raped and killed her was 22 at the time. For 25 years, the girl's and the (_*_)nimal's parents and families have had to live with this daily. 25 years of delays is not justice.
Online story: "Rep. Dave Camp, R-Mich., unveiled his tax reform plan, which he said would spur economic growth by making the tax code simpler and fairer for individuals and corporations. * His plan is to reduce tax rates, is based on eliminating lots of tax breaks that benefit many individuals and industries." -- First, there are no Michigan Republicans. Secondly, it attacks the core of the American dream by reducing mortgage interest deductions, Thirdly, will have no impact on bringing under-the-counter income into play. Fourthly, it doesn't eliminate the IRS. Bad BILL!
Online story: "A Florida woman is in a legal fight with the city of Cape Coral for the right to live without municipal water or electricity * “I know how to live off the grid completely and in a sanitary way,” says Robin Speronis, who began living without most city utilities more than a year ago thanks to solar panels and treated rainwater. * A judge gave Speronis 30 days to reconnect to city water, noting that she'd been using the sewer system without paying for it. After the hearing, the city capped her sewer, a move she calls "pure evil." -- Government run amok! I'm sure this lady pays property taxes that pay for the utilities of income subsidized users, so hasn't the City employee who ordered her sewer capped given the lady a real legal case against the city for potentially (and intentionally - with malice) putting her healthy and property in jeopardy?
Online headline: "ARIZONA VETO - Gov nixes controversial denial of service bill" -- Brewer finally came to her senses and avoided another "stupid Republican..... trick". The bill itself probably would have had little impact on reality, but the reality was that mainstream media would use it to divert attention to real issues during the mid-term elections. Sadly, mainstream media will still use the bill in Arizona politics,
The L-E is now posting "Columbus' 10 Most Wanted" mug shots online. OK, if the black community is serious about stopping crime, Crime Stoppers phone calls should be ringing of the hook 24/7, and the local chapter of the NAACP would call a truce on its outlandish claims of racial discrimination in incarcerating criminals.
I'm curious... if law enforcement has mug shots of "Columbus' 10 Most Wanted", why are they out running free?
BS! Some Democrat spinmeister on Fox said health insurance was more important to women because "we" have more health problems. How does she with away with that without being called a feminist chauvinist? That's as stereotypical as saying "it's female thing, you wouldn't/can't understand."
"I'm a white boy, but I can jump...".. Hmmm, John Rocker cornered by the media? Nah.. Bleep Veep Biden on a roll, but he forgot to add: "through hoops, from positions, and if necessary, ship, if I think it will get me a vote".
The Climate Change boosters have flip flopped big time in California. While it is raining today on a good bit of the drought plagued coastal areas, the advocates used to proclaim Global Warming/Climate Change would bring excessive rains, but now are trying to blame Climate Change for the drought.
Bill Gates... Liberal and liberals' icon of liberalism. If he's so sure throwing good money at liberal educational ideas, then why doesn't he just give it all to his home state of Washington in one lump sum instead of trickling his much vaunted billions out a grant-at-a-time,? I'm talking all $60+ Billion of it, and in, say, 5 years, see if Washington State's education system is perfect, or will Washington educators be back looking for more money?
L-E story: " An al-Qaida-inspired extremist has been sentenced to life without parole for the murder of an off-duty British soldier who was hacked to death in a frenzied attack on a London street in front of horrified passers-by looked on." -- Good grief...Why is this (_*_)nimal still breathing? Well, if there is true justice, the British will put the (_*_) on an exclusive diet of pork products, and hope he dies in a week or two.
L-E headline: " KERRY KENNEDY SAYS SHE HAS NO MEMORY OF ACCIDENT" -- Another Hillary influenced budding politician... "I don't recall" has to be the next words out of Kerry Kennedy's mouth."
Online story: " Comedian Tim Wilson has died. His manager Chris Dipetta confirms on social media that the 52 year old died on Wednesday of an apparent heart attack. " -- Wow.. Tim Wilson was a high school classmate of my bride. She and I have had more than our share of mortality situations in the past year or two as we've lost too many friends and family way too early. Life is special.. enjoy it, and take care of yourselves.
The "reverend?" Richard A. Jessie has a letter in today's L-E.. Once again he's railing that too many blacks are in jail and making them work is slavery. Recently, two uncles were arrested in the drug related death of their own nephew.. one of the uncle's has been associated/involved in 5 murders in his44 year lifetime (so far) yet still walks the streets. I hope the judge that handles that uncle's (ANTONIO DARCET KING) trial drafts and appoints the "reverend?" Richard A. Jessie as the jury foreman so his "flock" can see whether he deserves to lead their children's spiritual development.
You know, the 2016 presidential race could really cause a quandary in the feminist and alternative lifestyle sectors.. There is the possibility of the race being between Jeb Bush and Hillary, and the number one issue could get down to: Am I for Bush or against Bush?
Personal pride moment: Girls high school basketball.. Columbus has two teams, Kendrick, undefeated in 29 games, and Columbus, 29-1, going to the Final 4 of their divisions. Sure would be nice to have a game between those two teams.

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