Sunday, February 16, 2014

HuffPost headline: "Obama lifts the federal debt limit, restores benefit cuts" -- I guess next that the HuffPost will proclaim Judas 00-Barnum is faster than a speeding bullet-train, and able to schlep tall buildings, and lie his way out of a wet paper bag.

From story above: "Obama signed the bills during a weekend golf vacation in Southern California." -- You know.. this is about as hypocritical as a politician can get. Judas 00-Barnum put on a 'dog & pony show' about the drought in California, then heads out to a golf course which uses an unfair portion of water to keep it green regardless of farmers' needs.

Online headline: "NFL Report Concludes Richie Incognito Bullied Teammates" -- Good grief.. How does a 6'5", 312 pound lineman convince a panel of adults his is a victim of bullying? Seems like there's more "concussion damage" in the front offices of the NFL than on the field.
Online story: "People with serious pre-existing diseases, precisely those the president aimed to help with ObamaCare, could find themselves paying for expensive drug treatments with no help from the health care exchanges. * Those with expensive diseases such as lupus or multiple sclerosis face something called a "closed drug formulary." * Dr. Scott Gottlieb of the American Enterprise Institute explains,"if the medicine that you need isn't on that list, it's not covered at all. You have to pay completely out of pocket to get that medicine, and the money you spend doesn't count against your deductible, and it doesn't count against your out of pocket limits, so you're basically on your own." -- OObamaCRAP lives up to its name.....
Hate to even use his name, but DemoCRAP Ch(_*_) Crist needs to be exposed as the (_*_) he was/is/will be before he even moves up in the mainstream media highlight reel.
Online story: "Simple design tweaks are allowing gun makers to get around restrictions New York put in place following the 2012 school shootings in Connecticut, prompting some critics to say the laws were mere window dressing. * New York lawmakers passed the SAFE Act last year, and announced with fanfare that it effectively banned the sale of “assault weapons.” But AR-15s, the most popular type of guns often referred to as assault weapons, are sold in Empire State gun shops, freely and legally. The gun is being marketed by Stag Arms as a "New York-compliant AR-15," and features a slightly modified stock and no bells and whistles. The gun does not have a pistol grip, for instance - one of the features banned by the act." -- Democrat politicians are so much more stupid than we can ever give them credit for being.. Unfortunately, Republicans get more stupid trying to point this out in campaign season. Repubs should just let the voters figure this out in the polling precincts.
Pathetic... the US skate team is blaming their poor performance on their suits. Pathetic!
Online quote source: "“Greatness lies, not in being strong, but in the right using of strength; and strength is not used rightly when it serves only to carry a man above his fellows for his own solitary glory. He is the greatest whose strength carries up the most hearts by the attraction of his own.” - Henry Ward Beecher " -- Talk about the past predicting the future, Judas 00-Barnum has been outed.
Bleep Veep Biden... The guy wants to be taken seriously for a shot at the presidency yet alienates the entire Republican Party which is probably going to be the majority in both houses come November.
VW.... bought my daughter one in 08. If VW would make a larger model I'd buy one today to celebrate the VW employees for rejecting the UAW efforts. Amazingly, VW management did not hamper UAW efforts.
Have you noticed the number of car breakins/thefts that report laptops being stolen lately. Most of them reportedly cost more than mine. Have you noticed the range of temperatures we've had in the last month. Mostly in the 30s or lower. I'd never leave my laptop in my car overnight, but especially if the temp was as cold as it's been. Wonder if insurance companies are noticing, too.
During the 2008 campaigns, Hillary asked the question about who you would want to answer the "3:00 AM" call to the White House... her or 'him'? The question that we need to ask...and have answered, is, "After Benghazi, why should we allow Hillary to be near a White House phone at all?"
Online story: "When lawyers were shaking down the tobacco industry in the 1990's, it was clear that it was just a matter of when they'd loot again. The only question was who would be the next mark. That picture is clearing up. * The list of potential victims that acquisitive trial lawyers could separate from their money includes the oil and gas industry, the alcohol trade, drug companies and the firearms business. All would be fine trophies for the plaintiffs' attorneys. * It appears, however, that the next victim will be the food industry.
"Lawyers," Politico reported Wednesday, "are pitching state attorneys general in 16 states with a radical idea: Make the food industry pay for soaring obesity-related health care costs." -- Hmmm, can going after medical and recreational marijuana growers/dealers be far off? I mean, what else creates "the munchies" so well?
The problem with OObamaCRAP is that it not only makes young people who don't feel like they need coverage buy it, but it criminalizes older people who have paid their way for years. Not having a policy from an insurance company does not mean you are indigent nor unwilling/unable to pay for your medical care.
You know, those ice & snow storms in the northern mid-west and New England states are basically wasted... How come we can't get one on National Election day?
L-E story: "Black students are four times more likely to receive an out-of-school suspension in the Muscogee County School District than all the other races combined, according to district records. The administration has released a breakdown of its out-of-school suspension data from August through the first Monday of December in each of the past four years. It shows a significant decline in percentage of all students with at least one out-of-school suspension, from 7.5 percent in 2010 to 5.3 percent in 2012, although there was a slight increase to 6.3 percent in 2013. * But the percentage of those students with at least one out-of-school suspension who are black has risen sharply — from 78.3 percent in 2010 to 83.1 percent in 2013 — and is out of proportion to the district’s overall population. The student body was 57.3 percent black in 2010 and 57.8 percent black in 2013." -- Two things are quite evident: 1 - This is a cultural failure, not a racist one. 2 - The school system's attempt to take over the parents job is a complete failure.. transporting, feeding, baby-sitting are aspects that need to be part of the natural parent/child relationship/development cycle. Get federal government out of our schools, and the natural parents back into their children's lives.
Confused voter's L-E "soundoff": " I don’t know who to vote for in the next election. The Democrats want to control what goes on in my bank account, and the Republicans want to control what goes on in my bedroom." -- Well, you can cut off your cellphones/computers and lock your bedroom door, but you cannot keep IRS out of your bank accounts... Easy choice!
Low info voter;s L-E "soundoff": "If you plan on visiting Florida this summer, be aware. You have thousands of gun-toting nuts just looking for an argument and a reason to kill you." -- Hmm... is the glass half full or empty? I see it that it's nice to know there are plenty of good armed Floridians ready to come to my aid if some (_*_) tries to mug me.
L-E story: "A Columbus man fired a warning shot at a would-be burglar Friday after he answered an alarm on Andrea Drive. * Two officers were called to a home in the 700 block of Andrea Drive around 7:30 p.m. to check on a burglar alarm. When they arrived, a 19-year-old man said he fired a bullet into the dirt after finding a man dressed in black running from the home" -- Hmmm, what about "the rest of the story"? Who owned the gun the 19 year old fired? Did the police give him any shooting tips/lessons so he wouldn't miss next time?
L-E story: "U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services says the event on Monday will be one of 148 naturalization ceremonies around the country between Feb. 14 and 22 to honor Presidents’ Day. Nationwide, about 17,800 people will take the oath of citizenship during that time. * The candidates for the ceremony in Atlanta come from 37 different countries and include four active members of the U.S. military." -- Standing "O"! Welcome to the greatest Nation in the history of the world. Now, while there's still time, vote to oust the greatest threat to the greatest nation.. the Democrat Party.
Let's parse Karl Douglass today:
1 - He's wrapped up in Congressman Bishop's campaign for re-election. Response: The L-E should note this before publishing his writings, and his motives should be exposed.
2 - Writes: According to a recent Kids Count survey, almost 15,000 children in Muscogee County live in poverty. That’s about 30 percent of all children who live in the county. Response: How many of these children live in poverty because of government programs passed/promoted by his boss that diminish initiative of entitlement recipients in order to keep them in poverty?
3 - Well, it is critical to understand that not everyone who lives in poverty is unemployed. If a single parent of three wakes up every day and goes to work earning minimum wage of $7.25, after working 40 hours a week for 52 weeks each year he or she will earn gross wages of $15,080. Response: How many names can Douglass provide of a single parent who works solely for minimum wage, and how many of these are singles males?
4 - The simple fact is that all the statistics indicate poverty is an epic problem in Columbus. Response: There are no "simple facts". Statistics aren't facts, especially "simple facts". Statistics are probabilities at best and do not reflect reality.
5 - We cannot truly be the community that we aspire to be until we wrestle with the persistent poverty in which close to 30 percent of our children find themselves. - Response: Government cannot be "the parent". Government should only be involved to assure everyone has the chance to succeed.
6 - Let’s commit to the goal of having fewer Columbus children live in poverty over the next decade than have faced that reality over the last decade. Response: How about committing to voting for candidates that will promise a hand up instead of hand outs.
L-E's "Quotable": "he who stops being better stops being good" - Oliver Cromwell, British military leader 1599-1658" -- Hmmm, no wonder our school systems want to rewrite history.. the school system's pattern is to dumb down the curriculum and test results rather than make to effort to teach students the truth about what will get them out of poverty.
Leonard "The" Pitts commentary headline: "For sale — the Martin Luther King legacy" - Pitts is rightfully going after King's family/children, but the people who really sold out King first were his disciples in their quest "to get theirs" no matter what... Jesse Jackson, Charlie Rangel, John Lewis, Al Sharpton, leap to mind.
Cosmos 1220 is falling from the sky.. track it in real time:

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