Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Online headline/story: "US officials given 48 hours to leave Venezuela * President Nicolas Maduro's government on Monday gave three U.S. Embassy officials 48 hours to leave the country, accusing the Obama administration of siding with student protesters who Venezuela accuses of inciting violence. * Secretary of State John Kerry said Saturday that Lopez's arrest would have a "chilling effect" on Venezuelans' right to free expression." -- "48 hours"? Sorta like 'this town ain't big enough for the 'two' of us".huh? This does work both ways... how about shutting down "Citgo" gas stations here, and of course, the "New England Sweetheart Deal" developed between the late Chavez and late Senator Kennedy? You know, the one that gave Massachusetts (Kerry's state) et al special reduced winter time fuel oil rates.
Online OObamaCRAP "success" story: "In Miami, licensed practical nurse Marie Cadet, who is 54, often works double shifts to make ends meet for herself and her 12-year-old daughter. She had been paying more than $150 a month for health insurance, with a $3,000 deductible. In effect, she paid most medical costs out of her own pocket, including about $80 a month for blood pressure medicine. * After choosing a plan from the marketplace, Cadet's monthly payment dropped to $86 a month, with the government kicking in $300. Her deductible fell to a more affordable $900." -- "works double shifts to make ends meet"..."government kicking in $300"? The average salary in Florida for a LPN is about $40,000, so she could be making $50K-$80K annually for herself and one child, and "we" taxpayers are now adding another $3,600 a year extra in 'co-pay'? Does she get a 1099 form for that amount plus responsibility for paying the FICA on that?
Soapbox moment for above story: "In Florida, if LPN Cadet took a few more courses she could become a RN, and the average salary would bump up an additional 50%. Why doesn't she just do that versus jumping onto the government teat?
From the "huh" department - Online story: "A new study suggests earwax is not the same between races, with some people having more odor-causing chemical compounds in their earwax than others. * researchers noted that past findings have shown that people of East Asian descent, as well as people of Native American descent, possess a form of a gene that makes them have dry-type earwax -- versus wet, yellow-brown ear wax * researchers examined the earwax from eight healthy Caucasian men and eight healthy East Asian men." -- Good grief! A study of 16 people and it gets published and broadcast as "important" over the I-net? Somebody has way too much time on their hands.. Reality check: we probably paid for this study via a "grant".
Online story: "An Oklahoma pharmacy has agreed not to provide Missouri with a made-to-order drug for an inmate's execution scheduled for later this month, according to court documents filed Monday. * (_*_)'s attorney, M(_*_)tt Hellm(_*_)n, said that as part of the deal, the pharmacy acknowledged it has not already provided any such drug to the Missouri Department of Corrections for the execution, which is scheduled for Feb. 26 * The (_*_) pleaded guilty to abducting, raping and stabbing to death a 15-year-old Kansas City girl in 1989." -- Fortunately, Missouri has enough of the specific drugs on hand to execute this (_*_), but the fact that he's been breathing since 1989, that's 25 years for any liberals reading, at taxpayer expense (including the taxes paid for 'fast justice' by the family of the 15 year old daughter/granddaughter) is an outrage!
Closer to home L-E story: " Lawyers for the state and for a Georgia death row inmate sparred Monday over whether prisoners awaiting execution should have access to information about where the state gets its death penalty drug. * the (_*_) was sentenced to death for the 1990 beating death of fellow inmate Joseph Handspike. (_*_) bludgeoned Handspike with a nail-studded board while his victim slept, authorities have said. At the time, (_*_) was already serving a life sentence for the 1986 slaying of his girlfriend, Myra Wright, who was shot 11 times" -- The only information the lawyer or the twice convicted for murder prisoner is entitled to is the information sensed as the death drug enters his vein.
Online story: "An Arkansas man is in custody after he allegedly fired rounds into a car full of teens early Saturday morning, killing a 15-year-old girl. * Little Rock resident Willie Noble, 48, faces a slew of charges, including first degree murder, one count of a terroristic act and five counts of aggravated assault, KATV reported. * At approximately 1 a.m., a group of seven teenagers reportedly threw eggs, mayonnaise, toilet paper and leaves at Noble's car, according to FOX 16. * An irate Noble is accused of storming out from his house and firing shots. " -- You know... the story above was about a miscarriage of justice after a conviction was made 25 years ago. This story is about a miscarriage of justice by the DA's charges, and no jury will see it the DA's way. First Degree murder? I don't think so.. First degree has always been built around some form of premeditation, and hearing vandalism (at a minimum) going on in your yard, and rushing out in response is hardly "premeditated". In fact, it the vandals had been quieter, Mr Noble would probably slept through the ordeal and seen it the next morning.
HuffPost "headlie": "Katherine Clark Defeats GOP Rival In Congressional Race" -- Good grief.. it was Massachusetts.. Tuesday’s outcome was never seriously in doubt, since the district is heavily Democratic and favored President Obama over Mitt Romney by more than 30 percentage points in 2012. Clark was backed by her party, as well as unions and women’s groups, and raised $1.2 million. The state and national Republican parties had all but ceded the race to Clark, giving no financial help to Addivinola, a Boston lawyer who has run for office three times and does not live in the district.
Online story: "Whatever your political bent is, we would like to think that those engaged in the management of government have respect for the principles that have guided our nation to the height of power and prosperity. * That’s why the tweet sent to Barack Obama from CNN and ABC contributor Donna Br(_*_)zile is so disturbing to many: @donnabr(_*_)zile - .@BarackObama. Enjoy #PresidentsDay. With Congress on recess, this is action day! Let's move America forward." -- Ms Br(_*_)zile.. How about pretending Judas 00-Barnum is a Republican, and act accordingly; you certainly wouldn't encourage a Republican to take the Constitution apart. Report the news... just the news.
We worry about out local public school deficiencies, but it doesn't stop there. One of my college daughter's history professor has told them the only reference books they can use are the one she uses in class or something she personally approves of. That's a real way to get her students to stretch themselves ..NOT! I have some fabulous history books of the era she's studying but she could not get teacher approval to them. The study is about WWI, and the book I showed her was written in 1919 by reknown war analyst -correspondent S.J. Duncan-Clark with collaboration of the Secretary of the Navy, Josephus Daniels, General John J. "Blackjack" Pershing, and Admiral William S. Sims. Not a shoddy pedigree...Even sadder is that my daughter is in a teaching major.
L-E's "Thought for Today": “The lack of a sense of history is the damnation of the modern world.” — Robert Penn Warren, American author, poet and critic (1905-1989). -- You know.. the item above this encapsules the bain of brainwashing being crammed into our youths' minds.
Since the Supreme Court won't let citizens or organizations put religious icons on public property, shouldn't the Supreme Court step in and prevent Judas 00-Barnum from acting like a god?
Even the liberalist of states, New York for a great example, are withdrawing their support for Common Core education. Republicans just need to back down a bit, and just stir the pot a bit.
Interesting question...What is our oldest federal holiday? The answer may or may not be as simple as you think..
Hmmm. if you guessed Christmas or Thanksgiving.. not bad, but Americans officially started celebrating Independence Day on July 4, 1777
Remember the "Knockout Game"? From mainstream media accounts, you'd think this was old news, but the latest black-on-white attack occurred the day after Valentine's Day in Boston. Did you catch it of the network news shows?
Whoa! Kerry has really upset the main stream media.. bad weather is now a weapon of mass destruction.. You know what that means, don't you..that Kerry believes Bush was right about Saddam Hussein's hoarding a weapon of mass destruction!
Hmmm... a reverse flip-flop for Kerry. He was for lynching Bush for his claim of Iraqi WMDs, but now he's against it...
A lot of words. a lot of speculation will precede the NFL draft this year because of homosexual interest by mainstream media. The big winner in this will be the NFL authorized manufacturer of "Soap on a Rope".
From L-E school board meeting story: " (Superintendent David) Lewis said he will require the district’s divisions and departments to use zero-based budgeting for the first time. That means every expenditure request, even if it was approved the previous year, must be authorized on its own merit." -- Hmm, guess now each department head will have to hire a new "budget analyst" to justify the spending from the previous year's budget. The bleeding, the waste.. never stops. Department heads should just be held accountable and responsible... like in real life private sector jobs.
L-E headline/story: "Motorcyclists plan to escort Dignity Memorial Vietnam Wall to NIM * The National Infantry Foundation has entered into a 5-year agreement with Dignity Memorial for the museum to become its new home." -- Dignity.. dedicate and donate this as a permanent memorial at the National Infantry Museum.. make us prouder.
Obviously a marijuana smoking low info voter's L-E "soundoff": " Why do far-right Democrats hold racist attitudes toward Jewish people?" -- "far-right Democrat"?
L-E headline: "UN PANEL ACCUSES NORTH KOREA OF CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY" -- Yeah, for the dog & pony shows of Dennis Rodman and Bill Clinton.
Why is a lawyer who can't recognize that his wife is stealing from his escrow accounts being allowed to represent an alleged murderer? You know the GA Supreme Court will send this trial back under the "ineffective counsel" banner we are getting too use to seeing.
L-E headline: "Costas returns to Olympic coverage" -- Me thinks I tad too soon... it's apparent he still is suffering from his "I-infection".

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