Sunday, March 29, 2015

HuffPOOPOO headline: "Bill Maher calls out liberals for criticizing their own" -- This is about as close as you'll ever hear a lib saying, "Fox News was right!" as you'll ever hear.
Online quote source: " “Forgiveness is not always easy. At times, it feels more painful than the wound we suffered, to forgive the one that inflicted it. And yet, there is no peace without forgiveness.” - Marianne Williamson" -- Hmmm... "no peace without forgiveness"... no justice, either.. Will somebody tell "the reverend" Al Sharlatan and "the reverend" Jesse Jackson that they both need to learn about forgiveness before opening their mouths again...
Random memory: Wisconsin vs Kentucky...shades of 1966. . deja vu but reversed...this will be THE game of 2015's Final Four.
L-E commentary: "Froma Harrop: Obamacare should be less complex" -- Well, well, well.. the Camel Harrumphhh has finally spoken... what she didn't say is that OObamaCRAP should have been read before it was voted on, nor that it is an entirely Democratic Party written disaster...
L-E headline/story: "CSU POLICE SHOOTING * STILL SEARCHING FOR ANSWERS * A year after CSU police fatally shoot Snoop Flint, his family and the university are seeking resolution * CSU gave this account of what happened next:

At 2:35 p.m., someone reported seeing a man loading a gun in the gazebo just south of the main campus intramural field. A CSU officer got there in 3 minutes. Scott remained at the basketball game.
The responding officer reported the suspect ran when approached. The chase from the gazebo went into the adjacent student housing complex, turned east to cross University Avenue, went around behind the CSU law enforcement Command College and the Baptist student ministry next door, came back across the avenue and went into the intramural field just north of the gazebo. * On the intramural field, students were playing Ultimate Frisbee. That’s where the officer chasing Snoop tried to Tase him. * For a Taser to work, each of its two prongs must hit a suspect to deliver the incapacitating jolt of electricity. * “It sounds like they hit him with one probe, not the other, so he continues on the run, through the Frisbee competition, and goes back into the Courtyard 1 housing area,” Drew said. * Scott joined the pursuit. Ignoring commands to stop and drop the gun, Snoop ran south into Courtyard 1, CSU said. * It was near Building A off University Avenue that he turned and raised the gun in his hand toward the two officers in pursuit, Drew said. * Scott fired two shots. One went to the neck and one to the back. * By Snoop’s side, officers found a semi-automatic.40-caliber Glock Model 22 pistol holding eight rounds, they said."
Attorney Katonga Wright, daughter of longtime Columbus lawyer William Wright, is representing the Flint family. Though the family’s perspective of what happened differs from CSU’s, the two sides have a common interest: They want resolution. * Wright said the family likely will file a civil claim, but needs the GBI file for evidence, and can’t get that until Slater decides how she’ll handle the case."
-- Snoop Flint was not a boy, nor apparently was not unarmed.. the story should not have used the 20 year old's nickname, "Snoop" . I just hope the attorney of record helps the family resolve the issue regardless of the outcome.. dragging what seems to be a justified response of the CSU police through a dollar driven civil suit will not resolve nor soothe the family's pains. The truth being accepted will.
L-E headline: "McKoon draws controversy over religious bill * Bill to keep government from infringing on religious rights worries LGBT advocates" -- You know.. what the bill does is keep government from being a bully.. it simply allows people to make choices... good choices will help smart businesses grow.. bad choices will bring a demise to the "less smart" ones. In the end, customers are better served by a business that wants to do business with them, and if businesses refuse to do business for certain customers, that info gets out, and more customers will find other places to take their business . The Justice Department has created this dreadful situation.. the DOJ should just let moral issues be handled by God's will.
L-E commentary headline/story: "Time is now to pay college athletes *Natalia Naman Temesgen * With that type of schedule, there is practically no time left for a part-time student job. And while many student athletes have scholarships to cover a campus meal plan, their on-the-road food stipends are so skimpy that they may be subsisting off pretty pathetic meals while trying to run their bodies on a superstar level. That’s like putting unleaded gas in a race car and expecting optimal performance. * Even with their “full-ride” scholarships, 86 percent of college athletes live below the poverty line. That statistic is brought to you by the National College Players Association. " -- She thinks? Well, I THINK writers should write about things they KNOW about, and newspaper editors should prohibit their staff randomly opinionating on something they know nothing about. College scholarship athletes get opportunities of education, career development, career contacts, and can graduate with no student loan debt for themselves or their families. Some even move into professional sports, and when I say some.. it's very few that develop into the level that they can get paid.. I once figured out that in any given year. less than 1/2 of 1% of college football players get drafted into the NFL.. that means that 99.5% are not good enough for paid athletic jobs.. (Fact: the NFL drafts only 256 players.. 7 rounds for 32 teams.) 

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