Tuesday, March 31, 2015

The prosecution has rested, and Bomber Brother 2's lawyers admitted in their opening statement that BB2 had "participated" in the bombings... now the City of Boston and the American jury system is on trial.. The longer the jury deliberates, the more encouraged jihadist around the world will be.

Think about it... if the BB2 jury drags its feet, or, heaven forbid, acquits BB2, jihadist around the world will try to dream up more, and more inane, senseless acts of violence to see exactly how deep American liberalism has infected our legal and political systems.

HuffPOOPOO story: "The Justice Department urged a federal appeals court Monday to reverse a hold a judge placed on President Barack Obama's immigration executive action. * The 69-page brief was filed with the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ahead of arguments scheduled for next month. * Lawyers for the federal government are challenging a preliminary injunction issued in February by a federal judge in Brownsville, Texas. That decision placed on hold an executive action that could spare from deportation as many as 5 million people who are in the U.S. illegally." -- Good grief... how can Obamageddon... any president for that matter, take "executive action" to circumvent a Constitutional obligation, and the DOJ try to defend his action?
HuffPOOPOO headline: "Martha Stewart Delivers The Dirtiest Joke Of All At Justin Bieber's Roast" -- Huh? "roast"... you "roast" a person of standing, because such person has inspired a nation, the world.. this, at best, was a wienie roast.
Online headline: "Washington gov, Seattle mayor ban official travel to Indiana in wake of 'religious freedom' law" -- Good grief.. what about the other 19 states that have one? Oh, and don't forget the national religious freedom act signed into law by Bill Clinton in 1993...the sad thing is, you know.. what the bill actually does is keep government from being a bully.. it simply allows people to make choices... good choices will help smart businesses grow.. bad choices will bring a demise to the "less smart" ones. In the end, customers are better served by a business that wants to do business with them, and if businesses refuse to do business for certain customers, that info gets out, and more customers will find other places to take their business . The Justice Department has created this dreadful situation.. the DOJ should just let moral issues be handled by God's will.
Online story: "The Supreme Court has denied an appeal from former California high school students who were ordered to turn their American flag T-shirts inside out during a celebration of the Cinco de Mayo holiday at school. * The justices did not comment Monday in leaving in place an appellate ruling that found that school officials acted appropriately because their concerns about racial violence outweighed students' freedom of expression rights. Administrators feared the American-flag shirts would enflame the passions of Latino students celebrating the Mexican holiday." -- Good grief... the US Supreme Court has sold out America! The real trial point is why the school was celebrating Cinco de Mayo in the first place.. To begin withm Cinco de Mayo is not Mexican Independence Day.. it is the date of some Mexican victory over some French army in 1862, and the "revival" was instigated by a beer company to have another heavy drinking date following St Patrick's Day, and Spring Break to warm up for July 4th.
Online quote source: "“Disciplining yourself to do what you know is right and important, although difficult, is the highroad to pride, self-esteem, and personal satisfaction.” - Margaret Thatcher "-- Hmmm, another one of those "pearls of wisdom" never to be seen on the walls of public schools or entitlement offices... or Democratic Party voter registration events.
About that "CHANGE" Obamageddon has always promised to give us..if he was behind the register at a fast food restaurant, we would count it to make sure it is the CORRECT "change".
Let's admit it...when the Islamic world knows how spineless HEBDObama is, how can America expect to get a good deal when HEBDObama's "b-team" designated pitcher is up at bat with 2 outs in the bottom of the 9th?
You know...now that Hillewinsky has announced that her and Bill's private server has been "wiped", there should be no more delays in turning the server over to the House investigative committees. Let's see what a high-tech sweep of that server reveals in the hands of a real private sector techie.
Hillewinsky now says her personal server has been "wiped clean"... Guess this is the Trifecta.. since her conscience and moral turpitude have been wiped, too.
L-E story: " After years of waiting, 26 months of construction and $5.6 million in funding, the Brown Avenue Bridge reopened today to the applause of more than 100 people gathered there." -- Good grief.. does this not encapsulate goverment inefficiency in a nutshell? 2+ years and we get a two-lane, bottle-neck bridge-to-nowhere that costs over $5 Million tax dollars from the same entity that's taking 3 years and $9 Million to widen Whittlesey Road for 2/3rds of a mile, and is building the Queen TT Lounge on the RiverWalk for $244 Thousand tax dollars?
Random thought: "Hmmm... why not tap the MCSD SPLOST accounts for renovation money to upgrade the Recorder's Court? Huh? you say.. well, most of the arrested haven't been long out of school, and obviously the school system didn't prepare them for Real Life 101.
L-E headline: "CNN anchor Martin Savidge to speak at CSU RiverPark campus" -- Who?

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