Monday, March 30, 2015

Online story: "President Barack Obama said Tuesday that the U.S. is weighing whether to back Palestinian efforts to seek U.N. recognition for an independent state and that recent remarks by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu dim hope for a negotiated two-state solution. * Obama's comments at the White House did little to repair rocky U.S.-Israeli relations, which were aggravated by a Wall Street Journal report Tuesday alleging Israel spied on sensitive negotiations about Iran's nuclear program. The report said Israel acquired information from confidential U.S. briefings and other means and shared it with members of Congress to build a case against making a deal with Iran, which has threatened to destroy Israel." -- " Israel spied" and "shared it"? Good grief.. even Netanyahu knows that Obamageddon doesn't converse with Republicans or the Jewish community! Once again, why does the Jewish community support Democrats?

In a recent conversation with a MCSD teacher, I learned of a specific area of waste... teacher distributed laptops... the teacher said it was forced to sign a responsibility "contract" for it's computer at a replacement value of $2,400.00.... the teacher says it has a better one at home that cost only $700.00. What's sad it=s that the MCSD spokesperson will claim the computer is fairly priced. Did Jay Carney quit being the "Official White House Liar Messenger" to start a MCSD Spokesperson training course?

Speaking of MCSD distributed come only some schools get them, and what does the MCSD do with them when the student graduates?

Online headline: "Kerry postpones homecoming amid nuke talks * John Kerry announced Sunday he is extending his stay in Switzerland as the high-pressure deadline for a nuclear deal with Iran approaches." -- Good grief.. there was a time that America could... would.. throw a treaty on the table and say, "Our way or the highway... take or leave it... go ahead, punk, make my day!" Thank goodness the Republicans in Congress are not letting Obamageddon sell us out!

John Wayne is dead, but Clint Eastwood isn't.. Let's start a petition to replace Kerry with Eastwood!

Online story: "Organizers of a soccer match in the U.S. capital apologized to El Salvador on Sunday for playing the wrong national anthem before an exhibition game against Argentina. * Salvadoran team members looked confused when what was supposed to their anthem blared from loudspeakers at FedEx Field on Saturday night. Several slowly dropped their hands from their chests. Many of the Salvadorans in the crowd whistled in disgust" -- Hey! Now this is something Kerry is qualified, and should be called back, to handle, Then Eastwood can take over the Irani treaty negotiation..

Online story: "It's not everyday that a sitting president invites someone to the White House to criticize a 44-year-old national policy. * When he was a state legislator, Obama noticed the negative side effects brought on by the war on drugs." -- Good grief... no wonder no problems get solved... Obamageddon gets elected on promises to solve problems, but doesn't know there ARE problems until after he reads about it in a newspaper...

Online story: "Paleontologists have discovered the fossilized remains of a new arthropod. * Yawunik kootenayi was swimming around oceans in Canada in the Cambrian period, 508 million years ago. It's thought to share a common ancestor with today's spiders and scorpions. * The arthropod had four eyes and arms lined with both tiny claws to help it feed, and long antennae to sense its surroundings." -- Wait a minute... those still exist in a 21st Century form.. we see them as Democratic Party politicians and IRS tax collectors.

Random observation: "Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sissi,".... Fattah el-Sissi? You gotta be kidding me..sounds more like the proverbial androgynous blind date ..

Online story: "Late North Carolina basketball coach Dean Smith, who died last month, willed his trust to send $200 to each player who lettered under him * In the letter Smith's former players received from Miller McNeish & Breedlove, PA, it was revealed that Smith requested each of his former players be sent a $200 check with the message, "enjoy a dinner out compliments of Coach Dean Smith." The enclosed checks also included the notation, "Dinner out." * By SI's (Sports Illustrated) count, Smith coached 184 players from 1961 to 1997." -- $184 times $200.00.. $36,800... hmmm.. bet that's the same number the lawyers charged Smith's estate to write and mail out those checks as well...

This item is not something I want to address, but it's taking up to much space on the I-net, and it is. basically. a "headlie", and it NEEDS to be addressed on that basis. "Michael Sam: 'I'm not the only gay person in the NFL'" .. Michael Sam is not in the NFL... he's a "wannabe" at best. There.. case closed.

Online story: "While in Sweden, President Obama complained about the way he’s sometimes treated back home in the United States, and suggested he’d be more welcomed in Europe: * “You know, I have to say that if I were here in Europe, I’d probably be considered right in the middle," -- Hmmm...just like here... "right-in-the-middle" of scandals, more scandals, lies, and more lies, not just "in the middle"... CAUGHT in the middle of such.

Online story: "When it comes to reporting on Hillary Clinton, George Carlin’s “Seven Words You Can Never Say on Television” have turned into “Twelve Words You Can Never Say About a Powerful Politician.” “We will be watching, reading, listening and protesting coded sexism,” the pro-Hillary group HRC Super Volunteers warned The New York Times’ Amy Chozick . Here's the list of 12 submitted words/word phrases:

polarizing, calculating, disingenuous, insincere, ambitious, inevitable, entitled, over-confident, secretive, will-do-anything-to-win, represents-the-past, out-of-touch.

Well, it seems to me that if Hillewinsky's own supporters compiled this list, then it's how her supporters view her.

Now, I have a list words I think describe her well, but I do not think I can curtail it to 12.. Since I'm pretty sure my words are on the tip of your tongues, I'll give you credit for knowing how I think...

Online story: ": Obama Department of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson told the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) that reading the Koran reminds him of “quintessentially American values." -- Is there a parallel/alternate universe we don't know about... or is this administration actually a "reality show" produced by Rod "Twilight Zone" Serling?

While it bothers me that politicians like Obamageddon and Hillewinsky can stand up in front if people with a microphone and just lie at will, what really bothers me is that they do it so comfortably, and that mainstream media winks an eye, and the number of voters that vote for them in spite of knowing they are being lied to.

In a L-E story about problems within the running of the Recorder's Court, there is a statement that implies, though not truly attributed to a Councilperson, that Council is abusing the last LOST tax revenues: "Sales tax could be used to correctly offset the additional case loads stemming from the additional officers on the streets, but the city is now facing problems with the other sales tax because it is factored into the city’s fund balance." Wait a minute.. the second LOST tax campaigners promised to spend 70% of such revenues on additional Public Safety issues. It was not passed to be mixed into the general revenues nor to dilute other public funds going towards Public Safety issues. The Recoder's Court is such a Public Safety eligible entity.. so let's see a list of the places that the additional 70% is being spent.. Hey... why not strip the Crime Prevention Committee of such revenues and give the $700-to-$800 thousand to the real Public Safety issues..

Rumor has it that a person claiming to be Mayor TomLYINGson's (a.k.a. Queen TT) head of some LGBT Committee has said some dastardly things about State Senator McKoon. Maybe the Queen TT Lounge's first "flush" will have a purpose.
L-E commentary from the Washington Post: "Promising gains for U.S. public education system * U.S. education officials in February had some modestly good news to announce: the nation’s high school graduation rate had inched up to a historic high. * This month came even more encouraging news: Those rates have improved for all types of students, as the achievement gap that separates minority students from their white peers has narrowed. * This progress is not mere happenstance; it is a product of reforms that have brought rigor and accountability to American public education. * We hope that reality will not be lost on Congress as it debates the reauthorization of No Child Left Behind." -- You know..there's an inherent problem with any "no child left behind" program and achievement....a good analogy is a group bicycling venture... it doesn't matter what the age span or bicycle competency level of the riders, the goal of group riding is for everyone to get to different stages together. In order to do this.. the best will have to slow down to the pace of the slowest member of the group or complete the stage at his/her own pace.. then sit idly awaiting to slowest member to get there. Either way.. no one is helped.. the slowest, at best , is reminded that he/she is holding up the group, and the fastest is reminded that there's no reward for exceeding.
L-E story: "A California school dispute that arose when students wore shirts emblazoned with the American flag on Cinco de Mayo could prompt the Supreme Court to take a new look at free-speech rules for high schools. * Ever since students protested the Vietnam War by wearing black armbands, the justices have said the First Amendment protects the rights of students to peacefully protest at school, so long as their actions do not lead to a “substantial disruption.” * In recent years, however, some school officials have moved to curtail political fashion statements such as wearing T-shirts with Confederate flags or anti-gay slogans. They have argued that some limits were necessary to avoid offending other students and possibly provoking violence. * On Friday, the justices met to decide on hearing a case asking whether a school official’s fear of violence justified disciplining students for wearing American flags on their shirts." -- Good grief.. why is this an issue.. this is America, dammit, and the American Flag flies supreme at all events!
Instant repeat: This was run in the BC over the weekend, but needs to be "floating out there" on a "work day"

Online story: "Hillary Rodham Clinton wiped her email server "clean," permanently deleting all emails from it, the Republican chairman of a House committee investigating the 2012 Benghazi attacks said Friday.
* Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., said the former secretary of state has failed to produce a single new document in recent weeks and has refused to relinquish her server to a third party for an independent review, as Gowdy has requested. * Clinton's attorney, David Kendall, said Gowdy was looking in the wrong place. * Kendall said in his letter that Clinton's personal attorneys reviewed every email sent and received from her private email address - 62,320 emails in total - and identified all work-related emails. Those totaled 30,490 emails or approximately 55,000 pages. The material was provided to the State Department on Dec. 5, 2014, and it is the agency's discretion to release those emails after a review." --

"looking in the wrong place"? "Clinton's personal attorneys reviewed every email sent and received"? --

Good grief.. if I had my "personal attorneys" reviewing my email for what they were instructed to discern as personal or governmental, I guarantee that nothing they turned over to the government would be a "smoking gun". Since "discernment" of personal versus governmental is at the heart of this situation, I conservatively estimate that 10-minutes-per-email was "billed". 62,320 times 10 equals 623,200 minutes which equals over 10,000 HOURS of "billable time". Conservatively estimating she would have top echelon attorneys doing the discerning, I figure a volume rate of $500.00 per hour is assumable, so I figure her billable time is at least $5,000,000.00. Now.. I want to see proof of this.. I want Hillewinsky to have to produce paid attorney bills covering the reading and discernment of 62,000 emails.....I want to see the time billing documents....I want to see the "PAID" checks... and I want to see whether she paid them or we have been stuck with this "bill" like we've been stuck with her other "Bill". 

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