Saturday, March 28, 2015

Online story: "Hillary Rodham Clinton wiped her email server "clean," permanently deleting all emails from it, the Republican chairman of a House committee investigating the 2012 Benghazi attacks said Friday.
* Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., said the former secretary of state has failed to produce a single new document in recent weeks and has refused to relinquish her server to a third party for an independent review, as Gowdy has requested. * Clinton's attorney, David Kendall, said Gowdy was looking in the wrong place. * Kendall said in his letter that Clinton's personal attorneys reviewed every email sent and received from her private email address - 62,320 emails in total - and identified all work-related emails. Those totaled 30,490 emails or approximately 55,000 pages. The material was provided to the State Department on Dec. 5, 2014, and it is the agency's discretion to release those emails after a review." -- "looking in the wrong place"? "Clinton's personal attorneys reviewed every email sent and received"? --
Good grief.. if I had my "personal attorneys" reviewing my email for what they were instructed to discern as personal or governmental, I guarantee that nothing they turned over to the government would be a "smoking gun". Since "discernment" of personal versus governmental is at the heart of this situation, I conservatively estimate that 10-minutes-per-email was "billed". 62,320 times 10 equals 623,200 minutes which equals over 10,000 HOURS of "billable time". Conservatively estimating she would have top echelon attorneys doing the discerning, I figure a volume rate of $500.00 per hour is assumable, so I figure her billable time is at least $5,000,000.00. Now.. I want to see proof of this.. I want Hillewinsky to have to produce paid attorney bills covering the reading and discernment of 62,000 emails.....I want to see the time billing documents....I want to see the "PAID" checks... and I want to see whether she paid them or we have been stuck with this "bill" like we've been stuck with her other "Bill".
Random thought: You know..there's an inherent problem with any "no child left behind" program and achievement....a good analogy is a group bicycling venture... it doesn't matter what the age span or bicycle competency level of the riders, the goal of group riding is for everyone to get to different stages together. In order to do this.. the best will have to slow down to the pace of the slowest member of the group or complete the stage at his/her own pace.. then sit idly awaiting to slowest member to get there. Either way.. no one is helped.. the slowest, at best , is reminded that he/she is holding up the group, and the fastest is reminded that there's no reward for exceeding.
Online headline/story: "Upset by Sen Elizabeth Warren, US banks debate halting some campaign donations * political strategists say Clinton could struggle to raise money among Wall Street financiers who worry that Democrats are becoming less business friendly." --
"becoming less business friendly"? How can Democrats become "less friendly" than they are now? It's sorta like ISIS to Christian children as it is...
HuffPOOPOO headline: "Ferguson mayor thinks DOJ report was overly focused on race" --
"thinks"? I "know" everybody not beholding to Obamageddon and Company KNOWS the DOJ was, and still IS, focused only on race.
Online quote source: " “We all want progress, but if you're on the wrong road, progress means doing an about-turn and walking back to the right road; in that case, the man who turns back soonest is the most progressive.” - C. S. Lewis" --
Sorta redefines the liberals' definition of "Progressive".. Liberals feel that once one of them has reached the end of a dead end road, he/she just has to pass the baton onto the right person to forge ahead.
L-E headline: "Reid announces retirement from Senate - Schumer endorsed as next Senate Democratic leader" --
Just curious... why would Schumer.. for that matter, any goal oriented Democratic Party Senator WANT Reid's endorsement/support? Seems to me that avoidance of Reid would be better for Schumer... whoa...what am I talking about.. Give'm PRAISE, Reid!
Harry Reid...not running for reelection..guess his "accident" was a "message" received.
Hmm.. when you think about it.. downtown Columbus has two really catchy tourist destinations the Uptown and Travel Bureau could push to draw tourists.. Viagra Falls at the RiverCenter and the Queen TT Lounge at the RiverWalk...
Hmmm... actually TWO Second Chances.. one at working, one at working over an unsuspecting employer...I can see modifying the "Have you been convicted of a felony in the past x-amount of years being tempered with two clarifiers: 1 - convicted of a weapons-use related felony, and/or whether you have been convicted for a financial fraud issue (sorta like asking the two locals just convicted of tax fraud so they cannot apply for a tax-prep/bank tellers' job..again).
L-E headline/story: "Muscogee County scores in lower half in health rankings * The rankings compare counties in 30 factors that impact health, including education , transportation, housing, violent crime, jobs, diet and exercise." --
Well, as long as there's "bloc" voting for Democrats and MCSD SPLOSTs, neither has a chance to improve.
Jonathan Gruber double-extra-stupid LIV's L-E "soundoff": "GOP keystone cops running Congress have followed up their treasonous letter to Iran with a budget that severely restricts Medicaid, Medicare and food stamps. Reap your rewards right wing voters. Enjoy." -- We have to shut down Kool-Aid factories, public education, and install IQ tests for voters!
Oxymoron L-E "soundoff": "Man is motivated by a desire for money and power. This desire has destroyed many. The Buddhist solved this problem by seeking Navarre, or absence of desire. I favor Buddhism for all politicians." --
Hmm,, "desiring" something .. anything.. even if it would benefit others, but still benefits you, makes this a personal "desire" and anti-Buddhism...
Really sorta "getting it" L-E "soundoff": " Fox News has both sides of every issue. Why do you liberals hate for your blind followers to hear both sides of the issues?" -- First, there are not two sides to a liberal's issues.. secondly, liberals cringe when others outside their inner sanctum actually learn what liberals are believing.. this is why libs decry Fox News..
You know... why are liberal columnists and analysts so loudly vocal about Cruz's announcement as being good for Democrats? You'd think silence and smugness would be the liberals' order of the day, not promoting Cruz's stands and statements so that more non-Democrats hear them.

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