Wednesday, April 8, 2015

HuffPOOPOO "headlie"/story: "Rand Paul didn't graduate from college ............................. * While he is a physician, Paul has one thing in common with majority of "average joes" in America: He never got his bachelor's degree. He left Baylor University to attend Duke University School of Medicine without having finished his undergraduate course work. At the time, Duke did not require an undergraduate degree if a student's test scores were adequate." -- ""didn't graduate"? ..."while he is a physician"? ...Duke (Medical School) did not require an undergraduate degree if..scores were ADEQUATE"? .. Good grief! He's board certified Doctor! Mainstream media has nothing better to do than parse a brilliant man's college progress, and complain that a prominent medical school was impressed at his level of progress that it grabbed him into its school because he was more than ready for advanced work...Hey, mainstream media, show us Obamageddon's college grades and college application!

You know.. about 2/3rds of adults in America do not have college degrees.. some never went, others went and either dropped out or left to take on career challenges/personal responsibilities. Career success is not dependent on a college degree.. in fact, some times, a college degree can hold one back from success as it limits a person's vision to what other courses in life may have to offer.... take Microsoft's Bill Gates for example..

Online headline: "White House computer network hacked" -- Oooops, my bad.. thought maybe Hillewinsky's personal server IT team had been checking into Obamageddon's e-mails..

Similar online headline: "Report: U.S. officials say Russians hacked White House computer system" -- Hmmm, and Hillewinsky's personal server was more secure? Like I suggested last week, let's file a Freedom of Information request to Putin for copies of Hillewinsky's e-mails..

Online story: "Police are investigating a mysterious monument to NSA file-leaker Edward Snowden that appeared in a Brooklyn park Monday morning. * Three artists created the bust of the former systems analyst and, with the help of others, "hauled the 100-pound sculpture into Fort Greene Park and up its hilly terrain just before dawn," reports Animal New York. The artists allowed Animal to document the guerrilla installation as long as their anonymity was preserved, according to the site. * The bust was affixed to the Prison Ship Martyrs Monument, created to remember the captured American soldiers who died during the Revolutionary War." -- Hmmm.. maybe it wasn't Russians who hacked into the White House.. maybe Sniwden is earning his keep while exiled in Russia.

Online headline: "Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel wins 2nd term in runoff victory" -- Hmmm.. guess Emanuel got the "graveyard" vote to return to the polls.

Online headline: "Widespread power outages hit White House" -- Oooops, my bad.. thought mainstream media took a closer look at Obamageddon/Kerry's deal with Iran...

Online story: "Maya Angelou was known for her inspirational and thought-provoking quotes, so it's only fitting that a stamp commemorating her features one. * A new postage stamp that was unveiled in a dedication ceremony Tuesday morning celebrating the late literary icon aimed to do just that. It features her image with the quote, "A bird doesn't sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song." Except that quote ... isn't Angelou's. * Those words actually belong to Joan Walsh Anglund, an 89-year-old children's book author. * She told The Washington Post the line appeared in her book of poems "A Cup of Sun," which was published in 1967. The only change is in the pronouns and punctuation -- from "he" to "it" on the stamp." -- The US Postal Service, once again. proves it cannot 'deliver'. The only thing missing from this saga is Al Sharlatan, Obamageddon, and Pric Holder accusing the USPS of racism..then again, the day is young.

Online story: "Let's be honest: Some words are really hard to pronounce. * So some Redditors set out to determine the most difficult words to pronounce in the English language. You ready? * After more than 5,000 submissions on Reddit from around the world, the word with the most votes was "Worcestershire." -- Hmmm, I'll bet Obamageddon and Hillewinsky submitted the same word to the contest.. "truth".

Online story: "The prolific character actor best known for his role as Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane on "The Dukes of Hazzard" has died. James Best was 88." -- Hmmm... maybe the L-E will check out the source the next time someone submits a letter-to-the-editor signed by Roscoe P. Coltrane... maybe, but probably not.

Online headline: "Boston bombing trial: Jurors send out questions during deliberations" -- Good grief.. Bomber Brother 2's own lawyers stated he did it, and a jury has questions to ask, and went all day without a decision? Maybe the jury needs an unarmed pressure cooker placed on the deliberation table to speed things up!
Jonathan Gruber stupid LIV's L-E "soundoff": " If I were part of the Fort Benning brass and saw a Columbus representative spearheading this religious bill, I would consider the effects on soldiers. This certainly should have been considered by Mr. McKoon." -- Want bet what a poll of soldiers would be?

For the opponents of the Freedom of Religion Acts around the country: Situation: You are a photographer, and someone comes in and asks you to take pictures at the next retreat of his organization.. you get there and find out it's a NAMBLA. NAMBLA is an acronym of The North American Man/Boy Love Association and is a pedophile and pederasty advocacy organization in the United States. It works to abolish age of consent laws criminalizing adult sexual involvement with minors. Now, are you going to take and print those pictures or are you going to subject yourself to a lawsuit by not taking such pictures? Does refusing to take them make you a bigot/discriminator or a stand-up for kids rights kind of person?

Online story: "Two years after being completed, $8-million-worth of solar panels at a Little Rock, Ark., Veterans Affairs hospital have never been turned on, and now the hospital is tearing down some of the panels. * roughly 7,000 inactive solar panels outside the Little Rock Veterans Affairs Hospital were recently dismantled to make way for a new parking garage, Little Rock news outlet KATV reports: * The panels are being taken down for the construction of a parking garage. Channel 7 News obtained video of some of the panels being torn down last week. The panels will eventually be relocated to the top of that parking garage. * The Central Arkansas VA would not release the estimated cost to construct the panels and then later deconstruct them, calling it “procurement sensitive information”, because the parking garage contract is ongoing." -- "Two years after being completed"?... "have never been turned on"? ... " The panels will eventually be relocated to the top of that parking garage.?" hmmm.. and nowhere in the story is mention made of ever turning the solar panels on...on the other hand.. Obamageddon's "green energy project" has created a shovel ready job... dismantling those solar panels.

" -- Good grief.. is there anyone outside mainstream media that believes anything Obamageddon or his spokesliars say?

It's Masters week. The interviews are most interesting.. some of that "interest" is listening to questions from reporters who aren't qualified to be discussing golf. Adam Scott was on the spot yesterday. Two questions asked would have had both reporters yanked out of the room if Cliff Roberts was still in charge. One asked Scott if he thought the "Drive-Chip-Putt" competition should be expanded to foreign countries. First off, Scott is from Australia, and has nothing to do with either "DCP" nor policies of Augusta National, and secondly, the "DCP" is in only its second year and had over 10,000 US and Canadian kids trying to win one of only 80 invitations to the grounds of the Masters. Another reporter asked Scott if he had spoken with (defending champion) "Boob-ba" yet. Who walking on the grounds of Augusta wouldn't at least know his name is "Bubba"?

At yesterday's prayer breakfast, Obamageddon "dissed" Christians, and ignored the slaughter of Christian students in Kenya. I guess since one if the slaughterers of the Christian students is the son of a Kenyan official, Obamageddon didn't want to bring up the fact that he is the son of a Kenyan.
I'm still upset at Diane Sawyer committing 2 HOURS to an interview with Bruce Jenner...she has totally lost it.. from interviewing presidents and presidential wannabes to Bruce Jenner in transition.. talk about falling from grace.
L-E story: " City Finance Director Pam Hodge formally walked Columbus Council’s Budget Review Committee through the proposed $265.7 million fiscal 2016 budget on Tuesday. * It’s a budget that committee Chairman Skip Henderson says may be the toughest in years. * “We were moaning last year about how tough it was,” Henderson said. “I think you’ll hear us moaning even louder this year.” * The city is looking at expected revenues of $264.3 million with expected expenses of $265.7 million, meaning the city will use $1.4 million in Reserve Funds. That would leave a projected Reserve Fund of only 60.37 days, barely above the 60-day threshold. Dipping below that can threaten the city’s bond rating and the city could see cash flow problems early in the calendar year." -- Budget review? How about reviewing what the definition of "balanced budget" means... soon enough, Mayor TomLYINGsom/Queen TT is going to have the City finances rivaling the mess in the MCSD.
A major part of the revenue deficit for the City is the amount of sales taxes that are removed from local pockets and kept from recirculating within the City economy...SPLOST!..or maybe SPLAT is more like it.
Jonathan Gruber extra-stupid LIV's L-E "soundoff": "I support a reduction of trash pickup from two to one day a week. It's better than a SPLOST to replace aging equipment in a few years." -- Good grief.. we have to eliminate Kool-Aid production in America! No where in Mayor TomLYINGson's rants is there mention of reducing taxes along with her scatter brained plan to cut City services.
Another Jonathan Gruber extra-stupid LIV's L-E "soundoff": "Creation "science" is an oxymoron. One must choose creation, which is a myth, or science, which is firmly founded upon facts and logic" -- OK.. who created scientists?

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