Friday, May 31, 2024


In December of 1941, President Roosevelt called the bombing of Pearl Harbor "a date which will live in infamy". With the travesty that happened May 30, 2024 in a New York City courtroom, I don't think President Roosevelt could find adequate words to describe what happened in his home state of New York.

Word on the street is a group of Kangaroos in Australia have hired Ken Nugent to sue Judge Merchan and Prosecutor Alvin Bragg for giving a bad name to Kangaroo Courts.

How could Judge Merchan instruct a jury that if the 12 agree on different several different aspects of a crime is the same as all 12 agreeing on one aspect? And if that's not an injustice to our Constitution, then a judge accepting such a verdict certainly is an injustice..

NY prosecutor Alvin Bragg told reporters that he "did my job". Hmmm. ...unfortunately, he did a hatchet job, not his job of seeking justice as defined by our Constitution!

Prosecutor Alvin Bragg tried to emphasize that his jury was composed of business people and ordinary citizens... yet Bragg avoided mentioning that two of the jurors were practicing attorneys who failed to live up to their oath to uphold every citizens rights to a fair trial. In a court of law.

You know, one of the worst aspects of the blatant miscarriage of justice by the New York justice system was that there were two lawyers on the Trump trial jury, and they not only knew the laws of evidence, but their guilty votes guided the entire jury into a travesty of every citizen's Constitutional rights to a fair trial!


I have no doubt that the NY trial travesty will be corrected in the end through the appeal system up through the US Supreme Court, but justice won't be served until the judge and prosecutors of this trial are brought to justice themselves!

New York seems to selectively discriminate on administering justice.. especially "justice for all"... It's a sanctuary state yet it's not a sanctuary state for all.. or maybe it's just a state that feels Republicans are "illegal inhabitants".


Online story: “The former president and Republican frontrunner committed felonies in paying porn star amid 2016 campaign, jurors decided.” -- What a travesty to "justice for all" in a sanctuary state that doesn't punish illegal aliens who assault police officers!


You know, I use to laugh when I thought about the old joke about how “99% of the lawyers are responsible for ruining the reputations of the other 1%”… I’m no longer laughing at it…..

My assessment is Democrats and MSM consider Donald Trump "a convicted felon".. while America consider President Biden "an unconvicted...yet... Traitor" to our Constitution!

You know, even if Trump actually IS “a convicted felon”, Trump is still less of a criminal than Biden .

In a repeated story: “WalletHub conducted its annual study of more than 180 of the most populated U.S. cities and looked at several factors including the cost of a medical visit to fruit and vegetable consumption to share of physically active adults. * Two Georgia cities made the list of unhealthiest cities in the U.S. * Augusta GA came in at #177 on the list * Columbus GA came in as the fourth unhealthiest city in the U.S. at #179. Health care in Columbus is at an all-time low at #182 out of #182.” -- I've addressed this recently, and questioned the validness of the opinion because it didn't mention the additional medical expertise of Emory @ St Francis, the expansion of Mercy Med, nor the opening of Mercer Medical or the Nursing Courses available at Columbus Tech and Columbus State University.

Online headline: “3 of 5 major GA cities are driving electric fleet vehicles. Why aren’t Columbus and Macon?” -- Good grief! The "savior" California electric bus company, Proterra, Biden gave Billions to went bankrupt, and with the sketchy life span of the $20-$50 Thousand dollar replacement battery packs, EV's have a long time before they are good investments for taxpayer funded government projects.. especially with the track record we've seen in our local “investments” like our Columbus GA Government Center and Public Pools.

Online story: “Former MSNBC anchor Mehdi Hasan slammed the Biden administration on Wednesday over the news that the $320 million pier the U.S. built to transport aid into Gaza had fallen apart after only a few days. * "Let's be clear: if this had happened on Trump's watch, we would all be mocking and denouncing him," Hasan wrote on X. "It's super-embarrassing that it happened on Biden's watch and the fact that it did shouldn't prevent us from saying: what a bloody s---show." – First, Medhi Hasan would not have said this if he still had a job with MSNBC, and secondly, why did MSNBC even hire him after he had called non-Islamic believers “cattle, “people of no intelligence” and “animals”. Wait a minute.. maybe Hellary should hire Medhi Hasan as her “Press Secretary” and “speech writer”!

Online headline: “Columbus GA Council appoints Byron Hickey to replace Pops Barnes” --  Hmmm... as a PROBABLE issue of CONFLICT of INTEREST, why did GA State Representative Carolyn Hugley, WIFE of our City Manager, sign a letter of endorsement for another potential candidate for appointment to replace the late “Pops” Barnes? The appointed replacement Councilor could end up being the potential 6th vote to decide if her husband might be fired or not! Hey! GA House ETHICS Committee… FRONT and CENTER!

Online headline: “Big stars come out for Biden – but much of Hollywood wrestles with 2024 endorsements in a polarized world” -- future looks like I'll be watching more Dennis Quaid movies, and not watching any more Roberts, Clooney, or De Nerdo movies….

Online headline/story: “Transgender wrestler Konner Vaughn fights for rule change in Oklahoma, sidelined for two years * Konner Vaughn has been vocal in his criticism of the Oklahoma State Athletic Commission (OSAC), blaming them for his inability to wrestle for the past two years. Vaughn, a transgender man, received a wrestling license in 2022 but claims he's still being restricted . * "Ever since I came out as transgender , it's been nothing but people telling me what I can and can't do just based on my identity," Vaughn stated” -- – Think about this! In no other sport but wrestling are competitors more likely to come in contact/proximity of his/her competitors “private areas” … Can you think of a more embarrassing situation than a hormone raging teen male in a spandex “singlet” getting arousal messages as a “known-to-be-female” grabs his inner thighs in an attempt to flip him over on his back? And if a “known-to-be-boy” was wrestling one of my daughters and did the same… or grabbed her chest from behind, the match would end as soon as I ripped “his” arms off!

Online headline: “Kentucky high school student Micah Price denied diploma after praising Jesus in his ‘off-script’ graduation speech “ – Good grief! As a scheduled Commencement Speaker, the young man was obviously the Class Valedictorian or Salutatorian and had EARNED his place on the stage.. but what this tells me is that the school officials who punished him violated his 1st Amendment rights. Maybe those school officials need to repeat US History education at a non-liberal institution!

Online headline: “Georgia Libertarian looks to November after seizing nomination to take on Biden and Trump” -- Good grief! Even if he votes for himself, he's actually giving his vote to Biden! You know, after the BLUE City of New York just revealed how anti-citizen rights the Democrats have become, how can the Libertarians not join the Republican Party at this juncture of our Nation’s NEEDS!

Online headline: “Former Clinton adviser dismayed at how Biden campaign is freezing out successful Democratic insiders” -- Hmmm...well, aside from Clinton now siding with former GA Gov/Senator Zell Miller that the Democrat Party has LEFT him, too, why are Democrats blaming Biden when all he does now is read what "other Democrats" put on a Teleprompter?

My birthday was in late April, but yesterday, the 30th of May, , I received a birthday card from a wonderful friend of mine.. I’m sure she’s hurt that I never responded to her friendship.. but there’s a good reason … She mailed it APRIL 3rd… and it arrived MAY 30th!

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