Tuesday, August 6, 2024

 Breaking news! Online headline: “Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democratic Party's presidential nominee, on Tuesday named Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz as her running mate as she faces off against former President Trump in the 2024 election, according to the Associated Press.” – Guess she had to eliminate Gov. Shapiro of Pennsylvania because he’s Jewish and there’s about to be an Islamic Jihad on Israel by Iran, and she had to write off Sen Kelly of Arizona because he’s been out as a foreign agent for China which is responsible for the balloon spying and Fentanyl deaths here in America!

Online headline: “ Elon Musk's pro-Trump PAC is now under investigation for falsely claiming to register voters” -- "under investigation for falsely claiming to register voters"? Hmmm ... of course if Musk’s PAC was “pro-Harris”, this would not be a story… but how come Stacey Abrams isn't being investigated for registering FALSE VOTERS?

Online headline: “Columbus GA  police chief cites ‘visibility’ and ‘presence’ as key to crime reduction” --Hmmm...”visibility” is the key…....well visibility sure would be enhanced if Columbus GA Council and Mayor Skippy the Poop would honor the Public Safety SPLOST tax of 2008 and FINALLY get those additional 100 police officers "ON THE STREETS" as promised... either that or REMOVE the tax altogether.

Online headline: “Boxing chief demands Imane Khelif and Lin Yu-ting prove 'they were born women' after gender controversy” -- You know.. in boxing, a boxer can fight "both specific and up categories", but not in "lower categories".. in other words, a 145 pound  man or woman can compete  in any  category he or she wants to from 145 pounds or higher, but not lower. ... and I see no issue at letting a true woman "up fight" against men is acceptable, but  men "down fighting" against women... no way!  Case in point: Tennis… the average fast professional men’s serves is 148 MPH (163 the highest), while the average of fastest speed for professional women’s serves is 126 MPH (136 the highest).  All the hype in the world will not make competition fair for men to play on the women’s circuit…

Online headline: “Columbus GA restaurant closes as road construction takes toll” – For 26 years, Skippers Seafood was a successful eatery. I met Ronzell Buckner in 1990 during a political campaign, and got to know and admire his business flair and  acumen.. Was an early customer when he added “Skipper’s”  not too far from women’s hair business.  (Ate at Skipper’s in the early years until I remarried and my whole world changed). Good luck Ronzell.. in your new venture!

Online headline/story: “Columbus,Georgia home to museums with unusual collections * the Columbus Collective Museums (CCM) in Columbus, GA. It’s a combination collectibles/antique shop with seven “museums” rolled into one. The Lunch Box Museum is the standout with an estimated 5,000 lunch boxes and related lunch box paraphernalia. * It’s located at 3218 Hamilton Road. Go to columbuscollectivemuseums.com” --  Truly a great trip.. especially  for granddads to take their grandchildren for a walk down memory lane! There are also exhibits of “Nehi”, “Royal Crown Cola”, Tom Houston Peanuts”, “Radios”, “Chero-Cola”, and some special cars onsite.

Wow.. RFK,Jr just aired a “bear” story (which was probably a crime as well) where he intentionally left a dead bear cub’s body in NYC’s Central Park. Hmmm… that’s not the first story we’ve heard of a Kennedy secretly leaving a body without calling it in for emergency help until another day…

Looks like I need a new name for nominee Harris... Chuckles/Phuckles won't be as pertinent as in the recent past, but.. “Kalamity” will... Everything she's done previously has been a calamity so “Kalamity Harris” it is.

Online headline: “Woman in US illegally allegedly dumps newborn in Houston dumpster, claims she had 'no choice” – Hmmm… I guess in Socialist-Democrat (a.k.a. Kalamity Harris word salad )  “speak”, the woman is obviously innocent of making her “choice” for a self-induced late-term abortion… Now.. since  the baby was birthed in the US,  this is actually another case of an illegal alien trying to KILL an AMERICAN citizen!

Online headline: “Sen. Tom Tillis: Taxpayers without student loans should not pay for those of others” – Wait a minute… We put of doing things we wanted to do so our 3 daughters would finish college debt-free.. I want a refund if other parents’ children get their debts cancelled… and if we’re going to be taxed for helping someone “in need”, we’d want it to be wounded… physically and/or mentally… veterans who served to protect our country and future!

Online story: “A federal judge ruled on Monday that Alphabet – the parent company of tech giant Google – broke federal antitrust laws as it reinforced its dominant position over online searches and related advertising. * The Justice Department sued Google over its control of roughly 90% of the online search market – an amount that rises to 95% on smartphones. Judge Mehta noted that Google paid $26.3 billion in 2021 alone to ensure that its search engine remained the default option on web browsers and smartphones to keep its dominant market share. * "The default is extremely valuable real estate… Even if a new entrant were positioned from a quality standpoint to bid for the default when an agreement expires, such a firm could compete only if it were prepared to pay partners upwards of billions of dollars in revenue share and make them whole for any revenue shortfalls resulting from the change," Mehta wrote.” – About time! I switched to “Duck Duck Go” years ago on my phone and computer, and am really glad I did so.. it’s more than obvious how less “followed” and “harassed” I feel…I remember when AT&T was broken up… and users and investors have benefited immensely!

Online “headLIE”: “Some Republicans say Kamala Harris is a better option than a "malignant narcissist" like Trump” --  Whatta HEADLIE! If someone starts a “Republicans for Harris” site, don't believe them either!

Case in point headline: “Republicans For Harris Group Launches While Trump Insults Key Georgia Republican” .. Hmm.. the actual Harris County GA Republicans should SUE!

Let’s talk about “electric school buses”… has anyone considered what will happen if an electric school bus full of students.. especially elementary aged ones..  bursts out in flames.. the batteries flames cannot be put out .. at least not by current  methods, and are more dangerous for exploding..

Online headline: “Virginia school district launches pilot no cellphone policy using magnetic pouch that blocks signal” – I’m not sure “magnetic pouches” will solve a growing problem, but at least a problem is being recognized and acted upon.. but I sure hope Columbus, GA’s school board will initiate a program to curtail the students’ use on school grounds..maybe requiring students to be reading at their grade level can be the incentive for allowing use of cellphones..

If you vote for Kalamity Harris, this is the map of America that will hang in our public school classrooms.

Thanks for those who have contributed so far.. Every $10.00 helps..  The website to donate to a fundraiser for a favorite charity of mine: The Anne Elizabeth Shepherd Home for Girls here in Columbus, GA… so.. here is the URL “link” you can “click” or “copy and paste”.


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