Wednesday, August 14, 2024


Online headline: “ AL Secretary of State finds over 3,000 non-citizens registered to vote” -- yep... every state is a border state, and there are too many Democrats registering voters .. speaking of Democrat voter registration... where in GA is  Stacey Abrams ...right now!

Online headline: “1 dead in overnight Columbus, GA  stabbing” – Hmmm…. Number 30 at a minimum, but probably the 34th homicide in Columbus, GA in 2024 if you get realistic...

Online headline: “Public agenda centers concern over Columbus GA Animal Care & Control” -- Wow....It seems some people are more upset about how strays are put down than how teen thugs are...let's prioritize, Columbus, GA!

Online headline: “ ‘Alert’ declared at Plant Vogtle, Georgia Power says” --  Hmmm...We know what pressure there is about conceding demands when a gun is held to our heads, but can you imagine what pressure there is at holding an atomic explosive device to someone's head must feel like?  Guess GaPowCo  will be asking the Public Service Commission for new higher rates to fix what they just finished building at twice the estimates.

Online “headLIE”: “Goldman Sachs says voters are shifting to Kamala Harris—and the odds of a blue wave are swelling” -- Of course Goldman Sachs would say this... they are probably "short" in the market, and love the interest rates they're getting on their cash and clients'  market loans.


Online headline: “US Seeks 6 Million Barrels of Oil for Strategic Petroleum Reserve” -- You know, Trump tried to build up the Strategic Oil Reserve when oil was at $20 dollars a barrel, but Schumer stopped it! Now, Harris-Biden is trying to buy it back in the $70/$80 range..  great management of American tax dollars....NOT!

Online “headLIE”: “Tim Walz excelled as a governor, will excel further as vice president” -- This isn't news.. at best, it's a political opinion.. but it's an opinion without factual confirmation!

Interesting... Democrats won't define what a woman is, but now promote Tim Walz, who feels tampon machines belong in boys' bathrooms, as the dictionary  definition of “masculinity”.

Online headline: “FBI told Harris campaign it was target of 'foreign actor influence operation,' official says” --  Wow! That's a switch, the FBI warning a candidate that there's a conspiracy against her versus CONTRIBUTING TO A FOREIGN CONSPIRACY against Donald Trump in both the 2016 & 2020 elections!

Online “headLIE”: “ Harris plan to cut household costs to be revealed in Friday policy speech” --  Kalamity Harris says she would cut "household costs"... hmmm... now, if she said she would cut HOUSE costs, I might listen to her.. but she has no way to cut "household"  costs unless she fixes prices so businesses go out of business.

Online headline: “ Tim Walz Praised Radical Imam Who Promoted Pro-Hitler Film as ‘Master Teacher’ Despite Insisting They Have No ‘Personal Relationship’” -- Walz has an unhealthy relationship with Asad Zaman, a Muslim cleric who promoted a Hitler supporting movie.. Walz hosted Zaman on at least 5 different occasions.. and on October 7th, Walz said that "Palestinians have a right to resist, to defend themselves". HUH! Excuse me, but terrorizing a concert and taking/holding hostages is not "resisting" or "defending" themselves... that was an "Act of WAR", and if the Palestinians won't rid themselves of HamASS, then Israel has every right to do so!

Online headline: “Georgia officials bolster voting system security for 2024 presidential election” -- Hey, as long as the Dominion Voting machines are "hackable", there is no voting security in GA.. or many other states! In 2020, 19 states.. including GA, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Arizona, used Dominion, and Trump was edged out in all of these states…

Wow! Columbus GA kids did not get to go swimming at the old public pools this summer (again!) due to inefficient reconstruction plans, but, by golly, there’s a “Swimming Party for DOGS” coming up at Double Churches Pool soon.. Maybe French President Macron can come over and throw in the first POOP!

Online headline: “Biden administration asks Supreme Court to lift latest block on student loan repayment plan” -- Good grief! This is definitely a JoKKKe Biden dementia moment! The Supreme Court has already ruled that only Congress can approve such expenditures!

Online headline: “Minnesota Senator Julia Coleman: Tim Walz is a Border-Line Socialist” --  "Borderline Socialist"? Hmmm... Walz crossed that line decades ago!
Online “headLIE”: “Georgia elections deputy: 'System is sound, secure and ready for operation'” -- How can this be said! RINO Rafffensperger has already confirmed the same Dominion machines used in 2020 are being used again, and they are still "hackable".

Online headline/story: “Georgia officials say Kennedy, 2 others have signatures for presidential ballot as disputes remain * Georgia Democrats are still legally challenging (4) candidates ...on Georgia Ballots. It is part of a nationwide effort to block candidates who could siphon off votes from VP Kamala Harris."? --  Hmmmm... so much for the Democrats claims to be protecting "Democracy".. One candidate has survived an assassination attempt, and now Democrats are trying to keep 4 of their own off the GA ballot.

Online opinion headline: “‘We are Representatives of the PEOPLE,’ says Marjorie Taylor Greene, which begs questions about what she’s accomplished in the last 3 years * by Ash Martinez” --  hmmm..Ash Martinez, a girl with a degree in “Gaming Design” from Bradley University,  wants to know what Rep. Greene has accomplished in the last 3 years.... hmmm... that's a good question .. but she should be answering THAT QUESTION about Kalamity Harris.

Online “headLIE: “Bernie Sanders Warns Donald Trump Is Gearing Up To Deny 2024 Election Results” – Whoa! Bernie has his characters mixed up.. he said “TRUMP” but had to be talking about his here Maduro in Venezuela… that, or he knows what Biden is planning.. but either way, BERNIE IS LYING  by claiming he KNOWS what Trump will do! The Senate should immediately CENSURE Bernie!

Online headline: “ Harris’ approach to migration was more nuanced than critics or allies portray it” -- Let's face it .. the "root causes" of our illegal alien surge across our Southern Border are fairly obvious... the Democrat Party policies! No wonder Kalamity Harris hasn’t corrected any…

Hmmm... after seeing how "PROUD" French President Macron was about the crap that was in the Opening Ceremony and what swimmer found in the Seine River, if I was an Olympic Medal Winner, I'd be VERY hesitant about posing for pictures with me biting down on my medal!

Online headline: “Campaign ‘hiding’ Kamala Harris from press, and it’s working * by  Anna Kutz” --  Hmmm.. Sorta sounds like what Democrat NJ Gov Murphy said, "there'll be plenty of time for [interviews] in the future"? Hmmm...and that's about what PeLOUSY said about one of those massive Democrat spending bills, "We'll have to pass the bill so we can see what's in it."

Online ‘headLIE”: “Columbus GA hopes to lower poverty rate with new funding” – Good grief! This is as ludicrous as Mayor Skippy the Poo & Columbus GA Council continually giving the Citizen Crime Committee $700,000-$800,000.00 in appeasement money  annually to end street crimes by giving it to fund salaries of ineffective groups!

From the “BS” department – Online headline: “ Fact Check: Video Shows Harris Misspeaking 'Reduce Population' When She Meant 'Reduce Pollution'” --  Hey.. “Misspeak”?... No way!  Kalamity Harris is KNOWN for her “word salad” off-Teleprompter comments.. all socialist governments look for ways to reduce their populations!

Online headline: “Stephen Colbert's New York City audience laughs after he praises CNN's objectivity” – Hmmm.. betcha someone got fired for this.. and a new “audience vetter” has probably already ben hired!

Has MSM or the DNC even considered what image they are sending to both our allies and enemies alike by having simultaneous stories of Resident Biden on the beach and Kalamity Harris avoiding the press while campaigning?

For those who have contributed so far, thanks… but some of you are holding back! Now’s a good time to step up to the plate!.. Every bit helps..  Donations for his event will be accepted through Aug 29th! The website to donate to this one of my favorite charities of mine fundraiser is: The Anne Elizabeth Shepherd Home for Girls here in Columbus, GA… so.. here is the URL “link” you can “click” or “copy and paste”. For those of other collegiate “loyalty”, there are 16 other “Number 1 Fans” you can contribute “for” if Mississippi State isn’t your favorite Bulldog school.. This is about the girls served at the AESH ..!

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