Thursday, August 8, 2024

 Online story: “ CNN correspondent Tom Foreman fact-checked Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz’s claim that he carried weapons in war as “absolutely false” on Wednesday, noting that the Democratic vice presidential candidate never actually took part in combat in a war zone.” -- No doubt about it… when CNN calls out a liberal’s lie, you know it’s an egregious one! ... Walz should be arrested under the "Stolen Valor Act" of 2013!

New VP nominee Walz is a "walzing contradiction”!.. Talking about women’s issues, he  said that people can make their own choices, so "everybody else  should mind their own business"! ...  Hmmm… and yet during the Covid-19 pandemic, he opened a Covid-19 "hotline" and asked everybody to snitch on their neighbors .. even family members..if they did ANYTHING that violated his stay at home directives… even for Thanksgiving and Christmas!

Anybody else think it's "weird" that war could break out in the Mid-East at any time, and Kalamity is not at the White House War Room instead of flitting about and leaving Residential Biden still in control of the nuclear missile launch codes?

Online headline: “Walz as Harris' VP pick could appeal to Georgia's rural voters, political analysts say” -- "could appeal"? yeah, and some people "could think installing "free tampon machines" in men's bathrooms is appealing.

Online "The HILL" headline: " Pelosi says some Republicans have told her Dems ‘have to beat’ Trump in November " -- some Republicans"?  Libs love the word "some" as much as the word "could".. they are adjectives that don't require PROOF or VERIFICATION.

Online headline: “Tim Walz’s Wife Reveals Why She ‘Kept the Windows Open’ During George Floyd Protests” --  Hmmm.... well I guess she kept the windows open because the stink of burning tires was preferred to closing them and smelling the stench from her husband's political action...and/or  INACTION.

Online headline: “These Movies and TV Shows Are Casting in Columbus, Georgia” – Hmmm…”Going Postal”, “Lowball”, “Throwing Stones”, “Garden of Dreams”, “Spy Balloon”, and “The Trump Shooter” --  Seriously? A movie named "The Trump Shooter" is going to be shot in Columbus, guess Alec Baldwin will be cast as “the Shooter”..  Seriously, if there's anything that needs to be "shot" here, it’s the liberal @-holes financing this.

Online headline: “ Kamala Harris slams protesters disrupting Detroit rally: ‘If you want Donald Trump to win, then say that” -- One question: How many Secret Service and SWAT snipers were assigned to Kalamity Harris’ outdoor rally?

Online headline/story: “ Pelosi Claims Republicans Fed the ‘Flame’ That Led to Husband Being Attacked With Their ‘Politics of Personal Destruction’ * “The Republican Party with cloven feet, head horns — really, actually, they started under Clinton, Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton. The politics of personal destruction and then they transferred that to me,” she said, arguing she was only targeted because she proved “effective.” -- Good grief! Nobody "hates" PeLOUSY  because of the Clintons...  Queen PeLOUSY  has earned everything she’s got by herself... Guess Queen PeLOUSY needs a dementia exam as much or more than Resident Biden

Online opinion piece: “Vice President Kamala Harris has finally made her decision on a running mate — middle-aged white guy Tim Walz, the governor of Minnesota who blamed his drunk driving arrest on deafness. * All that remains is for Harris to tell voters what she wants to do at president. So far, she hasn’t said much. *  Oh, she wants to be president all right, but she hasn’t offered anything about as what she wants to do as president. Watching her campaign up to this point, you would be forgiven if you came away thinking that Kamala Harris is a very harsh critic of the Joe Biden-Kamala Harris administration. * Harris’s website includes pictures of her and Walz, a biography, donate buttons, etc. But when you visit, you realize that there is actually nothing on issues at all. It’s been more than two weeks now, and there’s no issues tab, no statement on what the candidate believes in, no list of campaign promises.” --
If I didn’t know better, I’d think this was Conservative PAC ad opinion, but it’s one published by “The Hill” which is a pro-liberal resource… Hmm.. maybe not every Democrat is happy about Kalamity Harris pushing Resident Biden off the map..

Online “headLIE”:  Trump has never had to face someone with Kamala Harris’s raw talent” – Hmmm…I don't know about Kalamity Harris’ "raw talent", but I do know  he hadn't faced anyone with her.. "CAW"  talent for sure.

Online headline: “Columbus GA cracks down on speeding in school zones with 20 new cameras in Muscogee County” --  Since we have about 50 public schools, which 30 school’s kids safety isn’t as important as other schools’ kids? Ah! But that’s not the purpose.. it’s a fund raiser! And not one that’s going to do a good job at keeping kids safe.. FINES won’t be sent unless a vehicle is going at least 11 MPH over the School Zone limit, so, in effect, most speeders won’t be ticketed,  and they will be considered  “civil torts”, NOT “traffic offenses”, so they won’t be sent to the DMV and given “points” that will raise the insurance rates.. and the camera owners will get BIG BUCKS (30% as I understand) of each one..

From the “whatta JoKKKe” department – Online story: “President Joe Biden has tasked his team with coming up with an agenda for his final six months in office, defining key priorities for the administration as he looks to secure a one-term legacy – including a robust schedule on the world stage.” – “Joe Biden has TASKED his team”? What team.. the “White House handlers” just traded them all to Kalamity Harris! Now, that “team” will concentrate on keeping Resident Biden out of the news as much as possible to keep normally Democrat voters from going to vote in November from having “buyers regret” for trading off JoKKKe Biden for Kalamity Harris!

I just ran across a comment I posted in a 2016 Breakfast Club Blog… and it’s still just a truthful today as always : “You know, if you think a person of any color is a racist because they have a different opinion, then you are the racist in that conversation.”

Another question that I haven’t seen an answer posted: CA Gov Newson said he was sending a crew of 10 California Emergency workers to GA to help with TS Debby issues.. Did Stacey Abrams register them to vote?

You know.. around the country, most people realize that “GOP” is an acronym for “Grand Old Party”, a longtime nickname of the Republican Party… but not in California… In California, you can count true Republicans on two hands.. well, and maybe using the toes of one or two feet as well.. So inn California, “GOP” means “”Getting Obscene Payment” for illegal aliens voting for Democrats…

You know… when pictures pop up with Kalamity Harris wearing an 18K Gold Tiffany CHAIN link necklace that’s advertised at $62,000.00 that Vogue confirms and SNOPES tiptoes around NOT CALLING IT A FAKE, we can be pretty sure it’s real… guess she wanted to SHOW she’s in tune with slaves wearing CHAIN link shackles centuries ago…

Thanks for those who have contributed so far.. Every $10.00 helps..  Donations for his event will be accepted through Aug 29th! The website to donate to this favorite charity of mine fundraiser is: The Anne Elizabeth Shepherd Home for Girls here in Columbus, GA… so.. here is the URL “link” you can “click” or “copy and paste”.

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