Monday, August 19, 2024


Online headline: “White House walks back Biden’s comments on new elections in Venezuela” --  Of course the White House 'handlers' "walked back' Resident Biden's comment! Maduro is the Democrats' and Bernie's dream leader!

Charles Dickens' could write a sequel to his "Tale of Two Cities" using Milwaukee and Shicago ... In Milwaukee, the Republicans were welcomed by the merchants and prospered, while Shicago sees the Democrats as Madam DeFarge and her Guillotine Squad of Genocidal Islamist and the merchants are boarding up their stores in hopes they won't be beheaded.

You know, what most Democrats don't realize is by supporting the Palestinian genocidist protesters, they not only support the deaths of the  Jewish Community, they also support the Islamic purge of Christians... and most Democrat voters  ARE Christian or Jewish...

ILL Governor Pritzker says they are expecting 50,000 people to Shicago this week ...hmmm...about 4.500 are Convention delegates so that means most of them are genocidal Palestinian  Jihadist... Can't wait to see the crime stats for this week!

Online “headLIE” : “Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker Promises to Arrest ‘Troublemaker’ DNC Protesters” – Hmmm… I guess by “troublemakdrs” he means either the Shicgo police officers or any citizen wearing a Trump hat or shirt.. We just heard him excited about the 50,000 visitors , and we know  those are either DNC delegates or Palestinian genocidal protesters.

One of the scariest aspects of Blinken & Nod "negotiating" with HamASS & Iran is that we can guess some sort of "September/Octoberdeal will get made prior to the election, and... and we won't hear about how much cash "we" will be giving to Iran which will be passed on to various Islamic Jihadist..

Online headline: “Arizona Senator Kelly  says Harris ‘absolutely’ understands the issue on the border” -- Yeah .. she understands.... that it's a Kalamity!

Online “headLIE”: “JD Vance falters with Sun Belt swing state voters. They're more receptive to Tim Walz.” --  What BS!  The Sun Belt is solid.. no amount of mis/disinformation will change this...

Online “headLIE”: “Polls Finds Kamala Harris Taking Lead From Trump in States He Was Running Away with Just Weeks Ago” -- Hmmm...Stacey Abrams must have been hired to  run these  polls... and of course, she always wins her polls. Just ask her who the Governor of GA is…

Online headline/story: “JD Vance says putting Kamala Harris in control of inflation is like putting Jeffrey Epstein in control of human trafficking policy. * “Kamala Harris, who has been vice president for three and a half years is somehow gonna tackle the inflation crisis in a way tomorrow that she hasn't for the past 1300 days * The American people are much smarter than that. “ – JD Vance surely has a way with analogies…

Online headline: “Secret Service investigating report that agent left Trump event to breastfeed” -- seems beginning to become abundantly clear that for Trump,  the Secret Service has abandoned its stated purpose..

JoKKKe & Jill Biden...Obama.. Bill and Hellary Clinton... Walz…Pritzker... Kalamity Harris & Doug Emhoff are "the Keynote Speakers" at the Democrat Convention... Hmmm... please note that there's not a new name or face for the Democratic Party of the future.

Bet none of the guest speakers at the Democrat Convention in Shicago start off heir speeches with “Ephesians 5: 6-7 - 5:6  Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of such things God's wrath comes on those who are disobedient. 5:7  * Therefore do not be partners with them.”  Hmmm… David couldn’t have nailed Goliath as accurately as this nails KALAMITY…

Good grief! The Democrats' are trying to lift KALAMITY Harris as an example of rising out of poverty rather than privilege by saying her parents rented their whole lives and couldn’t afford the American dream, but candidate KALAMITY rose above it.. Wait a minute, her father is a professor emeritus at Stanford, and her mother was a biomedical scientist at Berkeley National Laboratory, andboth  KALAMATY and her sister both became lawyers..  Hmm.. JD Vance... now he's the example of escaping the pits of poverty, and KALAMITY calls him "weird"!

KALAMITY claims her plans will be an  "opportunity economy"... where everybody can compete. .. Obviously, KALAMITY Harris learned Econ 101 in either Venezuela or Cuba... Now, I wish she would explain how all women can compete in athletic events since Harris also feels men calling themselves women can compete against them. One other question, how does "DEI" help  Black women trying to compete against White males calling themselves women?

I cannot vote "FOR" Kalamity Harris... In a nutshell, I..we . need a leader... not a deceiver ... in the White House.

Hmmm... What kind of deal is Resident Biden offering Iran/HamASS/Houthis? If it's anything like the Afghanistan deal he made with the Taliban/ISIS, then Biden will probably withdraw and leave most of our Naval fleet there for the Iran/HamASS/Houthis!

Government price controls have never.. in any country, in any year or era... been a successful solution for the economy or inflation. Think about that... you know, the only experience Democrats have had is increasing costs  for businesses and consumers alike by adding regulatory expenses and higher taxes.

The next time you look at your restaurant bill.. look at the sales taxes... now consumers are being charged sales taxes that use to be a percentage  that was considered a decent tip. ..and if the owner has a "built in tip suggestion", it wants us to pay tips on SALES TAXES as well... Now... think about why prices have reached the levels they are now... Pure & simple .. taxes at every level are imposed by politicians who, for the most part, have never run a consumer business, and when we are the end-buyer, the sales taxes we pay are based on the cost of taxes paid by the material suppliers + the manufacturers + distributors + retailers.

Online headline/story: “Former Secret Service director given ‘unprecedented’ agency protection * The Secret Service will provide a security detail for Cheatle because of fears that someone may retaliate against her because of the agency's failures during Trump's July 13 assassination attempt that injured him and two others and killed a former fire chief. “ -- "unprecedented agency Protection"? Hey, this was "Plan B" when "Plan A" Trump protection failed!

Writer’s Note:  Hmm… ANOTHER news story that is now blocking public comment… it’s beginning to be a “pattern”.

Have you noticed that the people saying KALAMITY Harris is as “sharp as a tack" are the same people who last month were saying,  Resident Biden was "sharp as a tack"!

"Laser Focused"? That's what KALAMITY Harris says she "WILL BE" if elected.. Hmmm.. just another lie... she's had nearly 4 years to DEMONSTRATE that she could be "laser focused".. and the "Border Czar" has failed miserably.

Online headline: “CNN’s Scott Jennings Says Kamala Harris Plan Great — IF ‘You Want To Recreate The Happy Economic Conditions Of The Walking Dead’” --  Wow! A CNN journalist.. with vision.. and a sense of humor… Jennings won’t last much longer at CNN…
Writer’s Note: Yep.. another comment “block”…

Online headline: “Walz administration awarded $2 million to Muslim group fundraising for al Qaeda-linked charity” – Hmmm…  And you wondered why KALAMITY Harris selected Walz vs Shapiro for her VP  choice ... or why the pro-Palestinians are supporting the Democrats!

Online “headLIE”: “JD Vance is now the least popular VP candidate in modern history – even below Sarah Palin” -- Is there anything liberals won't lie about? If you want an "unpopular" VP candidate, how about Thomas Eagleton or Admiral James Stockdale or Dan Quayle!

Online headline: “Drone Video: Synovus Park in Columbus, GA taking shape” -- What exactly is $50 Million being spent on? Seems like there ought to be a domed roof with A/C for  that kind of money…

Online headline/story: “More than Georgia delegates head to DNC * “Basically at convention is like two things – party business, committees and caucuses and hammering out things over the next 4 years and the platform that will certify the things important to the Democratic Party,” said Georgia delegate, Amin Ghoneim.” --
Hmmm.. Amin Ghoneim.. President of the GA Democratic Party.. associated with “Electica .. the self-serve digital targeting platform built by PROGRESSIVE campaigners for PRPGRESSIVE campaigners”.. across the GLOBE.. 28 countries to be exact… No wonder Amin Ghoneim is so excited to get to Shicago early … to greet the Palestinian HamASS group…

You know.. Ghonein was an active advocate  for Resident Biden, and turned on a dime to support KALAMITY.. just shows the Progressives are not about a candidate.. but about a Party agenda.

Writer’s note: This comment was blocked by News Break…
Check it out:

Online story: “Vice President Kamala Harris unveiled a sweeping economic agenda on Friday, vowing to ease inflation, fix the housing market and slash taxes for middle-income families. “ – “sweeping”? Only if she means she will SWEEP out the last opportunities for GEN Z to become successful business people and homeowners…

Online headline: “FBI fires back at claims it released assassin Thomas Crooks' body for cremation days after Trump assassination attempt” --  Excuse me, but what is a "normal procedure" that turns the body of an assassin back to its family just TEN DAYS after he killed 1 man, shot 3 others, including President Trump?! Hell, it took the DOJ/FBI YEARS of examining Hunter Biden's laptop before they said they were  sure it was his!

Online headline: “Harris skewered for 'day one' promise to 'bring down prices:'  'What have you been doing the last 4 years?” --  Good grief! Without KALAMITY Harris’ tie-breaking votes in the Senate, Resident Biden could not have signed either of  their “TRILLIONS of  dollars  “Infrastructure”  or  “Inflation Reduction” bills into LAW!... Both of which are the “root causes” of our inflation!  Yes, KALAMITY knows what has caused this inflation, but she’s not equipped to solve it…and to be honest… solving inflation is not really on her agenda if she gets elected…

Online headline: “ Former Secret Service director assigned security detail amid threats after Trump shooting” --  Good grief! Cheatle  didn't resign... She was just hidden out of sight!

Online headline: “Supreme Court (by a 5-4 decision with Gorsuch siding with Sotomayor, Kagan and Jackson) strikes down Biden-Harris Title IX change that some argued would allow men in women's sports” --  Two things ... I don't want to ever hear liberals claim Gorsuch is a conservative again, and I don't want to hear liberals claim Gorsuch is a conservative again.

Online headline: “Former Afghan prosecutors hunted down, killed by Taliban 3 years after US withdrawal”  --  Hmmm… bet this is real comforting to American sympathizers Biden left in Afghanistan….. NOT!

Online headline: “Newsom signs package to curb smash-and-grab robberies, car thefts” – Oh… Newsom thinks the Progressive California DA’s are going to actually  enforce this? NOT… because some of them are running for re-election in November.

Online headline: “Thieves hit 3 7-Eleven stores in 20 mins, hours after Newsom signed 'smash-and-grab' tackling bills” – And they are probably already back on the street under the “no cash bail” system..

Online headline: “A Hamas leader says they will give up governing Gaza, but won’t lay down arms” --  Yeah,, right… like there is a difference… The only thing that will keep HamASS leaders on the government sideline is them trying to stay out of public exposure where they are in view of Israeli drone sights.

Writer’s Note: Hmm.. another story where public comment has become blocked.

You know, when you look at a burger menu, and you see a two-patty with cheese  called the "Big Jack", you have certain expectations run through your mind. We went through the new "Jack's" in north Columbus, GA this week for the first time since it opened, and decided on the "Big Jack", but what I got wasn't much bigger than a "SLIDER". C'mon, can do better than that!.. Well, in fact… you’re gonna HAVE TO DO BETTER THAN THAT!

Online “headLIE”: “OOPS! Trump Accidentally Hands Kamala Harris And Gavin Newsom A Major Compliment” --  "Compliment"? That was no compliment by Trump! The truth is that Newsom and Harris opened the floodgates of "crime  and grime" on their watch!

Online headline: “Trump flails for a schoolyard taunt that’ll work against Harris” --  Hmmm… "KALAMITY  Harris" works for me! “Kommiemala” does, too…

Writer’s Note: You guessed it.. comment blocked… the “pattern” becomes clearer…

Online headline: “Savannah Harris supporters gather on anniversary of Inflation Reduction Act” – KALAMITY supporters gathered to celebrate? Good grief... This is almost as bad as gathering on 9-11 to "celebrate"!

Writer’s Note: Another “News Break” block…

KALAMITY Harris feels consumers need protection with "price controls", while what we actually  need to reduce inflation are "tax control" and government "SPENDING CONTROL!".

The Little  League World Series  for boys has begun.. It's so good to see real 12 year olds and younger out on the field vs mostly 13 year olds.. it took a long time for LL to finally make September 1st the date that determines a player's age, but there's something the LLWS  Officials need to change back...when so many 13' year old were playing, the LLWS Officials moved the fences back from 200' to 225', but now there aren't any 13 year olds. I saw 2 balls hit Saturday evening that would have been home run memories for two Pennsylvania kids, but one was caught at the 210' area  for an out, and another landed about 2 feet from the 225' wall and he got a double, but they should have been home run memories ...

Online headline: “Trumper Ben Carson Says Kamala Is No ‘MLK’ 2.0 During Tucker Carlson Interview” --  Doctor Carson is right… Dr Martin Luther King, Jr would be aghast at KALAMITY Harris'  insistence  Black voters judge her on the color of her skin rather than her  character...well, lack of real character.

Online headline: “Democrats Asked NOT to Book Hotels Under Own Names Due To Safety Concerns as Pro-Palestinian Protestors Converge on DNC” –  "told not to book rooms under own name"? Hmmm... sorta like voters being told not to register to vote more than once per name.... Of course, anyone trying to book a room in Shicago last week for THIS week wouldn't find one to book anyway.

Hmm.. what the Democrats SHOULD ask… well… DEMAND… is their Palestinian supporters NOT WEAR MASKS nor THROW THINKGS AT THE SHICAGO POLICE or DESTROY SHICAGO BUSINESSES!
Online headline: “Joy Behar Calls Out “Rigged” Emmys For Failing To Award ‘The View” --  Hmmm....and I thought an Emmy was awarded for shows and people that actually made a positive impact on life and history?  Other than she’s positively repulsing, what positive impact does Behar feel she brings to TV?

Online “headLIE”: “Former GOP Rep. Barbara Comstock says she’s voting for Harris * Hmmmm....a  RINO, at best.. she lost her seat in a pro-Republican district...which didn't support her after 2 terms.

In her 2019 “memoir promotion tour, Charlamagne the god asked KALAMITY Harris if she’d ever used marijuana… KALAMITY resonded: “Half my family is from Jamaica.. Are you kidding me?” Her father, Stanford U. professor emeritus, was n’t laughing… he wrote a letter to a Jamaican media outlet “scolding” KALAMITY like a child, “Speaking for myself and my immediate Jamaican family, we wish to categorically dissociate ourselves from this travesty.”… You know… immature children historically have moments they are embarrassed by their parents.. but it is indeed rare when a learned parent dissociates himself from a mature child…

Talk about an inflation causer! This is a very busy Circle K gas station at Manchester Expressway & 2nd Avenue in Columbus, GA … all 24 pump hoses were “bagged” … out-of-GAS and DIESEL! Hmmm.. shades of the Carter years… but magnified! KALAMITY CAN’T FIX THIS ON “DAY 1”.

Online headline: “Transgender teens sue New Hampshire officials over new state law prohibiting them from competing on girls’ sports teams” --  It’s time to stop this “movement! This "desire" for inadequate boys to try their hand at trying to compete as  girls would end if the real girls in the locker room would group together and all take pics of these "girls' showing their semi-masculine genitalia and post it on social media...

KALAMITY Harris’  take on "price gouging" is as laughable her speech faux pas of saying "price gauging". The number one cause of the higher inflation causing prices is the JoKKKe-KALAMITY oil policy (followed closely by her administrations’  “spending spree”)  ... the higher cost of diesel fuel  and gasoline is added to food costs at every level.. from supplies, farming, delivery, and consumer access. 

For those who have contributed so far, thanks… but some of you are holding back! Now’s a good time to step up to the plate!.. Every bit helps..  Donations for his event will be accepted through Aug 29th! The website to donate to this one of my favorite charities of mine fundraiser is: The Anne Elizabeth Shepherd Home for Girls here in Columbus, GA… so.. here is the URL “link” you can “click” or “copy and paste”. For those of other collegiate “loyalty”, there are 16 other “Number 1 Fans” you can contribute “for” if Mississippi State isn’t your favorite Bulldog school.. This is about the girls served at the AESH ..!

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