Friday, August 9, 2024


Online headline/story: “Walz waited until legislative session wrapped to demand resignation from Dem lawmaker accused of burglary  * Vice presidential nominee Gov. Tim Walz waited to call on an embattled Democratic state lawmaker charged with burglary to resign until after the Minnesota legislative session ended in May and her critical vote was no longer needed.  * GOP leaders say the episode demonstrated how Walz did what was ‘politically expedient’ as governor than WHAT WAS RIGHT” – “politically expedient”  versus “WHAT WAS RIGHT” ? DOH! Walz is a Democrat… and would never have been chosen as their VP candidate if he had done “WHAT WAS RIGHT” ….

Online headline/story: “ Biden lawyer  thinks Congress should prevent Trump from pardoning himself * Bob Bauer, President Joe Biden’s lawyer and former White House counsel to President Barack Obama , said Congress should pass legislation barring the president from pardoning himself.” -- Hmmm... I think the bigger concern is about Biden pardoning his son AND himself ... hey... is it even possible the Supreme Court would even ALLOW a president to pardon himself? Maybe the Supreme Court should be invoking  the 25th Amendment on Biden's entire Cabinet FOR NOT INVOKING the 25th on Biden!

Online headline: “Imane Khelif condition, explained: Fact-checking the XY chromosome at center of gender eligibility controversy” --  Hmmmm...high testosterone levels indicate the presence of testicles... 2+2=4… not 3 or 5.

Did you see Biden being “softball interviewed” on NBC? He was questioned about whether there would be a “peaceful transition” if Trump won, and Biden first answered he was “not confident at all”..  then he “corrected himself” as to whether there would be a “peaceful transition” if Trumo]p loses, and his answer was the same, “not confident at all”… Think about that…he basically said he wasn’t “confident at all”  there would be a “peaceful transition” getting him out of the White House whether Trump won … OR whether Kalamity Harris won.. Shades of Venezuela and MADURO!

There’s a video of Walz talking about the type of weapons he carried around in combat... but he was deployed to Italy .. hmmm... Wonder how many Italians trembled in fear as Walz walked around carrying his RPG weapon through school zones or near the Vatican?

Looks like Walz has become the next Dukakis Democrat.. remember when Dukakis, who served in post-wartime South Korea, but “posed” in a TANK for campaign ads in the 1988 election trying to “look tough” because George H.W. Bush was a genuine Naval combat pilot who was shot down in the Pacific Ocean in WWII..

Hmm… and when you think about it, Walz basically would not let police officers walk around Minneapolis with guns doing their jobs when it was a COMBAT ZONE back in 2022!

Online headline: “"Bring normality back": Joe Manchin and other moderates praise Harris' selection of Tim Walz” --  Excuse me, but why would Manchin be  asked about the Democrat candidate.. Manchin is no longer a Democrat, and will not return to Washington in 2025.

Hmm.. now Obama has “endorsed Walz”… While it’s still possible for some Shicago Fireworks at the Convention, I think Obama feels the Kalamity “coup” of Biden has done too much damage to the possibility of Ste. Michele walking out of the Convention heading the ballot and winning in November…

Online story: “As many as 1,800 Alabama third graders will repeat the grade because they aren’t reading well enough to move on to fourth grade, state superintendent Eric Mackey said Thursday. * Students in lower grades have been marked for retention due to deficiencies in reading skills, too: Kindergarten - 3,448, First grade - 3,760, Second grade - 2,154. Not every third grader who struggles with reading will be retained.” – What a welcomed change.. Education officials.. well.. trying to make a real difference in  students’ futures! Well… it is a START!

Online story: “Vice President Kamala Harris took her first questions from the press on Thursday since becoming the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee. * On a sit-down interview: "I've talked to my team. I want us to get an interview scheduled before the end of the month." On debate with Trump: "Well, I'm glad that he's finally agreed to a debate on September 10." – Well it was “two” questions… neither of which were about her “policies”.. What’s really revealing is that this was on August 8th, and she wants to put off a real press session for another 3-plus weeks!

Online story: “After a five-year legal battle, the U.S. District Court recently ruled that transgender people incarcerated in Connecticut prisons are entitled to gender-affirming health care.  * According to Elana Bildner, Clark’s attorney,  Clark “had lived publicly as a woman” on and off throughout her life  * In July 2009, Clark was sentenced to an effective life sentence, 75 years, in Connecticut prison for beating his estranged wife’s boyfriend to death with a pipe.” – Hmmm… how can any judge say Clark is entitled to “gender-affirming healthcare” (surgery), when his violent and fatal  beating of his estranged wife’s boyfriend  with a pipe pretty much says Clark considered himself a “man”.. a violent “man”..

Online story: “COLUMBUS, Ga. (WRBL) — One Muscogee County School is looking to limit distractions in the classroom, they plan on doing that with the help of age-old technology. * Students walking into class at Shaw High School will now tuck their phones away in a Yondr pouch, a magnetic storage bag that keeps them offline, and present in the classroom. * Following years of research on the bag, Dr. Sureya Hendrick, principal of Shaw High School, is now getting ready to bring them into the classroom to help achieve the following goals.”  * “Number one, to limit distractions in our classrooms. Number two, to improve student engagement as well as student communication,” Dr. Hendrick said. “And student mental health.” --
I applaud Dr Hendrick.. and the Columbus, GA school system for at least “trying” to correct a huge issue.. this isn’t the solution that will work, but it is a noble effort.. It won’t be long before 1 - students realize they can buy a “burner phone” to place into the bags, 2 – personal magnet unlocking products will become available, or students will find a way to slit the bags when needed.. Regardless.. keep trying Dr Hendrick!

I’ve just come across this item… shortly after the assassination attempt on Trump, Obama issued a statement to Mediaite: “There is absolutely no place for political violence in our democracy. Although we don’t yet know exactly what happened, we should all be relieved that former President Trump wasn’t seriously hurt, and use this moment to recommit ourselves to civility and respect in our politics. Michelle and I are wishing him a quick recovery.” – While I’m glad Obama was “prompt” on his “sympathy”, he didn’t even touch on the fact that the USSS agency did a horrible job protecting their boss’ boss’ boss’s opponent!

Online headline: “ Kamala Harris' staff 'uncomfortable' with 'lock him up' chants against Trump, says CNN reporter” --  Hmmm… Kalamity didn’t appear to like hearing  "lock him up"? Maybe it's because she's thinking that what's happened to Resident Biden, should happen to Hunter, and she could end up there, too!

Online headline: “Maxine Waters lauds Harris-Walz ticket as ‘opportunity for transformation” – Hmmm… and I thought the goal as President was an opportunity to unify and protect all Americans….

Online “headLIE”: “Fact Check: Trump Falsely Claimed Harris 'Doesn't Want Anybody Saying Merry Christmas” – “Fact Check”?  More like a “Farce heck”! I’ve seen that 2017 video… it was Kalamity Harris chastising American citizens for wanting a safe America!

Wow... Sen Rick Scott, R-FL, said one of the Venezuelan Tren de Araguan gang leaders said, "We don't commit crimes in Florida because they put us in jail". Hmmm.... maybe  Shicagoans, Denver, LA  and NYC Governors, Mayors, and Democrat voters don't understand the message.. that, or, just choose to ignore it…

Have you noticed how little attention is focused on the latest International prisoner exchange? You would think Kalamity Harris would be promoting herself as an International leader… but she probably knows that what it has cost America will come back to haunt if it comes out before voting begins…

An amateur Austrian astronomer has captured telescopic pictures of a secret Chinese spy plane flying in space… hmmm… wonder if Sen Kelly, D-AZ, brokered the deal like he did for those “balloons”, and whether “the big guy” got his 10%?

You know.. since Sen Kelly has been outed for aiding the China in getting “balloons” made, MSM and the DNC  has pretty much stuffed him back into a closet…

Online headline: “ Jean-Pierre Hits Back At Reporter Over Transgender Protections: ‘Every Student Deserves The Right To Feel Safe In School’” -- Yes! I agree… students need to feel safe.. and that includes girls from having to share a bathroom with boys.

Online headline: “Special counsel says Romanian businessman paid Hunter Biden handsomely in hopes Obama admin could make corruption probe go away” – Like father, like Son… “quid pro Joe’, “quid pro Hunter”…

Online headline: “Family: Former President Jimmy Carter says he's 'only trying to make it to vote for Kamala Harris” --  Well.. Cuzzin Jimmy definitely would like Kalamity to win...then he would drop to 3rd place in the "Worst President Ever" ratings.

Online story: “PHENIX CITY, Ala. ( WRBL ) — The 13th Street Bridge in Phenix City is closed due to erosion issues as of Thursday morning. * Todd Hughes, the Director of Parks and Recreation, released a statement saying a portion of the Phenix City River walk is closed until further notice. This specifically impacts the area under and around the bridge.” --
You know.. since the City has remarked 1th Street here in Columbus and educed the lanes, slower traffic crossing the 13th St Bridge will have devastating impact on traffic flow in all of UpTown Columbus, GA and may back it up as far down 13th Street to Lakebottom Park! Oh, and the Dillingham Street Bridge will be even more impacted!

You know... when Kalamity Harris speaks to her specialty audiences (sorority and fundraiser speeches), she talks about how much she loves Biden .. (whom she helped push out of the race)... she talks about mom's abortion rights even though she herself has not birthed a child, she talks about voter rights even though non-citizens cannot vote in federal elections, and she's always smiling.. Of course she doesn't talk about inflation, border security, drug smuggling & sex trafficking, supporting Israel's rights to defend itself, funding Iran's terrorist account, gas and energy prices and shortages, the National Debt nor the taxpayer losses funding failed "green energy" companies... I guess she cannot  smile …or cackle… talking about Biden-Harris policy failures.

While I am not watching any of the Olympics.. as promised because of the Opening Ceremony mockeries, and the boxing atrocities, I do see reports about medal counts. One that alarms me is that China is beating America in medals for Shooting Competitions, and the "shooting" aspects are especially alarming because of the surging number of single military-aged Chinese men allowed to illegally cross our border by the Democrats.

You have to wonder whether Taylor Swift may be sorry about supporting Kalamity Harris during some of her concert venues.. She just cancelled 3 concert dates in Austria because of what had to be legitimate issues of antiSemitic,  ISIS/Islamic terrorist plots. The threats aren't because Harris is "pro-Israel", but because  Harris  won't denounce Israel nor openly support HamASS.

California Crime Calamity.... that's what's happening there as we speak.. Hmmm ... sorta a precursor to today's more dangerous circumstance... Kalifornia Krime Kalamity...or Kalifornia Kalamity Krime...

Online “headLIE”: “Walz as Harris' VP pick could appeal to Georgia's rural voters, political analysts say “ – Liberals love the word “could”!.. Of course, “could” ain’t  “WOULD”!

Thanks for those who have contributed so far.. Every bit helps..  Donations for his event will be accepted through Aug 29th! The website to donate to this one of my favorite charities of mine fundraiser is: The Anne Elizabeth Shepherd Home for Girls here in Columbus, GA… so.. here is the URL “link” you can “click” or “copy and paste”.

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