Wednesday, August 7, 2024


Hmmm…. it looks like a repeat of 2016... HELLARY & Tim,  and now Kalamity and another Tim.

Hmmm …. the “2024  Tim" said  "one person's Socialism is like another person's  neighborliness"? Hmmm... We've really seen how “neighborliness” is important to Maduro, Obrador,  Putin, and HamASS.

Have you noticed the campaign difference between the Democrats and Trump/Vance? Democrats rally in their hot spots to appeal to.. to excite..  their already  "bought" voter base, while Trump and Vance go into all areas.. including BLUE states/cities...and talk with new people about why their policies will benefit them  better now and in the future.

Online headline/story: “Schiff, Newsom mock Trump for suggesting Biden may take back nomination * Trump said in a post Tuesday on Truth Social, “What are the chances that Crooked Joe Biden, the WORST President in the history of the U.S., whose Presidency was Unconstitutionally STOLEN from him by Kamabla, Barrack HUSSEIN Obama, Crazy Nancy Pelosi, Shifty Adam Schiff, Cryin’ Chuck Schumer, and others on the Lunatic Left, CRASHES the Democrat National Convention and tries to take back the Nomination, beginning with challenging me to another DEBATE. He feels that he made a historically tragic mistake by handing over the U.S. Presidency, a COUP, to the people in the World he most hates, and he wants it back, NOW!!!”  -- Good grief! Schi** and Newsom just proved how much more liberal than we thought they are…. neither has the ability to see Trump's humor when it smacks them right in their faces.

Online headline: “Kamala Harris postpones Georgia visit because of storm” – Hmmm… In the future, I guess we should call Kalamity Harris "GA's Fair Weather FIEND"...

Of course, with her Wicked Witch cackle, it may be that broom flights are too perilous..

Online headline/story: “American Transgender Runner Advances In Track Event At The Summer Olympics  * I think trans women are women, and they deserve to compete wherever they are comfortable.”  -- Hmmm... so a “transgender woman”  thinks trans women are women.... of COURSE HE DOES... of course, the woman denied the opportunity to compete in the Olympics because of him doesn't feel the same way.  You know, where are the protesters chanting, "SAY HER NAME pretty boy!"

Random thought: Why is it that when the microwave oven beeper goes off when the designated time has been met,  that it doesn’t instantly stop beeping when you open the door?

Online headline: “Here’s how much money the city budgeted for three Columbus pools and how much was spent” *  Blah.blah.blah…” --  First.. it’s not so much as how much “was spent”.. they aren’t finished.. it’s about how much HAS been spent SO FAR! Amazing... Columbus, GA's $97,000.00 motto is "We Do Amazing"... What the motto doesn't say is, "We Do Amazing …but Amazingly Slow and Inefficiently!"

Let’s talk more about “Amazing”… For many decades, we had twice-a-week garbage pick-ups, and no one from the city  complained about too much work, and it was done on weekdays with weekends off. Now, after millions and kajillions of dollars in new equipment, we get once a week garbage pick-up.. well, not every week.. and not always on the day scheduled..

Online headline: “Amid stock market woes, Biden slammed for saying he ‘cured the economy” -- Good grief! The liar swore . and campaigned in 2020 .. that he had the CURE FOR CANCER, too, but he that wouldn't reveal it unless he was elected.... These two claims of his are more than enough to initiate the immediate use of the 25th Amendment, and the swearing in of our first female President.. For the next 3 months, America would be better off.. better served.. with Kalamity Harris as an active incumbent President because until then, she can campaign to the far Left, and blame current policies on the “Lame Quack” currently sitting in the Oval Office..

From the “Poll News.. nuthin’ but the Poll News” department - Online headline: “Sanders poll shows GOP support for wealth tax, $17 minimum wage in swing states” -- Hmmm... this musta been a poll of 18 year old Californian illegal aliens standing in line to get their weekly government allowance..

Online headline: “Ford could be developing cameras that'll detect if you're speeding and report you” -- Hmmm....such technology is already here.. my MAP GPS not only shows me the Speed Limit on roads I'm driving on, but it also tells me how fast I'm traveling.. my guess is that  Ford might last a year once they install government reporting,  "Big Brother" snitch cameras on their vehicles!

Online headline: “Kamala Harris' vice president pick Tim Walz has a history of Taylor Swift, Beyoncé fandom” -- Hmmm... hey, Swifties... hey Beyoncé fans.. if Waltz had been in charge when their mom's were pregnant, they both could have been late term abortion victims, and we'd never know about their gifts!

Online  headline: “Pelosi details reason for shredding Trump’s State of the Union speech “ – HMMM ...PeLOUSY should have been arrested on the spot for destruction of government property.... maybe even INSURRECTION!

Online headline: “Cori Bush becomes second 'Squad' member to lose 2024 primary as Democrats split over Israel” -- Actually, Bush didn't "lose"…  America .. and Israel... WON!

Online “headLIE”: “Multiple Olympics 2024 athletes hospitalized after swimming in polluted Seine in nightmare for Paris organizers” – Polluted Seine”? ? Nah... French Prez Macron was PROUD of  those gooey brown sticks.. they were "Greek candy bars"  and complemented, in context, with the Christian mocking "Last Supper" being a "Greek honoring  DRAG  Bacchanalian  Orgy".

Online headline: “Columbus, GA  police report decrease in crime” --  The Columbus GA Police Department is fully staffed?... NOT!  Getting back to 2008 levels is not fully staffed.. We voted for the Public Safety SPLOST which was to INCREASE our officer base by 100 more, and we're still short of the number we had when we voted for more!

Online “probable headLIE”: “Cold Case Sleuths Claim to Have ‘Burial Site’ … Beneath Milwaukee Brewers' Old Stadium” --  Hmmm... Wonder if Geraldo is behind this like he was about Al Capone's Vault...Hey... I remember when the "clues" were that Hoffa was buried under the NY Giants' Stadium at the Meadowlands in N J..

Online headline: “Secret Service denies White House cocaine report” – There had to be fingerprints and I want to know who's fingerprints were on the bag of cocaine found  in the private entry of the White House... the "locker depositor" would not have even thought about wiping the bag while routinely leaving it to pick up later.

Online “headLIE”: “My Cuban family fled a dictator. Now I’m scared they’ll elect Trump * By Jesus Maria Alvarez” -- What BS! TRUMP is the antithesis of Cuban socialism... Biden, in the other hand is a carbon copy of Cuban socialism…

We’ve seen the re-opening of the Hilton Garden Inn off Bradley Park Drive.. at one time, it was owned by Councilor Glenn Davis.. but now.. via a path through the Development Authority of Columbus, GA.. …it’s passed through one set of hands in Florida who now seemingly now live in Texas.. Funny thing is that no actual  sales transaction figures are in the database, and the “Fair Market Value” (FMV) seems somewhat.. no.. REAL LOW!  Any chance that External Audit Team is still on the payroll?


Thanks for those who have contributed so far.. Every $10.00 helps..  The website to donate to a fundraiser for a favorite charity of mine: The Anne Elizabeth Shepherd Home for Girls here in Columbus, GA… so.. here is the URL “link” you can “click” or “copy and paste”.

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