Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Online headline: “Former San Francisco 49ers QB Colin Kaepernick Made Alarming Allegations Against His Adoptive Parents” --  What an ungrateful TWIT! HMM.. but I guess we already knew that.

Online headline: “US Rep. Ilhan Omar, a member of the progressive 'Squad,' faces repeat primary challenge in Minnesota” -- Hey.. since deciding what you are on a whim is always acceptable in the Democrat Party, let's all "decide" to fly to Minnesota , then "decide" to be Democrats for the day, then vote in the Democrat Primary, then re-decide not to be Democrats, then fly home and resume our healthy lives.

Online headline/story: “Elliott BRACK: Former Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan continues to surprise us *  One of the most interesting and outspoken political operatives in Georgia is former Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan of Cumming. We’ve never met him, but Geoff Duncan keeps coming up with positions that are distinctive, often original, and must certainly confuse some Republicans, and make other Republicans mad. * To put it mildly, he thinks outside the box.” -- Duncan does not "think outside the box"...Duncan thinks about what he can SAY that will get him a PAID GIG "inside the CNN/MSNBC TV box" as a RINO turncoat.

Online headline/story: “Fact Check: No, Tim Walz Did Not Lie About Being at Bagram Airfield or Claim It Was in Iraq * In the print version , the words attributed to Walz differ in at least two key ways. First, the printed remarks described Walz's National Guard service closer to the part of the speech where he recounted his time on Bagram. Second, the printed remarks incorrectly placed Bagram Air Force base in Iraq: --  Differs from the written report? Usually, such a "report" is called a "transcript" and is accurate, versus a video that can be manipulated with AI..

Online headline: “Biden administration denies report it offered Maduro amnesty to step down” -- Actually, what Biden.. and Harris and Bernie, too.... want us for their idol to disappear, as their hero Maduro.. for the 2nd time has refused to leave the Venezuelan government office following a “fair election”.

Online headline: “Karine Jean Pierre can't give an answer after a reporter asked her to name Kamala Harris' biggest achievement as vice president. * No achievements, no policy and she won't even sit down for an interview. * Reporter: "What does [Biden] see as the vice president's biggest achievement?" * KJP: "I'm not going to parse out anything..." -- The most shameful aspect of KJP's response is that she has to read "notes" to find complementary words about Biden and Harris.

Online headline: “Yankees fans in shambles after embarrassing loss to White Sox” --  Hmmmm...The Yankees loss was not nearly as embarrassing as Atlanta's loss to Colorado when Atlanta was leading 8-2 going into the bottom of the 8th, and Colorado scored 7 runs and won the game 9-8.

Online “headLIE”: “59% of Americans wrongly think the U.S. is in a recession, report finds * by Jessica Dickler” – Hmmm… Jessica Dickler holds a bachelor’s degree in Political Science and Art History from Johns Hopkins University and a master’s degree from the School of International and Public Affairs at Columbia University. Rule 1, in finance.. don't take advice from a "Art History" major.

Online headline: “Flint Energies awards $26,000 in grant money to Muscogee County School District” --  Just curious, but exactly how does Muscogee County "fit" into a "Flint River" concept?

Didn't we read that Stacey Abrams was back in GA?  Does anyone know exactly where she is though? When we know where she is, at least we can keep tabs on her, but it bothers me more not knowing where she is, and what she's doing in the darkness.

Online headline: “The Peach Smell of Success: 12 Georgia athletes bring home Olympic medals” --  That's something! 12 GA connected medal winners winning 15 medals! Sorry I missed seeing any of them win a medal, but I wasn’t watching the Olympics for fear that one of the drag queen images, or a picture of some excrement floating in the Seine might permanent “burn itself “ into my TV screen…

Online headline: “GA ranked low for behavioral healthcare; Harris-Walz campaign ads; YSL trial resumes” -- One thing for sure that will help identify American citizens with mental health needs are getting the names of voters for Harris-Walz.

Online headline: “Ossoff, state leaders encourage governor to accept federal funds” --  You know, when a state.. even local... school system accepts "federal money" (which was in OUR POCKETS first) for any program, it comes with so many "strings" and "additional costs" attached, that the overall effect cuts available funds needed for other more necessary programs. It's election time.. beware of Democrats offering "gifts"..

Online headline: “Tim Walz’s $250M state program to feed hungry kids fraudulently spent on luxury goods, overseas real estate” – Hmmm I guess Walz IS MORE THAN PREPARED to be a Democrat VP!

Online “headLIE”: “Ossoff: Continued federal spending required for 'economic competitiveness'” – What BS! Spending tax dollars  on any consumables  just raises the price and strips he shelves of inventory driving UP inflation, and driving DOWN the value of taxpayers’ savings accounts!

Online headline: “Dems hitting Vance with debunked vulgar claim 'undermine' their anti-Trump credibility, strategist says * Democrats have long accused former President Trump of spreading misinformation” – “Dems are accusing Trump of “speading  misinformation”? Wow!  Democrats are the “artistes”  of  spreading misinformation… disinformation, too! While we can never forget how the Democrats.. with aid from the DOJ and FBI, hid Hunter’s laptop, and pushed the “Steele Dossier”  in the 2020 & 2016 Presidential elections.. Now, the Dems are going even MORE overboard misinforming us about Resident Biden’s health and Kalamity Harris’ abilities…

While in Arizona, Kalamity Harris revealed her plan to stop inflation is “price fixing”.. of course this also means “wage freezes”.. This tried before.. by Carter.. which was a disaster, and previously by President Ford’s “W.I.N. (Whip Inflation Now)! Program.. which was a Tsunami of chaos! Whoa, now.. Ford was a Republican “in name only”.. it would be hard to even call him a RINO, because he was “appointed”, and totally controlled, by “The Democrat Majority HOUSE to replace Nixon and Co…

Online headline: “JD Vance’s Campaign Won’t Deny That’s Him in Viral Drag Photo” -- Hmmm... it’s got to be killing Democrats and MSM because “these Democrat things” happened when, well.. when Vance WAS a Democrat...then he got smart and became a Republican…

Online headline: “Biden says he’s 'not confident' of a peaceful transfer of power if Trump loses” -- Sounds like he means he won’t  be very  too eager to let Kalamity into the Oval Office.

Online headline: “Hunter Biden’s lawyers say claims about foreign business dealing have no place in upcoming tax trial  * Special counsel David Weiss’ team told the judge last week that they plan to call to the witness stand a business associate of Hunter Biden’s to testify about an arrangement with a Romanian businessman who was trying to “influence U.S. government policy” during Joe Biden’s term as vice president.” --  Hmm.. but the real concern of the Biden lawyers is that this witness may lead to business deals with China, and… and may connect the dots to the Oval Office…

Online headline: “Kamala Harris Campaign Ad Touts Tough On Border Position” -- You know,  while candidates, in theory, have no input or control of PAC money/ads,  no candidate should be able to say, "I approve of this ad" when the ad contains "less than the truth".

Two questions: If Resident Biden's policies were as good as Kalamity Harris says they were, why is she running against them now? Also, who has the biggest smile since JoKKKe Biden dropped off the ballot, Obama or Kalamity Harris… it seems they are both emulating “The Joker” in Batman Movies.

Kalamity Harris' “no tax on tips”  copy cat  "promise" probably didn't excite  her voter base as much as when Trump announced it back in June.. after all, to get tips means Harris’  voters  will have to get jobs in order to earn tips...

Online headline: “Walz’s campaign tries to walk back 2018 comments about using weapons ‘in war’ after Republican criticism” --  You know..as troubling as the comments are, they are almost nothing compared to Walz' comparison of China’s Socialism to China’s Neighborliness.

Online “headLIE”: “President Biden says Ku Klux Klan members took their hoods off when Trump was in office because they ‘knew’ they had an "ally" in the White House.This man is losing it."Every other time the Ku Klux Klan's been involved they've worn hoods, so they're not identified.""Under [Trump’s] presidency, they came out of those woods with no hoods, knowing they had an ally. That's how I read it." -- Wow. Based on JoKKKe Biden’s camaraderie with Klansmen Senators Byrd and Thurmond, it’s obvious that Biden  is the hooded one... from way back..

Online headline: “Harris' historically Black sorority, Alpha Kappa Alpha, files to form a PAC” – Hmmm… then IRS should revoke any 501-c-3 (or c-4) tax status so no donations  to AKA are  deductible….

Online “headLIE”: “The First Amendment is in grave danger if Trump wins” – Wait a minute.. It’s Trump that wants our Constitution remain the ruling document of our future!

Online headline: “Harley To Move More Motorcycle Production to Thailand, Union Isn't Happy” – Hmmm… what the union should do is run ads for Harley’s but use the Thai word for “hog”, which is  “ mùu ” .. and pronounced just as it looks like it would be.

Seriously... How does the American Jewish Community feel Democrats will fight Antisemitism? Even with a slim majority in either or both the House and Senate, the Democrats cannot pass a bill without kowtowing to the Socialist Representatives and Senators, so... no matter how Kalamity Harris tries to convince America otherwise, she will not push back on the Socialist Antisemitic members because she will not be able to get enough votes to pass any bill she wants!

Thanks. Again,  for those who have contributed so far, thanks!.. Every bit helps..  Donations for his event will be accepted through Aug 29th! The website to donate to this one of my favorite charities of mine fundraiser is: The Anne Elizabeth Shepherd Home for Girls here in Columbus, GA… so.. here is the URL “link” you can “click” or “copy and paste”. For those of other collegiate “loyalty”, there are 16 other “Number 1 Fans” you can contribute “for” if Mississippi State isn’t your favorite Bulldog school.. This is about the girls served at the AESH ..


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