Monday, August 12, 2024


The latest release by the USSS is that assassin Thomas Crooks "acted alone"..... Well..considering where the chain of command led,  what did you expect the USSS position to be?

Can you believe the newly released phone and body-cam videos at the Butler, PA assassination site! Why haven't there been media reporters camped out at Mayorkas' and Garland's offices and tailing Resident Biden and Kalamity Harris everywhere they go!

Online headline: “Online headline: “Newsom cleans up homeless California encampments after he allocated billions of dollars while crisis grew” -- Good grief! Newsom should not be celebrated for a photo-op picking up trash, he should be being eviscerated for encouraging  the situation  to happen!

Online headline/story: “Vice President Kamala Harris returns home to Bay Area for private fundraiser  * Tim Walz is expected to be in the Bay Area, too * Tickets range from $3,000 to $500,000. *  Many Bay Area politicians are backing them” – “Many Bay Area politicians are backing them”?  Many? Not “most”? And 4 years ago they would have said, “ALL”! Guess this explains why CA Gov. Newsom is back on the streets… physically cleaning out homeless areas.  He can’t afford to lose any more Democrat politicians, Fortune 500 Companies, or Xi Jinping…

Resident Biden just admitted he was pressured out because "the Party" was concerned he was going to also affect the down ballot races..... Hmmm... it's sorta funny that the morning of the afternoon that Trump was shot, Biden was gungho about staying on... then the day after the assassination attempt failed, Biden announced he was "outa there".  Do not tell me that now people feel his weak VP will be strong for down ballot!

Online headline: “ Biden says he was concerned staying in the race would be ‘a real distraction” --  DOH! ..Hmmm…. but staying in the White House is even a worse disaster!

Online “headLIE”/story: “Trump's lies about undocumented immigrants hide the truth: They pay their fair share of taxes * by Marla Bautista * No matter the political nonsense you hear spouted about immigration, legal and otherwise , here's the truth: America needs more immigrants , documented and otherwise. * undocumented immigrants in the United States play an astonishing role in strengthening the nation through their substantial tax contributions. * These payments fund essential public services and immigrants' own paths to legal status” – Good grief! You cannot read one sentence in Bautista’s tirade that passes the smell test! Every illegal working a job here in America takes a job opportunity from an American, holds back growth in wages for Americans, and diverts American tax dollars from helping Americans in need!

Online “headLIE”: “More Americans trust Harris to handle economy - first time in a year a Democrat has led in the key issue” -- If you've wondered about whether you should  believe a poll… even just once  in your life, now you KNOW they are all fake!

While "polls" taken now are all political propaganda, none should be even considered legitimate unless Robert F Kennedy, Jr is part of the options, and reported with Harris and Trump…

Online headline: ‘Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy told Fox News's Neil Cavuto on Friday that he has enough signatures to appear on the ballot in all 50 stat” --
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr could really become a historic "patriot" if he makes a simple move.. change his name so it's on ballots in a special way... He should change his name to:

"Robert F. Kennedy-Democrat".

Even though he'll be listed as an "Independent", by changing his name by hyphenating it will attract voters that only vote for candidates that have "Democrat" or "D" following a name.

RFK,Jr, canceled an appearnace in Iowa because he's concerned about his security.. and rightfully so.. He lost his father and uncle to assassins when he was a young boy, and the attempt on President Trump because the Secret Service was.. at best.. lax... but may have been intentionally ill-prepared.. I don't think he was as concerned when Democrats had hopes RFK,Jr would draw Trump voters his way, but now that he will appeal more to moderate Democrats and portions of the Independents, I'm sure he's concerned that the USSS is LESS CONCERNED about his safety since Kalamity Harris took Biden's place..

Hey... did you hear about the Islamic Terrorist plot to attack a Taylor Swift Concert in Austria? You know, Swifties ..and Taylor Swift herself, need to understand that Kalamity Harris still supports the Islamic terrorist group… HamASS, that terrorized the concert in Israel last October 7th...  Hmmm... that's definitely a question that she needs to be asked about in National Debates.

Online headline: “Battleground state voters signal possible shift as inflation rages: 'Under President Trump, it was better' * "Fox & Friends Weekend"  spoke directly with voters in Allentown, PA – a blue-leaning city that is 54% Hispanic – about their frustration, specifically with the economy. * One Allentown local said inflation has grown "excruciatingly high" over the past few years.” --  Hmmm... this doesn't sound like what we are hearing from the MSM polls... not even close!

Online headline: “Kamala Harris appeals to progressives with a promise to “take on price gouging” -- "price gouging"? Price gouging ain't the issue! Either not enough product and not enough cash in consumers' pockets (or the combination of the two)  are the issues! But remember.. this is a Democrat’s promise… and we know how well Democrats make promises they don’t even plan to keep!

Online headline/story: “Schumer says he will work to block any effort in the Senate to significantly cut the CDC’s budget * He pointed specifically to the CDC’s work on the ongoing listeria food poisoning outbreak linked to Boar’s Head deli meats that has killed at least three people and sickened more than 40 others. * A slash of 22% to the CDC at a time when there’s a listeria outbreak should churn all our stomachs,” Schumer said in an interview. * Boar’s Head recalled 7 million pounds of deli meats on July 30, expanding an initial recall on July 25 after a liverwurst sample collected by health officials in Maryland tested positive for listeria. The CDC said last week that New York health officials tested a liverwurst sample and confirmed the same strain of listeria.” --
Hmmm...and I'll bet China owned Smithfield Farms of Virginia and it's  multitude of worldwide processed meat products really benefited from Boar's Heads huge recall!

Online headline: “Biden administration announces more than $2 billion in grants to boost US power grid” --  You know, once the nominee from the incumbent  party is announced,  no more grants should be allowed... they. become outright vote buying bribe… and in this case.. “quid pro JOE” because grant money reimburses green-energy companies for the donations they’ve made to the Democrats..

Rant as they wish, liberal MSM  “journalists” are having to realize that “The J.D. Vance” they want to eviscerate was a longtime Democrat and was won over to the Republican Party as he got smarter! Guess MSM “journalists are having a hard time realizing that unlike Vance, they haven’t smartened up…

Candidate Kalamity Harris says Bidenomics is working.. but then Candidate Harris says inflation is something she will end when elected President.. Hmm... we do know two things... 1- that’s she's a Democrat and lies to get votes, and 2- that  she should know exactly what to do because she helped plan and initiate the causes.

After 3 plus years of denying there was a border security issue, Kalamity Harris now says she's gonna fix the problem.. that's gonna be a hard sell in New Mexico and Arizona who have lived first hand with what the Harris-Biden Administration forced them to do.

Kalamity Harris says when Congress passes a "Row v. Wade" law, she will sign it...Wait a minute.. the Supreme Court ruled that this was a state's right issue, not a federal one.. the Supreme Court has given every state and it's voters the right to decide on if, and how it deals with abortions... Making it a federal law actually undermines voters' rights granted under our Constitution.

In 2016, Hellary Clinton picked Tim Kaine as her running mate.. in 2024 Kalamity Harris has picked Tim Kan't .

Online “headLIE”: “Harris promises to go tough on border security” --Tough? She's talking about that bill that would let 1.000,000 illegal aliens annually  into the country before any attempt to shut off the flow would even start...

Rarely... well “never” is probably more accurate .. have I seen or heard of a politician who could fix a problem that he/she  was involved in creating to begin with.. and Kalamity Harris is not capable of  changing this situation.

Fact Checked: In a way , the Democrats have rigged every Presidential Election beginning in 1964.. The 23rd Amendment was ratified in 1961 giving Washington, D.C. 3 Electoral College votes even though it is not a state...Washington, D.C. has never..NEVER.. voted for a Republican candidate . This means that the Democrat nominee only has to get 267 Electoral College votes from STATES to win an election, while the Republican's have to get 270 Electoral College votes from actual states. The States should repeal the 23rd Amendment, and reinstate only States have Electoral College votes.

Guess PBS is going to bring back a new version of "Mr. Roger's Neighborhood".  Rumor has it that the working title I, "Mr Walz' China Neighborliness".

Wow! M.A.D.D. should be up in arms that the Democrat VP nominee has a DUI that includes driving  at more  that 40 PH OVER he POSTED SPEED LIMIT.. Maybe the M.A.D.D. needs to add another  “D”  to their name and be known as “Mothers Against Drunk Driving Democrats”!

Online “headLIE”: “Mazie Hirono wins Hawaii Senate primary, setting Dems up for much-needed November win” --  WHAT BS! Hirono is the INCUMBENT… and running AGAIN for re-election after winning with 69% of the vote in 2018!  Hawaii hasn't elected a Republican Senator since 1970... that's 54 years ago .. that's 17 Senate races.. Celebrating a “probable” Democrat Senate win is purely a desperate “PR” campaign!

At a Las Vegas rally on Saturday night, Vice President Harris, suggested she would support ending taxes on tipping — a policy initiative that has become popular ... That’s not leadership? She’s plagiarizing Trump's promise made weeks earlier!….. Kalamity Harris is already  campaigning on adopting the Trump border policies.. he ones she helped JoKKKe Bidden stop on DAY 1!. Now she says she supports Trump's plan to not tax tips. Hmmm... Guess she should change her campaign slogan to: "Whatever Trump Says...Me, Too!..... wink wink…"

I think I know what the Democrats' "October Surprise" will be if they see the Harris- Walz campaign suffering.. Biden will resign and Harris  will become the first female President ....and INCUMBENT… and that will be the MSM focus the last month of the election…

Online headline/story: “Finger-lickin’ fraud! School employee admits to stealing $1.5 million worth of chicken wings * The chicken wing theft was uncovered during an investigation that found the food service department overspent its budget by $300,000 halfway through the year. * In January 2023, Vera Lidell, 67, was arrested by authorities in Cook County, Illinois, according to Fox 32. She began working as the Director of Food Services for Harvey School District 152 in July 2020.
Between her start date and February 2022, Liddell made hundreds of unauthorized orders for food items, including 11,000 cases of chicken wings.” – Wow! It took but 19 months for her to steal $1.5 Million worth of chicken wings, yet it took another 11 months for the Harvey School District 152 to bring charges. As inept as it sounds, what’s worse is the  Union will probably spend MORE defending her!

Online headline: “Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch worries about Americans 'caught by surprise' by unreasonable laws” -- Yep... And most all laws stem from the 10 Commandments .. sadly, making specifying conditions weakens those laws.

The Olympic "Woman"  boxer who won a Gold Medal owes the world proof "she" doesn't have male genitalia.. perhaps a solid colored one-piece swim suit (well, as long as it’s not one from TARGET!) would do the trick…Besides,  I haven't found an image of "her" online that has facial skin like other women..

Online headline: “ Pictures Show The Difference In How Serbia And Team USA Respect Their National Anthem” --  How embarrassing.. as much as I love basketball, this just cements my decision to  no longer watch any NBA games. You know.. we get an option on our tax return as to whether we want to support presidential elections, so why shouldn’t we get an option on whether our government supports Olympic training  centers!

Online headline: “Appeals Court AGAIN Strikes Down Biden Student Loan Forgiveness Plan” --  Hmmm just another  vote buying attempt by Biden-Harris... promising something they know they can't deliver, then blaming Trump..

Online headline: “Kamala Harris could make history as the first president to work at McDonald’s” – Of course, if she wins, she may become the First President to drive McDonald’s and Burger King out of business… Hmmm... How about J.D. Vance being the possible 1st VP to receive meals-on-wheels or not being ABLE TO AFFORD McDonalds!

Online headine: “Judge orders CDC to stop deleting emails of departing staff, calling it ‘likely unlawful” -- "Likely unlawful"? He KNOWS it is...

Hey .. Columbus GA Senior homeowners .. did you know that 60% ....that's right, $6 out of every $10 in property taxes you pay goes to the school system? One of the Breakfast Club readers mentioned that Cobb County GA exempts Senior homeowners from school property taxes.. I haven't checked other counties... yet... but there's no reason it can't. .. for that matter... SHOULDN'T be instigated here in Columbus/Muscogee County GA. Even if that 60% isn't exempted, it would be better for the City and SENIORS to divert those tax dollars to Columbus Safety issues.. like more for the Police and Fire/EMS departments. And it’s not that Seniors can get away with NOT paying taxes for the school system…The bulk comes from the state, and we’re paying taxes for all the E-SPLOST projects which the MCSB does not want to ever go away!

Online headline: “Blinken pressed to disclose money to foreign adversaries after $293 million sent to Taliban * the U.S. has inadvertently sent $293 million to the Taliban over the last three years due to a failure by the State Department to vet award recipients, according to the Leading Report. * The money was sent after the Taliban reportedly established fake nonprofit groups to siphon millions of dollars of U.S. aid that was meant to be sent to Afghanistan, according to an investigation by the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction. * Because of that, the Taliban have received hundreds of millions of dollars due to incomplete vetting by the State Department, according to the investigation.” --
“The money was sent after the Taliban reportedly established fake nonprofit groups” – Wait a minute! Obama assigned Lois Lerner at the IRS to block 501-c-3 status to conservative organizations, but neither he nor Biden had IRS vet applicants in Afghanistan!

... No Columbus GA Braves ! Looks like I called it right when I said they wouldn’t use the name “Braves” because ey can’t sell “Braves” mdse because everyone here already has a “Braves” hat. T0shirt, or jersey.  ... A name reveal is set for September 6th... It's all about greed... The Rome Braves became the Rome Emperors because they couldn't sell Brave's hats, jerseys, or T- shirts because EVERYBODY in Rome already had them.. Hey.. since they've stripped the historic Golden Park name off, and the whole area has become the "100 Acre Scam" sanctuary of Mayor  Skippy the POOP, how about the team being named the “Columbus Golden Poohs’!

Online headline: “Pence Makes Clear He’s Not Supporting Trump in 2024: ‘Cannot Endorse’ the Current GOP Platform” --  Pence is pathetic...CNN puts him on ONLY because they can say he’s a former Republican…but wanna bet whether the DNC would ever support him running in one of their primaries?

Ex-Dem Representative Harold Ford of TN, a DNC message boy to Fox News/The Five actually said on Friday that he was glad President Trump was not killed, injured, or shot... Yes.. he said "Thank goodness Trump was not SHOT.. and almost didn't get "called out" by The Five  on Friday. This is the MSM and DNC campaign plan… they hope by November that Independents will feel that Trump wasn’t shot, too…

Online headline: “Oracle billionaire Larry Ellison buys Palm Beach resort that was seeking $300M” -- Ellison's resort is worth $300 Million, while NY Judge Imamoron claimed Trump's luxury Mar-a-lago resort is only  worth $18 Million….

Online headline/story: ‘Olympic boxer Imane Khelif beat her opponent. Then she got ‘transvestigated.’ * Khelif told UNICEF earlier this year that she was bullied for participating in sports as a girl growing up, and that her father did not approve of her getting into boxing, because she is a girl. "I particularly want to inspire girls and children who are disadvantaged in Algeria," she said.” --  Hmmm…Excuse me.. but why would a "girl" get "bullied" for competing in girl sports .. unless.. UNLESS the "girl" had male genitalia? This could be proven.. or DISPROVEN  easily.

Thanks for those who have contributed so far, thanks!.. Every bit helps..  Donations for his event will be accepted through Aug 29th! The website to donate to this one of my favorite charities of mine fundraiser is: The Anne Elizabeth Shepherd Home for Girls here in Columbus, GA… so.. here is the URL “link” you can “click” or “copy and paste”.

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