Monday, August 5, 2024

Dual headlines: “Chuck Schumer Told Biden to Go Just Before Trump Kill Bid“ &  “ Six in 10 Republicans see Biden administration’s hand in Trump shooting” --  It's tough NOT to entertain Democrat knowledge or involvement.. On the day of the assassination attempt, Schumer went directly to Biden  to explain why he needed to leave the ballot, and Biden, who adamantly defended his running the day before, suddenly dropped out the next day after the failed attempt  (hmmm... maybe when Schumer visited before the assassination attempt, he might have known what was about to happen) . And then there was the obviously contrived failure by the Secret Service on site in Pennsylvania.. The assassin was allowed to fly a drone that day, and was not stopped and/or vetted about it, then was observed scoping out the shooting site ahead of time as though he knew in advance that the site wasn't going to be monitored... then ... though in plain sight if the USSS snipers, got off 8 shots before being terminated... add these facts to the disappearance of Cheatle, and the evasiveness of Acting Director Rowe, and you've got the heart of a new Tom Clancy novel.

Online headline: “My Cuban family fled a dictator. Now I’m scared they’ll elect Trump * By Jesus Maria Alvarez”  -- What BS! TRUMP is the antithesis of Cuban socialism... Biden, in the other hand is a carbon copy of Cuban AND Venezuelan socialism *

Online headline: “Jared Smith Announces College Commitment Decision” --  You know... these last minute decisions to finally commit to a school... or to even change commitment to a school have to be based on NIL bids... whatta shame ... the NIL  and “the portal” have destroyed  "team spirit"....and loyalty.

Online headline: “Jimmy Carter’s family says former president is hanging on to vote for Harris” – First, if Carter is competent to vote, shouldn’t he be speaking for himself?  Oh.. and yeah...if he can get Harris elected, there'll be TWO recognized “worser” presidents than Cuzzin Jimmy.

Online “headLIE”: “Donald Trump 'Glitching' During Rally Sparks Speculation” --  "Sparks Speculation"? A simpler consideration is perhaps the "reporter" has a biased  hearing issue... especially in a large crowded Trump arena.

Online disinformation: “Imane Khelif wins fight and declares,' I want to tell the entire world that I am a female'” --  Does "she-it" have a prostate gland? Does "she-it" have testicles? While women's ovaries do produce a very low level of testosterone, testicles produce the heavy amounts, and women do not have prostate glands.

Online headline: “Mullin says Trump’s attack on Kemp is ‘personal’ after not supporting Trump in primary” -- Yeah... Kemp has become a RINO and working against the Republican Party and Georgia's future....and Kemp has doomed his future as well... at least as a Republican.

Online headline: “Kamala Harris has lots of buzz but there's one big problem she can't spin away” --  One undeniable fact MSM has avoided since July 14th .. Before the assassination attempt on Trump, Biden.. and Harris… were adamant about his competence and determination.... the day following the failed assassination attempt, Biden abandoned his campaign!

Online headline: “Nancy Pelosi Makes Wild New Proposition: Put Biden on Mount Rushmore” --  Good grief! Was it her husband or herself who got hit on the head with a hammer?  I do believe that Queen PeLOUSY has set a new low standard for removing Congressional members for mental incompetence!

How quick MSM "forgets".... conveniently, too ...  that  President Trump tried to get money put in the Congressional Budget but Queen PeLOUSY refused, and Trump had to work with our DEFENSE DEPARTMENT budget to get start up money to begin "building the WALL". The reduced amount of money available slowed down the progress, and when Biden took office, he SHUT DOWN the WALL construction completely on Day 1. This past year, Harris & Biden have tried to blame Republicans for not voting for a new law that would allow 7,000,000 illegal aliens a year to come in before the Harris- Biden Administration "HAD" to step in and stop them. You know, if our Forefathers could rewrite the 1st Amendment, they would keep "Freedom of Speech" but would add that all media publication HAD to be the WHOLE TRUTH!

Online headline: “Governor Newsom announces deployment of a specialized team to support Georgia ahead of Tropical Storm Debby” -- Good grief! No... let me rephrase that... Horrific Grief! Excuse me. GA's FEMA needs to block any team failed Gov Newsom sends to GA ... Besides, CA needs all it's Emergency Personnel handling all the out-of-control wildfires currently endangering its own citizens, and Newsom's probably gonna appoint Stacey Abrams to be in charge of his one-way-ticket bus load of illegal aliens originally sent to CA by Texas in time to stuff a ballot box when early voting begins. Kemp should tell him to “BACK OFF!”.. but he won’t..

Online headline: “California is going broke’: Robert Kiyosaki warns the Golden State will raise taxes, cut subsidies to the poor, see a rise in crime — and the rest of America will follow”… of course, this sorta makes you wonder even more  about  Newsom sending CA tax money to GA which is a state he forbids CA employees from travelling to…

Online headline: “Mark Cuban's Response to Kamala Harris' Border Backlash Takes Off Online”  -- Good grief! It’s hard to distinguish Socialist Cuba from Celebrity Socialist Cuban!

Online headline: “Judge Chutkan's 'Important' Language in Trump Filing Outlined by Attorney” – Hmmm… you know, other than traffic tickets and local civil suits, the Supreme Court should ban court proceeding in Washington, DC! Jury panels and political bias are too heavily weighted to one Political Party for the interests of any non-Democrat getting a chance at equal justice as guaranteed by our Constitution.

Online headline: “Close to fifty Congresspeople urge Biden to remove Cuba from list of terrorists” --  First, the Democrats can’t even get 20% of its Washington politicos to to sign on to this… It's rather obvious that MSM does not want to name these 46 Congresspersons, because all the Leftist House members are up for re-election, and the few Senators named are either not on the ballot this year or have no challenge in their very BLUE states. Removing Cuba from the "terrorist country list" would enable Columbia Drug Lords to use Cuba as a drug shipping center only 60 miles from our country.. now, what we should do is name MEXICO to that list until Mexico starts shutting down illegal access points at their and our borders, and close down drug runner tunnels in CA and AZ.

Online headline/story: “Fulton County Judge Criticizes Georgia AG's Office for "Gross Negligence" in "Cop City" Email Breach * In an unfolding legal drama originating from Atlanta, Fulton County Judge Kimberly Esmond Adams issued a stern reproach towards the Georgia Attorney General's Office. On Wednesday, she accused them of "gross negligence" for the mishandling of confidential emails in the case against activists protesting the planned "Cop City" police training center. According to a report by GPB News, defense lawyers for the accused activists argued that a breach involving privileged communications necessitates a dismissal of the indictment, and the disqualification of state prosecutors.” – If there was  truly a “breach”, you can bet it leaked from a “Democrat” in the AG’s office, and was ruled on by a Democrat judge.. Now, what we really need to know is about the two Antifa protesters arrested at Cop City who were also arrested in Washington on Jan 6, 2021 but skipped out on their court appearances.. Their appearance in Washington on Jan 6, 2021 indicates there was Democrat involvement in what PeLOUSY and Company called an “insurrection”… Where are they now.. and WHY weren’t they remanded to the Courts in Washington!

Online headline: “Donald Trump calls Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp ‘bad guy’ on social media” -- Kemp embarrassed himself and Georgia and the Republican Party by not welcoming President Trump!

Online headline: “Trump Congratulates Putin On ‘Yet Another Great Deal’ For Getting Back ‘Some Of The Greatest Killers Anywhere’ in Prisoner Swap” – And I agree… and until we know how much  we’ve paid, the only celebrations we should have are for the hostages and their families. Now.. how many American and/or Israeli hostages were returned by HamASS?  How about ZERO!

Online headline: “Kremlin Finally Admits Swapped Russian Prisoners Were Its Top Spies” – Hmmm.. and now the truth will trickle out….

Online headline: “ Pentagon chief revokes plea deals with three Sept. 11 suspects” – I’m guessing Secretary Austin has previously been embarrassed enough by previous Biden Administration decisions to let this one go by without feeling betrayed! There’s no way a decision below Austin was made without the White House knowing about it.

Online “headLIE”: “Rev. Dr. Roslyn Satchel Appointed Interim CEO of New Georgia Project to Empower Voters Ahead of 2024 Elections” – Whoa! Who believes Stacey Abrams is back in GA and not running  this!

Online story: “ * A federal law has forced nearly 122,000 disabled veterans in the last 12 years to return payouts — some totaling tens of thousands of dollars — they received to leave the military when it needed to downsize, according to new data obtained by NBC News. * The statistics come amid renewed calls to change the little-known law, which prohibits veterans from receiving both disability and special separation pay, which are one-time, lump-sum incentives offered to service members when the U.S. had to reduce its active-duty force.” – Hmmm.. there’s no rest for our weary, but Biden is trying to buy young votes by wrongfully.. as the Supreme Court has ruled… cancelling Student Loan debts. Think about it.. Veterans… wounded veterans.. who sacrificed,  and still suffer from protecting our country, are being thrown to the wolves .. probably because they will vote conservatively. Yet students, who blindly signed loan papers rather than work to pay for their college education, are wooed by Biden who’s literally buying their votes by making them “feel like victims”…

Online headline: “Biden says killing of Hamas leader Haniyeh not helpful for ceasefire talks” --  I tell you what.. nothing would bring me closer to  an agreement than Netanyahu  sending  me  the “GPS” points on where I was during  the last 48 hours of my life!  Maybe Netanyahu should send such  “maps”  to the “White House Handlers” and “The Squad” to make his point about how effective surveillance can be in negotiating with terrorists!

Online headline: “French President Macron Condemns Harassment of Olympics Opening Ceremony Artistic Director: ‘Nothing Justifies That an Artist Be Threatened’” --  Actually, Macron's Day 1 announcement that he was PROUD of the mockery was almost worse than the mockery itself!

Online “HeadLIE”: “Kamala Harris Came Within 20 Feet of a Pipe Bomb on Jan. 6” ‘ -- Hey… publishing this 3 Years after the event, and 3 weeks after the failed assassination attempt on Trump does not make this a story.. or a fact…

Online “headLIE”: “ Nearly 100 migrants suing Government over ‘ill-treatment’ at Manston centre” --  Hmmmmm .. Wait a minute! This is not in the US and has nothing to do with the border chaos of the Biden Administration… but maybe those "suers" need to show the conditions they are leaving from were  better  than what they are being provided here…


Online headline: “Court reverses its ruling on proof of citizenship for Arizona voter registration” -- Good grief! Our Constitution REQUIRES citizenship to vote in federal (Congressional and Presidential) elections . The judges who decided against this need to be arrested, and strung up on the tallest cacti in Arizona!

Online headline: “Columbus Police and RedSpeed roll out new school zone speeding enforcement program” --  And what about the other 30 or so schools that aren't equipped with these "Big Brother" intrusions? Won't parents from those schools have a valid court case about the school system not keeping their children as safe as those in the 20 schools?
I’m glad the Columbus GA Council is talking about the excessive amount of signs on City Property.. Hope they look HARD at this  picture (marked by red blocks) taken at the River Road round-a-bout.. this is but 1 of 5 ingresses and there are better than 50 signs overall…

Hmmm... UpChuck Schmoozer .. uh.. Schumer doesn't want Harris to pick Sen Kelly of AZ to be her VP... he feels it would make it hard to maintain a Democrat Majority in the Senate...Wait a minute... there are already more Republicans Senators than Democrat ones... Without two Communist and 2 Senators that are now "Independent" ( meaning Schumer can ONLY get his own perks by appeasing  "the Far Left").

Did you watch any part of the Secret Service Press Conference? Whether you did or didn't watch, one scary thing was the number of empty chairs there... This was the first press conference by the Secret Service following the shooting of President Trump and three other American citizens, and MSM dodged it! Unbelievable!

What HOLLOW words! The Acting Director, Ronald " worry?" Rowe, of the USSS is saying, "The Secret Service... we take full responsibility."  Hey, the Secret Service is not "the buck stops here" department... Rowe's predecessor, Cheatle is now "off the chart".. her ex-boss, Mayorkas.. is who knows where...his boss’ boss, DOJ head Garland is diverting attention towards a Trump case a judge has pretty much ruled "over", and his boss, Biden, is hiding behind Harris's skirt. No... the Secret Service is not in the "full responsibility " level here... It's more like the "Rusty Calley" scapegoat level.

Acting Director Rowe of the Secret Service said in the future, a drone would be used for security observation. Hmm.. but he didn't mention why a civilian flying a drone hours before Trump spoke was not held and vetted. He also did not mention how the assassin acted like he knew in advance his selected shooting position was not being monitored.

Trump has made a really good choice in J D Vance...Unlike Mike Pence, he's a good responder/defender of Trump and American ideals when MSM tries to hit him with a trickly worded question....

Venezuela's Maduro is claiming the US has attempted a coup! What BS... Maduro is a hero of Biden and Bernie, and all three are avowed Socialists

Online headline: “Argentina's Milei rallies Venezuelan opposition despite Maduro's 'ugly' attacks” --  Hmmm... sounds like Maduro hired the US Democrats' ballot counting teams to count the Venezuelan ballots.... hmmm.. and didn’t we hear that Stacey Abrams just returned back to Georgia?

From outa the past… Scott Peterson is trying to appeal his CA conviction for killing his pregnant wife. He's represented by "The LA Innocence Project" which describes itself as, "The LA Innocence Project, which provides attorneys to exonerate the wrongfully convicted". Good grief! There's no way they can say that Peterson was "wrongfully convicted"... They have ZERO evidence that Peterson was "wrongfully convicted", and all The LA Innocence Project is doing is creating a "fishing trip"  for which it will trick donors and bill  taxpayers out of hundreds of thousands of dollars for their own interests.

Online headline: “Columbus Professional Baseball 2025 season schedule released” – Well.. first.. getting the stadium built in time makes a difference.. and Columbus, GA’s history with Public Pools really can’t be ignored…Secondly, We won't attend until Golden Park recognition is acknowledged.. that … and hearing how much Synovus is paying Diamond Baseball Holdings while the Columbus citizens are getting shafted paying an extra $4 Million +/- annually in Bond interest…

Courtesy of a good friend of mine, I learned something really neat about  Columbus GA last week.. we have a connection with Army pilot Lt Paul Tibbets. When he was a 2nd Looie, he was stationed at Ft Benning.. He was a fine pilot, and became the personal pilot of General George Patton (an actual distant cousin of mine). Lt. Tibbets also found his future bride, Lucy Wingate, a Columbus girl, working at Kirven's Department Store in 1938 (yes, my family's store). In 1945, Tibbets was selected to fly the Enola Gay bomber and dropped "Little Boy" on Hiroshima in August 6, 1945...

Hey… Columbus GA Council! Why do you even bother about recycling? Former Mayor Queen TT Tom-LYING-son weakened it when she declared GLASS would no longer be recycled, and now Mayor Skippy the Poop has crippled it by taking those foam fast-food containers out of the picture… If we’re gonna pay to recycle, it should be about doing good for the community.. not just what’s profitable… Besides, if profitability were considered in government like IT MUST BE in the private sector (so the government has something to tax), our unelected City Administration would.. and should… be held accountable!

Thanks for those who have contributed so far.. Every $10.00 helps..  The website to donate to a fundraiser for a favorite charity of mine.. The Anne Elizabeth Shepherd Home for Girls… so.. here is the URL “link” you can “click” or “copy and paste”. 

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