Friday, August 2, 2024

Online headline: “JD Vance shuts down CNN reporter when asked about Trump's Kamala comments: 'She's a chameleon” --  J.D. Vance is a breath of fresh air in politics! He speaks directly… succinctly..  to the questions asked of him.. how refreshing and enlightening after 4 years of vice-presidential "word salads".

You know, it's "weird" that VP Harris calls .. well.. “slurs”.. J. D. Vance "weird" when what's REALLY weird are the words and "word salad" comments VP Harris uses..

You know, when Biden has a chance to talk with 50,000,000 plus people during the Super Bowl, he refused the opportunity.. Recently, when VP Harris has had to opportunity to address millions of people via national conversations, she’s opted to go speak with her sorority sisters (only those of color, mind you) or make a Teleprompter scripted eulogy… obviously she is not supportive of a government for “all the people”.

Online headline: “Olympics triathlete Jolien Vermeylen rips officials after swimming in polluted Seine River: ‘Felt and saw things that we shouldn’t think about’” --  Hmmm... guess the Olympic Committee will say those were Greek “snack bars”.

Online headline: “Harris Faulkner criticizes ABC’s Rachel Scott for ’emotional’ start to Trump interview “ – To Democrats and MSM, Harris Faulkner  isn’t  “Black enough”… because she doesn’t label.. stereotype.. people by the color of their skin..  I watched the scene that ABC’s Rachel Scott initiated with “racial prejudice” and both Trump and Faulkner called her on it… but Trump missed a real good opportunity to confront Scott about DEI…  When she asked about his view of ""DEI", Trump should have asked whether she considered her a product of DEI or did she EARN HER JOB... then add, "but since DEI  does exist, you'll never know!"

Online headline: “Biden’s New Trans-Inclusive Title IX Rules Are Already Blocked in Most States” – Thank heaven for state rights!  After the Olympic Women’s Boxing Fiasco, even the leftist Democrats better revisit their positions.. otherwise, true women’s athletics will eventually disappear. I’m gonna bet the NCAA Women’s Boxing Team portals will be overrun with male applicants for next season.. I can even see class action discrimination law suits in the N.I.L. (Name-Image-Likeness) industry when tranny “women” sue female product companies for not using them in feminine hygiene product ads…

I’m glad, even though it only has happened trying to eliminate Phuckles Harris’ albatross,  that American prisoners are being returned, but other than being happy for the prisoners’ families, I’m gonna hold back my full evaluation until we learn what it actually has cost us.. two previous “exchanges” involved Biden releasing 4 Jihadist back into the SIS/Taliban terrorist organizations, and giving Iran a $6 Billion dollar infusion to support terrorist attacks.  Oh.. and let’s not forget the Bowie Bergdahl scam when Biden/Obama swapped 6 (I believe) terrorist for a US soldier-turned-traitor…

Online headline/story: “The number of Americans filing for jobless claims hits highest level in a year * Jobless claims for the week ending July 27 climbed by 14,000 to 249,000, from 235,000 the previous week” – Hmmm.. and when you “parse” the numbers, that’s gonna be about 13,000,000 jobless claims for the upcoming fiscal year… pretty much wiping out ALL the jobs that Biden claims to have created in the past 3 years. So much for the “success” of Bidenflation…sadly, this will be the “gift” Biden passes off to either Trump or VP Harris… think very carefully who you want to FIX things!

Online headline/story: “Pennsylvania county law enforcement officials say Secret Service is presenting a ‘misleading’ picture of Trump shooting scene * “I cannot understand why there was not better coverage or at least somebody looking at that roofline when that’s where they were posted,” Rowe told senators, displaying pictures the Secret Service took in a re-staging of the scene. “Looking left, why was the assailant not seen?” ” --  “Yes.. why was the assailant (a.k.a. assASSin!) not seen”? One of the audience who was shot, James Copenhaver, sitting in the bleachers,  “saw” the assASSin … VIDEOED the assASSin…from ground level.  The Secret Service snipers behind Trump should have had a much better view of him than Copenhaver!
Online headline: “Riley Gaines falsely claims female boxer is a ‘male’ * By Kevin Harish” – Hmmm… Harish was glad to “follow the science” about Covid-19, yet now wants to “follow the Olympic Committee decision rather than ‘the science”… I suggest Kevin Harish be put inside a punching bag and let both of the Olympic  “female boxers” work out on it for 46 seconds,  and let him decide if both of the boxers are indeed females…that should be “science enough”.

Online headline: “Secret Service confirms internal email blasting leadership over Trump shooting” -- Hmmm.. unfortunately.. it’s not just the leadership within the USSS.. the head of the USSS is appointed by Secretary Mayorkas of the Department of Homeland Security, and Mayorkas was appointed by the DOJ’s Attorney General Garland who was appointed by Biden.. Follow the money and the loop!

Online headline: “Columbus GA cracksdown on excessive advertisement signage” -- Good grief! There's not a more prolific non-business-ad sign area in Columbus GA than in the 1 block range around the River Road Round-a-Bout.. A couple of years ago it was overloaded with 29 signs that I counted, but I'm guessing there are 40 or more now.. I'm going to try to get a new "official count number" this weekend.

Online headline: “Crowd Goes Wild For Kamala Harris Accidentally Calling Herself the President” --  Hmmm.. Indeed a perfect “cackling moment” for someone counting her chickens before they “Hatch Act”.…

When you think about, how is a political woman, who knowingly sleeps with another woman’s husband,  really concerned about other women’s rights?

Online “grandstand” story: “U.S. Sen. Raphael Warnock, D-Ga., introduced legislation Thursday that would provide federal funding to build 3 million new homes across the country and reduce rents by an average of 10%. * There is an estimated shortage of 200,000 rental homes affordable for low-income renters.” – Good grief! First.. “introducing” is not accomplishing anything.. Secondly, adding 3,000,000  “homes” would overwhelm the market, and destroy the middleclass homeowners’ equity and savings! To boot, this government program would shackle program users to the government teat forever.. as well as strain individuals who’ve achieved homeownership on their own with more taxes to pay for the supplement “payments” of the program users…

Seriously... Phuckles Harris thinks she's tougher on illegal aliens than Donald Trump? WHERE ARE THE CNN & MSNBC FACT CHECKERS ON THIS BS!

Online headline: “ Columbus GA Police and RedSpeed roll out new school zone speeding enforcement program” -- And what about the other 30 or so schools that aren't equipped with these "Big Brother" intrusions? Won't parents from those schools have a valid court case about the school system not keeping their children as safe as those in the other 20 schools?

Online headline: “Dr. Fauci reflects on religion, divisiveness, and the special place gay men have in his life (exclusive)” -- Why isn't Dr FRAUD-i talking about "science" now? There's NO SCIENCE that supports self-genderization!

Online headline/story: “New Muscogee County academy focuses on early literacy success: -- While I applaud the effort focusing on reading skills of 1st and 2nd Graders at 4 schools getting such attention, every 1st and 2nd Graders in the Columbus GA Public Education area should receive special attention on their reading skills!  Unfortunately, current.. and past .. reading skills tests show how horrible the effort has been at  getting all students up to reading at minimum grade levels… Reading should be the PRIORITY of our school system.. and if efficient, the rest of the education goals will come easier.

From the "Forrest Gump "Stupid is as stupid does" department – Online story: “San Francisco Mayor London Breed has suggested giving an extra $100 a week to drug-addicted welfare recipients if they stay sober. * Breed and Supervisor Matt Dorsey penned a bill called “Cash Not Drugs” which proposes handing out $100, in the form of a gift card or electronic benefit transfer, to some welfare recipients for each negative drug test they complete a week” --  How do these politicians get elected… even in San Francisco!

From the “Blue State self-implosion” department – Online story: “The New York State Supreme Court this week put a stop to New York Mayor Eric Adams’ attempt to block migrant buses from arriving in his city from Texas” – Hmmm…This is what happens when one left hand tries to wash another left hand..

Online headline: “Olympic boxer in tears after quitting fight in seconds against 'biologically male' opponent” --  Any person in that arena who pulled for and applauded for a man beating up a woman should be put in a straight-jacket and hauled off to a mental institution!

Online “headLIE”: “ Al Sharpton: Trump Race-Slurred Harris to Rile up White Base” --  Good grief! 74 Million voted for Trump in 2020, and that’s gonna grow!  The slurring began with Trump and Vance being "labeled" WEIRD by Harris, the DNC, and the MSM robots..

Online headline: “Gay San Francisco Supervisor candidate reveals he was the victim of alleged homophobic hate crime” – Hmmm… Mission District ..San Francisco... obviously not a Republican, conservative, or neighborhood homeowner…. And probably not a US citizen!

From the “you know PeLOUSY was lying… her lips moved” department – Online headline: “ Doctors told Pelosi of concern for Trump’s mental health, ex-speaker says in book” --  Whatta sham scam...No  Doctor would violate their oath by talking about Trump's health.

Online headline: “Ga. voting equipment tested in surprise audit ahead of election” -- Hmmm... Well .. we already know those machines are STILL hackable. What does a “new test” prove?

Online headline: “Ohio purging hundreds of noncitizens from state voter rolls amid 2024 election audit” --  And this is just being done with less than 6 weeks before some states early voting starts!

The next time some Democrat .. especially the "Me,too!" Democrat women or elected officials talk about how concerned they are about women's rights and Title IX women's sports protection, look them in their eyes and say, "Oh.. weren’t you one of those stupid arse  idiots that stood up, clapped and cheered as that Algerian tranny guy beat the crap out of the Italian girl in the Olympic Boxing event?

Online headline: “Kamala Harris said "the American people deserve better" in her first response to former President Donald Trump's combative interview with the NABJ.” – You know.. I actually agree with her about  the America people  deserving  better from our Media and the Democratic Party!

From the “hypocrisy, thou name is Democrats” department – Online story: “A group of Congressional Democrats  has introduced legislation that would allocate around $3 Billion PER YEAR in federal funds (versus their own pockets) to help recent migrants become more self-sufficient, arguing it will take pressure off states and cities struggling to cope with a crush of new arrivals.” – Good grief! First, the Democrats are PLANNING on continuing the “crush of new arrivals” rather than closing the border to illegal crossings… Secondly, “introducing” such “legislation” is not actually getting such done. Thirdly, the $3 Billion annually will be sent only to BLUE STATES and BLUE Sanctuary Cities within them. Fourth, it’s a grandstand attempt at getting re-elected.. even if this “legislation” passed Congress unanimously, like all US Social Programs, 75-plus percent of the funds would be spent on program administration costs (like all other ones) and fifth, what does this “program” do for these “recent” illegal aliens after the first year..  other than create perpetual government jobs in BLUE States and Cities…

I’ve previously been posting my “QR” to guide readers to the website to donate to a fundraiser for a favorite charity of mine.. The Anne Elizabeth Shepherd Home for Girls… and a lot of you read this on your phones and found it complicated to scan a “QR”  that’s on your phone, so.. here is the URL “link” you can “click” or “copy and paste”. 

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