Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Online headline: “Hillary Clinton calls Kamala Harris the underdog because of Electoral College” -- "underdog"? We have the Electoral College system because it helps stop a ton of fraud in a few states from controlling the results! Look at California for a great example.. in the 1990/2000 Censuses, California garnered 8 new Congressional districts because "citizenship" was removed from qualifications to be counted in refiguring the number of Congressional Districts each state got.. You have to remember that California getting  8 new seats in Congress took 8 seats/votes away from other states.

Oh! Don’t confuse BLUE State’s whimpering about the number of illegal aliens being bused and flown into them.. they are excited about the new Congressional seats it will give them in the 2030 Census..

Talk about hypocrisy personified! ... Recently reassigned USSS Director Kim Cheatle not only wasn't fired, she's got full time Secret Service protection, while Robert F. Kennedy, son of an assassinated father, suspended his campaign, and his Secret Service protection was immediately pulled!

This is very hard… VERY HARD… for me to say, but I would feel better about voting for Hellary Clinton than KALAMITY Harris.. “HUH?”, you say.. It’s like this.. Hellary is an egomaniac, and loves to take credit for everything she’s done.. among other things, like openly and illegally  housing a government server in her home when she was Secretary of State, and openly destroying phones and hard drives, and deleting  some 33,000+ e-mails. On the other hand, KALAMITY Harris is a “party puppet”, and we won’t ever know exactly who is pulling her strings…

Wow! Now KALAMITY Harris is FOR the Trump Wall at the Southern Border…Wait a minute.. the Democrat voters yawn at this because they know she’s lying, but it is her way of trying to recruit Independents and RINOs who don’t know she won’t ever build it…

Online headline: “Delta Workers Killed After a Boeing Plane’s Tire Unexpectedly Explodes” --  Hmmm... now, the big question.. could those tires explode when they're retracted into the plane during flights?

Online headline: “Columbus, GA Council allocates nearly $1M in crime prevention grants” –Hmmmm about publishing provable results of previous redistribution of taxpayer funded gifts to private organizations!

Online headline: “Biden authorized troubled Gaza pier operation as officials warned of weather and security challenges” --  Hmmm... such efficiency ..NOT! And to boot, 9 of every 10 trucks did NOT get their loads to the approved warehouses.. HamASS intercepted them...

Online headline: “Mark Zuckerberg Says Biden Admin ‘Repeatedly Pressured’ Facebook To ‘Censor’ Content, ‘Including Humor and Satire” -- Hmmm...guess that threat of KALAMITY Harris to tax "unrealized capital gains" finally sunk in...

Online “headLIE”: “Harris campaign says Dem nominee 'does not support' electric vehicle mandate in attempt to flip the script” -- Interesting...she's been running on Biden's legacy, but now denies it's existence...

Online headline: “Fact Check: Harris Claims She Worked at McDonald's in College.” -- Hmmm....and like Obama's Hawaiian birth certificate, some sorta employment record will probably  miraculously appear...

Online “headLIE”: “Fact Check: Harris Misspoke When She Said 220M Americans Died of COVID-19” -- Misspoke? No, she may have "misread" her Teleprompter, but her "false message" was delivered......"it was Trump's fault!"

Online headline: “City pools in Columbus, GA remain closed, reopening delayed again” --  Good grief! The one outdoor pool that operated this summer actually had a "Swim Day for Dogs" in August yet no kids swam in South or East Columbus . Wait a minute.. why doesn't the City Manager host a children's swim day when the pools are finally "fixed" .. hmm.. gosh, he can schedule it during the Christmas holidays when they are out of school!

Online headline: “Top NCAA women swimmers tell Georgia lawmakers allowing trans athletes in their events is unfair” -- This would stop if the women humiliated the "she-its" by encircling them with cameras every time the "she-its" undressed to change or shower, and post them on their private websites with comments, like, "For a 6' 4" person, I can see why he doubts his manhood."

Online headline: “Backlash over animal care dominates Columbus, GA  council meeting” – Hmmmm ...Where are these concerned citizens ..and their outrage..when 40-75 homicides are happening each year on the streets of Columbus, GA?

From the "suspicions confirmed" department..  Online “headLIE” --  More than 200 Republicans who worked for Bush, McCain and Romney endorse Harris” -- Bush, McCain, and Romney were definitely RINOs at best, but I was wondering why Liz Cheney wasn't included..

Online story: “A Democratic congressional candidate running in a competitive swing state race was once excoriated in court as an environmental lawyer for overbilling the federal government for “imaginary” legal services, court records show. *  Court records obtained by the Washington Examiner show Kirsten Engel, as a then-staff attorney for the Sierra Club Legal Defense Fund, now known as Earthjustice, faced condemnation in 1993 from a panel on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit for the apparent overbilling of attorneys' fees. Engel’s behavior, judges found, was a “serious transgression” and “aberration,” according to the written opinion. * While the records date back to 1993, news of them could undercut Engel's touted message of stressing the importance of the rule of law as she prepares to face off against Rep. Juan Ciscomani (R-AZ) to represent Arizona's 6th Congressional District.” -- Sadly, unless she’s removed from the ballot, Democrats don’t care about Democrats breaking the law.. or using tax funds for their personal gain…

Online headline: “‘Character assassination.’ Black NAACP community leaders condemn treatment of Columbus GA officials” – Looks like the NAACP has forgotten Dr MLK. Jr’s plea for judging by character rather than skin color!

Online story: “Russia said the West was playing with fire by considering allowing Ukraine to strike deep into Russia with Western missiles and cautioned the United States on Tuesday that World War Three would not be confined to Europe.” – Hmmm… Obviously an attempt by Russia at Election Interference! Putin figures Biden will appease him … once again…

Hmmm… After a week of vacationing in California, Resident Biden has taken an additional vacation in Delaware, but it's sorta weird that he takes Hunter Biden along with him..

Online headline: “Appeals court bans Title IX rule in four more states” – YES! But excuse me .. how can the given Constitutional Rights of Women... and uniform protection of those rights, be given if the three branches of our government cannot... will not...agree to what the definition of a woman is?

Online headline: “Kamala Harris Is From Berkeley—but She Doesn’t Talk About It Much” – “Of course she doesn’t want to “talk about it.. of course what she really doesn’t want to talk about is being conceived and born in Berkeley to a Marxist advocate father..

Online headline: “Gen. McMaster Says There’s No Way He’d Work for ‘Very Offensive’ Trump Again” – Hmmm… I don't think he needs to worry about being asked to do so.. This is his way of getting out in front of being embarrassed at NOT being asked again.

Hmm… the “BeBopsy Twins”?


There’s Trouble right here in “We Do Amazing City”! Yes.. Columbus, GA’s Mayor Skippy the Poop and the Council have approved a $3.00 a month raise of our GARBAGE FEE! It’s not like the taxpayers have been ecstatic with all the efficiency our garbage service has been since former Mayor TT Tom-LYING-son ended our “twice a week pick-up service” to “I wonder “if” or “what day” different services would be". Let’s parse a bit: $3.00 a month times 50,000 (+/-) households times 12 months adds $1,800,000.00 annually in fees we pay… Now let’s talk about the “external audit” showing  from $2 Million to $25 Million to $45 Million lost in limbo (and no comments from… or about… our City Manager).  Wait a minute… could the raise in garbage fees have anything to do with the “formerly Golden Park” expenses we taxpayers will absorb… say for tons of free tickets like the City Managers office gets at the Civic Center?

We’re down to two days now!  Stop procrastinating!  Right now’s a good time to step up to the plate!.. Every bit helps..  Donations for his event will be accepted through Aug 29th! The website to donate to this one of my favorite charities of mine fundraiser is: The Anne Elizabeth Shepherd Home for Girls here in Columbus, GA… so.. here is the URL “link” you can “click” or “copy and paste”. This is about the girls served at the AESH ..! 

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