Wednesday, August 21, 2024


Online headline: “Washington Post editorial board admits Biden's 'inner circle worked to conceal his decline” -- We can see.. accept.. how the Democrats  inner-circle would want to protect its own interests... but what the most damaging issue is MSM liberal journalist  "aiding & abetting" them! MSM has been the willing dupes... the collusive cabal... in covering up JoKKKe Biden's cognitive demise, and destructive policies.


KALAMITY Harris says, "We love our country. And I believe it is the highest form of patriotism to fight for the ideals of our country.".. Hmmm...And what country is she talking about? If it was America, she'd be fighting to keep OUR Constitution safe, not change it to one like Venezuela, China, N. Korea, or Cuba has.


Thinking about it.. the DNC campaign committee really used... maybe even ABUSED Resident Biden... He was "scheduled" for Prime Time .. but only on the first night.. after which he would not be seen or heard on the other days, but then he was "bumped down" the list until 11:30 so others, more important to the "committee message”, could speak. This was primarily done so that the arena wouldn't look deserted if people left after Biden's speech.. Seriously, does any other Democrat really want to listen to AOC...I mean, that if AOC's Squad votes weren't necessary to pass any bill the Dems want, the Dems wouldn't give her the time of day.


Online headline: “Hamas says Biden remark about group backing away from Gaza truce deal 'misleading” – “Misleading”? Hey.. he words were pure subterfuge! The Democrats just want to finish their convention without having to actually air their failure nationally to America’s Jewish and Christian voters…


KALAMITY Harris wants to raise the corporate tax rate by 33%! The Unions ought to be up-in-arms! The more in tax percent corporations pay, the less percent of profit is made which cuts all unions' bargaining chip for higher wages.. that and the number of jobs that corporations will cut because of less profits..


Online story: “ Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) told reporters at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago Tuesday that he will not allow the Trump-era cap on state and local tax deductions to continue after its scheduled expiration at the end of next year. * Former President Trump and his Republican allies in Congress inserted a provision in the 2017 tax reform bill to cap state and local tax deductions at $10,000. That provision hit residents of expensive blue states such as New York, New Jersey and California with higher state and local taxes especially hard” – And Schumer claims the Democrats are “for the poor and middle classes”,   but it’s not the “poor and middle classes” that would benefit if the  $10,000 cap in tax deductions was eliminated for their personal taxes. It is the wealthy/super-wealthy that would benefit from higher home and sales tax deductions.  But,,, but it IS the “poor and middle classes” that would pay additional taxes (in the form of higher product prices)  if the corporate tax rates are raised 33%..


Online headline/story: “Gov. Hochul calls Kamala Harris ‘first president of the United States,’ makes awkward joke to Floridians in DNC speech * “He wasn’t raised with the New York values I know,” Hochul charged. “He never had to worry about child care costs, groceries or rent. He never had to worry about anything — or anyone — but himself.” -- Trump never had to worry about childcare costs? What about childless KALAMITY Harris? She would know way less about such than Trump. And what about Hochul and Schumer? They want to give super-wealthy New Yorkers.. like themselves.. more tax deductions for their mansions and excessive spending habits!


Online headline: “Bill Maher says Trump assassination attempt was his ‘favorite day of 2024’” -- Whatta @-hole! Why hasn't HBO fired him!


Fun Alert! The Country’s Barbeque “ 5K Midnight Run” here in Columbus GA is happening Saturday Night at 9:00 (Aug 24th).. Don’t miss it.. Food, Fun, and raising FUNDS fo the Hearing Impaired! Great T-Shirt, too!


Online headline: “Missouri now requires proof of surgery or court order for gender changes on IDs” – Heh heh heh… Missouri can now reclaim its famous motto, “The SHOW ME State”! Let’s schedule the next Olympic’s Women’s Boxing Event in Missouri!.. Oh.. and the NCAA Women’s Swimming Championship!


Online headline: “He should try reading it": Raphael Warnock calls out Trump for hawking $60 Bibles” – “He should try reading it”?  Hmmm.. the same could be said for “SINator Pastor Warnock… but Warnock should also practice what he preaches… especially the 8th and 9th Commandments!


Online headline: “”It’s the honor of my life to represent Georgia’: Warnock’s speech fires up Georgia and National Dem leadership” – Hmmm… Wonder if SINator Warnock feels it's as difficult for him, as a pastor,  to be able to feign knowledge of what defines a  woman  compared to other Democrats’ opinions?


Online headline: “‘We’re gonna make sure that school is the best in the nation’: Mary A. Buckner Academy hosts ribbon cutting ceremony” -- "Best school in the nation"!  Wouldn't that be a wonderful... totally unexpected... change in Columbus, GA..



Hmmm…Curb-side abortions and vasectomies are available at the Democrat Convention in Shicago... What next .. an online app for "Home Delivery"?


Democrats have a dilemma.. the HamASS protesters in Shicago not only detest Jews and Christians, they are attacking Shicago Police Officers in a town that desperately needs more police officers


Hmmm...Monday night must have been tough for Resident Biden in Shicago... He had to stay up to 11:30  to speak, but then he had to listen to the delegates drown him out chanting "We love Joe"... and he had no idea whether they loved him for his service or.. or whether they loved him for leaving office.


Hmmm... You know, the Democrats really aren't concerned about Palestinian supporters not voting for Democrats candidates.. the Dems know they won't vote for Trump, but the Dems ARE concerned that Jewish and Independent Women might vote for Trump.


Online headline: “Pete Buttigieg will be inducted into LGBTQ+ Political Hall of Fame at DNC” -- Hmmm... does that mean he'll become the Secretary of TRANSportation...



You know.. WTVM-TV9 Columbus, GA ran an opinion piece about it being way-overdue for a full investigation of, according to 3 different sources, $45 Million, $25 Million, or $2 Million Dollars being missing/unaccounted for in the Columbus Consolidated Government’s business licensing departments….This is not the first of such “missing/unaccounted for”  funds issue.. recently, some $5 Million.. and possibly much more… was absconded with by a group led by now convicted former Muscogee Court Clerk Willie Demps, and a number of years ago, some $2 Million was “missing/unaccounted for” at one of our landfill dumping operations. While we need to know “what happened” and “where is the money now”, one of the most egregious aspects is that someone in the City suggested that it was only $2 Million.. not the $45 M or $25 M reported by external and internal audits..  Good grief! How can the City Manager and Columbus Council retain such an employee that suggests that it’s no big deal that $2 Million isn’t where it’s suppose to be!



So KALAMITY Harris says if she's elected, she'll bring down the prices of groceries... Excuse me, but what's stopping her from doing now? A lower cost Thanksgiving  TURKEY ain't gonna happen if we elect this turkey.


Oh! KALAMITY claims she has the "cure for high grocery costs".. hmmm... remember JoKKKe Biden's campaign claim that "he had THE  CURE FOR CANCER"!



I thought this next thing was an error... at best...but there is a "Gender Neutral Muslim Prayer Room" at the DNC Convention.. In my mind I see some Muslim people,  now living in America for safety, walking into the "room"... seeing prayer carpets on the floor (and wondering if either is actually facing due East). I’ll bet there isn’t a “Gender Neutral Prayer Room” in Iran, Lebanon, Syria, Gaza, Afghanistan or any other Muslim/Islamic country in the world!


Online headline: “Prince Harry pal claims he's 'an angry boy' in America” – Hmmm…, Harry's not happy? Are we suppose to care? Hey.. Harry wasn't happy in England, either!



Online headline: “15 states sue Biden-Harris administration for enrolling noncitizens in Obamacare” --  Think about this... veterans and their families are paying taxes to  to give free healthcare to illegal aliens because of Democrats! Also think about 25 BLUE States and another 10 Red States who are sitting quietly, twiddling their thumbs, hoping no veterans will notice them.


Online “headLIE”/story: “ Kamala Harris Suddenly Stops Rally After Noticing Someone Needs Help * Harris seemed to spot someone to her left that needed help" –  “Harris seemed to spot someone to her left that needed help"? Whoa! Knew this was an orchestrated "set up"! Other than Xi of China, Maduro of Venezuela, Putin of Russia, Trudeau of Canada, and Macron of France,..NO ONE IS EVER TO HER LEFT!



Online headline: “'Feasting' like royalty, Chicago DNC held in fortified castle walled off from reality” -- Hmmm...sounds like the kind of "clean up" and "elite isolationism" CA Gov Newsom put into effect when China's Xi Jinping came to San Francisco.



I think the “Homestead Exemption” factor is an important aspect of family life in GA.. but I thought it was limited to one primary home… apparently not in Congressman Bishop’s case.. he has a home in Albany, GA in his name, and one in Columbus, GA in his wife’s name… 



Hmm.. Congressman Bishop, D-GA2 …Party Animal.. wait… where’s Vivian?





For those who have contributed so far, thanks… but some of you are holding back! Now’s a good time to step up to the plate!.. Every bit helps..  Donations for his event will be accepted through Aug 29th! The website to donate to this one of my favorite charities of mine fundraiser is: The Anne Elizabeth Shepherd Home for Girls here in Columbus, GA… so.. here is the URL “link” you can “click” or “copy and paste”. For those of other collegiate “loyalty”, there are 16 other “Number 1 Fans” you can contribute “for” if Mississippi State isn’t your favorite Bulldog school.. This is about the girls served at the AESH ..!

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