Thursday, August 22, 2024


“Goof” Duncan, former Lt Governor of Georgia,  proved something to the world last night that conservatives already knew… he’s a Democrat… and a liar.. Goof stood on stage and stated to the DNC delegates that “I AM a Republican!”  Maybe he WAS at one time, but I do not know when that was…and I’m a lifelong  Georgian!

The Shicago School System shutdown schools this week and put undue pressure on parents of 320,000 students to rearrange their lives for a week to accommodate the Teachers Union desire to support the Democratic Convention.  Of course, the Union's "take" is, "it's for the children"  "the children" can learn about the Democratic Party... Hmmm.. yet reality says that 320,000 children will be on the streets and some 70,000 "convention visitors" will be here , too.. Hmmm.. well, some 4,000 to 5,000 may be there as delegates, but the balance are obviously "protesters", and a violent group that certainly isn't there to promote safety on the streets the 320,000 children are running around on.

Online headline: “PBS Correspondent Issues Apology for Comments About Trump Interference in Gaza Ceasefire Talks” -- I do remember when Judy Woodruff was respected... now she's in the same category as Mike Wallace.

Online headline: “Stacey Abrams on the state of the DNC” -- Of course Stacey Abrams is an expert on voting rights and GA... just like she's the current two time Governor of GA as well.

Online headline: “Obama speech to secure border without 'tearing' kids from parents omits somber DHS report on missing migrants” -- Of course Obama omitted the pertinent  facts....he's a Democrat occasionally an American when it suits his personal interests.

Online “headLIE”: “Pelosi touts job growth under Biden-Harris as job numbers revised downward” -- Hmmm.... when Queen PeLOUSY says Biden-Harris "established one of the most successful presidencies of modern times, and we quickly  proved Democrats deliver.", it's one of those dastardly "half truths"! What Biden-Harris "delivered successfully" was higher debt, higher interest, higher inflation, higher crime, higher gas prices, higher illegal alien population, and higher grocery prices for all Americans...

Online headline: “Schumer condemns antisemitism, blames Trump while anti-Israel agitators burn US flag outside DNC” – Hmm.. Funny, isn’t it.. when all else fails, Schumer blames Trump… whom the Israeli’s trust a whole lot more than Schumer, Harris, Biden, and Obama…

Online headline: “Walz creates headaches for Harris with misleading IVF and military claims” – If Walz thinks he has a headache now, wait until he crawls into bed and hears about his wife’s headache!

Online headline: “Trump campaign trolls Harris, releases policy website for her after weeks of silence” – Well… MSM should be able to see what Harris’s policies will be like when she confirms or denies the one’s Trump has posted about her..

Online “headLIE”: “Pritzker says Harris ‘spent four years’ cleaning up Trump’s ‘mess” -- Hmmm.. KALAMITY spent 4 years cleaning up Trump's messes"? Hmmm... then why is she campaigning on all the policies she and Biden stopped on "Day 1"!

Online headline: “Trump slams Harris' call for a price-gouging ban, but 37 states already have their own” – Wanna bet that now KALAMITY Harris will try to take credit for getting this done in the 4 weeks since she’s been anointed?

Online headline: “Israeli military retrieves bodies of six hostages from Gaza” – What a lovely HamASS peace offering… NOT!

Online headline: “ DNC speakers address immigration as party embraces tougher border measures” --Hmmm...strange....why is the Convention focus on tougher border security when KALAMITY Harris's policies are against such?

Fun Alert! The Country’s Barbeque “Midnight Run” is this weekend .. Come on out, Columbus, GA for a FUND event (for hearing impaired needs) Filled with Fun and Food! Saturday, th4 24th at the Cross Country store..

Online headline: “Columbus GA  Police Launch School Zone Safety Program with RedSpeed and Muscogee County Schools” – Hey, Columbus, GA Council - Under the obviously greedy purpose, I think we need weekly reports on how many “torts” are issued at each location, and how much “moolah” is raised without a designated budget..

You know, if the Democrats are so supportive of women's rights of "my body, my choice", then why do Democrats get so vocal and violent towards women who decide to have babies?

Online headline: “24 states call on Supreme Court to ensure noncitizens don’t vote in federal elections” --  Hmmmm... If the US Constitution says only American Citizens can vote in Federal Elections, then all states that don't require Citizenship to vote should turn over their Federal election ballots to the Federal government which will have control over checking each voter's ID, and let the state control state & local voting separately.

Online headline: “Unemployment drops in Georgia in July, including NE Georgia and Atlanta Regional Commission” -- With it being begrudgingly revealed that the job reports were off by over 815,000 LESS than initially. and INTENTIONALLY Reported, who can believe there was less unemployment in GA last month?

Online “headLIE”: “DNC delegate: Kamala Harris 'trusts the journalists to explain' her policies and values to American people.” Wow! KALAMITY Harris trusts the media to guess what she's going to stand for... yet she won't sit down and answer media questions... Well, if America wants to know what Harris's "positions" are, America needs to listen to Harris Faulkner rather than Whoopi Goldberg.

You know, between the Democrats' distributed financial aid and the Democrats' push for citizenship via amnesty for illegal aliens so illegal aliens can register to vote, this is blatant election interference and fraud..

Online headline: Meet the new Columbus GA Councilor behind the controversial headlines: Byron Hickey” -- Welcome aboard, Columbus GA Councilman Hickey! Now, make a real difference from the start.. starting with getting transparency about Mayor Skippy the Poo's "100 Acre Scam".. and particularly what Synovus is paying annually for “name-jacking” "Golden Park".

Online headline: “Protesters planned to overtake DNC. Instead, hostage families were welcomed by Democrats” --  The war ends only when HamASS is ended.. Palestinians could quicken this happening by turning over the HamASS leaders and their hostages to Israel today.

Online headline: “Jimmy Carter can’t wait to vote for Kamala Harris in the 2024 election, his grandson Jason Carter says.“Though his body may be weak tonight, his spirit is as strong as ever,” Jason Carter said at the Democratic National Convention” --  Hmmm...take it from a Georgian.. and cousin.. Cuzzin Jimmy is glad Biden was elected, and wants KALAMITY Harris elected, too.. so he becomes the 3rd worse president instead of the first or second worst.

Online "headLIE":  "The Fed Was Wrong: Economy Weaker than Initially Reported" -- Hmmm...the headline should have read: "The Fed was  Wrong: Economy Weaker than INTENTIONALLY Reported."

Online headline: “Attorney defends Columbus HR director in finance investigation” -- DOH! That's the job of an attorney... it doesn't mean an attorney knows any different.. it just that the attorney is PAID to say that!

Online headline: “Republicans bash Harris after plane circled extra 15 minutes to watch husband’s DNC speech” --  And what would she have missed if the plane landed as scheduled, and she just waited to get off when it was over.. This is not just about the fuel she wasted on her plane, it's about all the other planes and passengers who had to delay landings because KALAMITY Harris was exercising her privilege. Now, the real question is, “Why wasn’t she at the Convention site listening in person? Why, because there’d have been NO WAY she could have contained her “cackle” when her hubby was praisinf her “accomplishments”.

Talk about "weird".. why ..under any circumstances.. would Presidential nominee Harris slip out on the second night of the Party Convention when the Obama's were the "highlighted speakers"? The only thing that makes any sense is that Obama wanted to let liberal donors, and Muslim leaders & terrorists know he would be in charge again with Harris fronting the White House. Again.. and that she didn’t want  to be heard “cackling” when either Obama spoke…

Michele Obama blasted Biden...AND Harris in her opening speech comments.. she said after years (since Obama was President) without it, now there's a chance for "HOPE" and "CHANGE" again. Wait a minute.. Obama's VP, and KALAMITY Harris have been in control for the last 4 years! How is Harris "HOPE" OR  "CHANGE"?

So... Robert F Kennedy... and his running mate, Nicole Shanahan .. were being assaulted by the Democrats in the name of "Democracy".. Hmmm, and here we were, being bombarded by the Democrats that diversity of opinion, and having a choice of who we can vote for were important… GUARANTEED tenets of democracy..

Online headline: “Robert F. Kennedy, Jr is planning to drop out of the 2024 Presidential race and endorse Trump” – Don’t hink this hasn’t been the Democrat’s “plan” since Kennedy announced his “independence” from the Democratic Party last October.. His presence was always intended to draw votes aay from Trump, but it wasn’t working like the Democrat’s hoped.. many Independents,  Black, and Hispanic voters were leaving to support Trump, and now, after the Dems NEED something to get them back, and they are hoping Kennedy’s “endorsement” of Trump will get them back…

We’re down to one week now!  So now’s a good time to step up to the plate!.. Every bit helps..  Donations for his event will be accepted through Aug 29th! The website to donate to this one of my favorite charities of mine fundraiser is: The Anne Elizabeth Shepherd Home for Girls here in Columbus, GA… so.. here is the URL “link” you can “click” or “copy and paste”. For those of other collegiate “loyalty”, there are 16 other “Number 1 Fans” you can contribute “for” if Mississippi State isn’t your favorite Bulldog school.. This is about the girls served at the AESH ..!

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