Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Hmmm… Electing KALAMITY Harris will set back women's fashions for a Century!  Have you noticed the proletariat suits KALAMITY always wears? They look like they were designed by the maker of suits for Karl Marx, Xi Jinping, and Kim Jong Un.

Online headline: ”  Democrats, others seek to toss Kennedy off November ballot in Georgia and New York” -- Hmmm .. I guess thinking they  got away with  kicking Biden off the ballot has spilled "bad blood" into the waters.

Wow! Resident Biden went  "off Teleprompter script" and basically joined the Democrat cabal abandoning Israel! He said the anti-Semitic, genocidal HamASS supporters "have a point".. I disagree , but what is evident is that the Democrats have joined the Palestinians in sticking a "knife POINT" in Israel's back! No wonder the Dems are trying to oust Robert F. Kennedy, Jr from the NY ballot!

Online headline: “OOPS! Democratic Platform Repeatedly Refers to President Biden’s ‘Second Term” -- Good grief! This is definitely the correct definition of artificial intelligence.. well, the definition of “lack of intelligence, too”! .. Failure to edit the Democrat Platform since the Demos ousted Biden....of course there was another major error in the platform, too.. the platform statement should have referred to this possibly being Obama's 4th term.

If there was any one thing that might attract  new voters to vote for any Democrat, I seriously doubt it be having the new voters  be subjected to an AOC rant!

Online “headLIE”: “Harris’ VP Tim Walz introduced as ‘command sergeant major’ at DNC”  -- You know, political liars have one huge albatross hanging around their necks.. forgetting which lies they've told that have been exposed and cannot be used anymore...

Online headline: “Charlie Kirk, Parker Short, President of GA’s Young Democrats,  get into verbal spat at DNC” --  Seriously, how can any adult human not be able to know..to define.. what a woman.. female.. is? Hey..Parker Short...why don't you ask your fellow Georgia, SINator Warnock, to define what a woman is.. he's a pastor, and should know exactly what a woman created by God is...AND ISN'T!

Online headline: “They Tried to Kill Your Predecessor!’ Raskin Issues Warning to Trump Running Mate JD Vance in DNC Speech” --  Hmmm… and how can an elected House official intentionally spew lies at a campaign event and not be censured by the House of Representatives?

Online headline: “Former Georgia Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan expected to give remarks at DNC” -- Good grief! Can't "Goof" Duncan get a real job anymore outside of being an organ grinder's monkey?

Online “headLIE”:  “'January 6 is a sickness': SINator Warnock calls out voter suppression in 2024 DNC speech” – Wow! You’d think a pastor would be very up-to-date on the meanings of the 8th and 9th Commandments!

I read that Golden State Warrior's Coach Steve Kerr spoke at the DNC Convention last night... Hmmm... guess the Democrats are concerned that California may be in play for Trump..I mean, in 2020, Biden won California by 5,000,000 votes... and less than that won't look good for Newsom  in 2028.

Online headline: “Georgia Democratic delegates on what they hope to hear at the DNC” -- Hmmm.... well, as a lifelong Georgian, I hope they hear the truth, and learn to put the country's needs above the Democratic Party's "wants",  but.. I have little hope of that ever happening...

Online headline: “Columbus GA School bus caught in crossfire of shooting on Cusseta Road” --  Hmmm… maybe all those “speed cameras” installed need to be calibrated to take pictures when a “speeding bullet” is detected….

Online headline: “August 19, 1812, Old Ironsides legend born in smashing victory over Royal Navy” -- I had the immense honor to board and explore Old Ironsides in 1992 when it was docked in Boston ..but I can tell you what, there's no way a man my size (6' 6") could  have served on a ship at sea in an efficient manner... Just serving on that historic ship in open waters  would be a testament to any American sailor.

Online headline: “Israeli officials confirm Tel Aviv bombing was a terrorist attack, Hamas claims responsibility” --  Ooops… my bad.. with the DNC Convention going on while HamASS supporters protest in Shicago, I thought it said  “Harris claims responsibility”…

Online headline: “ Milwaukee mayor urges pro-Palestinian protesters to compare policies of candidates” --  Wow! Yes.. the Mayor of Milwaukee is a Democrat, and is just as opposed to comparing candidate policies as Hamas is.. If Mayor Johnson did compare Harris and Trump policies, he would be advocating FOR Trump, not Harris..

Online headline: “ Gov. Beshear of  KY  says Harris’s economic plan to ensure ‘capitalism stays within the guardrails’” -- "ensure capitalism stays within the guardrails"? That's exactly how to CREATE more inflation, recession, and job losses. Guardrails aren't good for industry... they stunt growth and keep competition out.

Online headline: “Joe Manchin says Kamala Harris has brought a 'vivacious energy' to the 2024 campaign: 'She's got people fired up'” – Yeah.. KALAMITY does have people “fired up”.. just look at all the people in Shicago and other BLUE Sanctuary Cities that have been fired  at su much, they are fired up about the crime rates!

According to Eric Smellwall, the Democrats' "Mt Rushmore" is:  FDR, Kennedy, Truman, and Biden? Hmmm...  FDR imprisoned Japanese Americans , KENNEDY tried to attack Cuba, TRUMAN dropped the A-Bombs on Japan, and Biden was dropped kick by the Democrats.. maybe they plan to rename it Mt Crashmore.

Do Gays, Lesbians, and Trans understand that they are supporting the HamASS/Palestinian Islamic community which has  no tolerance for Gays,Lesbians and Trans?

To highlight her campaign focus, KALAMITY Harris is providing curb-side "Free Abortions" at the DNC Convention... When you really think about it, KALAMITY really is highlighting her platform... It's a pretty messy abortion, too.

Oh! Free curb-side vasectomies are also available.. maybe they will prioritize on transgender females competing in women’s events!

Online headline: “San Francisco prosecutor taps friend with no law experience for high-paying job as violent crime runs rampant” --  Hmmm.. I guess San Francisco District Attorney Brooke Jenkins is grooming Monifa Willis, who also works as an assistant nursing professor at the University of California, to be the  Secret Service agent in charge  of “Trump Security” if he comes back to San Francisco..

For those who have contributed so far, thanks… but some of you are holding back! Now’s a good time to step up to the plate!.. Every bit helps..  Donations for his event will be accepted through Aug 29th! The website to donate to this one of my favorite charities of mine fundraiser is: The Anne Elizabeth Shepherd Home for Girls here in Columbus, GA… so.. here is the URL “link” you can “click” or “copy and paste”. For those of other collegiate “loyalty”, there are 16 other “Number 1 Fans” you can contribute “for” if Mississippi State isn’t your favorite Bulldog school.. This is about the girls served at the AESH ..


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