Friday, August 16, 2024

One thing to remember when you see/hear stories about National Polls favoring Harris is that the samplings from CA and NY will always be in the Democrat candidates favor by MORE than the "margin of error" nationally.. each of those two states "popular votes" will go  to Democrats by close to a  2-to-1  rate (in 2020 those two states gave Biden 16,300,000 votes and Trump got 9,3000,000 votes… that’s 7 Million more for Biden.. the same number of vote count margin  Biden “won” nationally -  81,000,000 to 74,000,000…

From the “Talk about Venezuelan/Russian style socialism” department – Online headlie: “Biden instructs media to 'start writing' that his inflation policies are 'working” -- Good grief! It's not the media's job to be "messengers"... The media is suppose to report reality and truth, not promote political bias of a despot!

From the "is there any level Democrats won't stoop to win?" department -- Online headline: "Rev. Franklin Graham calls out 'Evangelicals for Harris' for 'trying to mislead people' using his father in ad" -- WOW! You would think the Pro-Palestinians would be GOING AFTER Kalamity Harris after she approved an ad that elevated Christianity over Islamism...

Online headline: “Pro-Palestinian groups are mobilizing thousands to Chicago to demonstrate outside DNC” -- know.. if tens of thousands of Palestinian protesters gather in Shicago to support Kalamity Harris, what real message does this send to Jewish AND Christian Americans?

Online headline: “Inflation impacting Black-owned entrepreneurs during Black Business Month” --Hmmm.. .a great solution would be to elect Trump back into the Oval Office.. Moronically, Kalamity Harris says she has a plan to fix this, too, well.. IF you vote for her..but the funny thing is that she's ALREADY in office and could "fix this" but...she isn't doing anything about it now, nor will she even worry about it in January.

Online headline: “Road project costs continue to rise in Georgia” – Well… when T-SPLOST sales taxes were added to the GA DOT piggy bank, cost control measures dropped off the table! A great example is right here in Columbus, GA.. the huge Round-A-Bout on Highway 219 (River Road @Bradley Park Dr) cost under $5 Million, but 3 new smaller ones on one Columbus GA neighborhood road are costing $7.5 MILLION ....EACH.. that’s $22.5 MILLION just so cars won’t have to stop for pedestrians! And this is the contract costs.. the inevitable "overruns" haven't been disclosed. Hey, as long as the District Attorney is examining someone in the Columbus, GA's City Manager's Office as we speak, maybe this "deal" should be added to the investigation.

Speaking of  “Round-a-bouts”  in Columbus, GA.. the one on River Road.. a state highway.. built so traffic doesn’t come to a standstill, has those “Pedestrian Crossing” signs put at every traffic lane to bring every car to a screeching halt if a pedestrian wants to cross the street.. You realize that 5 people could create a massive traffic jam at major rush hours.

Online headline: “Realtree CEO, Columbus, GA  native, to join Legends of the Outdoors Hall of Fame” -- Congrats, Bill Jordan! Not even gonna let your Ole Miss Landsharks connection dampen the day! HAIL STATE!

Online “headLIE”: “Sens. Ossoff, Rev. Warnock delivering fire safety upgrades across Georgia” -- Hey...Senator Ossoff.. you, too, SINator Warnock.. y'all aren't "delivering" us anything... well..except more NATIONAL DEBT! Stop using our tax dollars to make yourselves "sound personally generous".

Online headline/story: “Family of R&B artist sues Trump campaign over use of song at political rallies” – Hayes’ Family says, "it's not about politics, it's about character"? WHATTA LIE ! It's ALL about POLITICS... with a pinch of RACISM added to spice it up!

From the "Talk about a BIASED  "HEADLIE" department - Online  WHOPPER: " Georgia Republicans Vote Against Democracy By Using Trump Lies To Legalize Election Interference" -- First, reread the headline.. It's ALL ABOUT the people voting and the majority ruling.. which is exactly what "Democracy" is about!

Online headline: “Georgia Secretary of State criticizes Election Board's 'new activist rulemaking” -- If anyone's judgement NEEDS to be questioned, it's Rafffensperger! He CONFIRMED the Dominion voting machines used in 2020 WERE HACKABLE yet is using them again this election! The ballots scanned have the names on them but a QR is what's used.. Why can't I cellphone scan that QR code myself to compare to who I voted for in the booth?

Online headline/story: “Tim Walz’s Successor in National Guard Penned Private Letter Asking Him to Stop Claiming Rank He Didn’t Have ‘For Political Gain’ * In one instance in 2016, Walz nodded along as a panel moderator introduced him as a veteran who “Enlisted in the Army National Guard at 17 and retired 24 years later as Command Sergeant Major” as well as “served with his battalion in Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan” despite the fact that he lost that rank by retiring when he did nor did he serve in Afghanistan. * critics include Thomas Behrends , who took over Walz’s battalion when he retired back in 2005. * “At the point when he quit, the balloon was deflated and all the soldiers out here, basically it was like one of their main senior leaders had died,” Behrends told ABC. “They couldn’t believe it.” * In a private letter sent to Walz back in 2016, Behrends implored Walz to stop claiming to be a retired Command Sergeant Major.” – Hmmm.. and you gotta realize this letter was written  8 years ago, so it’s not just a typical political ploy…

You know, following 9-11-01, MSM made it a whole 30 days before it “forgot” the Islamic Jihadist raid on America… but after a week and half, we had some MSM “journalists” moving on.. and even one – former Democrat Representative Harold Ford, Jr of TN stating on Fox News that Trump was NOT SHOT! How embarrassing for MSM.. and history!

Online headline: “Harris to propose up to $25K in down-payment support for 1st-time homebuyers” -- Good grief! I’m gonna have to start spelling Kalamity in ALL CAPS! KALAMITY!  Single-handedly, this will prolong higher mortgage rates and higher housing costs because it’ll artificially increase the demand at a time when interests and home prices should start coming down! Now, 1st Time buyers will get saddled with mortgage payments for 20-30 years (barring foreclosure or possible re-fi) at the highest rate in decades. To boot..all responsible taxpayers will feel the pinch of higher National Debt servicing! Hmmm.. and we KNOW a “loan cancellation program” will be coming!

Online headline: “National Infantry Museum in Columbus, GA built just outside the gates of Ft Benning (n.k.a. Ft Moore… or less) holds celebration for 15th anniversary” – Has it been only 15 years? What a blessing to showcasing our military history without liberals rewriting it!

Oh.. don’t forget.. contact Ed Woverton at “UpTown Columbus, GA” to reserve your banner honoring a family member who served our country that will fly alongside Veteran’s Parkway this Fall!

From the “here’s the proof” department – Online “headLIE”: “Jewish Democrats tout Harris-Walz commitment to Israel, fighting antisemitism ahead of convention “ --  Didn’t we just read about KAMALAMITY Harris’  campaign ads running as fake “GOOGLE news items”? More than likely this is one.. especially since the genocidal Palestinian protesters are openly supporting KALAMITY Harris..

Online headline: “Sports radio legend Chris 'Mad Dog' Russo rips Donald Trump for treatment of Joe Biden: 'Really bothered me” --  What bias! "Mad Dog" Russo seems not to have any problems with JoKKKe Biden and his own  "rips" of Donald Trump! Maybe “Mad Dog” needs to change his name to “Rabies Dog”…or better yet, “Flea Bitten Yellow Dog”.

Online “headLIE”/story: “Former Georgia GOP leader tells citizens it ‘doesn’t mean you’re Democrat’ to vote for Kamala Harris  * Former GOP Georgia Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan has continued to nudge Republicans into supporting Vice President Kamala Harris , recently appealing to their party loyalty in saying it won't make them a Democrat if they vote for her. * Duncan released an op-ed in May stating he was voting for President Joe Biden. * "I think it’s important to reinforce the fact to Republicans around the country that just because you vote for Kamala Harris in 2024, doesn’t mean you’re Democrat,” Duncan told CNN anchor Jim Acosta .” --

Oh! So, according to “Goof” Duncan,  voting for KALAMITY Harris won’t make you a Democrat… hmmm.. but it does make you an idiot… though such voters will still be a shade smarter than “Goof” Duncan is.. Oh, but  voting for KALAMITY Harris will also make you more regretful, poorer, and more likely to become a criminal and/or victim…

What gives! Columbus GA District Attorney mentions three City employees’ “Departments” under investigation for financial issues, but NOT the names of those employees being focused on.. I do surmise that their maybe more than 1 employee in each department, but since there’s no announcement of  names …nor suspensions for duties… all employees now come under suspicion…

Online story: “In a statement released by Michael Tyler, Communications Director for Harris-Walz 2024, the Harris-Watz Campaign said that the “debates about debates are over” and made clear that it would not participate in any other debate apart from the three previously agreed-upon debates: “two presidential and a vice presidential debate.”  -- Good Grief!.. the two Democrats who NEED to COMMUNICATE directly to the American voters, have a talking head to tell MSM that they AREN”T going to COMMUNICATE directly to the American voters any more than they have to do so..

Or interview with non-liberals…

For those who have contributed so far, thanks… but some of you are holding back! Now’s a good time to step up to the plate!.. Every bit helps..  Donations for his event will be accepted through Aug 29th! The website to donate to this one of my favorite charities of mine fundraiser is:
The Anne Elizabeth Shepherd Home for Girls here in Columbus, GA… so.. here is the URL “link” you can “click” or “copy and paste”. For those of other collegiate “loyalty”, there are 16 other “Number 1 Fans” you can contribute “for” if Mississippi State isn’t your favorite Bulldog school.. This is about the girls served at the AESH ..! 

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