Saturday, March 26, 2011

From the "only in California" department - Online headline/story: "California City Hires $3,000-Per-Week Spokesman After Issuing Massive Layoffs * ( former Los Angeles Times reporter Bill) Lobdell, who will become the city's first formal spokesman in recent memory, told the newspaper he signed a 90-day contract that pays $75 an hour for up to 40 hours a week. His new job doesn't include perks or benefits. * Lobdell's pay is comparable to that of his counterparts in nearby towns where spokesmen also have health benefits and pensions, the newspaper noted" -- I just "hope" Lobdell sues Costa Mesa for healthcare benefits on the basis that Emperor Imam-a's HELL-thScare requires him to have health insurance and Costa Mesa has made him a criminal.
Online headline: "'Humanitarian Tragedy' Unfolding in Ivory Coast" -- "Humanitarian Tragedy"? In the 60's we called it Viet Nam, and France was the culprit then, too. Smart thinking....NOT..., UN & Emperpor Imam-a, put France in charge of Libya.
Speaking of the UN, (well, you might as well throw Emperor Imam-a in there as well,) why do DUMB&DUMBERats give a crap about the agreements and movements of the UN. All I want from the UN is for all the diplomats assigned there be arrested until they pay all their parking tickets.
The Court of Appeals has opened a real can of worms calling for a retrial based on 'inadequate assistance if counsel". Is there a public defender who missed this? Shoot, all a public defender needs to do is have a guilty client, run a bad defense, and collect a pay check from the state/county, make an appeal, then get in line for an appointment to handle the retrial.
Mark Shields reminds us of Colin Powell today. Powell voted for the Emperor Imam-a, and it would be nice to get Powell's opinion today.
L-E "headlie": "Commentary: Real rights are just that — they are not gifts * Leonard Pitts" -- Whew, almost thought Leonard Pitts had finally climbed out of the pits he writes from ...but I was wrong.
Dimon Kendrick-Holmes revealed his lack of journalistic integrity when he wrote a story about the Dodelin/Hubbard tragedy a few weeks ago; today he confirms his lack of journalistic skills...period. No longer will I bother to skim/read his offerings.. well, maybe I would if they are burnt in the future.
L-E story: "ATLANTA — Former President Jimmy Carter is set to arrive in Cuba next week for a visit at the invitation of the Cuban government. " -- Hmmm, maybe he'll build himself a retirement home there and permanently retire.
L-E headline: "Chizik mum about arrests " -- Guess he wants to trace the serial number of the flat screen TV he got to see if it's hot before saying anything else.

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